148  2018-05-02 by MajesticSubhuman


Make me, bishboi

Look how nice normieville is

It looks nice because of the bluepill. They'd live with sweet lies rather than the harsh truth. Which explains why Normieville looks great.

And the harsh truth is?

I am willing to bet that you guys are not significantly worse looking than your fathers, and you are literal proof that they were not celibate.

our fathers had us in a time before tinder existed


so you think tinder and perceived heightism is the reason you are an incel?

Combined with other reasons that contribute to the inflation of lookism. The media (particularly the movie industry) really isn't doing us any favours, nor is porn for that matter.

is lookism gender specific?

No, but men (ironically enough) get hit the hardest by it. A much larger portion of males will go a very long time without any kind of intimacy (very late 20s if not 30s), some will never experience it at all.

I once mistakenly believed it was worse for ugly women, but I've long since learnt otherwise. Truly unfortunate women are in the same boat as us, and they have my sympathy, though their number is far fewer than our own.

I think it is more jobism nowadays, no woman wants a man with a menial job nowadays unlike the past when most men had menial jobs where I live.

Yes, retard. Women hate short men, and the advent of tinder (among other social media apps) have made it easier for cunts to connect with more eligible and attractive men.

My father is a normie just like the 99% of the incels, learn how genetic recombination works illiterate.

Fuck it man. There's no winning with you guys. Go drown in your circle jerk of misery. For what it's worth, I wasn't implying that you haven't been dealt shitty cards or that your situation is your fault. I was just implying that it's stupid to lose hope even if you have been screwed over by fate.

Be like Guts from Berserk the world he lives in is hell bent on making him suffer but he's still standing...then agon he's a fictional character

Guts is a chad tho...........

Are you forgetting Guts totally got cucked with Casca?

Yes that is true but every other girl he meets along the way falls for him in seconds. It has been a while since I read the manga.

Same. I guess he bangs that demon chick in the 1st comic so he's no incel, but he also got molested as a kid and all that. Not very Chad, as far as anime protagonists go. But hey, nobody's a bigger pussy than Shinji.

False hope breeds disappointment. Disappointment breeds resentment. Resentment breeds hate.

Better not hope for anything and prepare for the worst.

The harsh truth is that I am ugly and an asshole. Why not make jokes about it?

I may be young enough, born 1992 but my parents met in 1977, a different world in regards to dating.



Why don't you step through that metaphorical door out of hell

cuz women start screeming and forcing us back into the hell they decided we deserve.

Society says we are not entitled.

And back to hell I go


Always a classic

But i like it here and I like you guys

As a "normie" I come here and try to never be a dick. I want to understand the people here better and help if I can. If that means just being nice to you guys I hope that is enough.

Fuck off.

Hey sorry to bug you. Hope your classes are going well.

Fuck you.

Ah coming here sometimes feels like the original r/incels. Even more so recently. It's cozy.

that's the goal bro.

Anybody who posts on IT needs instant ban


Nope not leaving i'm enjoying this dumpster fire way too much.

But I want to stay tho

Still thr best meme yet

I prefer hell

you should put jamal hiding behind the tree.


If you want normies and IT to stop bothering you, then perhaps a name change from Incel to _______ something else. You guys are always going to have issues if they know where you are. Once the media picks up on a name and trashes it, it’s time to find another. Just a thought.

But you give me a confidence boost :(

Wow it's so hard being you

This is really, really good. Ima make it my screensaver.

No thanks