No one knows what a philtrum is, they won't measure it with a ruler! Stop worrying about it, you probably have BDD

38  2018-05-03 by Ploard


Normies are retarded.

Philtrum length by itself is a completely useless indicator unless you have legit 0.1 percentile BIZARRO proportions as with any other feature.

Hey welcome to braincels where the 0,1 percentile exists moron. I have a disgustingly huge philtrum and was relentlessly bullied by kids.. a teacher (over 30 roastie) once commented on it! You must be low iq,,, blocked retard

will u get surgery for it? wouldnt be too invasive

There’s no point I am also 5’4 pakicel

my philtrum is longer.

philtrum can be balanced out by a large chin height area if your male. if you a have a big philtrum as a girl your fucked tho.

Nah, it can't if it's too long... shit nasal length to philtrum ratio is pretty fucked
