Just another Inceltears cuck

31  2018-05-01 by MajesticSubhuman


Tyrone couldn't afford a Switch on EBT

Don't make Stacy's bull look bad!

Stacy doesn't have a bull, rather, a constant rotating list of Chad's and tyrones. It's usually the feminists and married used up roasties who want open relationships who have them

Numales are pathetic

I don't why but Ive always found this image disgusting for some reason.

Why the fuck do they all look the same? Same beard. Same glasses. Same receding hairline. Same horrific expression with mouth agape. It is like they are all produced from a lab or something

I know. As soon as I start to lose my hair I am shaving that shit off. None of this receding hairline beta cuckery.

Take finasteride you moron

Honestly, I don't care about losing it. I just care about not having a receding hairline. I'm fine with being bald.

I can never play my Switch again because of this sub. Thanks fuckers.

Holy shit. This can’t be real. Is it real? If it is, then holy mother of god, this just takes it to a whole ‘nother level of soyboy beta I’ve ever seen!

The Switch wasn't even out 2 years ago

its shooped you autist

Damn I didn't realize that when I pointed out that the Switch wasn't out 2 years ago

he could totally be in a poly triangle where his wife and him have a 3rd male partner?

It says that this post was posted 2 years ago, but didn’t the switch come out in March of 2017, which was 1 year ago?

This title is fake

I still can’t get over how much of a massive cuck he is. Cuckity cuckity cuckity cuck.

Y’all make fun of this man yet he still gets laid more than you 😂