Incel Ally
42 2018-05-02 by MagratM
Just read a thread about whether such things could exist in the future, and people were constantly saying no.
Well, you already have them and one is me. (don't pull that face. Yes I can see you doing it, so quit it)
I may not be fully up with the terms, and I will argue and debate stuff with you if you are making incorrect assumptions. If you call me names, I'll call you names back. You won't get special treatment because you're a poor wee incel who has been bullied and beaten. You'll be treated like a human being (unless you act like an animal), and that is true both here and in real life if I ever get the chance to meet any of you.
I may be an "ugly old roastie" but I will defend you, argue with you, offer you sympathy, give you advice, and I will be here for anyone who wants to talk privately too. I don't have all the answers, and don't have a secret stash of women for you to date, and nor would I date any of you because I am old and broken, and none of you deserve that shit.
If any of you ever want to meet in person, I'm down with that, and you can have hugs, hand-holding and conversation.
And no- this doesn't change anything. You can still call me names, argue with me, downvote all my posts and all the usual crap. I just want you to know you already have allies, and one of them is me.
1 Revoltization 2018-05-02
you went from being a worthless roastie to a respectable roastie. really no difference though.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Meh. It's not much, but I'll take it... lol
1 Revoltization 2018-05-02
why the fuck would anyone wanna meet in person kek.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I dunno. Hugs? Conversation? Coffee? Hand holding?
1 Revoltization 2018-05-02
im an anti social NEET, yeah let me pull money out of my ass and travel cross state/country. be realistic kek.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I wasn't suggesting people expend large amounts of money, time and effort. If there are people in the UK who don't mind a little travel, I do get around for reenactment events (Newark this weekend, Newbury, Sunderland and Gloucester later in the season) so it makes it slightly easier.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-02
To socialize?
1 Revoltization 2018-05-02
im an anti social NEET, yeah let me pull money out my ass and travel cross state or country. be realistic kek.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
No she didn't. There is nothing respectable about what she is doing. IT got shit on in the subreddit of the say thread and now this pathetic roastie is just trying to cover her tracks.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I was never an IT poster/reader.subscriber/fan/anything. I have not posted in there with the exception of that thread. I was defending you prior to that particular event. Feel free to go through my post history. I have nothing to hide.
I've argued with people here, but only about their ideas. I have never been rude about anyone's looks or disablities. I have not bullied someone for being a virgin or an incel.
If you think I have, find the proof, bring it out and make your case.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
I looked the day that SOTD post was made. You started spamming to fill up your post history and you deleted entire bigoted conversations you had with me.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I've deleted nothing, and there was no conscious increase in posting for any reason
1 supermentalcel 2018-05-02
i will never get hugs or hold a girls hand
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-02
Visit OP. That's literally what she's offering.
1 supermentalcel 2018-05-02
shes not in the same country as me
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
You could do though. Things can change
1 supermentalcel 2018-05-02
no girl will ever find me sexually/physically attractive im 5'3 ugly, have a feminine frame and a fucked up mind (and lots more problems)
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
The first thing I would suggest is figuring out what's fucked up in your mind and working on that, because that will be the major stumbling block
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
If you were truly an incel ally then you'd understand that being 5'3" and having a feminine frame are the primary contributors to his inceldom.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
And yet short, slender people still get girlfriends.
The main concern should be the "fucked up mind" and all the other problems he says he has, because those are actual health concerns, not just superficial stuff.
To me, it's not about how you look. I don't care. As an ally, it's not about looks or height, or wrist size, or dick size etc. It's about defending your right to have a space to kick out at the bullies, to bitch about crappy women who have neither morals nor manners, and all the rest of it. I'll contribute and I'll challenge assumptions, but I don't judge you on your inceldom.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
His height and frame contribute to his mental issues. And they only contribute to his mental issues because people, especially femoids, have treated him like shit for it his entire life.
Wow it's really nice to have an ally who wants us to have our space. It is convenient though that you went from harassing incels to "defending" us the day that IT got called out in the SOTD thread.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Are you certain of that? Do you know the guy personally?
I defended you guys before the IT thread got called out.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
Yes I am certain of that because I understand the difficulties incels face better than you ever could.
Also, you're full of shit
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
You don't know his circumstances, yet you pontificate on his condition. Please don't. You just make yourself look like you don't want anyone to get any help whatsoever.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
He's a manlet incel. I understand his circumstances perfectly well.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I'm sure you think you do.
1 DanishAspie 2018-05-02
I know girls who are into short guys. I have dated men who were shorter than me. My ex was short and fat and he's had at least 4 girlfriends. And I'm 176 cm. If you're young please don't give up
1 deadmedium 2018-05-02
you are not an incel ally, you dont put the effort in to truly understand.
you're only here to steal attention from the one place dedicated to low SMV males. if you were truly an ally you would either leave or at the very least refrain from posting until you've reached a sufficient level of understanding to properly debate the points without having to be forcefed entry level information.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Any time I have argued it is because there are points that are wrong.
If you don't want to have to "force feed entry level information" how about you get together and make up your minds on what the basic information is? I've been paying attention, and commenting based on what people have been telling me here as well as experience and knowledge of the real world.
I'm not here to steal attention otherwise I would be posting thread after thread. This is only my third since I got here. I'm not going to leave, because leaving would not make me an ally. Allies stick with the people they are allied with.
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-02
She wants to become queen bee and build herself a nice, fat throng of orbiters. She even has mod backup.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-02
Fuck offal, we're not falling for the old doxroastie trick
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I'm not going to doxx anyone or out anyone for having come to see me unless they mention it first. What the hell would I do with the information anyway?
You are such a paranoid git, fuckwit. Some offers of kindness are just that.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-02
Hmm yes why on earth would our enemy possibly want to find and destroy us that would be so illogical
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
So if you see me as an enemy, don't accept the offer, stupid.
And why on earth would I want to destroy anyone?
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-02
Why do you spend hours every day here with us?
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I learn, I chat, I read, I post, I debate...
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-02
Lol different roasties say this on a monthly basis, but then leave after being bored with this sub
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
And yet I'm still here...
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-02
After how long? 5 days? 2 weeks? That ain't shit to us
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
And how long does a person have to be here before you'll actually consider them worthy of your attention?
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-02
Till that person helps everyone here get a girl
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Oh. Never then. Since none of you ever pay attention to any of the help offered.
1 TheBottomeOnePercent 2018-05-02
fine halp me. what is my first step slayer?
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
First step is if you really want help, DM me and we can talk about why you're incel and see if we can find solutions that will work for you.
Answers to getting a girl are not "one size fits all"
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-02
Show tits roastie
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
How about "no"?
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-02
Then get out. You can't do anything for us.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I can call you a snobbish little fuckwit who is quite happy to be alone and doesn't want help, just wants to sit and cry about being single and targeted because he can't get a girlfriend and some twat thought it would be a good idea to comment about the "incel rebellion" (and frankly, you guys probably have trouble with shoelaces, never mind a rebellion) before running over a load of people.
You don't want anyone to tell people you are not the monsters the media have been painting you? Pfft. I have no idea why I bothered educating a load of people about incels not being murderous little misogynist twatwaffles at the weekend then.
If you want to look at tits, you're on a fucking computer with the sodding internet, Google "PORN"
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-02
So much for being an "ally" bahahahahahaha.
If that is your picture in your profile... wow... we looksmatch, except you're a 60 something year old ginger roastie and are probably still getting dicked down by Normans left and right.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
No sex in this corner, and frankly, I'm not sure why I bother for people like you.
It's the people who aren't like you and who honestly would love to have a relationship that I'm here for. You just want to die alone moaning about being a virgin.
1 Rhodri_Kraakman 2018-05-02
when ur so pathetic that not even bluepilled betas will beta-orbit you, so you try to get incels to do so instead
1 Fadezzzz 2018-05-02
You're a fat ugly hag who deserves to be hung from a tree.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
And aren't you just a little ray of fucking sunshine that crawled out from under a rock?
1 brocel1234 2018-05-02
What the fuck is this?
1 BigLebowskiBot 2018-05-02
Obviously, you're not a golfer.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
What does it look like?
1 brocel1234 2018-05-02
I have no idea what bullshit you are trying to accomplish here. You type like an inceltears poster and are trying to force your fake ideology down our throats
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I've only posted on IT in one thread when it was sub of the day, when I defended incels.
Which fake ideology do you think I am trying to force with that post?
1 movielover2018 2018-05-02
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Welcome :)
1 IMogLikeAllOfYou 2018-05-02
Magrat I think you are really cool and I like having you round here.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Thank you :)
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-02
Why is this shit pinned? The last thing we need, besides a female mod, is some mod favorite queen bee.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
It's pinned on my own profile, nowhere else. To find it, you must have gone to my profile.
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
I wasn't suggesting people expend large amounts of money, time and effort. If there are people in the UK who don't mind a little travel, I do get around for reenactment events (Newark this weekend, Newbury, Sunderland and Gloucester later in the season) so it makes it slightly easier.
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-02
Yes I am certain of that because I understand the difficulties incels face better than you ever could.
Also, you're full of shit
1 MagratM 2018-05-02
Welcome :)