Modern Western Family

90  2018-05-02 by phakahn



Not stblackops?

Why is the nintendo switch in particular seen as the cuck console?

Because Nintendo is for children?

I know it's for children but I still play Zelda, Mario, and Metroid here and there, does that make me less attractive to females than I already am?

No, it doesn't make you less attractive to females. The whole "cuckity buxity beta" shit isn't about attractiveness to women at all, it's just about men judging other men.

Only if you play man-child video games like the ones you mentioned.

I just play them casually every now and then, not obsessed with them like average redditor. Anyway, what's a real man's game?

Best guess- A first person military shooter Ver 12

Crusader Kings? What is manlier than DEUS VULT?

You can enjoy them just don't be a fucking soyboy who takes pictures of themselves with their mouth wide open.

I don't take pictures of myself, I'm afraid of cameras.

Same here my friend, Same here. 😐 Even though I meme about the Nintendo switch I still want one.

I still have a Wii U, all the best Switch games are Wii U ports so I see no reason to get one.

I have a Wii U as well, That's true. I'll get one probably a year from now when the price drops some more.

there's a stereotype (promoted by both sides) that macho/sexist gamers play military shoot em ups and social justice gamers play cute nintendo games as an alternative. Not to say nintendo isn't awesome.

because pictures of numales holding a nintendo switch with their mouths open basically kickstarted the soyboy meme

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nintendo hasn't been making top tier consoles since the SNES & N64 days, they just make childrens toys now, if you're an adult and get excited for a Switch you probably have low test and make le soyface.

I don't care about the quality of their consoles, I still like their games. Don't have a switch though.

a lot of social justice men make a big deal out of nintendo to show cute games being promoted over violent shoot em ups that the sexists play.

Every family in US, UK and Cuckanada

did u draw this?

impossible.... no chad would ever fuck that.

Trust me, I don’t get it, but I know attractive dudes who strictly fuck fat chicks. It’s nasty, but everyone’s got their fetish.

this is a great meme lotta stuff going on

Thats a Chadlet, shkrter then a cuck and a feminist landwhale😂

The weak should fear the strong

Where's the black bull?

Best guess- A first person military shooter Ver 12

Crusader Kings? What is manlier than DEUS VULT?