“And he was attractive so we had sex” there you go folks, no amount of personality or gymcelling will change that fact. Seems like her personality radar was broken 🤔

83  2018-05-03 by cold88888


It's funny the details we notice. What an alien world they live in where they get sex for just existing. If we want sex we have to pay money.

Chads live like women.

wrong chads are normally aware enough to know "women" today are shit and not worth the trouble of any serious commitment. women lack any and all self awareness.

Most Chads are openly black pilled though

Advanced negging. All planned in advance.

Look! Someone who took a pu course got to use it irl! Not that you ever will, but someone did

you need to take a humour course

She went through all the trouble for him because he was good looking. The police wouldve been called immediately for a sub 8 guy

If she woke up next to a sub8, the guy would've been drowned in soy milk by her orbiters

"Is this guy bothering you"

Some people would do anything just to please others because they're scared of conflict.

If you're so scared of "conflict" that you skip work to take a guy to the tow truck place and then pay the hundreds of dollars for the guy to get his car back (a guy you've known for several hours btw), then maybe you aren't mature enough to have casual sex or a relationship.

Yet, they have casual sex and sometimes are in a relationship. I know a girl like this. She has a rude narcmom and an enabler stepdad. Sometimes she acted like an entitled brat but you could see fear in her eyes. She craves validation and love because her parents never cared about her.

And honestly, I think this story is fake. The person who wrote it either just want simpathy and compliments or the goal was to spur hate against that lady or women in general.

Women will do anything for attractive men. Being afraid of conflict has nothing to do with it.

Um, she pretty much hated the guy. I'm surprised the girl didn't murdered him. It wasn't about looks, she wanted to act "cool", seek validation and probably avoid a moron near her house. And again, conflicts can be scary, especially if the other person is stronger than you and had a mental breakdown because you "stole" his sock.

she pretty much hated the guy

still had sex with him because he was attractive

"Personality matters to women"

She had sex with him before he acted like an idiot.

In a long term relationship matching personalities are crucial, but this was a hookup and she does not represent every single women.

And don't get me wrong the girl is an idiot becase she went home with a random person who could have been a thief or a serial killer.

Now that I think about it, she might have some serious issues if this guy was good enough.

Spoiler alert: this is how it works for 99.999999999999999% of women. As long as the guy is attractive, it doesn't matter how shitty of a person he is in the story term.

Personality only comes into play in the long term, but no incel will ever reach this point. Women immediately write us off as unlovable because of the way we look and they don't care at all about getting to know us and our personalities.

There are people both women and men who only care about looks, but not everyone is like that. You need to find the right person for yourself who has a similar personality.

And for the love of whatever or whoever you believe in, don't say that you're all hideous. I think you look "average" but behave like you're the most fugly person on the planet. Don't put yourself down.

If your looks scare away potential friends/partners, then try to change it up a bit and not just your clothes. Try to smile, don't look down and present yourself as inviting as you can be. And don't talk about incels, the fact that you think only looks matter and don't freak out if someone says no. We all have the right to refuse actions what we deem unappealing. Oh, and be patient, I know it's hard but you have to try and if you only get a good friend out of months of work, that's great too! You can find your partner among friends or their acquaintances. And if not, you have people around you who care about you.

Ah yes, the good old "pretend they are retarded obese neckbeards that never brush their teeth or leave their mommies basement" advice, always a classic.

You said that, I did not.

Relationships are about conformity so if you don't fit in a particular group then find an another one. After you stumble upon likeminded people who actually care about you then try to befriend them and change a bit if necessarry. It's obviously not easy so you need to be patient.

"Physical attraction was the only indicator of romantic interest." - Science

Good you figured out that you want to fuck someone because they are attractive, not because they have nice personality.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time someone admits that fact. Good on you.

Looks are all that matter.

Sex isn't everything that matters though.

Unless you're incel and inforeveralone like yourself, who not only is ugly, but also rotten inside and just basically an excuse for human life who wouldn't really be liked any more than you do now no matter what you looked.

False. I have catfished over 20 women with my utterly grotesque personality for months via Tinder just by changing my photo. Their rotten human detectors must have been broken huh.

Now tell me about your abusive ex.

It’s really easy getting women when you use pictures of chads. Guess his jawline has a good sense of humor

Chad's jawline is actually top secret military stealth technology that scrambles the personality radar of every female within a 500 mile radius.

Then why are you still a virgin if it is?

Because I’m not a fucking chad

Because look = personality

How many did you bang?

Oh right, all of them noped out when they realized that you're a faggot.

None because I'm not as good looking as the person in the picture I used. So? That's my point. Thank you for agreeing with me and I accept your concession.

The only women that have sex with me are ones I pay. I have a deep respect for female sex workers. They are quite frankly some of the most honest women you can find.

Guys all I do is catfish people online, why does nobody like me unless I pay them :(((((

Guys women wanted to have sex with me purely because they thought I was attractive but personality matters.

Keep going hamster.

Good looks get you one night stand, personality got me a relationship, go figure :(((((((((((((((

Post your picture.

Sorry mate it's not loading please link again.

Buy a female pc and try again, of course incel pc will have it's request dismissed.


the hamster is probably exhausted by now

the hamster must be exhausted by now

/u/Azavii ban this- Oh wait. 😢

i think its a pretty rotten thing to catfish 20 women. very weird behaviour and im not surprised that women arent interested in a guy thats a catfish, regardless of what u look like

But they were interested in me purely because they thought I was attractive. Not a single one ever knew I was catfishing. I did it as an experiment and then ghosted the whole lot of them when I drew my conclusion.

To them the catfishing never even came into the picture. But the photo of a male model did. It's that simple.

its so weird to be doing social experiments to loads of girls on tinder though. do you understand what im saying? if you are the type of person to be engaging in that type of behaviour, no wonder girls arent into you. im a girl, i cant say i have ever had a relationship w a guy because i thought he was good looking. if you were good looking and engaging in behaviour like you described, it would be so off putting. obviously women exist who are shallow but to tar all women with the same brush just makes it obvious to me that you dont have a clue.

I saw all the posts about Tinder experiments using pictures of male models and had my suspicions about how genuine they were so I decided to confirm it for myself which I did. I have a scientific mind and I like to test things and see how they play out. So what?

And again, not a single girl I interact with knows that I did some stupid one time thing on Tinder and I doubt they would give two shits because they know how I am. Hell, half my Steam friendlist is female because they add me from games after we speak, so clearly the personality farce being thrown at me here is not the issue.

I'm not attractive and therefore do not garner romantic interest from women. It's that simple.

but online relationships arent the same as irl. you sound like irl you’d be super weird if you have the so what? mentality about catfishing 20 girls on tinder. also, tinder is purposely shallow, its a dating app, so im not surprised that they responded positively to pictures of A MODEL. you would do the same if someone with stunning pics was messaging you. just cos a girl is messaging back to models pictures on tinder does not make her shallow irl. just because u have female friends online does not mean u have a good personality irl.

I have met most of my online friends at conventions and meet ups. I enjoy social activities and enjoy people and interacting with them. Trying to paint me as some socially awkward individual who can't look people in the eye is a respectable effort to discredit me but unfortunately for you that's not the case.

I've seen this nonsense a hundred times. It's nothing new. You can keep acting like looks don't matter and I will keep accepting that they absolutely do to the exclusion of almost everything elss. Nothing will change.

catfishing women is probs the most extremely socially awkward thing u could do though

You know what the word "social" means right? Do I need to cite Merriam Webster for you? You might as well say watching porn or sitting on the toilet backwards when you are home alone drunk are extremely socially awkward things to do.

Don't insult your own intelligence by making such low IQ posts. Really now.

ugh ok whatever im sorry that none of you can get girlfriends but the thing is, a lot of girls are replying to stuff on this sub trying to tell you that the behaviours you are displaying are offputting and weird but you’re all so totally in denial that you still will not listen. i give up trying to make these points because you clearly all think you know womens minds better than they know themselves.

Above you claimed that the internet is not real life and it doesn't correlate to my real life interactions and yet you directly correlate a fucking Tinder experiment and shitposting on reddit to my real life personality and so contradict yourself.

Not a single one of you women on here matter because, and understand this, we don't interact with you outside of here and never will. The behaviours we display here TO YOU mean jack shit to anyone else because they aren't aware of them. There is not a neon sign flashing above my head that reads "I did a social expirement on Tinder once and post on braincels" every time I leave the house. That has zero impact or relevance to our daily interactions in the real world. Come off it.

My looks are off-putting. My personality might well be too, but that doesn't explain my ability to make friends and keep them, whether online or off.

So yeah, you go peddle your nonsense to someone who buys it and I continue on with my rotten human existence. Alright?

seems like it matters to you quite a lot. im sorry ur so lonely that your only contact is online. it is probably very apparent that you rely so heavily on online relationships to meet you in person, which is probably why you’re unsuccessful. you sound like in person, your behaviour would be the neon flashing sign that you’re talking about. i think if you spent less time catfishing women and less time online you might have more of a chance at an irl relationship? like if you want one that desperately.

Haha. Finally got you to drop the concern act huh. Had to come eventually with how terribly your attempts at a rational exchange were going.

So now that you've lost at my game I'll beat you athave yours.

Ah sweetie I'm sorry that you are so lonely and unfulfilled in your relationships with people that you need to spend hours on a sub full of people you despise. I'm sure whatever issues you have will be overcome in time. Don't worry, you'll figure it out soon enough. And when you do you'll have more of a chance of coming to terms with your unhappiness with your current partner and maybe find a better one. Like if you want one that desperately.

Keep typing. I'm here for you <3

your responses just further prove my point that you’re weird?

You're super creepy for profiling me on reddit without ever having met me. Are you a stalker? OMG what a weirdo.

Your responses just further prove my point that you are obsessed with me. Creep.

Creepy is catfishing twenty women and then thinking they’re somehow assholes for liking a models pictures, then hanging out on a subreddit being bitter about the very women you’re so obsessed with. You’re not in a position to throw that word around pal. I cant believe this subreddit even exists and that you’re not humiliated to be a part of it.

What a creep and weirdo you are for being on this sub with me. Oh my.

God Damn close your cunt flaps and stop rambling. Nobody here cares. You are nothing here unless you show your tits, just another roastie whore here to spout platitudes and then you'll go home and gobble up Chads dick.

Wow you are a really bad downvote troll.

Yeah it sucks to be right and never get downvoted so much that I hit negative karma, pls help?

Kinda destroy all the arguments against incels and the blackpill tou...

99% of people deny that. dont act like this is some universal accepted fact that everbody agrees on, most people deny it.

You don't need to agree to facts, not everyone "agrees" to a fact that trannies are retarded, not everyone "agrees" that earth is flat, and also not everyone "agrees" that incels are just degenerates who wallow in despair instead of crying about a single thing they can't get - sex.

luckily you are not a degenerate at all !

I don't feel sorry for myself and blame everyone for everything I can't get.

Fucking rich normies denying my privilege to yachts smh.

totally not degenerate!

  • xxxnamexxx;

  • plays league of legends;

  • shows everyone on reddit unironically that they play league of legends by putting it into the most obnoxious spot - their username;

  • mains riven;

Yeah you might be qualified to determine whether I am degenerate or not, since it takes one to know one.

you are a bronze degenerate. dont talk to me again.bye

where are the IT users?

Guzzling soy milk as they can’t comprehend that this women did all this shot for a man cause he is attractive, and not because personality

Where they always are: jerking and sucking each other off in their own subreddit, because this black pill would shatter their fragile world view.

So he finally gets in the car, I'm like 30

Welp, time to settle down with betabux!

She had to fuck one last Chad before her looks start fading

well no, i’m not on it “with you” in that sense am i? you are actively choosing to be a part of this incel community, im just commenting my opinion about you being a catfish.

Damn what a post wall women will do for Chad

LOLL, did she give him a goodbye head at the end?

Chad's jawline is actually top secret military stealth technology that scrambles the personality radar of every female within a 500 mile radius.

Then why are you still a virgin if it is?

Guys women wanted to have sex with me purely because they thought I was attractive but personality matters.

Keep going hamster.

Sorry mate it's not loading please link again.

its so weird to be doing social experiments to loads of girls on tinder though. do you understand what im saying? if you are the type of person to be engaging in that type of behaviour, no wonder girls arent into you. im a girl, i cant say i have ever had a relationship w a guy because i thought he was good looking. if you were good looking and engaging in behaviour like you described, it would be so off putting. obviously women exist who are shallow but to tar all women with the same brush just makes it obvious to me that you dont have a clue.

she pretty much hated the guy

still had sex with him because he was attractive

"Personality matters to women"

ugh ok whatever im sorry that none of you can get girlfriends but the thing is, a lot of girls are replying to stuff on this sub trying to tell you that the behaviours you are displaying are offputting and weird but you’re all so totally in denial that you still will not listen. i give up trying to make these points because you clearly all think you know womens minds better than they know themselves.

seems like it matters to you quite a lot. im sorry ur so lonely that your only contact is online. it is probably very apparent that you rely so heavily on online relationships to meet you in person, which is probably why you’re unsuccessful. you sound like in person, your behaviour would be the neon flashing sign that you’re talking about. i think if you spent less time catfishing women and less time online you might have more of a chance at an irl relationship? like if you want one that desperately.

your responses just further prove my point that you’re weird?