Daily Reminder: Females consider it sexual harassment when an ugly guy tries talking to them.

86  2018-05-02 by kj107


Should wear a burka then.

I smiled at a TSA agent once and they checked my asshole for a bomb.


The most action we can get without paying

Volcel if you dont try to get cavity searched by QT3.14 girl cops.

That's the closest to sex you will ever get. lel

Lmaoooooo this bitch is gonna play captain marvel too.

Straight to VHS

I'll wait for it to go on FX.

Damn, that's a bummer

She’s going to kill Thanos too.

Why is this retarded cunt getting likes

The real question here is why she smiled at a TSA agent. Do you guys smile at TSA agents?

I smile at people... Some people obviously take it that being smiled at by a pretty girl = pretty girl wants to sleep with you. It doesn't. But this is why girls are wary of guys. This is why they get defensive when you speak to them.

Girls smile because they want to cash a pussy pass and get a better/preferential service. I smile at women employees for the same reason.

I smile because I'm a pleasant person

...and pleasant person gets a better service.

Male or female. And the person serving gets a pleasant interaction. What's wrong with that?

Faking a sympathy or a sexual interest to get a preferential service?

Being pleasant is nothing to do with sex.

Oh really? Then why are random girls being pleasant to me when they want sex?

Listen here, cunt. We both exploit our good looks and fake sexual interest to get a preferential service, but I'm being honest about it, and you don't.

I'm not out looking to fuck everything that moves, dipshit. I am polite. I have manners. I am nice to people, because why should I be a rude and miserable bitch to someone who is just working in a shop all day, or standing at a bus stop, or passing in the street.

A smile is not just about sex. Get over your fucking hormones, then we'll talk about "Manners" and being polite in society.

I'm not out looking to fuck everything that moves, dipshit.

Same here, cunt. I'm not interested in these girls, I don't even like them, but I know that I'm very good looking, and I know that if I fake sexual interest, they will do everything they can to make me happy.

It's a manipulation, I use them, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I would never smile at a TSA agent because he's a man and it would not work in my favor.

It's not sexual interest, you complete and utter thicko.

It's called being pleasant. It's called manners. It's called being a nice person for the sake of it, not for the sake of what you can get out of it.

If you're only nice to people so you can get something out of it, then you're a manipulative twat, and a miserable fuckwit to boot.

It's called being pleasant. It's called manners. It's called being a nice person for the sake of it, not for the sake of what you can get out of it.

Uh oh, what happened to "just be yourself"? Me acting in a respectful and polite manner is me being nice and me displaying good manners.

If I'm smiling, I either genuinely happy to see you, or manipulating.

If you're only nice to people so you can get something out of it, then you're a manipulative twat, and a miserable fuckwit to boot.

I am. I'm also honest with myself, unlike you.

Also, you are not fooling anyone with your fake-ass wrinkled smile, cunt.

Oh god. You've seen one pic and base your opinion of my smile on that. I was genuinely happy, on the beach for a walk with my parents and my brother. Mum took the pic.

A smile costs nothing. Looking like your dog just died, no matter what your manners, makes you less of a pleasure to interact with, even if it's just buying a newspaper.

I haven't seen your pic, and I'm not going to. Fake smile is a manipulation technique.

It's not a fake smile. I am usually genuinely happy to be out and speaking to people.

I am usually genuinely happy to be out and speaking to people.

Do you really think that anyone will believe that?

You see, if you really were "genuinely happy to be out and speaking to people", you'd be doing it all the time, because people are wired to chase things that make them happy. You spend all you time doing it until hedonic adaptation would catch up with you and remove all pleasure from "be out and speaking to people". So, unless you were rescued from a deserted island less than a month ago, you are fucking lying.

I'm stuck in my house most of the time in pain, on painkillers and not getting out very much at all, so when I do, I am genuinely pleased to be out, and genuinely pleased to interact with people.

Like this weekend, I will be away at a reenactment event. I can't take part, but I can sit in camp and talk to my friends, or sit in the beer tent and talk to friends, and I can have a laugh and enjoy myself with people around. The next time I will be doing that will be in late June at the next event.

The drugs I do are prescribed painkillers which ease the constant pain I live in.

I'm sorry to hear that.

You seem like a nice person who doesn't deserve that.

Thank you, you're kind to say so.

The drugs I do are prescribed painkillers which ease the constant pain I live in.

Well that sucks. Is it temporary, or are you stuck for life?

I, on the other hand, is a terrible person. I was born a sociopath, like many others in my family tree. I had a real job for less than a year when I was young. It was boring, so I decided to try something more fun. Can't speak of my past, let's just say that I'm a living proof that there is no god. Retired at 36, never have to worry about money again. Now I'm 42, but people think I'm in my early/mid 30s. I look like a cover model for Men's Health. No responsibilities, no obligations. Perfectly healthy with good genes, I will probably make it to 90-95. Very handsome guy with a killer smile, interesting and funny, everyone loves me. Problem is, I feel like I've seen it all and experienced it all. I have no unfulfilled dreams. I have no goals. I don't enjoy life anymore. It's like my body is young and healthy, but my mind is 110 years old already.

I wish I could swap with you. I'm just going to get worse and the painkillers are just going to get stronger. I'm only three years older than you, and I am kind of living with a ticking time bomb.

See, now I know you're a sociopath, everything makes sense.

Why don't you just try something out of your comfort zone, like learning to dance or something?

Why don't you just try something out of your comfort zone, like learning to dance or something?

That's all I do - reading, eating, working out, learning new skills and improving old ones. I don't just sit on my ass. But I don't enjoy any of it. I do it just because I need to fill my days with something.

It's definitely getting worse and worse every year. I used to still somewhat enjoy food last year, now I don't. It's funny because I'm not depressed: I'm always in a good mood, I have a surplus of energy, but nothing is enjoyable.

Still want to switch?

Sure. The body would work and I wouldn't have constant pain. I could get out and do stuff.

Yeah, constant pain is hell. You can't do anything: can't work, can't rest. All you can think about is getting better. And, if there is no "getting better", I'd be probably thinking about suicide.

I considered it, but it would upset my family, and they don't deserve that.

How much do painkillers help? Are they take the pain away completely, or are they just make it manageable?

where is my fucking reply?

OMG... It got fucking lost in a torrent of twattery from others. Sorry toots.

Painkillers take the edge off. After the weekend I'm going to try getting some stronger ones, because I'm pissed off with being able to do fuck all beyond sitting on the sofa or shuffling slowly around the house. It's pissing me off.

Thank god for this place or I'd have gone completely round the bend by now

Painkillers take the edge off. After the weekend I'm going to try getting some stronger ones, because I'm pissed off with being able to do fuck all beyond sitting on the sofa or shuffling slowly around the house. It's pissing me off.

Yeah, take a stronger shit.

I mostly refuse to take painkillers when I have a choice. It's not that I enjoy pain, but feeling something is better than not feeling anything at all. It's good for a change. Plus, I probably have a high pain tolerance.

Anyway, constant pain that makes you unable to sleep at night is different. Fuck that shit. Such pain turns you into a zombie who's stuck between life and death.

So yeah, make them give you the strongest shit they have. It sounds like you could really use a break.

I'm going to hang off the strongest shit they've got, because I'm going to get worse and don't want to get too used to the strongest too soon, if you follow what I mean...

I was never in your shoes, but I would always chose shorter high quality life and a painless suicide over a long dying. It doesn't work for anybody but that's who I am.

Also, you should really consider getting ready for your own death. You can change yourself so you are not afraid of it anymore, not even for a little bit. You don't need God or a mentor, you can do it by yourself if you really want this. You won't be able to reverse it to a way it was before, so be aware of that.

Fear of death was making my work difficult, so, like many other people, I got rid of it. It's like a surgery. Now I'm always ready to die. I can die at this very moment, this thought doesn't scare and doesn't upset me. I lost most of other fears after that as well, because, if death doesn't scare me, what's the worst thing that could happen to me, really?

I'm not afraid of it. I'm already aware that it could happen, and quietly ignore that fact and get on with living. It's just the way I've always been.

I faced it first when I was 17 and had skin cancer. It forever changes your outlook on life when that happens.

Ignoring it is not the same as being at peace with your own mortality, but whatever, if works for you than it's good.

I'm not sure why it's different. I know I'm going to die. I'm OK with it. I'm just ignoring it because there's no point dwelling on it every day. I have stuff to be getting on with in the meantime.

I really doubt you're Chad tbh

You won't get a picture but you can explore my post history

there are sexual undertones to everything you do in life.

No there aren't.

Y'all shouldn't leave the house since going out in public is so hard for y'all lol.

I rarely leave the house anyway. Doesn't stop me being pleasant to people when I am out.

I haven’t left the house in3 years

go out with an ugly tsa guy for the good of the land

If he's a nice enough guy, then sure. If he gives out his number to random women in hopes of getting laid, he's likely not a nice person btw.

Translation: if he's a good looking enough guy

Don't try and put words in my mouth. I said exactly what I meant. I am not some shallow bitch who values looks over personality.

Society is so fucked. People have fallen so deep down this degenerate hole of Disney-fueled romanticism that we think we're deities capable of some sort of supernatural free will. One day you and everyone else will wake up like the rest of us and realize we are ridiculous animals controlled entirely by hormonal instincts, not magic happy fairy dust.

Oh piss off. I already know all about reality and how shit it is.


Got that yet, or should I get my crayons?

The only way you couldn't is if you weren't human.

Or if I'm not as shallow as wet grass, and I'm all grown up and sensible, not some teen with raging hormones.

That doesn't change the fact that people are hardwired to judge by appearances. You're not special.

I judge based on lots of things. Good looks is just not one of them. Appearances also consists of body language and facial expression.

But it is one of them?

Do you regularly get people walking away from you when you talk?

How would I know? I haven't left the house in three years!

And yet you consider yourself an expert on what I judge people on?


People are too similar in this regard to be fighting over individual differences.

However you were quite happy to argue about it.

Because apparently you think you're somehow above the rest of mankind in terms of judging based on appearance.

I didn't say I was above it. I was just taught never to judge a book by it's cover.

Did no one ever tell you that, or are you one of the shallow, superficial people?

You see, that's exactly the problem. Everyone gets told that and other romanticized garbage about people their entire lives. Yet the truth remains that nobody, not you or me, can abide by it. People are naturally shallow, and we shoot ourselves in the foot by pretending that we aren't with ignorant adages that assume humans are at a level far above our animal counterparts.

Are you though? Are you a pretty girl? I suspect that attractive femoids wouldn't be spending their time here.

I never made any claim to being pretty. I'm 45 and broken. Never made any secret of that either

Why are you broken?

You really don't care, so why are you asking?

Because I'm curious about what could make a femoid think she's 'broken'.

I have a condition that means my insides are slowly filling with scar tissue that grows randomly and is gluing my organs and intestines together. It's incredibly painful, and it means I cannot have sex, cannot walk very far at all, can't do very much and half the time, can't sleep. There is no cure, and there is no treatment beyond emergency surgery for life threatening complications, and painkillers. It is degenerative and it's going to kill me.

Happy now?

I'm sorry that you have this condition. What is it called?

Adhesion Related Disorder.

How long have you had this? And what causes it?

It can be caused by a lot of things, but they came to the conclusion that mine was caused by my PCOS. I was first diagnosed in 1997 when I went to find out why I couldn't have kids. It didn't really affect my sex life until 6 years ago when it became too painful to have sex because of scar tissue adhering to the vagina. Now it's just permanent pain. I've just had to put a painkiller patch on as well as taking tablets, but it takes the edge off, and not much more.

It's one of the reasons I'm here. I thought that given the experiences I've had in my life, I might be able to help other people, or at least try and do some good. It keeps my mind off reality as well. I don't even mind the insults, because they're mostly coming from frustration, and I can seriously empathise with that particular emotion... heh

I see. I hope you've had someone in your life to lean on while you're going through this. I'll leave you alone now.

My brother and my dog live with me.

Please don't let this stop you arguing with me. I do enjoy a good debate ;)

Lol what a pussy move. Talk all this shit to someone then cop out after finding they have a disease? It’s all fun and games spewing your hate speech on the internet until shit gets real huh?

Men want to sleep with pretty women, heaven forfend!

But it seems like it's every guy and some of them won't take a polite no as a response.

Well, it’s not. You’re paranoid. I don’t hit on every pretty girl I see and neither do 99% of men, that’s absolute nonsense.

I'm not paranoid. Men don't look once at me never mind twice, but pretty ones do tend to get a whole lot more attention than they want.

you really think every man will hit on every pretty woman that smiles at them? There wouldn’t be enough time left in the day.

Right, and I get a lot less than I want. Tough luck I guess.

Smile more.

I do smile back. Then I go about my business.

being smiled at by a pretty girl = pretty girl wants to sleep with you

Then why bother smiling at them? Dumb cunt. I'm glad I never acknowledge pieces of shit like you.

I'm rather glad someone like you didn't acknowledge me either with that attitude.

If you keep reading, I do go on about smiling being a pleasant thing to do, and can brighten someone else's day, but it is not an invitation for men to hit on a woman. You have to have more than just a pleasant smile for that there to be an invitation to flirt.

I smile at everyone I interact with. I travel a fair bit and in my experience, being friendly to all kinds of airport employees and officials just makes things easier. And even if not, you've lost nothing.

Shouldn't have smiled then.

I couldn't be a celebrity because I would call out other celebs on crazy post like this and inevitably get into a twitter war and people saying I'm a bad person.

Bitch tried to ruin Casey's career. You're not half the actor he is.

She's a decent actress tbh. But needless to say that she's also a horrible cunt.

she hardly tried to ruin his career, she just didnt clap for him?

I would think this was a troll but then I remembered roasties are mentally deficient

i left spices on my carryon a TSA agent said that i should come to her house and cook for her. she also called me "spice man" ugh i felt so violated.

What a bitch. I get he wasn’t what she wants but to say she has to “live on the defensive” because of a guy asking for her number is bullshit. Grow up sweetheart.

Who wouldn't want to date Captain Marvel. The TSA guy probably has Marvel posters on his bedroom wall at mom's house.

Calm down mate it only has twenty eight THOUSAND LIEKS MATE

Sometimes you don't want to deal with being asked out. It can be taxing and annoying. That's why some women are just cold. Politeness is often confused for attraction.

Don't flatter yourself. You're an ugly loser woman on reddit. No attractive women without borderline personality disorder post on this website. You're here for the attention and stimulation you're not getting in life.

If you resort to coming on /r/braincels as a woman, you've lost at life far harder than an incel. There aren't any words to describe the level of failure a woman posting on incels represents to humanity.

You're making a lot of assumptions and being needlessly aggressive. You're also projecting a lot.

Boo hoo, too many people are attracted to me. Her “living life on the defense” is an exaggeration.

Yes an exaggeration but there is truth to her words. A lot of guys misinterpret smiles. A smile doesn't always mean "approach me".

It's complicated, since every girl operates differently, but it does get tiring at times. Like you're just going about your day but you have to spend time letting a random guy down or explaining why you're not looking. Some women just ghost because it's less effort.

It does make you feel defensive at times.

God, imagine getting tired of validation.

I guess living life as the gender that’s murdered the most and victims of the majority of violent crime is the good life.

So tragic I can't imagine the horror of being wanted!!

How would I know? I haven't left the house in three years!

you really think every man will hit on every pretty woman that smiles at them? There wouldn’t be enough time left in the day.

Right, and I get a lot less than I want. Tough luck I guess.

she hardly tried to ruin his career, she just didnt clap for him?