Another male space has fallen...

51  2018-05-03 by ThisIzWhyYourAInzel


hopefully this will help young incels to get more intimate with females at a younger age. who am I kidding, it will just encourage normies to bully young incels to impress the girls

What parent is gonna let their daughter go sleep in a tent with 12 year old boys

Numales and their roastie

What parent is going to inject an 8 year old boy with hormones, put him in a dress and then let old men have sex with him?

Oh right all normie parents in this generation.

here scouts are mixed , the amount of fucking that happened while i was in camp just damn

Why are foids obsessed with male spaces. Oh right because their own shit is too fucking boring AND their one goal in life is male attention

Exactly this

The entire point of feminism has been "how can we make women be more like men".

When men can enjoy casual sex, women should be enjoying it too

When men adopt video games as their hobby , women finally want to get in on it too

If men are strong providers, women should be that too

If men are in STEM, women should be on it too

Notice there's basically zero things that women are doing that we suddenly decide men should be.

Simply, they want to leech from them.

ugh yuck, no wonder nobody will fuck you.

Have you nothing better to do with your time than mocking lonely virgin men. That is more pathetic than anything I have seen on this sub.

hmm is it tho?? my comment is the most pathetic thing on this sub? or is it the mass self pity and begging haha

Most have struck a nerve. Hit dogs holler.

You are projecting really hard

Future cucks of burgerland.

It is imperative that we continue to deride these flapped beasts. Their egos are too high being worshipped everywhere

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Femoids are cancer

So times changes so what?

First cuck comment of the day!

This doesn´t answer my question.

So why is it bad that a organisation founded in 1910, change from time to time?

tell me why young men cant have ONE space where they can interact with each other and male role models free from having to form a hierarchy of female approval?

You do realize that women are boy scout leaders too or are you this fixated on that one of the last manly bastions have fallen?


doesnt surprise me, men cant have anything to themselves.

JS girl scouts apparently emphasizes the "girl" after hearing the news of boy scouts dropping the "boy"

JFL at cuckmerica

So what, times change and society change too?

jfl if the roles were reversed you would've been somewhere else whiteknighting instead of typing "times change" over and over again

Why should roles change isn´t equality the goal to achieve.

and what's happening right now isn't equality lmao are u even real

Sure I´m real since the last time I looked in the mirror.

You don´t think girls should have the possibility to learn outdoor activities, like camping or fishing`?

you don't think boys should have the possibility to join girl scouts? not all boys like those kinds of outdoor activities

Sure as far as I know there were a few examples of boys doing it, they will change their politics too when they start loosing members, someone have to start or not?

If the Girl Scouts is as horrible as people say, maybe they should just improve their own organization instead of demanding to be apart of the boys. Who was stopping the Girl Scouts from doing fun things as well?

Another male space ruined you idiot

Why should boy scouts allow girls but girl scouts shouldn't allow boys?

don’t they have girl scouts or brownies for females or something...?

It's to "boring" for them they want to have what the boys have..

Now there will be a hundred #metoos after one camping trip

United States of Cucks

there's literally a Girl Scouts though, does that mean they'll be dropping 'girl' from the name? Somehow i'm guessing no.

*"If it were really about the kids, anyone that's sane would not think that throwing a little boy who's confused, who's dealing with some hard issues into a tent with middle school girls - which by the way, there's whole books written about how brutal they can be - is a good idea," Nance said.

"We've got to love these kids and we've got to love these parents who are dealing with gender dysphoria, but we shouldn't lose our minds."*

That's really embarrassing, these girls are going to be going through problems with tampons and 18 year old boyfriends while the boys are still trying to figure out to make friends and shit. Girls don't really have any merit joining the boy scouts, they're supposed to be trained as Nurses and the boys are supposed to be trained with survival basics, like in the Hitler Youth.

TBH, a lot of things like this I don't really care about, but this is different. Being a little dumbass on camping trips, etc. was part of how I grew up. Can't be dumb the same way when girls are around at that age. Especially true if you are an introvert.

maybe if they have experiences hanging out with girls at a young age they wont feel so weird around them and wont see them as this alien concept and realise they can speak to them the same way they speak to their male friends?

I mean, I had girls in all of my classes from preschool through college. It wasn't like they didn't exist. From maybe 8th grade through the end of high school, I had female friends, too. Still ended up incel.

You can't speak to them in exactly the same way lol. Whenever I'm chilling with my boys we'd rather not have wymyn around. Who needs em except for the good old suck and fuck?

I hope this means that the Girl Scouts will be more accepting of boys.

You should be a politician

I used to be a scout. In the UK scouts are both boys and girls and it's just a space for kids to have fun. Idk what scouting is like in the US and if it's any different or more male oriented but I really valued scouts and none of the boys minded that girls used to join in.

They literally want to invade anything that’s male dominated, whether that’s Boy Scouts, golfing clubs, or out sub. But then they whine and complain and want their own colleges and Girl Scouts

Yikes are you clowns that proud of your little club and that desperate to keep the 40 year old who inappropriately touches you to yourself that you actually care that your 10 year old after-school club isn't a sausage party anymore? Why are you so fucking desperate for your own little club. Be a man once in a while you beta cucks (i noticed thats your favorite word and the irony is fucking hilarious). Now go ahead and ban me again like you did on orignal incels because I hurt ur collective feelings and pushed you to suicide over 1 short reddit comment you emotional egg shelled closet fags. Btw im a male incel not some edgy lesbian whos triggered.

Virgin shaming enjoy your ban

Aw he hurt my feelings quick! Censor him at all costs! We must not let the hideously offensive man make a beta cucky bitch boy out of me again censor him fast! You're such a fucking joke kid don't think you're above incels because you roleplay like you arn't fuckwitted neet idiots.


Idgf tbh enjoy the ban.

still waiting on that ban bitchboy loser.

Oh... you are back from your 3 day ban here's another lmao



Major triggering

I don't get it...

Women get their own Stem groups, unions, and etc. to support girls. But there is no place for men almost anywhere. They don't about us at all, not even on reddit. Being a guy fucking sucks.

Women are parasites

What’s with all the dicks out for Boy Scouts. I think adding girls is a good thing. Some of us are incel because none of us have had any positive relations with girls in school. Plus, it’s good to have early exposure to the black pill. So, if someone has the same amount of badges of the other guy, the girl would be friends with the good looking guy.

looking at the pic more like chadscouts

Mankind Scouts.

God damnit I’m not even incel and this aggregates the fuck out of me.

Aren’t the Girl Scouts a thing? Male programs are so awesome that woman want to be included in it.

You should be a politician