if women can spot misoginy and bad personality ,why abusive relationship still exist ?

52  2018-05-02 by ankalafor



Kind but ugly guys don't give women orgasms, so no surprise there.

B-b-but personality matters!

Ever notice how all normans who tell their story of how they escaped "inceldom" never changed their personality.

I hate everyone who says “I used to be incel. xD”. Inceleldom is something you are born with and can’t escape by lifting, being kuhnfidant, doing PUA stufff etc. You can only get lucky but that’s as likely as winning the lottery.

Normie here, can confirm you're absolutely right.

Honest normie is honest.

No bullet for honest normie during the inceltifada. Maybe headpats.


Because some minority of women are subconsciously looking for a man who'll treat them just as shitty as their father did. Because that's what they think love is.

And this is logical(no are not, cause love don't mean physical abusive but ok) , but this is a very few minority.

And others?

These are the women I need to find

Why do I never encounted these women?

This always stumps the Normans. Their poor excuse is that Chad is good at hiding his personality lol.

and we're not good at hiding our supposed hatred and misogyny ?

well obviously, it can never be our subhuman looks

They're so delusional lol.

It's because their creepdars were in the repair shop for maintenance

you guys are dense or you don't listen to women. for fuck's sake. here's what happens.

when people end up in abusive relationships, it isn't because it started off that way. emotional manipulation is real and you can be the sweetest, most charming guy and still emotionally abuse someone. you start to slowly stretch their limits and destroy their autonomy. every small step seems like a normal thing, maybe a little compromise here and there, but once it escalates beyond a certain point, there's no turning back. you need to have a lot of courage and undo some of the abuse before you can actually get out of it. and men are significantly stronger than women, so there's always the physical threat. there could be family and property and kids involved too, so you end up being held hostage. this shit isn't a joke or a gotcha, this is real and vile abuse that happens and we need to empower women to reach out if they ever find themselves in this situation.

whoa it's lucky the female's superpowers work on currycels though. It sucks that these abusers can subvert the super sensing powers

chad and his giant cock fills her up real nice

Because abusers are good at love bombing and convincing their victims that any abuse is the victim’s fault.

So, you are telling me That, If I will become an abuser, I can actually get a girlfriend?

Joke aside, without look, you can love bombing what you want, but is still inefficient

No, you can get a girlfriend by being charismatic and charming regardless of looks. Maybe not the top tier 13-year old Stacy virgin that incels think they are entitled to, but someone.

I can't be charismatic and charming all the time. When I am not at the top what happens? I will be cheated?

we are not pedos you fucking retard

Some of you are definitely creeping into pedo territory.

Maybe not the top tier 13-year old Stacy virgin that incels think they are entitled to

Kill yourself dumb old hag

He chaaaanged gurrl :/ he started off so hot and nice tho :/

They're full of shit, like always.

my ex cheated on me and is now pregnant with a man who cheated on her for a 15yr old.

Sounds like the cunt got what she deserved

They never do, she definitely moved on to some new piece of crap.

its sui fuel we planned our future and kids and shit

Fucking degenerates lol.

its over

Most incels don't seem to think women shouldn't be abused. Makes it hard to think they'd treat a woman better if she was dating them instead, doesn't it?

I'd treat my girlfriend better than anyone can.

I'm not actually intending to challenge you on this - It's just late at night and I'm bored, and like talking about social theory, so feel free to ignore/answer facetiously.

What do you think 'good treatment' of a girlfriend would constitute? (Because obviously, it's a fact that many women are not in good relationships, so I'll say right off the bat you probably would be a better partner if you're not beating them or berating them.)

Take care off her. Listen to her. Try to help her out whenever I can. Be thoughtful of her needs. Not force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. Give affection to her.

Do you think your tolerance of people using words like "roastie" and "femoid" would change if you had a girlfriend that you cared about? Or would you be okay with these words being used to describe her?

I don't care. Unless someone said it to her specifically. Then I'll probably have a few words for them.

Fair enough. (And sounds fine; sane chicks don't care if they're called names as long as it doesn't impede their day.) +1 for good dialogue

I treat foids really well. Better than most other guys. I take them out on actual dates, etc.

It's a slow process. A lot of relationships don't start out abusive. The abuser starts out incredibly loving and seems genuinely lovely, and then slowly their treatment of their partner changes. And an abusive relationship is not abusive 24/7. The abuser generally knows when to let up and stop so that the person doesn't leave them. They are able to convince their partner that they will change and they are sorry, and it will last weeks or months, and then it will happen again. The process is generally so slow that the victim is convinced that what happened was a one off, and that the remorse the perpetrator expressed is genuine, until gradually it becomes normal or even, they are convinced they deserve to be treated that way. Their self confidence is completely shattered. Basically, these people are able to hide it very well and it is not always spottable.

there is no good guy in their worldview. you can either be Chad (somehow not misogynist???) or woman hater pretending to be good guy just to score, and therefore someone who deserves suffering

Many woman value being with Chad more than being loved in return. It's just like the desperate ugly guy who gets with an obvious user/gold digger.

It's called having low self esteem and thinking you don't deserve any better. Not everything is an argument in favour of your theory.

But if the guy is ugly magically this self steem problems disappear

See, that's the thing: I have never seen the looks theory that you guys all propagate confirmed in real life. It might just be because I live in Germany, but I swear, 90% of couples here are unevenly matched in favour of the guy, meaning: The guys are usually a couple of points lower than the girl, even considering the effects of makeup. So yeah, I have definitely experienced (only second-hand, of course) 'ugly' abusive guys being in relationships as well. But of course you will deny that because it doesn't fit into your world view - I get it, though, being lonely makes you biased. No judgement here

I'm not lonely at all, so no bias from it. It's just my experience and the experience of my friends and the guys who post here. If I was ugly I'd probably be a virgin, the multiple women I have fucked was because I passed their looks threshold and the ones I dates is because I passed their looks and personality threshold. Maybe living in germany you can be the biased one.

Oops, sorry, I wasn't paying attention to your username. I guess we all carry some bias with us - I just wish we could trade places since the US (I'm assuming) seems like a much friendlier place for someone like me and you'd have lower standards to combat with over here. Well, the grass is always greener, I guess.

I'm from the shithole called Brazil, I don't think you would like to switch places with me. I'm an IT worker so if I really wanted I could travel to anywhere in the world because IT jobs are global, but I wouldn't travel for germany or nordic countries. I love your culture and how you guys are civilized people, but I imagine german women being blonde, tall and beautiful while I'm light-brown, short (5'9'') and just normal, they would probably see me as a subhuman who should leave the country asap, I'd be more depressed than I am now and life would suck more.

I am from Italy, and their standards are more high than the tower of Pisa.

Dude I really can't imagine living in any European white country, like they must look at me as a subhuman trash latino invader. Unfortunately life is hard for brown people just for being brown, some of us can't afford living in another countries, it's a rigged game.

I can relate, I am brown (Mediterranean), and even if I am Italian from 8 generation, I am seen like a creepy guy, because yeah, Nordic white skin is a God gift.

can you please answer my comment about living in other countries? I'd like to have a different point of view of an european woman.

Yeah, of course. Basically, blonde, tall and beautiful women make up maybe 10% of the population. If they are pretty, German women are mostly pretty in a non-threatening way - they don't really make themselves up, they're not very feminine and, most importantly, they genuinely do not have the standards that you think they might. As I mentioned, most German girls are with a guy that is below their league, and I really don't mean to be deprecating; that's just the reality of it, even though 99% percent of people here would dispute it.

From what I've experienced (granted, I don't really have a lot of social contacts, so I'm talking about things I've heard peripherally during school and uni mostly), German girls do not view guys as subhuman, no matter what they look like, and you really do not have to be white to be a potential romantic partner. Actually, a lot of girls are into the 'exotic' type, whatever that means. I don't think I've ever heard any of my acquaintances openly laugh at a guy or make fun of him or anything like that - I feel like if it happens at all, then it happens to overweight girls. That's just what I've experienced - make what you will of it.

Thank you for answering me, it's funny how different some cultures are. You're a good /r/braincels invader so props for you :D

Haha, thank you :D

No lol.

Wow, someone went to debate class and has all the insight into the female psyche 😒

It's called Chad making your clit tingle lmao.

Yeah, sure, because being abused and beaten is worth an experience that any vibrator can give you - I'm sure that's all there is to it. 😒

Yeah no chick ignores red flags ever in order to secure her Chad. Yup, never happens.

Some men are very good at hiding it until they know there’s a certain level of attachment/dependence

Sooooo.... Looks.

Nah I’ve dated some ugly guys who were nice at first and turned out to be assholes. I don’t know maybe I’m ugly too haha

Ugly guys normally are the good ones. Know from experience. The Chad are always bastard shitholes, but they are 10/10 so nobody remember their shitty personality.

Oh yeah I’ve met a lot of ugly good guys but I have dated assholes who weren’t even that good looking, that could be due to my low self esteem though

It answer it self so, just don't date assholes. Simple as that.

The point I was trying to make is that a lot of assholes are very good at hiding it for the first few months of dating

And the point I was trying to make is we get discarded just for our aspects,not our personality, like some normies are trying to convince us.

They just tells us the lies that you female can spot bad behavior but it's not like that.

It's only the external who counts.

Oh I think I misunderstood your initial point, I definitely agree that we as women can have trouble spotting misogyny and other bad traits and this can happen easier if a guy is good looking due to the psychological halo effect but I was trying to explain that sometimes men are able to deliberately hide those parts of themselves in order to get with women and there are additionally a lot of non chads who have these traits but they might not get away with it as much

It's called gaslighting. It's called isolating the victim slowly. It's called having a charming facade that is believable.

So.... Looks.

Not looks. Appearance, which includes personality and not even necessarily about being good-looking at all. They have all the appearance of being a nice, kind, gentle, caring person, and over time turn into complete fucking arseholes, and sometimes extremely dangerous ones at that.

So..... Looks.

Even ugly guys, like my sister's husband, can be abusers. It's not just about looks.

Because sex and genetics dont give a fuck about any of that stuff.

If people can spot unhealthy foods, why does obesity still exist?

Nice question, obesity is just something very resolvable.

It's called Chad making your clit tingle lmao.