Just become a top 5 pitcher in the MLB bro, you’ll have 10/10s all over you

37  2018-05-01 by BettyCogburn


Most guys in the MLB are good looking and of course tall. What a shock.


That 10/10 though. XD Why even try?

just a fat stacy, will have a big tits and massive ass whens she slims down for instagram photos

She's an MLB pitcher?

Btw if it wasn’t obvious, I don’t think this is a 10/10. My title was in jest.

He’s a rich, Chad-lite MLB superstar and settles for a 3/10 whale.

Why should he have to date a more attractive women? If he likes her then who cares? Grow the fuck up you loser, you aren’t a 15 year old neck beard anymore. Well you shouldn’t be

Imagine spending your free time sperging out over incel memes

Wow yup, sure took a lot of time to write that comment. I like how you couldn’t even respond to what I said lol, fuckin creepcels

You’ve been sperging our here all night long. Also JFL at taking anything here 100% seriously.

...you can’t pull the “it’s satire” card

Why not? That’s basically this entire subreddit lmao

Bullshit. No it’s not, you guys are incels. You can’t be an incel and post incel stuff then say it was a joke, if you’re embarrassed to be an incel then why do you even come here? These guys are losers

How do you know what any of these guys actually are? youre just blindly spewing your pent up rage at people someone told you arent good. wtf do you think youre going to change calling an incel trash or the worst or telling them to stop? Are you?... you know? Special?

Uh I know what they are because this sub is meant for incels and they don’t deny they’re incels...? That was pretty stupid of you to say lol.

I’m not trying to prove I’m better or anything, it’s just fun looking at people this delusional

I post on r/blackpeopletwitter and dont deny im black so i must be black right? Yeah nothing but high intellect content coming from you as well.

You can’t be serious are you? Why would someone pretend to be an incel as if it’s a good thing? That’s irrelevant anyways, I’m not gonna assume no one here is actual incel just because 1 out of a thousand of you may just be a troll. What the fuck is the point of being an incel if you’re so embarrassed about it? Is someone forcing you to be one?

Oh so youre an incel too, you post here and havent denied it, my mistake. Their point is physical appearance keeps them from being in intimate relationships which has some real truth, so yes in a way, theyre forced by the genetic cards they were dealt and are venting frustration that the rest of the world doesnt recognize this and says its as easy as "Gym, Shower, haircut"

I’m not an incel lol, I just come here to laugh at incels. I understand incels tend to be ugly, but that doesn’t make up for the way they treat women. They’re completely delusional and need help

You're new here I see

Yah lol and I’m definitely not staying, just came here to laugh at the pathetic incel scum

Idk man, I'm not a fan of incels but you come off pretty badly yourself.

No one is worse than an incel

No one in this world? At all? Think long and hard on that.

You are taking that way way too litera

I'm very happy now

I'm with you. He seems happy with whomever is on his back.

Our perception of his level of attractiveness vs. hers shouldn't dictate THEIR choices about being in a loving relationship.

Yeah seriously! This is the most backwards community I’ve ever seen. The double standards are so outrageous. I’ve never seen such a skewed perception of women. And this MLB player, I’m pretty sure he could pick any partner he wanted and he chose this woman. Honestly I don’t understand what this subreddit is trying to prove. I’m closing the browser and never coming back.


Career cut short by back injury.

They were high school sweethearts and he's deeply religious.

You are taking that way way too litera