Marriage in the 21st century.

201  2018-05-01 by moggedbyall


Brutal, so accurate.

You don’t go to jail for inability to make child support payments due to loss of job- you file for a modification of child support which will typically put a hold on the payments or reduce them to a percentage of your income after the firing

This is just more nonsense

It's fucking true, every stage

Okay sweetie sure thing

What the fuck do you know about married life.

You have no idea what married life is.

you really think because we are not married we no nothing of Marriage itself?

you fucken retard

Most of you couldn't even take a bra off without help.

Muh 3rd grade english

my ego has been crushed for real.

Yes, exactly.

Unless you have money to get an expensive lawyer the best case scenario is that the woman gets a new house paid for by the tax payer.

My parents were married and this is pretty much exactly what happened with their marriage.

Hang on, if you were the kid in the marriage, you should have automatically believed all your mother's lies and hated your father, and he would have died alone without anyone understanding his position.

I'm not a kid anymore. I have enough perspective to see what happened. Plus, my mother was too incompetent to tell convincing lies about my dad, who did die alone without anyone understanding his position.

My parents are still married and none of this happened. Huh. I guess the scientific evidence says it's literally a 50/50 coin flip!

I have a friend who had exactly the same happen to him except the prison rape part.

You think he'd tell you if he got raped in prison?

Yep, he is my close friend, we talk about everything.


Why are you worried about marriage? It is probably the last thing you have to be worried about.

You're like a fish afraid of skydiving.

one question. DO YOU FUCKIN KNOW ME? get the fuck out and be "witty" in your cave/forest where you live (oh y and now tell me stories about your wife waiting for you in 100 acre castle)

You have after 50 posts on this sub.

I think I know you. You all aren't that hard.

Constantly complain about women and then wonder why no woman wants to date you. A winning combination.

ture but why is that one guy black

Because of the BBC.

There's also a white guy at the bottom. Being black is not the point, being a Chad or Tyrone is.

ok forget my criticism

Technically, all of them were black. That dude just had a bigger head.


top tier potd

100% accurate

This is what you have to look forward to if you somehow escape

This scares the shit out of me.

It should

We are wiser we have taken the black pill so if we ever do escape and find ourselves in that position we will always be one step ahead and can plan according. The pic OP posted is of normies and bluepills i.e most of society who doesn’t know the true nature of women

Life is not pleasant lol.

And you tell MGTOW is cope?

I get their point, they're rightfully wary. But this doesn't mean I don't want marriage, a functional one - not like in OP. Going MGTOW is cope for me. Many people there are 40+ divorcees and chads and what not. They've had functional girlfriends and everything. For us even girlfriend isn't a possibility.

MGTOW isn't cope, being sent your own way but continuing to go your own way after that isn't cope.

I agree, people who say mgtow isn't a cope are dumb and misunderstand mgtow. Sure, if women weren't cunts that do things like this, they wouldn't have to be "sent their own way"

I mean if you can't play the game, might as well take all your marbles home and say you never wanted to play. And sneer at everyone else.

And sneer at everyone else.

You're deluded if you think MGTOW is about being smug or acting superior to everyone else.

MGTOW is just Transcendentalism-lite. Anything besides Ted Kaczynski nature-man style of living is surrogate activity cope.

Women are just women. This is the fault of beta males.

100% accurate

That’s not true but whatever


You are a hero. This is the kind story I repeatedly see in MGTOW. The guys there would tell stories of how they have been divorced by promiscuous women. Lies, drama, cheating, and gaslighting.

I’ve known quite a few older dudes who struggle like that in real life. It’s definitely real.

Sure, and there are plenty of women who have been abused and raped, but only the most insane feminist would say all relationships are like that. Grats on being the male equivalent to the that

Are you a woman?

Scary shit

This pretty much happened to my uncle. He didn't see his son (my cousin) 'til he was 18. Pretty fucked up. Females do have more "power" in the custody situation. But I take it more as a warning to truly know the character of the person you're marrying before you marry them. The signs are there.

Ah another quality celpost.

suicide fuel

This is so fucking retarded. Have you consider not marrying or impregnating these hoes?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

lol i ain't a chooser. Just posted this brutalpill for info for fellow incels. Doesn't apply to me since I never had any meaningful interaction with a foid.

i'm just saying that there's a very simple and obvious solution to this problem: don't marry or impregnate thots

Good solution. But thotdom can infect a foid even post marriage.

Deathfuel.. but still good shit this case incels are dodging a bullet by not getting laid or finding love? Or is it that fuck love but still get laid?

Its just really meant as a black pill. Marriage is a very far away destination for incels. Even friendly interaction with a girl is a foreign concept.

This is the the jpg equivalent of a small pox blanket. I cannot believe this meme keeps growing, i guess endless insecurity is fertile ground.

Please get help you sad strange nerds.

Everything up to jail for child support can and has happened before. Women have more legal rights than men. That is fact.

If you post on this sub what are you worried about paying child support?

Not really worried just commenting on the post's topic.

Just because it can happen doesnt mean its the default you goony prick.

It's more common than you think. Divorce rates are around 30% in the US within 10 years. And in divorces men getting fucked over by women is the default. Like I said before women have more legal rights than men. As demonstrated clearly in this comment.

Pretty scary; women can legally fuck you over on a whim. In such an easy system to game it's basically a certainty there will be women who scheme to divorce rape or divorce at the slightest hint of discomfort. That's why memes like this exist because there are people it can and has happened to because the law allows it to happen.

You cannot seriously believe an anecdotal Reddit comment, which itself cites nothing, is an actual source. That's less than nothing. Particularly when the entire fictional situation could be avoided by wearing a condom.

I'm a law student, i study law, i should be doing ti right now instead of talking to Incels who think their inability to make good relationship choices is somehow societies fault. The legal inequities that Incel's claim are lurking around every corner just don't exist on the scale they claim.

I did not say it did it's a hypothetical. The purpose of it is to demonstrate the rights women have over men. I don't think your occupation is relevant to the conversation.

The link you posted says it's hypothetical in the first few lines dude, did you read your own argument? It's not demonstrative of anything because it's not supported by anything, it's just a quasi-anecdotal claim.

You don't think my studying law has anything to do with your hyperbolic claims about the law? Yeah i guess if i was spouting nonsense i wouldnt want to talk to someone who knew what they were talking about either.

It's not demonstrative of anything because it's not supported by anything

Lol what is this vague nonsense. It's supported by the laws because the laws are true. What are you trying to even trying to say here women don't have those rights?

If you claim something to be true, and moreover that it is obviously and ubiquitously true, you should be able to support that idea with more than a reddit comment.

The only claim I've made is women have more legal rights than men. I linked that comment because the legal rights women have are embedded in that narrative. The "women can fuck you over part" is an opinion I drew from that. There is nothing to prove.

Thats a piece of speculative fiction, it isn't proof of anything.

It's not entirely speculative because it is based on legal actions women can take. It's not designed to prove women have those legal rights; it's just utilizing them to make a hypothetical. No proof is needed for those legal rights because they are legal rights. If you don't see that then you're being willfully dense.

Let me just state it partly for you: In a relationship 1. Woman can stop taking birth control without the man's consent 2. Woman can withhold pregnancy from man until it starts showing 3. Woman can decline abortion procedure regardless of if man wants baby

You can do the rest

None of what you just said shows that women have rights greater then men in the law.

  1. Men can also lie about birth control
  2. The law doesn't force anyone to tell people anything, barring situations like conviction of a sex crime or being under oath.
  3. People cannot be made to undergo surgery against their consent.

None of this shows an imbalance, it's just the application of law.

I at least understand what you were getting at now. I was too unclear before.

But I'd argue it does given when pregnancy happens the baby belongs to both parties so both parties should have equal say. Since there's not an exception to the laws you stated in the case of a relationships, it puts women in an advantageous situation. As the situation gets more extreme men are at even more of a disadvantage.

  1. Women can deny paternity tests
  2. Women can put any name on birth certificate
  3. Child support checks in woman's name instead of child's.

But point taken. I guess it's more women having control of the baby that gives them the legal advantage than having more legal rights.

  1. So can men, and typically if a woman does she forfeits the right to support.
  2. No they can't. The father has to complete an affadavit.
  3. Babies don't have checking accounts. And if the father has custody child support is given to him.

You're just wrong dude.

Good points on the other points. But changing number 2 to

"Women can put your name on birth certificate even if you're not sure you're the father."

That's clearly a disadvantageous situation for the man.

Dude they cannot legally do that. The father has to sign a legal document saying they are the father.

Ok lol I lost this argument. That was my last weak attempt.

And if the father has custody child support is given to him

But to this I say women win custody more often. And only 5% of mothers pay child support compared to 85% of fathers after custody battle. I still think men are at a disadvantage due to how the law is enforced but that's a different argument. You have convinced me women do not have more legal rights.

I appreciate your ability to change your view when presented with new ideas. And for what it's worth, there are disparities in the way the legal system treats men and women. But the reasons for that tend to have less to do with active efforts by women and more to do with societal expectations informing law.

I especially appreciate you listening to me after i was rude to you, i apologize. Sometimes i get very upset about the misinformation that's out there.

Particularly when the entire fictional situation could be avoided by wearing a condom

People fuck up. But in a fairer system men would have actions to take to protect them against fuck up. In this scenario the man is completely at the mercy of the woman after she gets pregnant.

Even if he tried to have protected sex, if the condom doesn't work or worse she pokes or steals his condom same result. So the guy may not have fucked up at all yet he's still powerless. So now there's a motivation in real life for women to manipulate like this because all it takes is one night to lock up years of child support. Rich and powerful men like athletes are often the target of this. If you give women unfair advantages like these they will take advantage.

You have yet to show any compelling evidence that any of that exists, let alone that it's ubiquitous.

I don't have to prove anything since that was never the argument. Given women's legal rights they have the advantage in relationships. Since they have the advantage in relationships they can take advantage of relationships.

This happend to me for 75 %

I lost my lifes work in my divorce

Hey, DEPRESSION_IS_COOL, just a quick heads-up:
happend is actually spelled happened. You can remember it by ends with -ened.
Have a nice day!

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Cucked by Tyrone twice

How the hell would any of you guys know what married life is.

You are some of the least qualified on this topic.

observation and anecdote.

You don't even know enough to ask a girl out on a date. You don't know enough to form anything resembling a relationship and you don't know jack shit about being married.

If you can't even take a woman's bra off without help you are the least qualified to say what marriage is or isn't.

slick reply dude!

If you are like the rest of them you shouldn't really ever worry about being married since it will never happen.

I was married

Anyone who has seen one of their parents male friends go through a divorce knows this is what it's like. Yes, there's the 5% of women who will divorce gracefully but it's rare and you only really see that on TV.

You all can't handle asking a girl on a date

You can't handle being in a relationship.

You really have no idea what marriage is like.

And why the hell do you care anyway. Per your choice, you all think you can't get a girl anyway.

This should be the last thing you should be worried about.

Is this some poem? I'm not an incel I'm a solid 7/10 6'0 white male. Asking a girl out isn't that difficult.. worst case scenario she says no.

95 percent of this community doesn't think that way. I'm speaking to them.

This entire post is like going to Arby's and then complaining that BBQ tastes like shit.

True. It was meant more as a black dispense.

You all can't handle asking a girl on a date

Many of us did and were rejected.

You can't handle being in a relationship.

Some of us managed to land a relationship. Some failed, some still go on but our dissonance between what we were taught and what we encountered still stays with us, a.k.a. the blackpill.

You really have no idea what marriage is like.

We've got a selected few who actually know what marriage is. Besides, many of us grew in dysfunctional families, contributing to our cynicism.

So perhaps you should stop talking out of your ass?

Wow. you got rejected by a girl and then you became bitter. Your choice pal.

Wallow away here. Enjoy the prison of your own making.

Wow. you got rejected by a girl and then you became bitter.


Wallow away here. Enjoy the prison of your own making.

Didn't ask for your blessing. Now go away.

I would rather watch.

You guys are. One day you will post how all women suck. The next you will jealous of people in relationships.

I would rather watch.

Can't say anything about that. Enjoy, I guess?

You guys are. One day you will post how all women suck. The next you will jealous of people in relationships.

Reformat these three sentence into one coherent one and try again.

You posted two times on this topic. Are you legit butthurt?

We don't have to taste poisonous chemicals to know they could kill you.

For a bunch of people who hate women you sure do want their attention.

we have their attention, its their affection we want.

So hating on women is a great way to show a girl that you are boy friend material. That works every time.

I'm sure you are only a few anti woman comics from having a girl.

This is why you're an incel

Fuck off you retard.

How the hell would any of you guys know what the moon is? You've never even been there.

so don't get married if you really think this is how it works

It is how it really works. Yes I have made that mistake once but not twice.

So American Beauty?

They didn't divorce, did they?

Idk Kevin spacey just dies

Yeah, but because of retarded neighbor. But the life in the at movie is shit too. The wife is horrible, so are neighbors and all the kids.





Sometimes I look at countries like Saudi Arabia and envy them. They have their women under control, marriage is taken seriously, and femininity is encouraged. Maybe organized religion is what we need. Maybe we all just need to invade a country, establish the law and order of St. BlackOps2Cel, and live in peace and happiness. Tinder would be banned. Divorce would only be permitted with His approval. Marriage would be a requirement, therefore reducing the hypergamy of woman and enabling all men to procreate. Women would be genetically re-programmed to prefer ugly men.

Until that happens it's over.

I agree unironically.

To think there are (millions of) people out there BETA enough to let this happen smh.

Not worthy of being called a MAN!!!! Imagine getting cheated on and letting her influence kids without taking revenge lmao.




`Holy shit, make this sticky. This is a brutral blackpill.

Brutal MarriagePill

Many people have a magic fairy tale picture of marriage

We need to wake them up


Fucking lol. So much truth.

Loved the bit with Tyrone in jail. Great work dude

This post is true. If you are delusional just take a look at the following subs:

r/survivinginfidelity r/divorce r/MGTOW

This is not even close to reality, marriage is amazing.

Why make a comic about something you know nothing about?

Hahaha top level satire

Check r/survivinginfidelity and r/divorce

More than 40 % of marriages end each year

Meaning 60 percent are going strong.

Sure. You can take the gamble. I don't want to take it again its not worth it and I recommend every sane person to stand with me.

I'm sorry you feel that way and I honestly hope in time you heal from what happened to you and give love another chance.

Thanks 💜

replace jail with cancer and it's 100% a true story

So supposedly this is a sub for people that have never had sex/been in a long term relationship.

Yet they claim that they know the "truth" about relationships and marriage and women and all that stuff.

How can this be the case? Casual observation? That's like me claiming to be a doctor because I've seen House and Grey's Anatomy. I have to assume that this is all some kind of edgy joke at this point.

Pig Stye rolls around in mud and eats it until, and then after, he vomits.

Mudcel puts mud on a petri dish, examines it under a microscope while noting his observations on pen and paper, and reads numerous written accounts of others' experiences with mud.

Clearly, Mr. Stye knows more about mud than Mudcel. How can you know a thing about something you've never experienced?

Hey man if you want to eat mud all day that's your prerogative. Maybe if you brushed after you'd get more dates.

Why is it that the people you all seem to hate are happier in general? You talk about marriage and women like they're some kind of terrible force in your lives. Yet you all are pining for sex and these sort of connections.

I'm just trying to understand. Does everyone here blame everyone else for their problems? Women, "chads", anyone else I'm missing?

The id wants sex and relationships with women. The superego wants to avoid the likely consequences of those things. This creates a situation in the incel's mind where he resents his own base desire for sex and relationships. How is this hard to understand?

I too have read Freud. Though in recent decades his ideas have been largely discredited as fictious or having little basis in reality.

The super ego is also defined in a broader sense as social expectations acting upon the subject. For example, we tend to not steal due to society condemning criminals and the shame that it would bring.

The Id is attributed to base sexual desires though, which is normal in people. However by your definition you would be implying that society doesn't want you to have sex. Why do you feel that way?

I would say that society encourages sexual behavior, why do you feel singled out as excluded from this?

Society mocks and discourages sexual behavior in people who are ugly.

Because women don't sleep with you when you ask?

I'm not exactly good looking myself but I've never felt discouraged from exploring my sexuality.

The language on this sub is also hypocritical if that's the case. Ive seen so many comments about "land whales" and "2/10" girls like they're the problem as well.

when you ask?

What an outlandish little assumption you've made here. Maybe learn a bit about incels before proselytizing to them.

What I've learned is is that some people believe that it is due to genetics that females are not selecting them because of this factor outside of their control. That you feel stigmatized because women reject all of your advances and society as a whole seems to give special treatment to "attractive" men.

There also seems to be a culture of wanting to reinstate hetero-normative values , something along the line of "father knows best". Feminism is a social evil and the Cause of so much misery for your group.

Am I somewhere in the ball park? Please tell me what I got wrong or provide an explanation yourself.

Pretty much.

Now, think about how silly it is to assume that people with this level of learned helplessness directly ask random women to sleep with them.

If you want to meet women you have to go out and meet women. It is 90% attitude and if you think about yourself as a loser and act like a loser then women are going to pick up on that and think you're a loser.

If the number one concern of yours in appearance then change it. Someone above was talking about modifying women to love ugly men. I hope he was kidding because that kind of talk is bat shit insane.

You and you alone are in charge of your destiny. People come up from nothing all the time and make something of yourself. It will take effort and it won't be easy and you'll fail along the way but if you don't try then you won't ever improve and you'll be stuck like this until you die

Sorry, but I don't take social advice from autists.

You're going to die alone and friendless with that attitude. I genuinely feel sorry for you. I hope you grow out of this.

Ive been married for 7 years and have been a lower tier normie all my life

I'm not saying infidelity doesn't exist or that it doesn't happen. Or even that these situations never occur. OP is saying with this post is that this is what to expect from marriage in the 21st century.

Also I don't get how being a 4.75 out of 10 would even matter or what it means.

Yes this is what to expect from marriage in the 21th century. You can check my post history I have written a short piece about the future of human relationships and sexuality. The only advice I can give is to not get married.

Your end game post right? How we should replace women with robots for companionship?

An interesting idea, I'm sure a sci-fi artist gas talked about this as well at some point or another.

As a commenter pointed out though, children fare better in all aspects of their lives when two people are involved. It is natural for humans to mate and couple and raise their children together. Even societies that have subverted the domestic home have raised children in social environments.

Without this dynamic of the parental couple, I feel like it will,only have negative effects on future generations. To write off marriage as a whole seems reckless and hasty.

Good point!

incels dont get married

I know. This was just a black pill post.

This is so fucking stupid.

Do you people honestly believe this? Shit that happens in the movies doesnt always happen IRL

They never show incels in movies, yet here we are. This is not for normies and chads. But applies for the fringe groups - like mentalcels or betabux numales.

Who cares about movies? Honestly.

Some women cheat. Some women dont. Generalizing like that is insane.

What if i said every incel is a maniac who runs down people on the sidewalk in a van?

You forgot the part where the mom is caught drinking while being pregnant and drinks a lot as a single mother and the state STILL doesn't let the dad get custody until after years of legal battles.

Sorry for you anon. Hope you drown in pussy someday and forget about the pain.

I would be better if he blew his brains out in the last pic.

Sometimes I see posts where I feel sorry for you, these self delusional ones are a little annoying though. Most support groups try to lick each other up, but mostly you use racist words and tell each other you're ugly and you'll never be happy, I really don't think thats helpful, why don't you talk about ways to be happy that don't involve women?

You might actually end up getting women by accident, if not well at least you've got a shred of comfort doing other things rather than winding each other up and lying to yourselves

This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen on here, and that's quite a feat.

Again though, if you actually believe this stupidity, why are you angry or unhappy? You're smarter and better off than everyone else by avoiding relationships with the 100% horrible female, shouldn't you all be celebrating and masturbating with delight?

Except like none of that tho?

Such a cope.

It's the extended cut

you really think because we are not married we no nothing of Marriage itself?

you fucken retard

Unless you have money to get an expensive lawyer the best case scenario is that the woman gets a new house paid for by the tax payer.

My parents were married and this is pretty much exactly what happened with their marriage.

I have a friend who had exactly the same happen to him except the prison rape part.

Sure. You can take the gamble. I don't want to take it again its not worth it and I recommend every sane person to stand with me.


Who cares about movies? Honestly.

Some women cheat. Some women dont. Generalizing like that is insane.

What if i said every incel is a maniac who runs down people on the sidewalk in a van?

The link you posted says it's hypothetical in the first few lines dude, did you read your own argument? It's not demonstrative of anything because it's not supported by anything, it's just a quasi-anecdotal claim.

You don't think my studying law has anything to do with your hyperbolic claims about the law? Yeah i guess if i was spouting nonsense i wouldnt want to talk to someone who knew what they were talking about either.

If you claim something to be true, and moreover that it is obviously and ubiquitously true, you should be able to support that idea with more than a reddit comment.