Battle of Incelistan

144  2018-05-02 by MajesticSubhuman


Never forget, Never forgive.

Support: MGTOW

Pretty sure /r9k/ would be a better fit for support.

yeah, I'd have to agree. MGTOW seems kind-of the opposite of incel theory in terms of how they react to what they've been through in life.

MGTOW are copers.

MGTOW is quite similar, but in denial about their need for women.

but in denial about their need for women

No. No denial there. "Fish needs a bicycle, etc."

They won the battle but not the War.

More and more young men are getting blackpilled everyday thanks to rampant hypergamy exacerbated by soy products, tinder, Instagram, snapchat.


More than 500.000 normies committed suicide after reading Suphamsulu's story about stealing his sister's panties

Fidget spinners taken away from the autists

I'm fucking dying.

rip nvr 4get

"Fidget spinners taken from autists" LOL.

shitposting unit reporting in.

The figdet spinners though lol 😂😂

Is this a political sub or a sub for people who cant get laid?

There are people with all sorts of political views who are virgins. Why does it seem like this place is an echo chamber for this particular political bent?

There is no politics here. We aren't all american.

Other countries have conservatives and liberals too. America isnt the only cou try with politics

American politics are much different than European politics.

You DO realize that this wasn't a real battle, normcuckold?

Of course. But it is still deriding a certain group of people which is pretty easy to see. Seems pretty anti-liberal

Can someone make one for the Battle of Inceligrad (29/04/2018)?

I will drape myself proudly in that flag when the time comes 😍


Careful with the warlike language. Don't want to get this place banned.

azavii should be with the casualties

Skull and bones symbol.

What is this referencing?

Banning of r/Incels

You included gaylords on feminst/clinton/etc side, but where are gaycels? lol

As if any of you would make it in an (even imaginary) military setting

Just lol at thinking the military is the hardest thing ever.

Yeah... I said it was “the hardest thing ever”.

It’s actually pretty easy - but still, most incels could not hack it.

Literal retards can make it through basic what do you mean?

Making it through basic isn’t finishing out your contract.

Basic is the hardest and most stressful part of your four years lmao. It's literally like a normal job after that.

Also yes, I've met people who I would classify as mentally retarded in the military.

Basic is the hardest and most stressful part of your four years

Ha. If basic was the hardest part for you well then clearly you’ve never been deployed and clearly you have some cushy fobbit ass job that never involves real training, field exercises, hardship tours, etc. Must be nice to get paid tax payer money to be an empty uniform.

And just because you’d classify them as mentally regarded doesn’t mean they “literally” are. Anecdote isn’t fact.

LOL don't act like you weren't a POG, probably cav and went to NTC once. How's that Germany deployment bro? Crusty "old Army" douche.

mentally regarded

It's spelled "retarded." I know you were the dumbest one within miles while you were in, but you don't have to take it so personally.

So where were your deployments? Real deployments I mean. Because I did multiple. I don’t have the candy-ass luxury of whining about how “basic training was the hardest thing I did in the military” haha. But have fun digging in on that stupid hill - thank you for your service haha.

I don’t have anything to actually get this guy with so I’m going to go after his autocorrect error. That’ll get him!!!!

candy ass-luxury

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Were you deployed to the mail delivery unit?

Dude, I literally just said I'm a pog. The onus is on you to prove that you aren't one as well.

Oh, should I just send you over my dd214? Haha

Move to nominate myself as commander of the Pedo Division

our glorious warriors await valhalla

Why is Lee Ji-Eun (IU) listed as a commander, tf

but in denial about their need for women

No. No denial there. "Fish needs a bicycle, etc."