Good old meme from the depths of r/incels

45  2018-05-01 by IsThisRealReddit


So what’s the beef with InCell tears? Seems like you guys don’t get along much. I don’t know anything about it

IncelTears just come here and bully and mock us because we are virgin males.

Some even PM us and tell us to kill ourselves.

Don't you guys always comment how you are going to kill yourself as well?

how many comments are there about ropes?


You can't be that upset about people telling you to kill yourself when I see rope comments from you all on the regular.

You actually think it's ok for people to encourage them to go do it, yeah you're a good person bro

They are just playing by your rules.

You can't be upset with another group for doing this thing and then do that same exact thing on the regular.

If you really want to be upset with that then be upset when anyone makes a rope reference. But those comments slide by without a care in the world.

Therea a difference between spite and empathy.

You can't really complain about other people if they are simply doing what you all are doing to yourself.

Rope comments are allowed here. They are just playing by your rules.

Rope comments are allowed here.

Lol. You're aware there's a difference between the comisseration between incels and the suicide encouragement from IT users, right?

You can't ask for a damm thing you don't give yourself.

So when suicidal people commiserate about their feelings, it's completely okay for fuckwads to waltz in and tell said suicidal people to kill themselves because they hold said people in contempt.

You are a really special one, aren't you.

He's an absolute moron.

That's putting it mildy.

Extremely low iq comment.

I'm playing by your rules. Of course it is stupid.

You bring up suicide all the time. It is almost a fetish on this sub. And then you get shocked, and I mean shocked, when others say that exact same thing.

It's called context.

The fuck it is.

You all are ignoring any marriage that doesn't meet your criteria so you can jump up and down when you find one that does.

It is called selection bias. It is the same as if I took just this sub to state that all men can't get laid.

I would be doing the same exact thing. Quit yer bullshit.

So InCell tears aren’t even incells?

theyre numales

Thanks I’ll have to check

You‘re new her? You thought IncelTears is an incel sub?

New to Reddit, I’ve been pretty fascinated with you guys for quite some time. I did think it was in InCell sad, I guess I didn’t pay very close attention.

New to Reddit as a user or new to reddit in general?

What is „InCell sad“ ?

And I meant, I did think incell tears was an Incell sub.

Please stop writing „incell“

This shit triggers me

No problem, I can be mindful of your fragility. What am I supposed to write, am I putting in an extra L?


Ha! You’re the one talking about being triggered and telling me how I really need to learn how to use shit.

What is going on with you? I genuinely tried to help you man... it‘s just that people won‘t get a notification if you don‘t reply their comment and only reply to the post, like you did with me.

And yes, I was triggered because you wrote „inCell“ the whole time and not „incel“. Even there I just tried to help you and corrected you man


Whats the difference here? Both of us are ugly. This is nothing but a cope post.

The difference is that we are gymcelling and not cucks


Sad was a typo. I’ve had a Reddit account for a year, but I only started really using it recently

So did you just browse reddit or not use reddit at all?

You should really really learn how to use Reddit. You never answer my comments and just leave a random comment in the post. Luckily it‘s my post so I can see it.

What are you the Reddit police?

No, just wondering and trying to help you

Just said you did not reply to my comment, you just replied to my post. If it wasn‘t my post, I wouldn‘t have seen that comment

I’m not sure what I didn’t reply to. Telling me, “you should really learn how to use Reddit,“doesn’t really sound like you’re trying to be helpful, it sounds like trying to be a dick.

Ok then sorry for the words I used

Didn‘t try to be dickish at all, just wanted to help you

Are you autistic? I’m not trying to be a dick or make a joke, I am legitimately curious.

Once again, you didn‘t reply to my comment and just posted a comment in my post. Once again I will explain you that the only reason I got a notification is because it‘s my post.

No I‘m not autistic, how come you‘re asking that?

And I never said you‘re a dick or you made a joke. Why are you suggesting I did?

It‘s no problem that you‘re curious.

It must be some glitch, because every time I reply I hit that reply arrow.


It's over for gymcells.

You actually think it's ok for people to encourage them to go do it, yeah you're a good person bro

No, just wondering and trying to help you

Just said you did not reply to my comment, you just replied to my post. If it wasn‘t my post, I wouldn‘t have seen that comment