I was fucking bullied today
42 2018-05-03 by Brazierlord
This was in an online environment completely unrelated to incels. Fuck normies. They hate us. All is fine and dandy until you let slip that you are incel and an immediate shitstorm falls on you. If they had the choice they would kill us all instantly. Normies are evil and violent and will tear to shreds anything that is against the status quo. I despise them all.
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
I want to cry. The fact that someone would hate me so much for being a celibate male in 2018 makes me so angry.
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-03
I'm sorry you're so upset. :( how did you happen to mention that you're incel? Honestly given the current climate towards incels i personally would be very uncertain about bringing it up.
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
I don't want to say because I'm worried they are now stalking this subreddit because they want to see me cry. They are truly evil and revel in my suffering. You jus can't trust normies they all want the same thing that is to be better than us and abuse us
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-03
Well all right then.
1 Valkyrie131 2018-05-03
Ha ha
1 NonsensicalMilk 2018-05-03
No one cares if you're celibate.
However, incels can pretty much be summed up as having extremely misogynistic views and sometimes racist views, which are not acceptable in 2018. Incels literally post about wanting pregnant women to miscarry and wishing death on women because you guys are celibate, which doesn't even make sense, because virginity is pretty much a social construct and no one truly cares if you're a virgin or not.
People would have more respect for incels if you guys weren't a hate group. And after the attacks in Canada from an incel and Elliot Rodgers, people are going to be disrespectful. The guy who carried out the attack in Canada is a product of this train of thought and this group, to sum it up.
I'd encourage you to get some help, like therapy, cyberbullying isn't great and therapy helps a lot. A lot of you on this group seem lonely and have a low self-esteem so you should get therapy too if you can, or just talk to someone; Samaritans help in that case and try to talk to more people without expecting anything from them, that helped me a lot too.
I hope you do better in the future :)
1 LibStealingSpic 2018-05-03
Maybe you shouldn't trust reporters when they talk about online communities
1 NonsensicalMilk 2018-05-03
It's not things I've seen in the news, it's posts that I have seen myself.
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-03
There are ethnicells for a reason, no one hates based ethnicells
1 SJWcel 2018-05-03
But they do like to make comments at the expense of the less powerful or more oppressed group, in this case ethniccels.
1 squirdoxin 2018-05-03
Screenshot or is didnt happen
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
sorry but that's impossible
1 squirdoxin 2018-05-03
Becsuse it didnt happen... fuccin liarcel
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
Fuck off. You all jsut want to see so you can laugh for yourselves.
1 SgtSamIAm 2018-05-03
Are you really crying about strangers bullying you because you told them you're an incel? Of fucking course they did. What person in their right mind would admit to being such a thing and then! come back and cry about it? Are you a woman? Fuck, I didn't even cry when I was SHOT overseas. Jesus Fuck.
1 Rubissrox 2018-05-03
Being celibate is whatever. Incel? Eh. Just from r9k and braincels alone, there is a lot of negative stereotyping towards women. From online presence alone, incels generally appear to be vicious and spiteful. It makes sense that others would appear hostile.
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
this is legit equal to racism. we are not in control of being incel yet we are despised for it. Normies truly hate us and want to see us suffer. They would gladly press the button that annihilates the incel race.
1 Rubissrox 2018-05-03
Well you are in control. You label yourself as an incel. No one makes you identify as an incel. I'm for equal rights but I don't label myself as a feminist, due to the general hatred of men many feminists hold.
1 221701 2018-05-03
Feminism has nothing to do with equal rights.
1 Rubissrox 2018-05-03
It is supposed to be. It doesn't really practice it anymore but that is the mission statement.
1 221701 2018-05-03
Yeah, they use statements like that to push their scam.
1 Rubissrox 2018-05-03
Wasn't always that way. Anyways my original point is, you label yourself. If you choose a generally negative label, you should be prepared for the consequences that entails. So if you claim to be a feminist or an incel people will view you negatively.
1 221701 2018-05-03
In other news, the water is wet.
1 muasta 2018-05-03
Some nuance , incel has never had a positive association to begin with nor has the incel movement ever produced anything with any reach.
It's not that odd that people see all of incel as a murder waiting to happen when something happens and not everyone who calls themselves feminist gets a dirty look from everyone.
Like you have probably read a book from someone who identifies as feminist you like once , Incel has 0 goodwill from anyone on any level and a lot of it is just people being frustrated about that.
Like I can imagine it being frustrating, but feminism has more cred than you and you'd probably sooner get more cred if you did certain things differently than if you just sit around and try to dissolve the cred feminism still has.
1 221701 2018-05-03
Your POV is wrong. And I don't think you'll understand this but once you get rid of the need for social validation, it's truly empowering.
1 muasta 2018-05-03
I's not that I am saying "It's great to feel validated and have cred, see everything my way" it's that just on a objective level your movement has no reach and you're never going to be part of the debate , there are things on the edge and overlaps of course but incel itself cannot build up to be a direct part of the conversation.
1 221701 2018-05-03
What debate? Debate all you want, nothing's gonna change.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
You're completely in control of whether you associate with a cultural subgroup known for being hateful. Virginity is not the relevant factor and it's disingeuous to pretend it is; thanks to the behaviour of some incels, the term is now associated with awful and unpleasant behaviour, so if you don't want to draw disdain then don't associate yourself with all those negative connotations.
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
I suppose if I used the term 'involuntarily celibate' they wouldn't have cared? jfl
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Or just said "virgin", or not mentioned it at all. You were the one who linked yourself to a group currently in the mainstream news for their toxic attitudes and behaviour, how are you surprised when people reacted in predictable fashion? It's like outing yourself as a neo-Nazi and acting offended when people yell at you for it.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Good grief. The guy's just been bullied and all you can come up with "well, it was all your own fault"? Get bent.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-03
He's been doing that for months. He's a cunt.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Sounds like an absolute charmer.
And for u/MrTomDawson, just in case you didn't get it, I meant that completely sarcastically. I think you're a complete cockwomble who needs to see a proctologist about getting your head removed from where you have it currently stuffed.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
You're entitled to your opinion. I just don't think playing into someone's martyr complex really helps them, especially when they will claim "bullying" for the slightest reason and use it as evidence that the entire world literally wants them dead.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Oh piss off you snide shit. Bullying is bullying. I don't think the guy has a martyr complex. I think he has people like you following him around making his life hell because girls are too up their own arses to speak to him.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Then perhaps you ought to lurk more, because the OP has a long history of complaining about females "destroying his life" by not fucking him, claiming his friends don't care about him because they won't let him fuck their sisters, claiming that the mods of this sub are blocking his posts, etc etc. I'm honestly still 50/50 on whether or not he's a troll, because Poe's Law makes it so hard to tell these days.
Ah, so his problems are women's fault?
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Perhaps in this space he feels free to express his exasperation about shallow women, bullies and so on, and then along trots little Mr Righteous with his snotty attitude to bully him some more.
Jog on. If anyone's a troll here, it's you.
1 Dimpl3s 2018-05-03
Bro, you have absolutely no clue the context of the "bullying". You just see the word incel and jump down his throat. Equating the attitude racism is a stretch, but equating you as mentally deficit might be apt.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Neither does anyone else given that OP has refused to elaborate in the slightest. Based on his post history and the sheer number of times I see him on this sub trying to claim the mantle of ultimate victimhood, it's reasonable to assume that this brief online encounter is being blown pretty fucking far out of proportion.
1 Dimpl3s 2018-05-03
Why do you care so much? Do you seriously not have a better use of your time? How meaningless is your life that you're actually going through someone's post history to try to invalidate their opinion?
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
I suggested you do that - I don't need to, because I've seen him enough on this sub to know how histrionic he can be.
1 Dimpl3s 2018-05-03
You haven't addressed any of my questions. How unfulfilling is your life that you spend your time pouring through stranger's post histories to try to invalidate their posts?
The people on this sub are here because they're sad and venting. It seems that you're here to make fun of them. Does it make you feel better or something?
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Can you point out how it wasn't his fault to out himself as identifying with a group known to the majority as violently misogynistic? It doesn't matter what he thinks incels are, it matters what the perception of incels is, and at a time when general awareness of incel attitudes is growing in the mainstream outing yourself by using that label is equivalent to telling people "I am a horrible, hateful person".
If the only reason anyone had heard of reggae fans was because of some reggae fans' spiteful, abusive behaviour and a few mass killings driven by "reggae ideology", would you expect to be able to casually tell strangers that you identify as a reggae fan without any blowback? No. You'd expect people to judge you by what they already knew about reggae fans, because even knowing that it had become a well-known red flag you were still identifying with it.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Have you thought that it might have been an inadvertent slip? Did that even cross your mind? Or did you assume he got up on the table, stripped naked to get everyone's attention then yelled "I AM AN INCEL" at the top of his voice?
Telling him it is all his own fault is equivalent to telling a rape victim that she shouldn't have worn a knee-length skirt, because it's just asking for a man to rape her.
If you can find your brain, feel free to use that for thinking with instead of your colon, because what you just came out with was a steaming pile of shit.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
How does one inadvertently slip "I'm an incel" into an online conversation? "Yeah, I think the defensive line is pretty weak this season, I identify as an incel, the coach really needs to scout some new talent"?
...seriously? That's the kind of logical contortions you're going to go through to in trying to justify this? That's gross.
You're welcome to explain how, if you can manage it without comparing a self-identified member of a group known for hateful attitudes to a fucking rape victim. Jesus Christ.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
I didn't have to go through any contortions. It's victim shaming. Your view is that he brought it on himself. The same view is trotted out for rape victims- they brought it on themselves.
As for letting it slip, it could have been a conversation about dating or some such and he could have been asked about his love life. As you don't know the circumstances beyond what has been said here, I suggest you take your stinky attitude elsewhere.
This place is where they let off steam. This is their space to bitch about being bullied with other people who have had the same experiences. Of course they are going to say some mean things, but that doesn't mean they're about to go drive a van into people. It's like a ladies bathroom- they go in there in gaggles to call men all sorts of names, and talk about how shit they are and how they should all fall off the planet. Is it only allowed for women to say mean things about the opposite gender now?
Piss off, you numpty.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
And you're acting as if these things are somehow equivalent, like someone being sexually assaulted is comparable to facing blowback for your opinions. It's not, that's a completely disingenuous stance to take, and you know it.
And he would choose to self-identify with a group whose public image is extremely toxic when he could have just...not done that? He could have said he was single, a virgin, an unhappy lonely person and probably gotten little to no reaction, but instead he decides to use a label with majorly negative connotations attached.
That's hilarious. The goalposts are moving so fast I can't even see them, they're just blurs!
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
I haven't moved any goalposts. You're just typing shit now.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Sure thing, just ignore all the stuff you can't actually address. That always works.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
I addressed it. You wilfully ignored it, so there's absolutely no point in me saying anything further that is meaningful.
Get lost. If you don't like what these guys have to say, don't lurk around reading it then feeling you have to comment, kicking a guy who is already down.
Just fuck off, will you?
1 Valkyrie131 2018-05-03
Well, it was. Everyone hates you guys. When you go around with 'cel' in your name, are linked to this page or just can't stop yourself from telling everyone how proud u r to be incel, what do you expect? Smart ppl would keep it quiet. Then again, thats asking a lot for many in this sub.
1 MagratM 2018-05-03
Has it crossed your mind that not all incels are worthy of hate? It's like hating all Muslims because of a few suicide bombers.
He's been bullied to the point of tears and you're here kicking him while he's down? Do you think that makes you better than him?
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
"Just drop one of the few communities you can relate to bro"
Can we instead, idk, maybe not hate on people for the communities they take part in, especially if they're very heterogenous? I don't automatically assume the worst just because someone tells me they're a feminist.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Who said anything about dropping the community? He can hang out where he wants. It just isn't wise to identify yourself to strangers as an incel when the only thing most people know about incels is the tendency for misogyny, spite and bile. Obviously you're going to be judged by the label you choose to put on yourself if that label has major negative connotations, and so by no means is it out of OP's control whether he tells people he's incel.
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
Just because I know that it's going to happen, doesn't mean I should be okay with it.
Fuck identity politics, they made all this shit even worse.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
If you're not OK with the popular perception of incels, maybe try and change it instead of being annoyed that the general population associates inceldom with the most extreme of incels attitudes and behaviours. It's not like the colour of your skin or anything, you can just not identify yourself as belonging to a group whose public image you don't agree with.
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
How am I supposed to change it aside from participating in the community and using my votes? When the media seems to get their views on incels straight from IncelTears?
And yeah, I can do that. But is it good that we are misrepresented so much? Should I be okay with that?
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Using your voice too?
And IncelTears gets it straight from here, so it's not like anyone is warping the narrative, is it? It's just copy/pasting actual posts and comments.
Are incels being misrepresented? When the reason you guys have such a negative reputation is because people read the stuff you say? It may be that you personally are being misrepresented, but it's not by the media or IT - it's by your fellows incels making you look bad by association.
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
HAHAHAHA omg you don't actually believe that, do you?
Okay, let me show you how that's bullshit: Imagine I was trying to convince you that Hitler was actually a good man. I mean, he wanted to build roads in his country and he loved animals, what a good guy right?! But hey, that's not warping the narrative because I'm just saying the truth, bro.
If you really, unironically believe that IT represents incels even close to fairly, I don't even know what to tell you.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
They take screenshots of incel comments and posts, and then they repost them. It's not like they're taken out of context when the post itself is the context. If you were trying to convince me that Hitler was a good guy, and somebody screencapped it, it would just show you trying to convince me Hitler was a good guy. Nobody would be warping the narrative simply by reporting your exact words.
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
Okay, now you're either trolling me or you should really, really reread what I wrote, and try to understand it.
You know what, let's try an even closer analogy, maybe you'll understand that way: Imagine all you ever heard about feminists in the media was the stuff that radical tumblrinas post. And it's made out to be ALL OF feminism. Would that be a fair representation of feminism y/n?
I get it, you really don't want to hear that IT is biased to death. I mean, it's in the fucking definition of the sub, but that apparently goes right over your head, for whatever reason.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Obviously I take your point, but I think you're missing mine - the vast, vast majority of this sub is the sort of stuff IT screencaps. Where RadFems are outliers, the kind of shit you see shared around regarding incels is the relative mainstream. The more reasonable incels, at least out of the regular posters on this sub, are the outliers.
Ergo incels aren't being misrepresented by outsiders, the less insane incels are being lumped in with the frothing lunatics because they're the majority of those making their voices heard.
Why should I give a fuck?
1 EntroPete 2018-05-03
No it fucking isn't. This sub pumps out 100 threads a day, maybe 5 of those make it to IT. How is that "the vast, vast majority"? I mean, your lack of content goes so far that some people are false-flagging here.
Because you need to at least be able to pretend you aren't here to harass people, but rather to "join the (rightful) fight against incels".
1 rmullen522 2018-05-03
You are way off. Normies LOVE incels. They make normies and Chad's look better by default. They pose no threat or completion. A normies dream is to walk into a party with all incels so they can just clean up. Other than that nobody cares enough about you to hate you
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-03
Oh noes not the poor wimmens :(
1 Valkyrie131 2018-05-03
Thats pretty much the feeling towards incels.
1 hagmoon 2018-05-03
A normie should know how tactless it is to comment pedantic shit like this on a bullying post.
1 Rubissrox 2018-05-03
Not really pedantic. You choose your labels. If you choose poorly its to be expected.
1 Prettyfly_whiteguy 2018-05-03
1 geneticwaste43 2018-05-03
Should have known better. Just look at how.the norngroid behaves here
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
normgroids and breedgroids are an infection
1 ayobeslim 2018-05-03
whenever I advertise my channel or briefly mention it near a femoids channel all of the cucks go into my channel and start hitting it with dislikes. And I know it's the same person because they manage to dislike all the videos, sign in again and then dislike them all again lol who the fuck goes to a small youtube channel and downvotes all the videos? SJW's of course.
1 gingerfreddy 2018-05-03
"Bohuuu, nobody likes me"
1 Space_Loyalist 2018-05-03
You would be great in r/SuicideWatch
1 gingerfreddy 2018-05-03
I know
1 PurpleIcy 2018-05-03
This was in an online environment completely unrelated to normies. Fuck Incels. They hate us. All is fine an dandy until you let slip that you are normie and an immediate shitstorm falls on you. If they had the choice they would rape usall instantly. Incels are evil and violent and will tear to shreds everything that resembles pussy. I despise them all.
1 Valkyrie131 2018-05-03
Everyone does, online and irl.
1 chadthemadlad 2018-05-03
You poor stupid fool. People from all walks of life are insecure and will tease and mock that which can be mocked. In an online environment why would your lack of sex even come up? Nobody hates you, they pity you, or just see you fit to lay at. Quit being a victim you bitter little homo. You control your life, so act like it.
1 the-Meeks-shall-rule 2018-05-03
I believe and understand you. Fuck normies.
1 Pfml 2018-05-03
1 Lokiware 2018-05-03
I'm sorry that you were bullied, but here's the thing,Incels are associated with the worst kinds of people. From what I've seen, at best they are bitter, cynical, low self esteem nice guys. I legitimately hope you get better in life. But you need to shed this attitude.
Look I'm not saying that looks are never a barrier. But you're not owed the best looking girl. You're not owed a woman at all. I'm not saying you can go out and score 10/10s but what I am saying is that if you fix yourself, a lot more women will pay attention to you and give you a chance.
1 superaltmiddle 2018-05-03
Why the fuck do you care what complete strangers on the internet think?
1 Brazierlord 2018-05-03
this is legit equal to racism. we are not in control of being incel yet we are despised for it. Normies truly hate us and want to see us suffer. They would gladly press the button that annihilates the incel race.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-03
Oh noes not the poor wimmens :(
1 MrTomDawson 2018-05-03
Obviously I take your point, but I think you're missing mine - the vast, vast majority of this sub is the sort of stuff IT screencaps. Where RadFems are outliers, the kind of shit you see shared around regarding incels is the relative mainstream. The more reasonable incels, at least out of the regular posters on this sub, are the outliers.
Ergo incels aren't being misrepresented by outsiders, the less insane incels are being lumped in with the frothing lunatics because they're the majority of those making their voices heard.
Why should I give a fuck?
1 hagmoon 2018-05-03
A normie should know how tactless it is to comment pedantic shit like this on a bullying post.