A Chad has joined the revolution. It has begun!

149  2018-05-02 by Toolman890


The linked tweet was tweeted by @CBSLA on May 01, 2018 06:17:03 UTC (1944 Retweets | 3377 Favorites)

He's at it again. A man who goes on dating websites then invites women out to dinner, orders lots of food, then skips out, leaving the woman with the bill. Rachel Kim reports.

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Hero chad

I like him already

Kinda lifefuel seeing the normies in the replies being (rightfully) bitter about being used as a free meal by cunts and getting lots of retweets.

Fuck that if the roles were reversed you would only see "you go girl" comments.

The West is waking up

Incelistan shall rise again

I have been saying this for weeks now:

NORMIES/CHADS ARE ALREADY AWARE OF THE BLACKPILL. They just don't call it the Blackpill. Instead, they make jokes and memes about how most women are trash, and that us "Kings" don't deserve thots after hitting the gym, working hard in school and getting a good job, putting a lot of effort into hobbies and skills, working up the confidence to ask women out, etc.

Exactly, I've been seeing this a lot on Instagram in particular. Lifefuel.

I've noticed this for awhile now, just never really knew it was a thing until I stumbled upon this subreddit.

So I'm curious though, is it still a cope for a "chadlite" or whatever to bide time, work on skills and hobbies and shit you mentioned above until they found a suitable mate?

So you all admire this man for ditching his dates with the bill? Why? I've always gone dutch. I don't get it.

Probably former Incel who looksmaxxed.

Chads are trully our greatest allies

our savior.

“Because he's the hero Incels deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So females will hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark Chad.”

Dark Chads are some of the most wholesome people. They look after their subhuman friends.

They are wholesome because why?

They're nice, they know about the importance of looks so they don't bs you and they usually tend to look after their friends.


There are some posts that deserve to be immortalized in the annals of Incel history. This is one of those posts.

This is the closest we'll ever come to any kind of anal.

Was hoping this comment would be posted. Not disappointed.

You guys should make a "gospel" to Dark Chads like you do for your blackops guy lol

That could easily be derided and misconstrued as gay, nor are they on the same level as our exalted Saint. Dark Chads are merely black knights, our malice and fury made flesh to run amok and wreck vengeance on the unrepentant femoid. The blade of our hatred, the harbinger of trauma, the destroyer of roasties.

Lmao, thats gold.

You guys really are wizards.

In exchange for our powers, God made our souls take an oath of celibacy prior to our births. We just don't remember it.

That’s.. that’s a pleasant way to put things. I tip my hat to thee.

Latino Chad

Definitely an Enrique


Jfl at that general manager. First he asks the guy to leave (yea, that’s what he wants you fucking moron) because he’s too weak to fight him, then pays for the meals too.

The definition of a cuck.

Yeah, I lost it at the point where she said that the white knight paid the bill.

lmao i laughed so hard. even the customer that said he "recognized" him. who walks around with a picture of a guy on their phone they saw on the news.

"She's thankful to Justin who took care of the bill"

From now on I will call these white knight sons of bitches = Justins

Yeah, why is she even complaining? She didn't even have to pay for this shit.

Why would he fight him?

To stop him from leaving the restaurant without paying. That’s what a manager is supposed to do. I once saw a guy trying to leave without paying, and a waiter of the restaurant stopped him by stepping in his way and not letting him go. Cuckboy in the video couldn’t stop a 12 year old kid from leaving.

I used to wait tables, and yeah its pretty common of managers to do this. They're kinda spineless that way, especially since upper-management would have their ass if there is some sort of scene caused or people get offended. So they just pay to make shit easier on themselves and everyone else by cucking out. Especially since that is usually their only means of income.

And also, as the waiter, you get paid in tips and if you get stiffed you are still responsible for that bill, so it usually comes out of your tips if your manager doesn't do this.

That's usually why you'll see waiters be more aggressive about dine&dashers. I usually just avoided it by refusing to serve nogs. They're notorious for dine&dip, and if they do pay they do not tip. But far more common is just them bitching and chimping out until their meal is free.

Dude I laughed my ass off when he said he asked him to leave. The guy was probably like "sure no problem" lol. I have to assume your joking about fighting him though, no manager would do that, you'd be fired and probably sued.

How is this even newsworthy, cunts do this all the time

But when a male does it it's a crime against humanity JFL

There was some tweet the other day about a dude who said he took a girl to the movies and she asked for money to get snacks. He gave her a $20, she left and never came back. Then later that night she was posting pics of herself at The Cheesecake Factory.

"Cheesecake factory"

That gave me a hearty chuckle.

Americans are so fat they need industrial centres dedicated to producing cake

You know, I came to this sub a week ago. I didn't know what an incel was before then. I've always had a tender heart for those who felt ugly, abandoned, abused. I feel the same way. I was ignored in high school by chads-- I was never asked to a dance and when I went anyway, I was rejected when I had the balls to ask a guy to dance with me. So I come back to this forum today to check in after a three day marathon last week, and you all are celebrating a guy just because he sticks it to "cunts." Fuck. I've been defending you all week and this is how you treat women, just because they have vaginas. You know what? I don't want to defend you anymore. I thought you were all persecuted and misunderstood individuals, but now I see some of you are filled with malice. This is so sad to me I can't even process it. I've been defending you.all.fucking.week. I can't believe what I'm reading right now. I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were better than this.

Oh stop. You have an idea of what it's like to be incel. Sorry, but as a woman you're just not going to understand how most men cope with things. We're raised and shaped into only being allowed to show anger and not sadness, because "real men" don't cry. We are persecuted and misunderstood, and when you've been treated like shit your entire life it's no wonder we are upset. When we don't have an outlet anywhere else to talk about our failures in dating and mistreatment by women without being told to shut up, that it's our fault and we deserve to be virgins, it festers into something really disgusting. Yeah, you might not feel the same way, people feel different things.

We get a feeling of some justice being served when we see women get the short end of the stick sometimes, because all we have ever experienced is being mistreated by women. Is it okay to generalize all Women? No, but when you're angry and upset and just want to blow off some steam it happens. The same way women say "all men are pigs! They just want sex!" Blah blah blah, it's all just venting. Some of are horrible people I agree, but most monsters are created, not born.

It's interesting you bring out the point about men only being allowed to show anger and how being raised that way had deleterious psychological consequences. That's a point I've only seen raised by leftists and feminists (the whole toxic masculinity thing that's been so maligned). I don't recall any conservatives, alt-right, MRA or pick up artists that accept this point, which I always found strange because it's pretty evident to me. What's your take on that?

Well, I think both sides say some things of merit, ans some things that I dont agree with. I think feminists have taken it to an extreme by attacking pretty benign parts of masculinity so it's rejected as a whole by many people. Not to conflate being feminist with being a woman, but there is a huge overlap, many women insist on dating traditionally masculine men, and it's not something men are willing to give up if it lowers their already low dating pool. Plus I think many aspects of masculinity and femininity are rooted in biology which is why commonalities between men pop up all over the world cross culturally and throughout the ages, even if those cultures had no contact with each other.

We're raised and shaped into only being allowed to show anger and not sadness, because "real men" don't cry. We are persecuted and misunderstood

Women are raised to show sadness and not anger, and we're diminished when we express anger, so we internalize it.

when you've been treated like shit your entire life it's no wonder we are upset

I have been treated like shit my whole life too. You think I starved myself and threw up food intentionally because I was mentally sound? Like, wtf? You think I sat in a bath with razorblades and pushed down into my veins and pulled up because I was fucking fine? Are you serious? You really think that was a dramatic ploy? Nobody found me because nobody was around; truth is I pussied out. I couldn't do it. I hesitated. That doesn't mean it was a cry for help; I literally had nobody. Fuck you if you think I wasn't really sad and desperate, lonely, rejected, abused, and hopeless. Just fuck you.

When we don't have an outlet anywhere else to talk about our failures in dating and mistreatment by women without being told to shut up

There is definitely sexism against men. You all are raised in a gender box where you are made to feel inadequate no matter who you are. This is true of women and men, and many people know this. It's especially true if you're defective in some way-- looks, psychologically, mental function, body function-- people ignore or avoid or shit on you if you are perceived to be something less than ideal or at least acceptable. It's awful, and I don't disagree with you nor will I ever downplay that fact.

Yeah, you might not feel the same way, people feel different things.

I do feel the same way, and it's not your fault you are virgins. It is the way it is. People are fucking awful. It's a general truth.

We get a feeling of some justice being served when we see women get the short end of the stick sometimes, because all we have ever experienced is being mistreated by women.

But women are mistreated too. They are looked down upon for hormonal reasons, bodily reasons (you're too fat or you have double dumbs so you must be a bimbo etc). To my parents, I was only a baby machine. They never treated me well until I had their granbaby. Now my daughter is unfortunately perceived as some kind of sick weapon to them where they feel they have to be nice to me to see her. It's disgusting. She's already a tool for someone against her and my own will.

Is it okay to generalize all Women? No, but when you're angry and upset and just want to blow off some steam it happens.

But what I see in this thread is vitriol and a toxic mentality that, over time, whether you want it to or not, will inculcate a mindset of hatred and Othering. Aren't there much better ways to go about this? Can't you express your frustration with the standards of beauty and acceptability in a way that does not make women out to be narcissistic cunts? I was raised by assholes, and they are the assholes. I may be wrong and I may have been mean occasionally in my life, but I go out of my way to be nice to people and hear them out. I may have said "fuck you" earlier but that is because you crossed a line in diminishing my very real and ever present pain of rejection that has always been and will always be theres.

The same way women say "all men are pigs! They just want sex!" Blah blah blah, it's all just venting.

I never do that and it pisses me off when people do. It's stupid and wrong. The only person I permit it from is my 80yr old grandma with Alzheimers who is slowly dying from a horrible disease and doesn't know any better. She can hardly form a sentence at this point and so it isn't her fault. You are obviously intelligent and mentally capable-- so like any woman calling men pigs-- I'm holding you accountable. I have seen all of you be compassionate, kind, reasonable, and fucking smart. You can do better. I've seen it. Don't do this to yourselves and to women. I know you know it's wrong, too. I'm calling you out on it.

This is not a feminist space. We are not going to curtail ourselves to meet your expectations. Men need a place to speak about their own problems without direction from women. Some of the things we say and do are going to offend you, and sorry but that's just the way it's going to be, it's better for us to go about it in the wrong way than to keep it bottled up. I don't go into women's groups and tell them how to run things.

Men need a place to speak about their own problems without direction from women.

Sure. That doesn't require that you call them cunts or celebrate people who take advantage.

This is not a feminist space.

I am not even a feminist. I understand that men are also discriminated against and I understand that you all are abused and mistreated and have unfair expectations of you. That's not what this is about. I'm disturbed by your lack of humanity.

This thread is really tame. The essence of it is we are happy that a man did to women that which has happened to many men, be taken advantage of. It's really not uncommon for women to use a guy just for a free meal. Sure we took it to the next level, but the reverse happens all the time. #wastehistime2018 is a perfect example. You're not going to find upstanding citizens here, just remember that a lot of this us hyperbole and satire in the name of venting. But I can't change your mind and I'm not going to beg for your support. We've never had support, it's not like were missing out

Yeah I get the venting part but I don't think this is a healthy way to do it. I'm still disappointed in all of you.

i could care less what a disappoints a whore -_-



I guarantee you this stupid cunt has a boyfriend or husband. She has NO IDEA what it's like to be incel. Fucking stupid cunts.


"...By my parents, by kids at school, by administrators, and by my FIRST HUSBAND."

she's retarded.

What a complete shock.

yeah like nobody has ever been single.

Husband. Kys.

nah already tried that no thanks


Knows how we feel

Again. Another stupid cunt. Try harder next time.

Hey. Guess what. People who are abused all their lives don't tend to be the nicest people with the most good will. Shocking, I know.

I was abused my whole life and I go out of my way to be nice. There's no excuse. I was psychologically, emotionally, and physically abused. By my parents, by kids at school, by administrators, and by my first husband. I had to live in poverty and misery and live out of my car to escape abuse. I show people kindness because of how much it means to me, even if they aren't kind to begin with or show kindness later on.

You're a girl. People show you sympathy for every little nick and cut you get. Incels (men and boys) get absolutely no sympathy for far worse abuse. Kindness means nothing to incels because they don't get any.

People show you sympathy for every little nick and cut you get.

Yeah no. I've been fired, abandoned, abused, and marginalized. I completely disagree.

If you read "people show you sympathy" as "people prostrate themselves to you and kiss the ground you walk on", then I am wrong, definitely. Yet, you, yourself, admitted that people show you kindness in good faith--a privilege that incels don't have. The only time people are ever nice to us is when they're trying to sell us something.

Only two people have shown me kindness in good faith. Those people changed my life forever, and I'm grateful to them. It is a privilege that I wish everyone would have. I'm sorry that you've experienced differently-- that you've had no one at all to show you kindness-- I hear you. My favorite book is The Phantom of the Opera and Erik (the phantom) is my favorite anti-hero-- hell my favorite hero even.

I am not trying to at all downplay your struggles. It is just that I see a harmful amount of hate emanating from this thread. All women are different. You think they are all cunts because you haven't experienced kindness and acceptance, and that is fucking awful and I'm sorry, but I think talking about people inhumanely is still unacceptable.

I don't eat pigs because they are smarter than dogs. I don't treat people as though they are shit-- no matter their fucked up beliefs-- because I know they are like me in their brain in the majority of ways. We all have so much more in common than most people are willing to recognize. We may differ in status, politically, and even at the basic moral level, but studies show we all have things in common: (1) we don't feel it's right to murder, (2) we have burials, (3) we protect our babies. It's common of all people of all times and of all places. We are human, and I feel this thread is dehumanizing people needlessly. It's alright if you don't agree with me; I'm speaking my peace.

There comes a point in an incel's life where society's rejected him so thoroughly and consistently that he doesn't care what's acceptable or not. He gets treated like dirt no matter how he acts, so he might as well act the way that provides the most catharsis.

I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up. Most incels have never been shown real kindness and probably never will. Because of this, most incels are hateful jerks who give out kindness sparingly if at all. It's just human nature.

There comes a point in an incel's life where society's rejected him so thoroughly and consistently that he doesn't care what's acceptable or not.

I don't care what's "acceptable" or not either. Dehumanizing people is a whole other thing. That's not just unacceptable; that's detrimental. That's detrimental to humans who are real victims like you, but you can't see it because they are victims in other ways.

You only care about incels dehumanizing women because you feel that it affects you. (It really doesn't.) If you really were as altruistic as you say you are, then you would be more understanding, but instead, you're complaining and virtue signalling.

Nah. I feel for you guys. I've felt genuine, chronic rejection, and I'm not saying I know exactly what you're going through-- like I can't empathize-- but I can sympathize. My brother is an incel. My dad and his friend took him to a whore house to "become a man" when he was 18 because they knew it probably wouldn't happen naturally. He didn't want it, but they pressured him into it. He has unquestionably tormented and abused by his peers-- as was I-- but it was different because instead of throwing up like I did he just over-ate himself to 400 lbs. I love him so much. I can't understand his struggles, but as we both have eating disorders, I can sympathize (not empathize). That is all I am saying. Yes, I have eventually gone on to find a partner, and he has not. He doesn't hate me though (as far as I know) and he doesn't call me a cunt (as far as I know). Maybe he does, I don't know, but if he did I would beg him to reconcile. I want people to get along and understand one another. I want people to grow and come together. This is not an affront to you; I want to understand; I am here in this forum because I want to understand. I don't want to disrupt your unity but instead I want you to reconsider your humanity. What you're saying in this thread is not just cathartic it's vitriolic. The more you say these things, the more women will become an entity to you that is so demarcated by differences that it will be impossible to connect. You feel it's already impossible, but it's not. Truth be told I dated someone much shorter than me who was hairy all over and had a huge belly. I loved him. He rejected me. It happens. People get along or they don't.

Anything is possible. What matters is what is plausible. An incel could theoretically find a single girl whose self-esteem is so crippled that she would accept him and stay loyal to him, but in truth, he'd have a better chance of winning the lottery three times in a row. All getting his hopes up and bottling his anger would do is make the pain worse.

Sympathize all you want, but don't proselytize. All incels are doing is lashing out at their abusers and objects of their unfulfillable desires. There's no real harm in it. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Yeah I don’t believe it. A lot of people on my 600 lb life met their mates when they were already morbidly obese. You know my brother I was taking about? He’s had female interest but they were always too stupid or ugly for him. I don’t believe you. I think there is love everywhere and you have to be open to finding it. We can disagree that’s fine, but I think you’re putting yourself against yourself and it’s s shame to see. I hope someday you and others here can see women as people with flaws just like you. Everyone’s shit stinks.

How tall is your brother?

"all women are different" yet you talk about your countless partners and "first" husband" whom you divorced.

you dont get it bud. :2

lol "countless" partners? Being a bit hyperbolic, aren't we? And you are downplaying abuse. You have been abused, yet you're downplaying my abuse. Awesome. Got any more where that came from? Really? You want to come at me? I've been battered verbally, physically, and mentally. You go ahead, nothing can break me now.

by all means, attempt to count them :2

I'm not going to give you a number for fodder. I'm not that stupid.

you dont have to tell me :2

you know what you've done.

what have I done? Enlighten us.

Uh no im here because women do this shit to men all the time, but when a guy does it it's newsworthy? You fucking dated guys lmao you are nothing like the boys here.

THIS is what makes you hate nerd virgins???

I don't hate nerd virgins at all.

That's what you get you dumb skank. And prey on innocent women like you? Bitch you're not innocent. No woman is.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking hell the roasties can handle cognitive dissonance well.

Omg there are so many men that would just abuse women looking for love by getting them to pay for their food when they have no intention of having a relationship with me

wait, this is a crime? whats about the women who do it?

No it isn't a crime. More men should do this in fact. Gonna start doing this myself and leaving these stank ass hoes with a bill a foot long, the way they like their dicks. Amirite boys?

why was he in jail then

That was for jay walking dumbass. Fucking kek.

it's a good way to get free food but not effective for starting a relationship lol. is it worth sabotaging a potentially successful date?

Dude I don't go on dates looking for success. I'm there to make it a shit experience for any woman stupid enough to agree to go on one with me. And boy you wouldn't believe the number of dipshit women. Just throw out some honeyed words and they are yours. Now shit the fuck up andet me get back to my female rekt bread.

oh... my bad? i thought most incels were trying to date or get laid. if you're just there to waste their time and you're not actually trying to get laid wouldn't that make you a volcel?

He's not an incel you fucking retard.

i just assumed considering the sub i guess. i don't get why you'd hang here much if you're not. maybe that's the case for this dude but i assumed most people on this sub wanted sex or a relationship. i don't get why you'd revel in this stuff if that is your goal. i guess you need to vent but sometimes it really comes off as misogyny.

Okay, whatever. He's not one of us. He's a normie or Chadlite guy who's probably tired of women's shit, and uses his looks to fuck them over the same way they probably fucked over guys he knew that weren't attractive.

You cunts deserve it. You seriously deserve it. Actually let me backtrack on that; most of you cunts deserve it (there are some nice women out there, unfortunately they're always taken or they're gay). Any bitch who fucking uses a guy as a free meal deserves the same to happen to her with a guy she likes.

hmm.. i agree with you in that women who use people shouldn't expect any better for themselves. it's gross to use people. i feel like this isn't the answer though. there are bad women and there are good women. i don't think punishing a stranger for what someone else has done will really solve anything as they'll never understand the context. i don't think most women are really like that but i don't have a lot of friends. your wording is harsh but the message is fair.

there are bad women and there are good women.

There are more bad women than good women. It isn't 50/50 that's for sure.

i don't think most women are really like that

Well..you're a girl.

i dunno. i don't feel like my gender gives me more of a sense of comradery with women as i never really fit in there. maybe a little, as i understand their communication style more but most women (and men to be fair) scare the shit out of me. i've always pondered over whether humans are more good or evil. i idealize people too much so i can't really comment. do you think most men are good? most people are good? i feel like it has a lot to do with the hand you're dealt in life and the people you meet. i'm just hoping to understand better.


life isnt a bitch aint it, whores? u bully ugly men and use them for money and free attention, but when u try to score Chad and he preys on you it starts to sting?

This guy should sue CBS for showing his face. He is not a public figure and this is not a public interest story. Next they'll be reporting on Chads that serially cheat.

Yep. And he did nothing illegal. What the fuck is going on. When roasties to it all the time obviously nobody cares. But if one male only does it once he‘s perceived as a criminal.

And if it were an incel there already would have been special armed forces chasing after him, putting him into prison and in a few weeks he would be death sentenced with poison.

In 2018 a sub-8 face is a literal death sentence


LOL the Justin cuck pays for the bill, while Juan rides off into the sunset

fucking Justin pîece of shit...I bet his parents are brother and sister

Why is this on the fucking news? Proof that society is cucked


What a Legend!

He does what most of the femoids do to normie cucks all the the time. Go on dates and then leave and let the beta male pay.

To me this guy is like a Superman, that tried to make the world a better place

Chad and incels unite to overthrow landwhales, feminists and soyboys!


I can’t believe they haven’t caught this guy. He did it to someone at a restaurant near my office about a year ago

a hero sent by blackops2cel (pbuh) he will balance out the hypergamy

Foodie call by thousands of western women - entire world laughs about it, cuz that's how its supposed to be.

Foodie cal by 1 man - gets arrested and face plastered all over the news.

Gender equality in 2018.

LMFAO at "foodie call" instead of "booty call". Love it.

I could never do this as I will never go on a date but I hope more Chads will. Good life fuel.

Is @CBSLA in the habit of posting pictures of women who don't pay for their dates? Seems discriminatory.

I’ve abandoned dates before, but not in such an epic fashion.

One told me in the second date she was a lesbian, so I kicked her out of my car in the middle of downtown. The other was a fuck buddy who told me I could meet her boyfriend at the bar we were headed to, so I turned around and drove her home (kicking her out in that neighborhood would have ended up with her corpse in the news).

Triggered roasties in the comments

I fucking love this man. Holy shit.

Why does every single cuck look like a cuck? Why have a never seen a cuck who looked like a regular human being lol

Low testosterone.

The smile does not make the numale. The numale makes the smile.

hahahahah. What a hero. And she says she's trying to find love, well why is it hard for u to pay for your loves meal? I mean he just treats them like women treat betas.

Guys this is more life fuel than the obvious. This guy looks like st.blackopscel with slightly deeper set colored eyes. This means you can looks max and get believeable colored contacts to get dates.

Yes, incels celebrate a criminal dickwad. Of course they do.

Yes, incels celebrate a criminal dickwad. Of course they do.

If you go that route, then you have to concede that feminism, and even the mainstream culture in general, condones or even celebrates mass criminality by women in general. One man's outlaw is another's Robin Hood protesting the unjust status quo.

When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven incels who stand before Chad and to whom were given seven stacies

"truly looking for love"

god that is just insulting, disgusting roastie

above average but not chad.

This issue seems simple to me. If you're not in a committed relationship there should just be a mutual understanding to split the bill anyway. No one should feel obligated to buy food for someone they just met.

You don’t need a date to do this. It’s called dine and dash noobs. It’s easier then people think. Just need a pair of balls. Something incels don’t have

hopefully this shuts up all the stupid incels who say "ethniccels" cant get laid

Oh no, she had to buy a meal on a date for the first time in her life?

Who wants to bet she has had over 20+ dates and the man has payed for her on every single one of them?

She gets to go on the news to whine about this. There was probably you know, like 4-5 males in the same region who killed themself, but obviously the grave injustice and hard hitting story is the woman who had to pay for Chad's meal.

Tell me again, why the earth doesn't need to be nuked?

what's hilarious is that petty theft doesn't even make the local news.. but because.. gasp ... he wronged a couple of women, it's international news! lol!

Life fuel, he's doing a blackops2cel's work

I always split, good way to weed out the gold diggers

Yep. And he did nothing illegal. What the fuck is going on. When roasties to it all the time obviously nobody cares. But if one male only does it once he‘s perceived as a criminal.

And if it were an incel there already would have been special armed forces chasing after him, putting him into prison and in a few weeks he would be death sentenced with poison.

That’s.. that’s a pleasant way to put things. I tip my hat to thee.

Yeah I get the venting part but I don't think this is a healthy way to do it. I'm still disappointed in all of you.