Typical IT user

172  2018-05-02 by renownedquietkid


Soy actually has very little effect on testosterone

Shhh, they like doing the meme with the face and the beard and the glasses.

So? Show me a picture where someone who isn't a numale is getting excited about soylent and nintendo switch

t. Soyboy

Exactly. I always drink soylent, my wife’s boyfriend never does, and I think I could take him on in a fight.

this meme never gets old

Same with roastie.

Tofu is so fucking good I can eat it until I puke, I don't care what it does to my hormones.

It doesn't do anything to your hormones unlike dairy.

Lmao @ the husband points.

Reminds me of GBP

Hubby points

not even the word "cuck" is as cucked as "hubby". like what the fuck? who uses that and why?

That's what roasties call their looksmatched beta-provider husbands. You will most often hear it from "nerdy" women who decided to settle down after "finding themselves" in college. The 'hubby' is always a soyboy IT guy who was probably a virgin up until they met. The femoid, after taking dozens of high-test chadlite cocks during her prime, will subconsciously see her husband as less of a man. She will refer to him as "hubby" rather than "my man" or "my husband" because she doesn't see him as a man.

Can someone provide me with a link to this “IT” sub. I’m going to see how long I can subtly troll there before I get banned.

r/IncelTears lol

go gettem killer

They are the vermin of reddit, bullies

The gaping mouth really gets me everytime lmao

How can anyone look at gaping mouth wojak and not laugh?


That hand should be a black cock jacking a cumshot into his face

Mmmm self projection is fun

Projection is a myth invented by soyboys as a replacement for "no u." Autist

Get on my level

You guys really are deluded.

The whole open mouth-face and Nintendo Switch thing fucking kills me. I mean I'd love to have a switch, but I'd never make that fucking face.

Rather die as an incel than live the rest of your life as a wagecuck.

Its a literal case of better to die on your feet than live on your knees


Didn’t realize LeSean McCoy was also a bull for some poor IT wife

An inceltears user called me a sub human, I thought they said it was our personality that was the problem

Normie here and fuck inceltears. You guys can say some fucked up shit but they are bullies. Lmk if you guys want a perspective of a normie who isn't trying to be a cock. Otherwise take it easy guys and don't let them get you down.

Yeah, those guys are just looking for an excuse to punch down. Watchdog, my ass.

Wait, do they say they're watchdogs?

I agree but to be fair some troubling shit is said here.

LOL they have sex with their wives!!!


her boyfriend can also give the 'husband points'


God. What the fuck is with the open mouth thing?

It’s a sign of submission. Being “whacky” instead of masculine is a way to get close to women and get a rare chance to eat Chads cum from a drunk roastie’s vagina

That's vile lmao

They mog me because they're white.

Are you guys just attacking what you can't have to make you feel better.

Because I'm pretty sure the next post in the incel yo yo is going to be the lot of you all complaining you can't get a girl.

Whats with the soy drink on every other cuck post?

How can anyone look at gaping mouth wojak and not laugh?
