Tinder is real life

41  2018-05-01 by fukworld



I heavily dislike Tinder. Lucky for me there is Grindr. But yeah, women despise cuteness in men.

can confirm. being a fag is great. literally impossible to not get laid.

Is grindr better?

Yeah it is. I went from invisible to women, to everyone assuming that I am a cute twink who is willing to bottom. At least, I know I am wanted there.

Wait what, are you bi or homosexual?

Why not bi-curious. Being unwanted by women drove me to that path. Also, men are much better lovers than the so called sympathetic women.

Oh i just read that grindr is for gays. I thought it just another dating app like Tinder.

Damn, I had hope, but so there‘s no hope for me on these Apps.

But yeah, just once again proves that femoids are just way way more superficial than men. And true, men at least care about feelings. Femoids only about Sex.

Would you actually enjoy getting fucked by other men or do it just because femoids are cruel creatures?

Why not both? Besides, I've been fingered twice and I bottomed once. Anyways, femoids have driven me there.

Ok, is it a nice experience?

It sure is. I like making out with men. But getting fingered is a mix of pain and pleasure if that makes sense.

I see

Bottom must hurt like hell

Yeah. At least the top makes out with the bottom to loosen him up.

Damn, i wish I was bi like you

agreed. it’s literally how women rate people in real life. If they like what they see they’ll “swipe”.

So true

Femoids know they can easily get fucked by a Chad over Tinder. So why would they consider a sub8 male offline?

This is what normies don't understand

So go for the girls that don't use tinder. :P

They also know they can get Chad. Don‘t fool yourself

The chads are not constantly available

Do you think they fucking care? Of course they will wait for chad. Don‘t assume they will fill the time out with incels.

There is somebody out there for everyone


Just world fallacy

The women on tinder are looking for people to fuck and that’s it. It would be majority looks based. In real life you’re interacting with women who are not necessarily just looking to bang though.

It affects the dating prospects for ugly men any way you spin it.

It affects the fucking prospects for ugly men. The dating prospects are certainly affected by looks but not to that ridiculous degree like on tinder. Try okcupid instead, it’s not just a fuckfest!

Have you seen the statistics on OKCupid? They are terrible.

What statistics?

Oh sweetie

This is the biggest debunker of virtually every claim redditors make about Tinder:


I've said this many times, but it's ridiculous to think that females just warp into Chad-chasing robots the minute they download a mainstream social app (it simply facilitates a pre-existing tendency).

Just as ridiculous is to think that females merely want to use the largest functioning online dating platform (in the US) as a way to just get fucked by a new hot guy whenever the moment strikes them. If they're engaging in that behavior online, then they do the exact same shit in real life. Why is it reasonable to think that females seek out relationships in real life and 'meaningless' sex in real life depending on their moods, but only seek out meaningless sex online?

In other words, if Tinder is a hook-up app, then real life is a hook-up app.

Wow actual research.

I literally just spent one to two hours making this fairly original post (I didn't just pull the idea or research from the manosphere, nor do I remember anyone making this exact point)...


And I'm sure it'll wind up getting like three points

My friend doesn't like Facebook because "it makes people do bad shit". But that's not true. It doesn't make them do bad shit, it just brings out the bad shit that's already in there.

Same with what you're saying about Tinder. That isn't some other person they suddenly split into. It's just a way for the worse parts of them to come out, then they try to hide them.

In other words, if Tinder is a hook-up app, then real life is a hook-up app.

Well I'm stealing that.


Just meat girls in real life, brah

This is what normies don't understand

So go for the girls that don't use tinder. :P