This is how bad women don't want us to experience sex.

253  2018-05-03 by SaltShaker8383


guess i will just convert to islam and get a wife through her father then you western whore

Do that then

i would if i wasnt racist, maybe i will give up on western peoples and do that give me a couple yrs more of isolation, i will be like julaybeeb and get 12 wifes in jannah

Lol. Sure ya will big guy.


Become Muslim. You will receive 76 virgins upon death.

Not even in heaven would you get one woman nevermind 76 virgins. Even you know that.

We need our own form of that in the west. The one thing Islam got right is how to keep women in line instead of women calling the shots like how it is in the feminist west.

yes brother

Islam needs a reform. Let's replace Allah with St Blops2cel, and Muhammed with Eggman (peace be upon them).

Maybe in other ways they do but I think they are spot on with women.

They do have their cunts under control, I'll allow them that.

The Crusadecels.

Islam would even reject you.

And yet your entire comment history is you trying to troll or bully incels. You are a complete and utter waste of space

Shows how terrified women are of being replaced.

LOL Do you actually think that women are worried about ai dolls for men they want nothing to do with? Have at it! We don't give af about you in the first place.

You think only incels would want them.. oh boy are you in for a surprise. The technology is getting better and theyre getting cheaper. In the future most single guys & some married guys will have one as a backup for when femoids play hard to get, are on their period, or just generally being a bitch (thats 24/7 in your case).

Men won't be as eager to settle knowing they have a realistic sexbot at home, the dating playing field will even out a little. If you have a problem with that, then promptly turn in all your sex toys since they're no different.

But it's still a robot. I get turned off by fake breasts, I can't imagine actually getting aroused by a robot.

Don't you think girls will have male sex robots too? Men should be worried they'll get replaced.

You have to be IN place to be REplaced. The fuck do i have to lose?

Men were never in place lmao 😂 they couldn’t care if they get “replaced”

I don't understand, how would these girls afford the rent if they are married to a doll? There are only a handful of women who actually support themselves.

You haven't met a lot of girls, have you?

Sure you do sweetie

Do you live in a small redneck town? Maybe that's why you don't know much about the real world... Go outside sometimes.

That's the way God intended it. Women are not suited to fend for themselves.

I guarantee robots will not replace women.

Obviously not, but this will change the way women treat men. Wanna be a bitch? I’ll just go fuck the robot.

I don’t think they will mind, I mean you might as well just say “oh you don’t want me? I’ll just jack off”, which girls would not care about.

This is why you're incel

AI dolls now. 10, 20 years down the line androids covered in synthetic tissue, can't be told apart, all look like flawless K-pop stars. Women become obsolete apart from the top 1% richest ones who can afford to genetically engineer themselves to look at least somewhat close to the perfect android 'sex dolls'.

It goes both ways though. Men could become obsolete thanks to male sex bots.

you wish lol men and women serve two vastly different roles in a society.

Men run the world and women sit there lol youtube a video when men and women are stuck to survive on an island and the men built while women sun bathed lol. Men and women aren’t equal

doesn’t give a fuck about incels

comments on incel forums

Try harder

heh... kind of funny.

Sure if she spends as much time on the project as she does caking up her ugly face and virtue signaling on social media.

Tfw sex robots only fuck Chad and don’t care if he’s an abuser

they dont even want us to cope in peace now. Kek

She has #metoo written all over her face.

If I know anything about women's engineering, it's that they are so bad at it that bridges collapse and kill people beneath it jfl.

I also remember the first and only time a bridge has ever collapsed. Women are dumb!

But still smart enough to avoid all of you.

But not smart enough to tell when someone is being sarcastic apparently. It’s okay, take your time

“Woman don’t want me!! Why??? I’m so nice!! REEEE” “Also woman are dumb and can’t engineer. STEM is 4 boys!!1!!”

Who said we are nice? Niceness is irrelevant in attracting a woman. You're confusing niceguys with incels. Learn about blackpill 101 before you spew shit out of your caked up mouth again.

this is why woman don’t wanna be with you.

Dis is why Ur incel

I’m not an incel.

low iq normie

This is why you're incel

A woman coder . . . lol


What's so funny ?

That this foid thinks she can program ahaha

Most anyone can with the proper education

Most anyone can with the proper education

You really gotta get your education, then.

Do you think I'm wrong, I can't tell?

The only females who could code in my CS class were either ugly as shit or ugly and Chinese.

So women can code

I didn't say ugly ones couldn't.

And still got laid more than you, incels.

Quite ironic a bit there.

Where's the irony? If any woman wanted, she could get laid within 30 minutes in any town. Not with a billionaire Chad, but she could get her looksmatch.

"Ugly as shit or ugly and Chinese"

Can get laid, then you should be able to do it too.

No, because even ugly women want Chads and will not settle for an average or below guy unless they are 30+.

Well then stop crying and get all the money you can now, once you're 30+ you will get all the pussy, since that's how it works, right?

If it doesn't (hint, it wont, retard), you collected tons of money and can rely on hookers, problem solved.

Of course money does not matter as much as looks. Just look at Zuckerberg, he's a billionaire and had to wife a 3/10. Look at Chade-Meng Tan, one of the heads of the mindfulness cult and said to be one of the most positive and happy guys in the world:

If you don't have the looks, you need to be a billionaire or a world-famous writer. And not all of us can become even millionaires.

Well of course, but I already explained whats the money for, and you won't need to do anything past 30+, pussy will flow towards you so what's the problem?

Once again: an average guy will never have enough money no matter the age to offset his looks for women to actually want him.


Ever heard of Margaret Hamilton?

ah the margaret hamilton meme xD

Ever heard of variance, mean for Gaussian curve?

I know this is a meme but Ive known good female programmers

Nah, anyone who doesn't want to touch ugly retardcels will never be good at programming, or anything at all in their lives.

That really, makes no sense... But 2 pts for trying!

Expecting people who blame their problems on others to make any sense.

Read up on mean and variance of Gaussian curve. Then read up on the IQ distribution between men and women.

Doesn’t mean there aren’t women who are smarter than most men

do you retards want every implied statement written out for you? Everyone gets that. You normies refuse to accept that what we say here are statistical truths. The woman in OP tweet is definitely not going to program any AI bot.

ok I accept your statistical proof, now what? Have you disproved anything I said?

If you have to start going down into single figures to prove a point then you have already lost

Eh, they’re rare but I meet them and work with them so they can’t be that rare

gets runed over by a van, don't know why

CiviLIZed dIsCuSSIoN

Then fuck off stupid cunt. You choose to come here

You mean this post isn't civilized? If they knew how to behave in society they wouldn't be incelrejects.

Kind of late to the party aren't we? Wanna answer every other comment in this thread?

Get the fuck out of this subreddit female trash

Nah fuck you. You guys try so hard to prove you aren't assholes then defend people who post shit like that lmao

someone's jimmies got rustled

  1. Encounter an ideology that likely challenges your world view

  2. Immediately reject, seemingly instantly based on post history

  3. Make ass of self by insulting complete strangers


Lmao the fuck are you on about? Running women over is an idealogy? Fuck off


Ideology, brainlet.

What happened to no violence? This is why people don't like you.

Words cannot be violent big boy.

You really believe that?

Yes lol, words cannot directly harm you.

Then why do you cry so much about rejection and being bullied if words mean nothing? When women call you creepy or Chad teases you why do you get so mad? By your logic incels are fake because nothing stacy says to you is really harmful. Do you see why people hate you yet? Let me guess your 5'4" with tiny wrists and have been a nerd your whole life. You never made any real effort outside your fake world that everyone in does what you say. When out in the real world where behavior toward others has meaning you've always came up short. Now instead of trying harder you just gave up and went back into your private little world where you can do whatever you want. And since these are only words you better not be hurt because they don't matter. You are a sad weak little man. Pathetic really. If you ever talked that way to anyone around me you would learn what real consequences are. Again don't spout that "IT is mean and making fun of me reeeeeeeee"! It's all cope. Your black pill is cope, this whole thing is cope. You just don't have the balls to man up and try for real. Reeeeeeeeeeee!!! St.blackopscel would laugh at you all.

So in your opinion, constantly bullying someone and socially rejecting him is the same as someone making a joke on the internet?

You people are really good at these mental gymnastics.

Just words bro. You said it.

Bullying/societal rejection isn't just words though.

Neither is taking about running over someone with a van. Especially since she was just shitposting just like you claim to be doing.

How does dark humour like that harm anyone?

Please explain.

I see they deleted your comment, looks like your community agrees it was violent.

That's where ur wrong

Then stop blaming 'society' for pushing you into suicide and homicide. How weak are you that you are bullied by women?

I'm not blaming anyone big boy. Go through my comments again.

That is just a joke lel, calm down and insert your feeling up in your ass.

How do I put something up, on my ass?

This is why people don't like you.

Hur dur such a original comment

"you guys are so mean this is why you don'

It's not original, it's a lesson you all refuse to learn.

I won't waste my time explaining why we behave like that and why you are wrong, the only thing I will say is "fuck you"

I know what you think and obviously it's not working, maybe try something different.

she's ugly af, she'll be replaced shortly after us lol cope

What a bitch

Just realized: Her forehead is massive.

Lmao at that femoid thinking she is ever going to develop anything

Top kek she couldn't design a coffee cup much less a "sex robot".

That's just hateful. Guess it was worth the fake internet feel good points to her though.

Yes, design a sex robot that will actively discriminate against the demographic most willing to buy them. Brilliant marketing strategy

Roasties are known to logik

Over 4000 likes Jesus ,is she famous or just have that many simps kissing her ass

Senior editor at the newyorktimes. This is why you're labelled fake news, bitch. You're not programming jack shit with your fArts degree.

Artificial wombs when?

That would be great for women

Short term maybe. Long term I doubt it.

Why is it so hard for you guys? Just talk to the women out a bit of charm and your good. You just need game

And a haircut!

i have autism

Fuck off cunt

I've never had charm. I'm a nerd.

Implying that girls would be open to talking to ugly dudes because of a bit of charm.

Would be great, not going to happen though.

/r/seduction <---- Fuck off back to your shithole.

/r/seduction <---- Fuck off back to your shithole.

/r/seduction <---- Fuck off back to your shithole.

Women are not machines where you input charm and game and receive sex

Or whatever


Isn't this what you normies always say?

This is why you don’t get laid.

we dont get laid because we're ugly, but nice try

I wrote something about ER in a normie subreddit regarding this tweet and immediately got thumbs down and rage comments by male feminists lol

Has a foid ever designed anything of significance?

Learn to design my sandwich first, you dumb whore. I said NO TOMATOES.

As if women knows anything about technology and science implying the sexbot will be well designed to actually functional since a woman built it lmao...

If you people (the term incel was not originally reserved for men only) get out into the real world and face your fear of rejection as often as possible you will find it easier to be rejected. And if you lose your fear of rejection completely you will gain something that prefered partners really like-Confidence. Confidence is a lot more attractive than anything else.

Hey, IvankaLeksi, just a quick heads-up:
prefered is actually spelled preferred. You can remember it by two rs.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

You are rightt :-D


Shut up bitch you don't know us

She’s probably struggling in basic math class. Stay in your lane femoid

Fucking a sex robot is not sex, it's advanced masturbation

Like she could design anything beyond that shitty make-up application.

These comments show the true colors of this sub.

You guys can't even take a joke. This is why this is the saddest subreddit on here. fat lol

bet your fat

Nope. Thanks for showing the kind of people this sub attracts though.

There is a solution that many many men who have been victimized by genetic woman found. Faux Woman aka crossdressers and Transgender woman! We love men and for the most part believe in the woman's place manifesto of subservience to their men. On top of that we dress much more femininely then genetic woman and are selfless in our adoration of our lovers. Now I know you may think its gay but really We look like woman smell like woman so why denounce us because of that birth defect between our legs? We will hide it tuck it tape it so you never have to see it and still show our appreciation for your manly attention. Craigslist was filled with ads from hetero men seeking Faux woman why not you?

disgusting potato

They’re scared.

Gotta keep the 80:20 rule going, am i rite? Teehee! We're so special and deserving as a species, girls pairing with their looksmatch will NOT HAPPEN. i am sympathetic to literally everyone except ugly guys!

God I hate her but I still love that name

Solely because I like both songs

They hate incels so much that they even want sex bots to reject them. They're like confused animals who will see moar attractive models with incel males and I'm sure it causes mass panic in their lizard brains.

The comments section of this post is exactly why this woman would do this btw. I support everything she plans to do, it's more than most of you will accomplish, I'm certain


developing AI


ofc an ugly female would be obsessed with incels. lol

Sounds like she will be doing gods work on this world. You guys need every bit of help. Lol


calls woman a dirty slut. is suprised that she doesn't want him. What the hell?

Comically evil

Just rape a bot bro.

And then they wonder why people like ER existed.

Tried to prove her wrong. Got banned for violating twitter rules. 10/10

Lol like this dumb cunt would even know how to program the clock on the oven.

Lol. Sure ya will big guy.


Maybe in other ways they do but I think they are spot on with women.

Become Muslim. You will receive 76 virgins upon death.

So women can code

You really believe that?

That's where ur wrong

The Crusadecels.

LOL Do you actually think that women are worried about ai dolls for men they want nothing to do with? Have at it! We don't give af about you in the first place.

Then stop blaming 'society' for pushing you into suicide and homicide. How weak are you that you are bullied by women?

And still got laid more than you, incels.

Quite ironic a bit there.

That really, makes no sense... But 2 pts for trying!

Doesn’t mean there aren’t women who are smarter than most men

It's not original, it's a lesson you all refuse to learn.


But not smart enough to tell when someone is being sarcastic apparently. It’s okay, take your time