This subreddit is so satire heavy I honestly can't tell if you're an incel making fun of a dipshit mentally ill troll or an actual dipshit mentally ill troll.
I'm neither an incel nor a troll; I'm polyamorous and I do, indeed, hang out with my wife's boyfriend and our girlfriend. And I'm happy and I love my life.
Yeah. If you're curious, my wife has a boyfriend; all three of us are in a relationship with our girlfriend; and then I have a second girlfriend who lives out of state and I only get to see once in a while.
I doubt it. I haven't met a single incel yet who wasn't raised to believe that life goes down a certain path, culminating in a monogamous marriage where any cheating would destroy him.
I mean, just look at the collective terror on this sub of being a "cuck." It inspires some of you to avoid women entirely because you're sure they'd just shatter you into pieces by eventually having another partner.
Cheating will destroy you. Disguising it as polyamory won't change this. What I'm most excited about is what happens to you weirdos all turn 50. Anyway, ever watched Boogie Nights? This is your future.
I know poly couples in their 50s. I know you're rooting for their misery, but sorry to disappoint - they're happier than most of the couples I know that age, right in the middle of the midlife crisis.
Little Bill should have considered poly. He killed himself because he couldn't overcome his own expectation of his wife's fidelity. He was trying to be rigidly monogamous while she slept around, and he kept bashing his head against that brick wall of reality. Talk about doing it yourself.
Little Bill is your future. Male and female desire for sex are not perfectly dimorphic. One sex is more valuable and desired than the other and one desires sex more than the other. I don't have to tell you which is which. This is innate. This will kill you. You're never going to get laid by as many people as your wife. You can deny this till kingdom come, but we all know the truth. Not to mention the majority of these men like yourself in the poly lifestyle are the absolute dregs of the male gender and not exactly hotly in demand. I'd argue you're about as valuable sexually as an incel. No one is going to share you. If you were valuable enough to share you'd be dating a normal person. The poly lifestyle is the only way you're tolerated because your wife is not stuck fucking only you for the rest her life and can now cheat guilt free.
I think the most favourite thing for me about you weirdos is that you'll defer to evolutionary psychology as justification for your lifestyle (herp a derp monogamy is unnatural) but dismiss evo psychology on every other category.
Why is it that you weirdos congregate online and take these bizarre pictures? Your 'constellations' are pretty fucking weird too. It seems like you can't persist in your lifestyle without the validation of your peers following the same lifestyle. It says a lot, frankly. Monogamous couples don't desire this same level of validation.
I hope Louis Theroux shoots a documentary exposing you weirdos some day. I envision it will just be as bizarre as the swingers episode. That exposure sure didn't help swinger acceptance lol.
That science is so soft it's a borderline pseudoscience
Frothing leftist detected.
I'm just living my life in a way that makes me happy
You're not happy if you participate by extension of your participation in a bully subreddit like incelqueer and spend your time trying to justify your degenerate lifestyle to incels.
trying to convince me that I'm going to kill myself
I don't want you to, but it's inevitable. Get a divorce as soon as possible and find a woman who respects you.
Okay, man. Yeah, your lips are both roast beef labia and your mouth is a vagina and you wear a clit ring in your nose.
I'm aware that you think looking in the mirror disproves this, but you see, I have theories and I am certain of the rightness of my theories, so it's abundantly clear you have vagina face.
I'm sorry you're so blinded by ideology that you can't see this but it's just common sense and my mastery of common sense gives me more information about your life than you have.
You should probably get a pap smear.
Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just providing you the benefit of my many, many commonsense theories.
Whoa! Don't show me that high-resolution picture of your vagina face! I know you think it's just a drawing, but you see, I have theories about what it is, and my theories are more reliable than your eyes.
You don't have any semblance of reality if you encourage your wife to to have boyfriends. Why bother getting married in the first place if you don't respect the basic vows of marriage? Makes no sense. Just don't get married.
We got married because we wanted our child not to have to face weird questions all the time. It seemed fair that he should only have to talk about his parents' lifestyle if he wants to.
My wife's boyfriend had a vasectomy 20 years ago and they didn't visit each other the month she got pregnant soooo yeah. He's mine. Not that it would really matter either way.
we wanted our child not to have to face weird questions all the time.
What? You have to be an elaborate troll. This has to be bait.
You're worried about him facing questions about his parents not being married but not about the fact there's two men living in his house? What do you think his friends are going to tease him about when he's older? You haven't thought this through. Sleepovers will be interesting.
He's mine. Not that it would really matter either way.
My God. You are hitting all the qualifications for abject cuckoldry. This is bait.
You just can't believe that anyone could live a non-traditional lifestyle, can you.
The wife's boyfriend lives in a different city and they visit each other about every three weeks. Our girlfriend lives a few blocks away. If there's a sleepover, we just won't have them over that night.
Yes, of course I've thought this stuff through and it isn't exactly rocket science.
I simply don't have any fear or revulsion with regard to cuckoldry. Just don't care. When my first wife cheated on me I expected to be enraged but the rage never came. It just didn't matter, or change anything.
Which is what makes me a good fit for polyamory. If I don't mind my partners having other partners... why shouldn't I have others of my own?
You're a fit for polyamory because you have little to no respect for yourself. I'd argue your first wife cheating on you is responsible for this new found philosophy. You normalised it as a means of coping. I feel sorry for you. Everyone likes looking at a woman having sex as porn wouldn't be so popular if this wasn't the case, but post orgas orgasm the reality sets in and you realise you don't want anyone else touching her.
There you go with your theories again, thinking you know me better than myself despite knowing, oh, about six facts about me.
I have a feeling this arrogant inflexibility is serving you very poorly in life, where you can meet a person, learn one thing about them, and then fill in every single other detail all on your own.
It's like you don't even live in a world inhabited by people, but by fictional characters of your own design wearing people's faces.
He's mine, not that it would matter either way. You probably can't even conceive of how much I love this kid, and learning that his nitrogenous bases were ordered slightly less similarly to mine than I'd thought would mean... nothing.
Omg another polyamorous person here! Arent you sick of incels bashing perfectly healthy poly relationships just because the women isnt "owned" by a man?
Excuse m-, sips soylentAHHH, where was I? Ah yes, excu- sucks the cum out of wife’s pussy, washes it down with soylentAHHHH, excuse me sir, but I am NOT a cuck. I am a partaker of the polygamous lifestyle.
I've posted there a couple times, yeah. And if you look at my posts, they're pretty much exactly the same as the ones I make here: my unfiltered opinion, with no consideration of anything else.
This obsession with "cucks" will not serve you well in life.
Relationsships in 2020: Top 20% of men in polygynous relationships with top 80% of women, bottom 20 of women in polyandrous relationships with bottom 80% of men.
Finding it weird isn't the same as it being totally unacceptable. People are more tolerant and willing to let people do what makes them happy these days.
I find polyamory weird and unappealing, but I don't care if others like it because that's their business.
I don't care what you think is or isn't unacceptable or weird. It is both to 99.99% of the population and you know damn well I'm right.
The tell-tale sign polyamory is completely fucked is that its proponents seem to gather and congregate online to validate one another's participation in the lifestyle. It goes against every single one of their biological instincts and cannot survive in the vacuum of their home without validation from their brethren online.
Does it make you feel better to be outraged that other people aren't living the way you want them to?
You're a 35 year old man raging because a small minority of consenting adults want to structure their relationships in a way that you don't approve of. Maybe being a judgemental asshole is why women don't like you?
No, it must be your looks. That's way more believable.
Lol I'm not outraged. I find it sad and pathetic. I feel pity for these guys that the only female attention they can muster is by entering into these fucking bizarre dating circles.
is why women don't like you?
Oh look, "this is why you're incel". Right on fucking schedule. Yes, I'm sure the main criteria for women selecting men is by their approval of the degenerate poly lifestyle. JFL. Fucking brainlet.
Lol I'm not outraged. I find it sad and pathetic. I feel pity for these guys that the only female attention they can muster is by entering into these fucking bizarre dating circles.
If they're happy with the situation I'm not sure why you're pitying anyone. I guess you know what would be better for them and it's sad that they can't see how right you are?
Oh look, "this is why you're incel". Right on fucking schedule. Yes, I'm sure the main criteria for women selecting men is by their approval of the degenerate poly lifestyle. JFL. Fucking brainlet.
You seem like such a pleasant person. How did you end up so alone and bitter with all this joy and positivity rattling around in your skull?
Some things are simply immutable, objective truths and one of these is that no man is ever truly okay and or happy with their wife not only fucking other men, but having boyfriends. If you think otherwise you're fucking delusional. That's a path to murder suicide.
Ah, and of course he doubles down on the "hur durr this is why you're incel". Real high iq, boyo.
Some things are simply immutable, objective truths and one of these is that no man is ever truly okay and or happy with their wife not only fucking other men, but having boyfriends.
One of my best friends is polyamorous. He fucks more people than his wife. Seems perfectly happy with the arrangement.
So your "immutable, objective truths" don't really seem to translate over in to observable reality.
Maybe you're confusing objective truths with subjective opinions? That does seem to be very common with incels.
Your best friend is a liar and you're gullible. Women lie about the number of sexual partners they've had while men lie about how many women they're fucking.
Oh, I didn't realize you knew him and were also psychic. You'd think you could use your mind reading powers to get laid instead of just bitching about it on the internet.
It goes against every single one of their biological instincts and cannot survive in the vacuum of their home without validation from their brethren online.
The exact same things were said about sodomy, trans, etc. Given past history, in a few mere years, poly will be legal, and anyone who doesn't fully embrace and celebrate (not just "tolerate") will find themselves considered to be "Nazis" worthy of punching (criminal assault, mob violence) b the Left. Then it will be onto the next perversions, incest, necro, beast/zoo, etc.
You forgot their normalisation of paedophilia. Don't have to predict a future where that happens when there's already crazy far leftists trying to normalise it and make it happen. Think of that guy Destiny who believes that and is a proponent of previous victims of child porn exploitation could consent as adults to their imagery being used to 'aid' paedophiles. They call it "ethical child pornography" similar in vein to the soliciting of "ethical non-monogamy" you'll see on Tinder profiles.
I also remember a female gonewild poster who literally was into fucking her dog. Made YouTube videos campaigning for its acceptance. Absolute insanity.
They're not going to get away with trying to normalise all that shit without a fight, don't worry.
It's trending up because monogamous relationships (just like all traditional structures) are slowly being unravelled in the West. Monogamy was initially established to give more men a chance by curbing hypergamy and uneven reproductive success. It is good for society. By discouraging it, society will begin to head back to the way it was before: massive sexual inequality. Indeed, this is already a problem (it's why you're on this sub rn). Top percentile men will have harems of women while the rest are left fighting for scraps. OP is exaggerating, but that is what we're heading towards.
I'm not sure she's sleeping with either of them. Perhaps they both have spun a yarn of sorts, creating a relationship that doesn't exist. I think she's just a housekeeper.
Jesus Christ... look at these people. we've got the full toothed numale, balding Super soylent in the back, and in the corner, the sleeping purple people eater. full on yikes.
But hey... if anything this picture should give you guys hope. If that dude in the back can find not one, but 2 women to simultaneously stick his dick in, surely any of you could find at least one. Look at him for fucks' sake. And don't start with that "he mogs me" shit because there is just no way
If that dude in the back can find not one, but 2 women to simultaneously stick his dick in, surely any of you could find at least one.
Who says this guy is having sex with any woman? He mentions a another woman he has a "crush" on, not how I'd expect a man who could/would get anywhere with another to describe that woman. Meanwhile the wife, who has a boyfriend for sex, could keep him for nothing but money and emotional validation, because lots of cuck relationships involve the husband getting little to nothing in the way of sex.
the OP is the guy in the back. He mentions his wife and also his girlfriend. The other guy is the wife's boyfriend, and the purple haired monster is the one he has a crush on. But there's still a wife and a girlfriend in the equation. That ugly fuck is cleaning house
There's no wife in the photo. They're on a road trip in an RV. Where is she? She probably doesn't even exist. I bet it's just the purple haired tumblrina cucking them both.
I mean.. if we want to be like that maybe the whole thing is fake and someone stole a picture of 3 friends on a road trip together and added this caption to it to promote their agenda.
Nah, there's a lot of easily identifiable neckbeardry going on in this pic to be a normal group of friends. It's probably a submission to /r/polyamory.
The other guy is the wife's boyfriend, and the purple haired monster is the one he has a crush on. But there's still a wife and a girlfriend in the equation. There's no way he's not sleeping with the wife at least once in a while, and the girlfriend is a guarantee. That ugly fuck is cleaning house
I went back and there was a mention of a gf. Ok, but still the purple haired girl is the "crush," and if that is the "crush," then the "girlfriend" is probably that SMV or even less. The wife, who is probably the highest SMV of all the mentioned women, can be assumed to be giving most/all her sex to the boyfriend. Many poly women will close up the relationship once the husband manages to get sex with a woman that the wife considers a SMV peer or superior and thus a threat. So, when you say that guy is cleaning house, yeah, he's probably doing all the housework while his wife sleeps with her boyfriend.
This I can completely agree with. Poly is disgusting you'll never hear an argument from me on that. I'm all for live and let live, you do you.. but polyamory is a ruse created by people who want to be unfaithful without any of the consequences while still having the appearance of a healthy, loving relationship. It's all a lie, there's always one person in the relationship that's getting a raw deal while the other (usually the better looking one) is out galavanting around town with anyone and everyone.
A good friend of mine was "poly" for a while. (Aka being cucked by his reasonably attractive wife - her idea of course) i could tell he hated it but he pretended to be into it for her. She'd be out banging dudes while he was looking after their son.. Then she left him.. to go be with her boyfriend. And he went into a deep depression and almost killed himself. Polyamorous relationships always end.. and when they do they end badly
The difference is these people are all genuinely happy. You guys are writhing in misery and feeling bitter about the world. Yet somehow, you act like you have it better than them.
I'm neither an incel nor a troll; I'm polyamorous and I do, indeed, hang out with my wife's boyfriend and our girlfriend. And I'm happy and I love my life.
1 chadbhava 2018-05-02
Is that a blue haired asian whale
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
So you're so angry at these perfectly happy men because they're not alphas and you couldn't be happy unless you owned a woman?
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-02
This subreddit is so satire heavy I honestly can't tell if you're an incel making fun of a dipshit mentally ill troll or an actual dipshit mentally ill troll.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I'm neither an incel nor a troll; I'm polyamorous and I do, indeed, hang out with my wife's boyfriend and our girlfriend. And I'm happy and I love my life.
1 Ploard 2018-05-02
1 Throwaway1337145317 2018-05-02
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Yeah. If you're curious, my wife has a boyfriend; all three of us are in a relationship with our girlfriend; and then I have a second girlfriend who lives out of state and I only get to see once in a while.
1 BF8211 2018-05-02
1 sharkb8master 2018-05-02
lmao, these trolls are getting convincing
1 fukworld 2018-05-02
What games you got on your Nintendo switch?
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Lol. No, I'm a PS4 kind of guy. For about an hour a day after the wife and baby are down for the night.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
You're going to confuse the ever living fuck out of your kid and they'll end up an incel. Congrats.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I doubt it. I haven't met a single incel yet who wasn't raised to believe that life goes down a certain path, culminating in a monogamous marriage where any cheating would destroy him.
I mean, just look at the collective terror on this sub of being a "cuck." It inspires some of you to avoid women entirely because you're sure they'd just shatter you into pieces by eventually having another partner.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Cheating will destroy you. Disguising it as polyamory won't change this. What I'm most excited about is what happens to you weirdos all turn 50. Anyway, ever watched Boogie Nights? This is your future.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I know poly couples in their 50s. I know you're rooting for their misery, but sorry to disappoint - they're happier than most of the couples I know that age, right in the middle of the midlife crisis.
Little Bill should have considered poly. He killed himself because he couldn't overcome his own expectation of his wife's fidelity. He was trying to be rigidly monogamous while she slept around, and he kept bashing his head against that brick wall of reality. Talk about doing it yourself.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Little Bill is your future. Male and female desire for sex are not perfectly dimorphic. One sex is more valuable and desired than the other and one desires sex more than the other. I don't have to tell you which is which. This is innate. This will kill you. You're never going to get laid by as many people as your wife. You can deny this till kingdom come, but we all know the truth. Not to mention the majority of these men like yourself in the poly lifestyle are the absolute dregs of the male gender and not exactly hotly in demand. I'd argue you're about as valuable sexually as an incel. No one is going to share you. If you were valuable enough to share you'd be dating a normal person. The poly lifestyle is the only way you're tolerated because your wife is not stuck fucking only you for the rest her life and can now cheat guilt free.
I think the most favourite thing for me about you weirdos is that you'll defer to evolutionary psychology as justification for your lifestyle (herp a derp monogamy is unnatural) but dismiss evo psychology on every other category.
Why is it that you weirdos congregate online and take these bizarre pictures? Your 'constellations' are pretty fucking weird too. It seems like you can't persist in your lifestyle without the validation of your peers following the same lifestyle. It says a lot, frankly. Monogamous couples don't desire this same level of validation.
I hope Louis Theroux shoots a documentary exposing you weirdos some day. I envision it will just be as bizarre as the swingers episode. That exposure sure didn't help swinger acceptance lol.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I'll give you props for managing to get "weirdo" into fully half your sentences.
Other than that, your rant is nothing but prejudices, misconceptions, and inaccuracies.
You think my wife has more partners than I do? Guess again.
You think I post pictures and lengthy explanations of my "constellation" all over social media, or use that bizarre word at all? Guess again.
You think I'm all full of arguments about evolutionary psychology? Guess again. That science is so soft it's a borderline pseudoscience.
No, I'm just living my life in a way that makes me happy, and you're an apparently unhappy person trying to convince me that I'm going to kill myself.
I might as well try to convince you that your mouth is a vagina.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
I don't think, I know she does.
No guessing required.
Don't kinkshame! I'll dob you into /r/polyamory!
Frothing leftist detected.
You're not happy if you participate by extension of your participation in a bully subreddit like incelqueer and spend your time trying to justify your degenerate lifestyle to incels.
I don't want you to, but it's inevitable. Get a divorce as soon as possible and find a woman who respects you.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Okay, man. Yeah, your lips are both roast beef labia and your mouth is a vagina and you wear a clit ring in your nose.
I'm aware that you think looking in the mirror disproves this, but you see, I have theories and I am certain of the rightness of my theories, so it's abundantly clear you have vagina face.
I'm sorry you're so blinded by ideology that you can't see this but it's just common sense and my mastery of common sense gives me more information about your life than you have.
You should probably get a pap smear.
Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just providing you the benefit of my many, many commonsense theories.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Do you have aspergers?
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Whoa! Don't show me that high-resolution picture of your vagina face! I know you think it's just a drawing, but you see, I have theories about what it is, and my theories are more reliable than your eyes.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Thank fuck. You're just a retarded troll.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Or I'm just giving you a taste of what I think of your theories about my life and how you consider them superior to my own perceived reality.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
You don't have any semblance of reality if you encourage your wife to to have boyfriends. Why bother getting married in the first place if you don't respect the basic vows of marriage? Makes no sense. Just don't get married.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
We got married because we wanted our child not to have to face weird questions all the time. It seemed fair that he should only have to talk about his parents' lifestyle if he wants to.
My wife's boyfriend had a vasectomy 20 years ago and they didn't visit each other the month she got pregnant soooo yeah. He's mine. Not that it would really matter either way.
We wrote our own vows. And we uphold them.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
What? You have to be an elaborate troll. This has to be bait.
You're worried about him facing questions about his parents not being married but not about the fact there's two men living in his house? What do you think his friends are going to tease him about when he's older? You haven't thought this through. Sleepovers will be interesting.
My God. You are hitting all the qualifications for abject cuckoldry. This is bait.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
You just can't believe that anyone could live a non-traditional lifestyle, can you.
The wife's boyfriend lives in a different city and they visit each other about every three weeks. Our girlfriend lives a few blocks away. If there's a sleepover, we just won't have them over that night.
Yes, of course I've thought this stuff through and it isn't exactly rocket science.
I simply don't have any fear or revulsion with regard to cuckoldry. Just don't care. When my first wife cheated on me I expected to be enraged but the rage never came. It just didn't matter, or change anything.
Which is what makes me a good fit for polyamory. If I don't mind my partners having other partners... why shouldn't I have others of my own?
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
You're a fit for polyamory because you have little to no respect for yourself. I'd argue your first wife cheating on you is responsible for this new found philosophy. You normalised it as a means of coping. I feel sorry for you. Everyone likes looking at a woman having sex as porn wouldn't be so popular if this wasn't the case, but post orgas orgasm the reality sets in and you realise you don't want anyone else touching her.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
There you go with your theories again, thinking you know me better than myself despite knowing, oh, about six facts about me.
I have a feeling this arrogant inflexibility is serving you very poorly in life, where you can meet a person, learn one thing about them, and then fill in every single other detail all on your own.
It's like you don't even live in a world inhabited by people, but by fictional characters of your own design wearing people's faces.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Not theories. I have wizard powers you gigacuck.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
And the robe and pointy hat and Filet-o-Fish to go along with them, I suspect.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Nah, can't eat fish or chicken tendies. Sorry m8. Just the robe and hat. Stay jelly.
1 theonetruekike 2018-05-02
That's so nice of you raising another mans baby
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
He's mine, not that it would matter either way. You probably can't even conceive of how much I love this kid, and learning that his nitrogenous bases were ordered slightly less similarly to mine than I'd thought would mean... nothing.
1 theonetruekike 2018-05-02
Typical cuck mentality
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Is that supposed to be bad?
1 SocialistTyrone 2018-05-02
The fuck you are. You post 24/7 on Reddit.
1 IncelFucker 2018-05-02
Omg another polyamorous person here! Arent you sick of incels bashing perfectly healthy poly relationships just because the women isnt "owned" by a man?
1 sabadr 2018-05-02
Username checked
1 Moist___ 2018-05-02
1 IncelFucker 2018-05-02
Yes thats me? And??
1 theonetruekike 2018-05-02
Fucking hell lmao
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-02
1 Nancy125 2018-05-02
Excuse m-, sips soylent AHHH, where was I? Ah yes, excu- sucks the cum out of wife’s pussy, washes it down with soylent AHHHH, excuse me sir, but I am NOT a cuck. I am a partaker of the polygamous lifestyle.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Before polyamory, I've been cheated on, I've cheated with girls, and I once cheated on a girl.
It's so easy to be ideologically pure about this stuff when you're not in the game.
You know what I like about polyamory? It sets aside the obsession with cheating and just lets people be with the ones they love.
1 TheVertex_ 2018-05-02
This was posted on cringeanarchy too. It’s not just incels, genuine normies are disgusted by you pathetic cucks as well.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Yeah, a lot of people have giant sticks up their asses about sex and feel it can only happen in proscribed ways with proscribed people.
Their loss, I guess, because those kinds of people always have so much misery swirling around them.
1 99sheiks 2018-05-02
Hey, psycho. It's "prescribed." I'm a normie I guess according to this sub and I genuinely feel like you're mentally insane.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Well, according to this sub "normie" means "has had sex."
Perhaps you're more normie than me, in that you want to lay out your life according to tradition and the expectations of others.
1 destiny-draw 2018-05-02
Its easy to not cheat. You are just a shitty person with no selfcontrol.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Yeah, it's easy not to cheat, though there are times when cheating is the more beneficial option.
1 destiny-draw 2018-05-02
Thanks for confirming your piece of shititude.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
Perhaps some day you'll become a real boy.
1 TheVertex_ 2018-05-02
You’re an IT poster too, lmfao!!!!! They’re actually cucks guys
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I've posted there a couple times, yeah. And if you look at my posts, they're pretty much exactly the same as the ones I make here: my unfiltered opinion, with no consideration of anything else.
This obsession with "cucks" will not serve you well in life.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
They're cucks.
They're neckbeards.
They're trans.
They're virgins.
They're goths.
They're teens and tweens.
1 99sheiks 2018-05-02
I'm not an incel, either, but you're fucking nuts.
1 Ploard 2018-05-02
Relationships in 2020: bottom 20% of women sharing bottom 80% of men, top 20 of men sharing top 80% of women
brutal polygamy pill
1 Ploard 2018-05-02
Relationsships in 2020: Top 20% of men in polygynous relationships with top 80% of women, bottom 20 of women in polyandrous relationships with bottom 80% of men.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
None of that is true, of course. Most people are not entering in to poly relationships of any kind.
1 bcat124 2018-05-02
The trend is going that way. Both polyamorous and cuckold relationships are on a steady rise with no indication of stopping.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
It's trending up because it's not nearly as taboo anymore. But it's never going to be the dominant relationship paradigm.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Yes it is. Get the fuck off reddit. 99.99% of people still find it weird as fuck.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
Finding it weird isn't the same as it being totally unacceptable. People are more tolerant and willing to let people do what makes them happy these days.
I find polyamory weird and unappealing, but I don't care if others like it because that's their business.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
I don't care what you think is or isn't unacceptable or weird. It is both to 99.99% of the population and you know damn well I'm right.
The tell-tale sign polyamory is completely fucked is that its proponents seem to gather and congregate online to validate one another's participation in the lifestyle. It goes against every single one of their biological instincts and cannot survive in the vacuum of their home without validation from their brethren online.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
Does it make you feel better to be outraged that other people aren't living the way you want them to?
You're a 35 year old man raging because a small minority of consenting adults want to structure their relationships in a way that you don't approve of. Maybe being a judgemental asshole is why women don't like you?
No, it must be your looks. That's way more believable.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Lol I'm not outraged. I find it sad and pathetic. I feel pity for these guys that the only female attention they can muster is by entering into these fucking bizarre dating circles.
Oh look, "this is why you're incel". Right on fucking schedule. Yes, I'm sure the main criteria for women selecting men is by their approval of the degenerate poly lifestyle. JFL. Fucking brainlet.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
If they're happy with the situation I'm not sure why you're pitying anyone. I guess you know what would be better for them and it's sad that they can't see how right you are?
You seem like such a pleasant person. How did you end up so alone and bitter with all this joy and positivity rattling around in your skull?
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Some things are simply immutable, objective truths and one of these is that no man is ever truly okay and or happy with their wife not only fucking other men, but having boyfriends. If you think otherwise you're fucking delusional. That's a path to murder suicide.
Ah, and of course he doubles down on the "hur durr this is why you're incel". Real high iq, boyo.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
One of my best friends is polyamorous. He fucks more people than his wife. Seems perfectly happy with the arrangement.
So your "immutable, objective truths" don't really seem to translate over in to observable reality.
Maybe you're confusing objective truths with subjective opinions? That does seem to be very common with incels.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Your best friend is a liar and you're gullible. Women lie about the number of sexual partners they've had while men lie about how many women they're fucking.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
Oh, I didn't realize you knew him and were also psychic. You'd think you could use your mind reading powers to get laid instead of just bitching about it on the internet.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Yep, I have wizard powers. Suck shit.
1 Guatchman 2018-05-02
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-02
I don't know man, just based on your guys' conversation history I'd much rather hang out with him than you.
1 Incel9876 2018-05-02
The exact same things were said about sodomy, trans, etc. Given past history, in a few mere years, poly will be legal, and anyone who doesn't fully embrace and celebrate (not just "tolerate") will find themselves considered to be "Nazis" worthy of punching (criminal assault, mob violence) b the Left. Then it will be onto the next perversions, incest, necro, beast/zoo, etc.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-02
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
You forgot their normalisation of paedophilia. Don't have to predict a future where that happens when there's already crazy far leftists trying to normalise it and make it happen. Think of that guy Destiny who believes that and is a proponent of previous victims of child porn exploitation could consent as adults to their imagery being used to 'aid' paedophiles. They call it "ethical child pornography" similar in vein to the soliciting of "ethical non-monogamy" you'll see on Tinder profiles.
I also remember a female gonewild poster who literally was into fucking her dog. Made YouTube videos campaigning for its acceptance. Absolute insanity.
They're not going to get away with trying to normalise all that shit without a fight, don't worry.
That isn’t true. It is talked about all the time at my college and one of my friends is in an open relationship.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Oh wow. You discovered some of the 0.01% and unsurprisingly they're young and in college. Was your anecdote supposed to increase the 0.01%?
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Open relationships are much more well known than incels. Don’t know anyone IRL who knows of inceldom, but everyone knows about open relationships.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Is that why we have 5 times more visitors than /r/polytrash?
1 lotteryroll 2018-05-02
It's trending up because monogamous relationships (just like all traditional structures) are slowly being unravelled in the West. Monogamy was initially established to give more men a chance by curbing hypergamy and uneven reproductive success. It is good for society. By discouraging it, society will begin to head back to the way it was before: massive sexual inequality. Indeed, this is already a problem (it's why you're on this sub rn). Top percentile men will have harems of women while the rest are left fighting for scraps. OP is exaggerating, but that is what we're heading towards.
1 shadowcat211 2018-05-02
You would never know that from the normal people who show up on this subreddit.
1 Patrickfoster 2018-05-02
Data please
1 PM_ME_UR_PEEEN 2018-05-02
There's gonna be a lot more virgins and opportunistic gays
1 VartanX 2018-05-02
I am OK with that, kek.
1 Incelvester 2018-05-02
If he also has a girlfriend though, hes not really getting Cucked, right?
1 xxxrivenmainxxx 2018-05-02
yes, but in exchange he has to settle for landwhales.
1 Incelvester 2018-05-02
His wife probably is one too lol
1 UnfitForReproduction 2018-05-02
those are funny lookign humans
1 Toolman890 2018-05-02
of course the men are better looking than the girl
1 mikepencetheincel 2018-05-02
It’s over
1 ohsoglorious 2018-05-02
If a woman isint mine or my possesion than it dosent count
1 menageatroiss 2018-05-02
1 Lesbianchad 2018-05-02
Lmao gross
1 broscientologist 2018-05-02
Ever wish thanos was real?
1 NecessaryTerm 2018-05-02
Ready for the Incelfada.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-02
I'm not sure she's sleeping with either of them. Perhaps they both have spun a yarn of sorts, creating a relationship that doesn't exist. I think she's just a housekeeper.
1 ivana_g 2018-05-02
I really really really hope this is fake.
1 putridlice 2018-05-02
What the fuck is
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-05-02
Gas them all
1 RwS00 2018-05-02
1 anonmymouse 2018-05-02
Jesus Christ... look at these people. we've got the full toothed numale, balding Super soylent in the back, and in the corner, the sleeping purple people eater. full on yikes.
But hey... if anything this picture should give you guys hope. If that dude in the back can find not one, but 2 women to simultaneously stick his dick in, surely any of you could find at least one. Look at him for fucks' sake. And don't start with that "he mogs me" shit because there is just no way
1 Incel9876 2018-05-02
Who says this guy is having sex with any woman? He mentions a another woman he has a "crush" on, not how I'd expect a man who could/would get anywhere with another to describe that woman. Meanwhile the wife, who has a boyfriend for sex, could keep him for nothing but money and emotional validation, because lots of cuck relationships involve the husband getting little to nothing in the way of sex.
1 anonmymouse 2018-05-02
the OP is the guy in the back. He mentions his wife and also his girlfriend. The other guy is the wife's boyfriend, and the purple haired monster is the one he has a crush on. But there's still a wife and a girlfriend in the equation. That ugly fuck is cleaning house
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
There's no wife in the photo. They're on a road trip in an RV. Where is she? She probably doesn't even exist. I bet it's just the purple haired tumblrina cucking them both.
1 anonmymouse 2018-05-02
I mean.. if we want to be like that maybe the whole thing is fake and someone stole a picture of 3 friends on a road trip together and added this caption to it to promote their agenda.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-02
Nah, there's a lot of easily identifiable neckbeardry going on in this pic to be a normal group of friends. It's probably a submission to /r/polyamory.
1 anonmymouse 2018-05-02
I agree but either we assume it's true or we assume it isn't. For the sake of this conversation we're assuming the post is real and true
1 Incel9876 2018-05-02
I went back and there was a mention of a gf. Ok, but still the purple haired girl is the "crush," and if that is the "crush," then the "girlfriend" is probably that SMV or even less. The wife, who is probably the highest SMV of all the mentioned women, can be assumed to be giving most/all her sex to the boyfriend. Many poly women will close up the relationship once the husband manages to get sex with a woman that the wife considers a SMV peer or superior and thus a threat. So, when you say that guy is cleaning house, yeah, he's probably doing all the housework while his wife sleeps with her boyfriend.
1 anonmymouse 2018-05-02
This I can completely agree with. Poly is disgusting you'll never hear an argument from me on that. I'm all for live and let live, you do you.. but polyamory is a ruse created by people who want to be unfaithful without any of the consequences while still having the appearance of a healthy, loving relationship. It's all a lie, there's always one person in the relationship that's getting a raw deal while the other (usually the better looking one) is out galavanting around town with anyone and everyone.
A good friend of mine was "poly" for a while. (Aka being cucked by his reasonably attractive wife - her idea of course) i could tell he hated it but he pretended to be into it for her. She'd be out banging dudes while he was looking after their son.. Then she left him.. to go be with her boyfriend. And he went into a deep depression and almost killed himself. Polyamorous relationships always end.. and when they do they end badly
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-02
What the actual fuck is this garbage?
1 Incel9876 2018-05-02
The inevitable result of abandoning autocratic monarchy in synergy with Eastern Orthodox Christian theocracy.
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-02
Ugh....just ugh.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-02
1 poorgreazy 2018-05-02
Quora is just a fat bobby lee with purple hair
1 Vrishkin 2018-05-02
✔️scraggly low T beard
✔️crush is asian
✔️both overweight
✔️wife’s boyfriend is better looking than him
1 tastygrass 2018-05-02
The difference is these people are all genuinely happy. You guys are writhing in misery and feeling bitter about the world. Yet somehow, you act like you have it better than them.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-02
1 Rammspieler 2018-05-02
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-02
They should be incel but they found a weird feminist that wants multiple nerd dick
1 iQ9k 2018-05-02
Yes it was
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-02
nooooooo. humanity ain't a mistake. billions of them are, but humanity ain't a mistake.
1 hematomatoed 2018-05-02
I'm neither an incel nor a troll; I'm polyamorous and I do, indeed, hang out with my wife's boyfriend and our girlfriend. And I'm happy and I love my life.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
None of that is true, of course. Most people are not entering in to poly relationships of any kind.
1 Build_that_Bear 2018-05-02
It's trending up because it's not nearly as taboo anymore. But it's never going to be the dominant relationship paradigm.
1 PM_ME_UR_PEEEN 2018-05-02
There's gonna be a lot more virgins and opportunistic gays
1 Patrickfoster 2018-05-02
Data please