"Making fun of women for their roasties is disgusting and misogynistic and is the reason you are incel"

67  2018-05-02 by jaghatarhonor


Sorry for the horrendous drawing btw

This is why youre incel

The virgin fridge drawing vs the Chad artistic masterpiece

the virgin scribble vs the Chad splash


lol and these are the people we're supposed to trust. Fuck outta here.

What do you mean silly incel? IT is a watchdog group protecting women from being raped and killed by mean incels, one leddit post at a time :^) they're absolutely not circlejerking pathetic bullies

protecting women from being raped and killed by mean incels

I mean... the post they're commenting on is literally about raping and potentially killing women...

What is your point? Do you think that a leddit post is protecting women in any way, shape, or form?

lmao where does IT even say it's physically protecting women? Do you unironically believe they're trying to make that claim?

avoiding the question

Lmao you actually think a reddit post protects women fucking LUL

Oh i understand what you meant with your initial comment now.

And to answer it properly, any one can post edgy shit on the internet. I very much doubt that cuck is brave enough to fart near a girl, let alone kill one. The whole post reads like autistic teenage fiction. Incels aren't the ones raping and murdering women, normies and Chads are. Not to say it is out of the realm of possibility

Just because relatively few incels are actually going to go on murdering sprees doesn't make shit like that or a lot of the "venting" that goes on in the incel community any less vexing or toxic. It's not like anyone thought posts like that were okay before the killings.

Sure, but that's not really what I'm responding to nor what you talked about initially

You were trying to use this as a case of IT bullying incels, but in actuality this is people responding to a post about a graphic rape fantasy.

Dick shaming is a form of bullying

b-but it's justif-


That poor rape fantasizer, why couldn't those mean bullies leave the dick he wants to use as a weapon out of it? Don't they know he might kill himself over that??

I'm not saying anyone should feel sorry for him, just that's it's so fucking hypocritical that you get triggered by roastie memes yet dick shaming is ok. Would you say it's ok to call someone a roastie if she's a bad person?

it's so fucking hypocritical that you get triggered by roastie memes yet dick shaming is ok.

I don't get triggered by roastie memes, but it's clear that making fun of a woman's genitals for having sex is more mean-spirited than making fun of a rapist's genitals for using them to hurt someone.

Would you say it's ok to call someone a roastie if she's a bad person?

Uh yeah, actually. In fact I posted an example in this thread:

Let's say the sexes were reversed in this situation. Let's say a woman posted a rant about how much she hated men with small dicks. She hated them so much, she wishes she could violently sodomize them with an unlubricated strap-on so hard their bowels hemorrhaged and then to further humiliate them, rub her genitals in their faces and tell them their dicks are so useless they're only good for eating pussy. Imagine if someone in the resulting comment thread said something along the lines of "Having her smelly, flappy beef curtains in their face almost sounds worse than the sodomy" to insult the woman in question. Imagine how stupid and insecure a woman would look if she screencapped THAT of all things and posted it all over feminist subreddits going "Look! Look! They're making fun of poor women with vaginal odor and long labia! Men are AWFUL!" completely ignoring the man-hating post that put that comment in context.

Would you be on her side?

Well, would you? You're not a hypocrite with a double standard, right?

and posted it all over feminist subreddits going "Look! Look! They're making fun of poor women with vaginal odor and long labia! Men are AWFUL!"

Not what's going on here. The post is about IT users specifically, not "all women". Also yes it would be hypocritical of them to say that if they also are supposedly vocally against dick/body shaming against men? Lol did you expect me to say no?

and as I already said the justification doesn't matter. It's akin to calling someone a nigger or faggot, it doesn't matter if it was "deserved" or not

The post is about IT users being hypocritical specifically, not "all women".

That detail is not the point of the example, bub. Now answer the question, would you rush to the side of the feminist to show solidarity with victims of genital-shaming? Of course you would, right?

It is relevant because you're making a false equivalence of the post supposedly portraying the body shaming as more severe than the content of the post itself which isnt the intention, but to point out the hypocrisy of such a response which is an entire separate issue from the post itself

Now answer the question, would you rush to the side of the feminist to show solidarity with victims of genital-shaming?

Not your strawman version but the above equivalent version, yes, I already told you. Are you illiterate bub?

In that case, you must be running yourself ragged policing the genital-shaming roastie posting rampant in the incel subculture. Godspeed o7



Fuck off. Unless your dick is 8+ inches women wont even think of you as a man.

IT doubling down on making fun of suicidal men.

And they were surprised when the rest of Reddit didn't buy their bullshit. Lmao

Human beings are garbage.

"not a hate sub"

But guy who posted deserved it, no? He did say he was going to force oral on someone in the op?

Clearly he's bitter and crying out for affection from being an incel pariah. If only those heartless roasties responded to his threats of throat rape with understanding and offers of sex, instead of making fun of his penis! He might killed himself over such bullying and it would be their fault!

Explain you line of reasoning.

Their posts are in reference to this. You circled the oh so awful tiny-dick comments, but the "Fucking her down her throat, watching her choke and bleed" quote in the exact same post didn't shock you?

My post has nothing to do with what the original post was about. How do you justify dick shaming towards all men because the OP talked about raping a woman? How do you justify the hypocrisy that I pointed out in the title? What is the difference between calling someone a nigger because he did something fucked up and happened to be black, and this? Explain your reasoning.

How do you justify dick shaming towards all men because the OP talked about raping a woman?

They're not dick-shaming all men, they're dick-shaming the guy with the vengeful rape fantasies.

How do you justify the hypocrisy that I pointed out in the title?

Where's the hypocrisy? You guys shame a woman's genitals just for having sex with someone that isn't you. Not for anything specifically morally wrong they've done that's related to their genitals, literally just having sex with multiple partners. Meanwhile they're calling a man's dick small to take the wind out of his GRAPHIC RAPE FANTASY, WHICH DIRECTLY REFERENCES HIS DICK. But of course nothing about raping a woman's throat so hard she chokes on her own blood (as punishment for being a nonvirgin with a roastie cunt!) doesn't really bother you. No, it's shaming his helpless penis! Don't they know how sensitive men are about their penis size??

If they were just picking on some random man and laughing at his tiny penis purely for the sake of its size, I'd be with you. But the fact that you took offense to that in particular in a thread about a guy getting turned on by the idea of facefucking a woman so hard she bleeds really shows what pathetic crybullies you are.

Yup exactly what I expected. You are doing olympic level mental gymnastics to justify bullying a man for his dick size (which he can't control btw). Seriously, why do you have to be such a fucking cunt? Why can't you just admit that you think men with smaller dicks are pathetic? If you didn't you wouldn't use it as an insult would you? It's just fucking amazing what creative bullshit and twisting of logic you'll come up with JUST to disagree with an incel.

They were calling someone's dick small to take the piss out of a guy fantasizing about using his dick as a weapon to punish women for having sex and you take that as personally being bullied.

Why can't you just admit that you think men with smaller dicks are pathetic?

I think men this erratically insecure yet this comfortable with violent misogyny are pathetic. Men with small dicks can be admirable people and competent lovers. Not only that, but secure enough that they don't fall apart and cry bullying when they overhear someone call a rapist's dick tiny. You? Not so admirable and I shudder to think of you as a lover. Nothing to do with your dick tbh.

I don't even have a small dick. You are a piece of shit though who thinks it's okay to dick shame but if we dare call someone a roastie then this is why we are incels. How are you this fucking thick, honestly? Do you think it's okay to call a black rapist a subhuman nigger to "take the piss out of him"? Do you fucktard? Because if you don't then you should see why it's the same fucking thing.

The black guy in question isn't using his blackness has a literal or metaphorical weapon in that situation now is he? You know what he is using? His dick.

Furthermore, small dicked people don't have a history of institutional second class citizenship, you fucking simp. My god, get a grip.

What fucking difference does it make what body part he is using you you absolute FUCKING cunt. Take any fucking other example if this one is too complicated for you to understand.

BY MAKING SMALL DICK JOKES YOU ARE IMPLYING THAT HAVING A SMALL DICK IS A BAD THING AND ARE INSULTING ALL MEN WITH SMALL DICKS. Get it through your thick head you fucking dipshit. I can't fucking believe you're defending dickshaming, what the fuck is this? How the fuck hasn't someone beaten your skull in yet?

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

How the fuck hasn't someone beaten your skull in yet?

Because most people, even men with small dicks, don't have such laughably thin skin, they fly into a violent, tiny-penised rage when they hear someone make fun of rapist dicks.

Let's say the sexes were reversed in this situation. Let's say a woman posted a rant about how much she hated men with small dicks. She hated them so much, she wishes she could violently sodomize them with an lubricated strap-on so hard their bowels hemorrhaged and then to further humiliate them, rub her genitals in their faces and tell them their dicks are so useless they're only looked for eating pussy. Imagine if someone in the resulting comment thread someone said something along the lines of "Having her smelly, flappy beef curtains in their face almost sounds worse than the sodomy" to insult the woman in question. Imagine how stupid and insecure and woman would look if she screencapped THAT of all things and posted it all over feminist subreddits going "Look! Look! They're making fun of poor women with vaginal odor and long labia! Men are AWFUL!" completely ignoring the man-hating post that put that comment in context.

Would you be on her side?

I am pointing out hypocrisy you fucking moron. Go read the comment I tagged you in and then shoot yourself please.

I've already addressed everything in that comment you tagged over this comment thread anyway. I've even addressed the hypocrisy aspect, you illiterate (oops! literacy-shaming!). They're making jabs at the man's dick because he's doing something immoral with it. Incels make jabs at women's genitals because they've had sex. Both parties in this situation are using genital-based stigma as an insult, yet only one (incels) is using it as an insult for someone who's done nothing wrong. (And hilariously, that same party (INCELS) apparently thinks dickshaming is worse than violent throat rape!) Now please, tell me how you'd run to the defense of that poor woman and her smelly flaps. You're not a hypocrite after all, right?

The OP bragged about wanting to rape and murder a woman. He was pretty explicit about that. Suggesting his dick is small is in response to HIM, the rapist/murderer.

If the words “micro dick” trigger you, but you’re totes cool reading about a rape and murder fantasy, then you are objectively far worse than the person who wrote “micro dick.”

Off topic, I have a pair of tweezers for sale if you need them.

It doesn't fucking matter faggot. You are saying a small dick is a bad thing and IT IS DICK SHAMING JUST LIKE INSULTING SOMEONE FOR BEING FAT IS FAT SHAMING REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE PERSON DID OR DID NOT DO.

Get it through your head or go fuck yourself.

Or, I can continue to reasonably point out that it has everything to do with the OPs rape and murder fantasy, which is, from any standpoint, far worse than pointing out that the rapist/murderer might have a micro dick.

Look, if you think raping somebody for not being a virgin is a positive thing, cut the bullshit and admit it. At least then, braincels can either kick you out of the sub or, idk, make you a mod, or whatever happens here when the subreddit rules are violated.

But don’t push your tiny little false equivalence in my direction and think I’ll be impressed. I’ve seen it now for a few comment threads. It’s pretty shriveled.

What I think about the rape and murder fantasy has NOTHING to do with the point of my post. This is not a fucking competition in who said the worse thing. I was not even paying much attention to the post they were replying to. This is me pointing out that inceltears users think dickshaming is fine and that they are hypocrites. There is no false equivalence here, you are simply fucking retarded.

Not my fault you weren’t paying attention. If you had been, you might not have posted something that so perfectly validates the existence of IT.

What the fuck are you talking about moron?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, when you have members of this sub pointing it our to you, that’s your problem.

No one has pointed anything out for me. They all agree with me and are heavily upvoted. Now are you going to stop being vague or go fuck yourself?

I’m not being vague. Like I said earlier, not my fault you didn’t pay attention.

And I don’t have to go fuck myself. I’m not incel.

Stop wasting your time with these fucks they have cognitive dissonance you'd have a better time arguing anti gun laws with a redneck at this point.

Yeah you are completely right. Arguing with these retards is utterly pointless.

What I think about the rape and murder fantasy has NOTHING to do with the point of my post.

These retards are unable realize this. I don't even think they think it's possible for you to make your point and have it be unrelated to whether you agree with the post or not. Absolutely degenerate brainlets

I'm never arguing with a Redditor ever again. It's pointless and only pisses me off.

It's okay man, nothing wrong with having a micropenis.

More dick shaming

Except for the people making fun of someone for it in the post.

They were calling someone's dick small to take the piss out of a guy

If you're using "small dick" as an insult, you're insinuating that there's something wrong or undesirable about having a small dick. Otherwise, you would not be using it as an insult.

Niggers can be admirable people and competent lovers.............. Woops didn't sound as good, who would have guessed!

Small dick isn't a slur, you mong. See that was a slur!

It's both hilarious and infuriating watching these low IQ leddit drones perform mental gymnastics to justify whatever position they have as long as it's contrarian and against incels lmao

I wanted to make the nigger analogy myself since it fits very well but someone else did it, yet these retards still insist on how it's not dick shaming. LMFAO

I mean, it’s like a lady saying she wants to sit on a guy’s face and make him give her cunnilingus and not get off of him to let him breathe and that she’ll take pleasure in suffocating him? I just think it’s a fucked up thing to think and want to do to someone and he’s not waived of criticism so, people are giving him shit for it. I would do the same to a woman, tell her her beef flaps smell of cow manure and it wouldn’t be a pleasant experience pre-suffocation anyway, you know?

What on earth are you on about

Someone just posted the link to what I assumed to be the op and I thought that was the context in which these replies were made.

It is the context. Some guy posted a rant about raping women's throats so hard they bleed and some commentators joked that his dick's probably too small to hurt anyone. Apparently incels find this more insulting than the throat-raping bit.

I’m an incel but I don’t see what the point is in using this as an example of “evil feminine nature”. Sure, if it was unwarranted, I would agree. But this dude had it coming lol

So it's okay to imply that having a small dick is shameful because some dude said he want to force himself into you? It matters not what he did or wants to do, the point is many men have below average small penis and having a small penis is used as mockery by these people.

You are nothing but hypocritical fucks, nothing new.

Nothing new? I’m not from IT.

Who said anything about IT? I'm talking about people who jump at the occasion to make excuses for double standards such as this one.

No one, I just assumed that’s what you meant by “hypocritical fucks”. And what double standard?

Sooooo... the guy in question appears to have said "Fucking her down her throat, watching her choke and bleed" but the really offensive part of this is implying his dick is small?

Incels are the definition of crybullies, holy shit.

When you're mocking someone for supposedly having a small penis—regardless of why you're mocking him—you're implicitly admitting that you believe having a small penis is something inherently worthy of shame and contempt. Otherwise, you would not be using it as an insult. Consequently you're not just attacking that particular individual, but all men with small penises.

Analogously, if you call a black man a nigger—regardless of what that black man said or did—it's indirectly an attack on all black men.

The fact that they are shaming male genitalia is completely hypocritical in light of their hypersensitivity towards incel memes about female genitalia ("roasties").

u/BravoEchoEchoRomeo read this you fucking dipshit. He did a great job of summarizing it and if you still disagree then go fuck yourself.

Analogously, if you call a black man a nigger—regardless of what that black man said or did—it's indirectly an attack on all black men.

High IQ.

shaming man body parts is a serious issue just like shaming women body parts

This post wasnt from this forum.

Foids claim they're oppressed yet society bends over backwards to make sure every shape and size of them is accepted and desired, meanwhile everything that can be wrong with a man is scrutinized under a microscope, especially the things he can't change.

Roastie shaming = righteous retribution

Let's say the sexes were reversed in this situation. Let's say a woman posted a rant about how much she hated men with small dicks. She hated them so much, she wishes she could violently sodomize them with an unlubricated strap-on so hard their bowels hemorrhaged and then to further humiliate them, rub her genitals in their faces and tell them their dicks are so useless they're only good for eating pussy. Imagine if someone in the resulting comment thread said something along the lines of "Having her smelly, flappy beef curtains in their face almost sounds worse than the sodomy" to insult the woman in question. Imagine how stupid and insecure a woman would look if she screencapped THAT of all things and posted it all over feminist subreddits going "Look! Look! They're making fun of poor women with vaginal odor and long labia! Men are AWFUL!" completely ignoring the man-hating post that put that comment in context.

Would you be on her side?

No one is taking the side of that guy you moronoid, people call you out for being a little hypocritical shit, you claim incels body shame women then you fucks do the very same but suddenly its ok because "he is a bad guy", well big news for you fucktard: if a black supremacist said vile shit about what he gonna do to white people and got mocked for being black, saying "I only do it to him cause he is a bad man" wouldn't fly very high as an excuse but I don't expect you to begin to understand the irony of the situation you put yourself into.

Really the aspect of bodyshaming by itself isn't what people find so offensive about incels. Like you and I both observe, everyone does it to a degree. What makes people hate incels in particular for it is they do it to women for no reason other than the fact they've had sex with multiple partners. If you posted some thot's tweet about how men with tiny dicks should just get sex changes because they're useless, you'd have a point and more people would be on your side. But the fact that you felt this attacked over someone talking about small dicks in reference to a post about a graphic rape fantasy and liken it to being called a nigger shows how out of touch you guys are. Like I said, if someone called a girl's vagina smelly beef curtains for posting about sexual violence against men, no one would give a fuck. It's not hypocrisy, you're just a thin-skinned crybully looking to valid your victim complex.

the virgin scribble vs the Chad splash

I’m an incel but I don’t see what the point is in using this as an example of “evil feminine nature”. Sure, if it was unwarranted, I would agree. But this dude had it coming lol