Femoids don't give a shit how much effort you put into your dance, all they care about is the size of your feathers. It's over for birdcels.

54  2018-05-03 by bcat124


just like for humans

I don't understand how normies accept natural selection of all species, but vehemently deny it in humans. Women don't give a shit how much effort you pit into your clothing and lifting if your genes are trash.

People love to pretend that we're different from animals in pretty much every way. We're more intelligent, more rational, more empathic, more civilised etc. The truth is that we're no different, we might have language and technology, but all the basic instincts are still there, no matter how much we try to deny it.

Not to mention it's men that built civilization.

Everyone wants to pretend they know the answers or have the moral highground so to speak. You ask this and at the same time religion is huge. Religion is literally a bunch of weak minded people blaming their shortcomings on a fictional character and also relying on that fictional character to forgive them. People are fucking stupid and insane.

I think the brightness, and darkness, of the feathers is more important in this case

The feathers need to be sizable you fucking moron. Ever see a tiny peacock?

take the birdpill