Daily reminder the women that say 'you arent really that ugly' to the pictures here, would never date you irl

50  2018-05-02 by supermentalcel



They might!

Some people interact with like 50 women online for every 2 women they even attempt to have a conversation with irl.

Then they conclude their essential nature is different, when what's really happening is their irl sample size is garbage.

Women want us all GASSED.

Lol. No.


when what's really happening is their irl sample size is garbage

fuck off with this subjective, personal experience meme

we have showed over and over through scientific articles with sample sizes magnitudes higher than you or any of us will ever experience and yet we get "oh why do you just approach more"

I've read all your science, both when I was blackpilled and more recently.

It just shows trends and associations, and then you interpret them as laws that fuck you from birth.

The way you guys abuse statistics, you would conclude that the Decemberists have never been listened to or appreciated because studies clearly shows that Americans listen to Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

It just shows trends and associations, and then you interpret them as laws that fuck you from birth.

not an argument

how do we 'abuse' them? by pointing out the truth?

By taking some study that reaches a conclusion like "74% of women are attracted to x at first sight" and somehow interpreting that to mean "I AM NOT X SO SCIENCE SAYS I WILL DIE ALONE."

I see that shit like ten times a day here.

show me proof

Wait, you want me to pull up a hundred scientific studies and demonstrate that nowhere in any of them does it say you'll die alone??

That's not a reasonable request.

you said 10 a day, should be able to find one in a few mins then

Yeah, I could easily dig up, say, that OkCupid blog that shows that upon first glance, women think attractive men are also nicer. And then I could point out all the outliers, how the correlation isn't that strong, and how anyway clicking a number is much different behavior than meeting a man and going out on a date.

Then you would just say the word "cope."

Why would I waste my time with that?

no i wouldnt

also not all of the studies are proof for saying its over, some are for debunking common """advice""" that gets spewed out of normies mouths every time

are you talking about the one where they show looks = personality? where they took away peoples bios and asked to rate personality?

Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about.

I don't deny that it's a valid study, but you have to keep in mind that it's exactly what it is: a study on first impressions from behind a computer screen.

Not only is the correlation it shows imperfect, but it also bears only a passing resemblance to what a woman might be feeling after being spoken to for half an hour.

you would have to be legally blind to say its not a STRONG correlation

'The two scores are within a half point of each other for 92% of the sample after just 25 votes (and that percentage approaches 100% as vote totals get higher).'

it also bears a resemblance to what would initially drive the first connection, if they are ugly the connection/like/swipe whatever the fuck it is would never be there in the first place

also, when we say its over we do not mean ZERO women will date us. we mean 0.00001% will and you would have to meet so many girls to get one that it would be physically impossible

And where are you getting "0.00001%"?? What in any study suggests that it's not, say, 2%?

I mean, you just finished telling me that a 92% correlation is incredibly strong, but it also leaves 8% of women disagreeing with their peers.

And there are studies suggesting 7.5% of women are taller than their partner, so there's another 8% right there.

And no, being shown a picture and being asked "do you want this y/n" does not bear much resemblance to meeting someone and talking to them for even five minutes. There's so much that doesn't come across in one picture!

Also, it completely cuts women's own anxieties out of the loop; it's so much easier to rate a guy you think is out of your league than it is to speak to him.

Also, it completely cuts women's own anxieties out of the loop; it's so much easier to rate a guy you think is out of your league than it is to speak to him.

there it is

the cope. that statement doesnt even make sense, your just rationalising something

And there are studies suggesting 7.5% of women are taller than their partner, so there's another 8% right there.

actually its way less, something like less than 2% (there was even a study done on 400 couples and none were taller)

wow you want me to fucking calculate the exact chance of me finding a girl to 7 digits or something

ONCE you factor in EVERYTHING ugly + short + feminine frame your dating pool becomes so fucking limited its like searching a desert for water

Of course it makes sense. Just think about it from your own perspective. You're sitting behind a computer screen and you see a picture of a super hot girl with the text "rate this girl" and you click 10/10.

Does that mean no 5/10 would have a chance with you? Does it mean you expect to date the 10/10? Does it mean you'd even be comfortable approaching her?

Girls could see your data and become depressed even though all you were doing is following the directions.

Don't make excuses as to why you wouldn't provide proof. You either do or you don't.

You have no idea how many times I've been in Internet arguments over the last twenty years where the other guy says: "Provide a cite. Provide a cite. Provide a cite." So I did - I spent like 45 minutes going out and summarizing links and putting together basically a bit homework assignment - and he just replied, basically, "ur wrong."

At some point Charlie Brown really should stop kicking for the football. 99% of the people who say "prove it or ur wrong" are just terminally lazy and not actually interested in evidence.

And in this particular case I was being asked to explain the inapplicability of dozens of studies. Lol. Sure. Buy a plane ticket out here and meet me in public with a binder full of studies and then maybe I'll consider putting in the effort you won't.

The fact that you're tired to provide backing for your words is still just an excuse. That's how a debate should be - the side that makes an argument should provide a proof for a said argument.

The rest is just you being whiny.

A debate doesn't work with one guy saying "provide me a mountain of evidence" and another guy going off to do just that.

That's not called debate. It's called homework. Do your own.

That's exactly how it happens, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. And when somebody else provides an argument - they are required to provide evidence and proof for their statement.

And that's the way it is - huh.

See, there's multiple ways a disagreement can go down.

There's this one:

A. I believe x is true.

B. Prove it or shut up.

That's obnoxious, because it's clear B thinks he's just found a strategy to "win" every conversation and validate his worldview.

Then there's this one:

A. I believe x is true.

B. Interesting, but I believe x is untrue for the following reasons.

A. Prove it's untrue or shut up.

This is even more unreasonable; A is shifting the burden of proof while at the same time asking B to prove a negative.

Unfortunately that's exactly what happened in this thread. Someone spouted off theories with no evidence beyond "I read some once" and then thought it was other people's burden to disprove his theories.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that ain't debate.

Women mistreat, insult and humiliate incels everytime they please to do it.

high IQ truth.

Nothing different then when females say, "Some girl will be lucky to have you! Not me tho! TEEHEE"

I get that here. I also get called cute by women.

Did you get to buttfuck a gay dude yet or did you just take it in the ass so far?

Only taking it in so far.

Man don't take it bad but your story is pure death fuel. You tolerate dudes fucking you in the ass just because the cuddles and making out beforehand relieves you from the skin hunger roasties have forced on you. Female hypergamy is the devil.

It's OVER!

You should run Bruno Mars game.

Surely you are joking

I am clearly not.

You got fucked by a gay dude ?


st.blackops2cel, guru curryopscel

bless this man's asshole

I am clearly not.

Thats gay

it means they find you somewhat attractive in a familial way ( they see you as a brother), but theywill never bang you or accept your offers for a relationship.

When I was in seventh grade, in the hallways, a pair of eight-grade girls just blurted out that I reminded them of a little brother. I didn't even know them. They just saw me and kind of giggled while they said that to my face. That comment pissed me off by then. Yep, women will never see me as a real man.

RIP. if your a manlet (no matter how handsome) or a babyfaced dude, girls will never be sexually attracted to you, judging from my friends experiences irl.

Cute is the best compliment you can get if one is a manlet. I never heard a short man be called handsome before, so I am quite content with cute. Yep, it's over.

RIP manlets.

On that note, my sis use to have a crush on Zac Efron and then when we turned 14 or 15, she started liking Andy Biersack (6'4") a lot more. Worst of all, she is 3 inches shorter than me. Haha, manlets don't even stand a chance with very short girls.

3.0 inches = 7.62 centimetres.

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womanlets are cruel towards manlets

Peter Dinklage is 4 foot 5 inches. He's married to a cutie, and has been since 2005 (before he was famous). I think he's handsome, and apparently his wife does, too.

Pretty-boy Chads are a thing.

Cute is an express train to friend-zone row. Unless a foid calls you hot she's not going to ever fuck you.

As a "cute" guy myself, it means you're in the friend zone. I know from experience

"you arent ugly"=sexually invisible

the femoids here can't deny this

I don't deny it, but I'm old and broken, and wouldn't inflict a relationship with me on anyone inexperienced and wanting a sex life.

I thought that might make my outlook a bit more honest, since there is no ulterior motive to telling you what your pic is like.

Your right you are old

I'm 45. Practically dead. Half way through an average life span...


i'd still make you my mommyGF 👦🍼

I'm not really into the whole "mommy-gf" thing, because there's just some weird connotations that don't sit right with me. I do however manage to play "mum" quite successfully.

but baby daddy is completely fine? i wouldn't mind being with a cougar even if sex wasnt involved tbh. but only chads have that power.

but baby daddy is completely fine? i wouldn't mind being with a cougar tbh but only chads can have that.

I'm not sure what "baby daddy" is other than the father of a single mother's child...

Cougars will date a wide variety of guys, not just chads.

nah their options are limited. you'll have to make good money aswell even though they are used up, unless you go to florida where i can see that being an exception since all the landwhales and crazy fucks managed to be grouped up in one place kek.

No they won’t. I tried to run cub game with zero success.

Wide variety still doesn't include incels

Wide variety= chads + chadlites. Maybe high-tier normies if they're feeling generous.

Notice how it's "you're not ugly" and not "you're handsome".


You arent really that ugly but youre still ugly.


virtue signal heaven right here


I’m a bisexual woman (attracted to men and women but only really feel a romantic connection with women) and I can honestly say a lot of the guys on here really aren’t as bad as they’ve convinced themselves they are. I’m not saying there are top tier lookers on here but you all beat yourself up a lot and act like you look like trolls when in reality many of you are average looking and many more of you could be even better looking with little effort.

4/10 females in the US are obese. On reddit... I'd go ahead and guess it's at least 2x more. I live in Chicago and have never seen any sort of attractive girl using reddit.. but I have seen landwhales perched at Starbucks, Wholefoods, etc on it. Sooo... this means there's a very high percent chance you are a landwhale with extremely low standards. I instinctually do not find fat women attractive, I think some guys.. no matter how ugly they are.. need to feel like their partner takes care of their body. But because of the math with so many American Women being obese.. the game is unfair.

I’m not even in the U.S. but thanks for that bizarre analysis lmao.

Oh. I forgot that outside the US there aren't fat women. You are fat and stupid, aren't you sweetie?

Your entire comment was fixated on American women so I just thought I’d correct you and ignore the rest of the ignorant and irrelevant sentences that had literally nothing to do with what my original comment was about. Please get some help.

Worldwide obesity is higher than ever you stupid fucking whore. Slit your wrists.

What does obesity have to do with my original post? I don’t even think you’re an incel. Women don’t want to date you because of your illiteracy and because you hate them, not because you’re ugly. Bro, seriously chill tf out I wasn’t even saying anything horrible in my comments. I’m not even mad at you I genuinely feel bad for you at how negatively you escalated this.

I love women. Key word women. And no I'm not an incel nor am I ugly luckily. But I do feel bad for incels and understand how the dating 'game' works and it's terrible and unfair for them unless they are very successful business-wise or want to get rejected 20 times per 1 hookup which can be exhausting I'm sure

That doesn't mean I hate women. Just because you are a nice community college with a lot to offer doesn't make someone an asshole for choosing to go for Yale because they can get in. Same thing applies to females with guys. We do the same thing.. try to fuck the hottest girls possible until we settle down for one who will be faithful long term.

But what I don't respect is women who can't take care of their weight. Staying in shape is relatively easy.. if a woman goes on a 40 minute walk every day and works out even 3 days a week.. she will look great and can eat literally anything she wants.

I get what you’re saying but why do you keep bringing up weight? I wasn’t even talking about weight, you made it about it.

Most “incels” are just assholes.

Lol @ 7.5/10. If you have to say that, you definitely aren’t.

Brenda tends to be a fat woman name..

4minutemilesss is also known as a fat person name.

Very intellectual. Now I'm getting ghetto single mother vibes..

Yep. You figured me out. Very ghetto.

The point was that it’s not my real name.

More like 2.5/10 lol

You’re basically just saying what this post is about. We’re not ugly, but you still wouldn’t be attracted to or date any of us.

No I’m saying I don’t date any guys and that some of you are actually attractive and act like you’re not.

I wouldn't because you're too young, for one thing and I'm a single mom and have had sex with more than one person so you wouldn't date me either. I can still tell the difference between ugly and cute. I really think a lot of you have body dysmorohic disorder focused on your faces from watching too much porn, spending way too much time on date swiping sites, and social media.

I really think a lot of you have body dysmorohic disorder focused on your faces

thanks for the psychoanalysis armchair Freud but you dont know what your talking about

I do have a degree in psychology and I did have that myself so yeah I kind of do know what I'm talking about.

Have you actually observed him prior to making that DS? Text cannot be a substitute for live observation.

Uh no, that's why I said "I think". It's a theory based on real experience, not a diagnosis.

i dont even care what you have. 1. i watch porn once every 2 weeks 2. i dont go on date swiping sites and have never been on it and 3. i dont use social media

and before you say wah wah thats just you, i bet at least 80% of us dont go on dating sites or use social media because we know what will happen if we do

Self-fulfilling prophecy then.

The one partner thing is a meme. Also I doubt many of us use much date swiping sites except the people who use it to promote the blackpill

I have been called hot by a woman then ghosted, women don’t need to call you anything when you are genuinely atttactive they will ask for your details immediately. JFL they are evolutionary programmed to lie for their own safety

i mean yeah, they won't date you because of your personality...

Ahmen to this. People should really take this in.

The ordering of the words also matters

To Chad if he (somehow, god knows how) thinks he's ugly: You REALLY aren't ugly!

To an incel/low-tier normie: You aren't really that ugly...

True that. Same with all the people telling me not to hate my skin colour, they wouldn't ever date Asians IRL.

Women want us all GASSED.

when what's really happening is their irl sample size is garbage

fuck off with this subjective, personal experience meme

we have showed over and over through scientific articles with sample sizes magnitudes higher than you or any of us will ever experience and yet we get "oh why do you just approach more"

RIP manlets.

See, there's multiple ways a disagreement can go down.

There's this one:

A. I believe x is true.

B. Prove it or shut up.

That's obnoxious, because it's clear B thinks he's just found a strategy to "win" every conversation and validate his worldview.

Then there's this one:

A. I believe x is true.

B. Interesting, but I believe x is untrue for the following reasons.

A. Prove it's untrue or shut up.

This is even more unreasonable; A is shifting the burden of proof while at the same time asking B to prove a negative.

Unfortunately that's exactly what happened in this thread. Someone spouted off theories with no evidence beyond "I read some once" and then thought it was other people's burden to disprove his theories.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that ain't debate.

Peter Dinklage is 4 foot 5 inches. He's married to a cutie, and has been since 2005 (before he was famous). I think he's handsome, and apparently his wife does, too.