Please make "its no wonder that women want nothing to do with you" and it's variants a bannable offense

71  2018-05-01 by SaltShaker8383

It serves no purpose other than to make us feel bad and further push the retarded narrative that women have a 6th sense and just KNOW you say mysoginistic things online even if you've never said them in real life.

Inb4 "you incels do this! You incels do that! And you're complaining about shaming???"

This is a place for incels, not a place to bully us. Like throwing rocks at an animal at the zoo


throwing rocks at animals in the zoo

I love doing that!

Plus animals in the zoo have sex.

Honestly I think you should walk away from this place and go find something that you love to take the mind away from focusing on women and normal people all of the time. Just a suggestion for better health


Modcel pls ban this idiot

Noone here cares about getting better.

that's not true, some do, some look for advice to improve, some have given up and rot, everyone is different, everyone wants different things

you know who also wants different things? women

they want an alpha fuck, and a beta buxx

I get that mind set, but it's just not true. It is, however, exactly why people come here to gawk

you really don't think AF/BB is a norm? There was a lady who came in here and gave us 'advice' and then ended being the stereotypical woman who employs the AF/BB dual mating strategy

She literally told us to be nicer to women while she fucks men who aren't nice to women

lol it's over, rotting and giving up is probably the right way to go

Because one woman is a representative sample.....

jfl if you're not a chad in the one life that you get. let me rot and not get cucked thank you very much, but don't go around telling people that no one wants to improve, because there's a lot of people looksmaxxing and watching movies with strong female protagonists as we speak


The vocal majority here has no interest in changing. There are very few individuals that actually engage in meaningful conversations. I get called a faggot as soon as I express any ideas that aren't flagrantly misogynistic

alright man, i'm sorry you've had those shitty experiences coming to a place where some people come to die like braincels

I literally don't know what your point is.

His point is that this place is designed to be the place where incels encourage each other to commit suicide through use of massively exaggerated memes because they are jealous of people being in relationships. Essentially they want to piss and moan about people online and not have it be reflective of their behaviour offline because they would never in a thousand years have the balls to back it up.

He has no point. Just a common place where these losers can all whine together about how awful their lives are and blame their issues on everything but themselves.

You sound so retarded.

So men who fuck as hot as they can get left and right for as long as they can before settling down with a wife are ok? Because that has long been not only the norm but like what is required to be a "man" in our culture.

Ban everything that engages the group based off of vague assertions instead of the individual and his beliefs

If that's the case, all users would get banned. The IT folks would get banned for making blanket statement about incels, and the incel folks would get banned for making blanket statements about women.

But of course, that won't happen because blanket statements are only bad when they are used against incels.

Who cares tbh? This isn't a government being tasked with the duty to equally protect its citizens, it's a personally-created internet forum tailored towards incel discussion and camaraderie. The moderators COULD ban all IT folks but I think you'd agree it's more reasonable to allow them on the basis of strictly good-faith arguments.

The majority of the people here don't seem to be interested in a dialogue....only an echo chamber

That's called camaraderie and by the way, every subculture on the internet now is an echo chamber. Not exclusive to incels.

echo chamber

If this was an echo chamber, I would have a lot of banning to do.

This place is very far removed from an echochamber. In fact, it's borderlining a place where people go to mock incels.

...I didn't call this place an echo chamber. I said that most of the users want it to be one....

Perhaps they want there to be less normies who just come here to mock us. I can't say I blame them

you´ve clearly never visited a real echo chamber. hint: there are subreddits where mods will scan through you reddit history and will ban for commenting in a sub that has a different opinion (foreveralone,feminism,twox,trollxchromosomes,menslib)

r/braincels on the other hand gave an inceltears user and female mod position and lets normies come here and insults us. you are a retard for just haing echochamber and incels in one sentence.

Someone else commented something pretty similar. I didn't call this sub an echo chamber.

I said the users want it to be one.

That was me.

Guilty, your honour.

Please get the fuck out you utter moron another drone troll

Sry, didn't mean to trigger

You’re crazy to think that your negative attitude doesn’t somehow manifest itself offline.

No I'm not. How many white people talk shit about "niggers" when they're alone and no one is the wiser. A lot.

People can tell. Or they just get a gut feeling. It’s enough.

And if someone didn’t fuck you because they had this feeling that you’re a misogynistic asshole, could you blame them? You are one, after all.

No they can't. If this was true women would never be in abusive relationships. Begone faggot

You probably think you’re a nice guy, huh? Maybe a supreme gentleman?

Fuck off women cannot sense bad personality traits behind a pretty face they are too stupid and inferior

Yeah, ok. Keep telling yourself that, bud. You’re gonna die alone and that makes me happy.

explain how women cant sense "abusers" :2

But we CAN sense them behind incel faces so we swerve right around those ones

You just agreed to avoiding ugly people kek.

Ugly on the inside

Dude, I get it. You’d rather be right than loved. But the thing is you’re not right, and you still won’t ever be loved.

Pathetic trolling.

Fuck off cuck, it amazes me why you come to places you hate to bully and harass people. Makes me think that your life isn’t as good as you claim it to be.

You know the funny thing is that since you claim to that no one will love you, the best you can hope for is to be right. Which you will cling on to, no matter how destructive it is to you. Nice to see you love your calm after appearing to be so detached earlier. I knew there was an aggressive little incel underneath that cool don’t give a damn attitude you were attempting to portray.


Nah, you can just sense incel faces and swerve right around them. Personality has nothing to do with it

It’s both actually

you can smell out the personality of an ugly guy but not an attractive one. fucking kek

An attractive face is just foot in the door. If his personality is ass he doesn’t get any further. It’s simple, really.

So you admit that being attractive allows you to show your personality, but ugly people get instantly rejected because of the Halo Effect. You have proved us right. There’s the door. Now leave bitch.

Being ugly means it takes more effort on your part, but you guys pretty much chant over and over that you don’t want to put in the extra effort, soooo You can take your smelly, sweaty, overweight, etc selves somewhere else if you want to be lazy too

Attractive people are often confident and have social skills to make them more desirable.

Incels are often ugly, skinny, nervous, don't make eye contact with women, and have a lack of social skills. And they don't shower.

If the attractive person happens to be a sociopath, it's much more well hidden than an incel who hasn't showered in a week. No shit it's easier to tell.

Holy shit, dude. You got some major fucking issues. Get laid already, lol.

No because my life doesn’t revolve around sex and women. I keep far away from them to concentrate on my studies and my hobbies, like a real untucked man should.

And you wonder why you're alone.

Lmao I enjoy being alone, but I don’t enjoy other men being screwed by female nature

You probably think you're really witty, huh?

Ah yes, the creepdar. The latest by Whamen Electronics. However, it's not invincible It's countered by a secret device called The Jaw, which emits Chadian Radiation, a type of beta-radiation, that jams the creepdar.

Do you actually hear yourself talk? You guys are cringey as shit. No wonder no one wants to be with you. Holy hell...

I made an in-joke about the fact that you repeated the same line about how women are able to "sense" our negative traits of character.

And ho-boy, are they negative. Extremely negative. I used to feel sorry for you guys. Thought, “it really sucks, no one chooses to be born looking the way they do, all they want is to be loved.” And then I spend a little time on here talking the way you do about women and how they should be given to you by the government, or how they are all stupid sluts, etc.

To most of you, women have never done anything to you more than ignore you. Really you hate them not because they did something to you but because they did nothing to you. Nothing. It makes you bitter because damn it, they don’t even give enough of a shit about you to notice you are there.

They don’t owe you a thing. No one does.

You guys get so negative and you think this place is a support group? You enable the shit out of each other here. This place is an echo chamber where you circlejerk the shit out of each other.

You guys get so negative and you think this place is a support group? You enable the shit out of each other here. This place is an echo chamber where you circlejerk the shit out of each other.

And yet the self-righteous people like you have not offered a viable alternative besides "get therapy".

Guess what, therapy is expensive, sometimes prohibitevely so and it's not a panacea.

I'm not addressing your drivel about entitlement and your lamentations on how use to "feel pity". Both points have been addressed a thousand times.

You g'wan now, now that you've let go of your verbal diarrhea.

Addressed more than a thousand times and never amounts to more than grasping at straws and jumping through mental gymnastics to keep your negative world view safe and sound.

If you say so.

Listen. Therapy really is expensive, there is no doubt about that. But it’s worth every penny, maybe it won’t cure you but it’s a start. And it is what you put into it. If idiot Rodgers and that Toronto incel honestly went through it, maybe two dozen people would still be alive today.

But it’s worth every penny, maybe it won’t cure you but it’s a start.

I live in the country where a therapeutic 2/7/4 regimen would cost me around 200 USD.

The kicker? I earn 700 USD a month. And I'm well-above the national average in salary.

So excuse me I manage my funds redirecting them to more pressing concerns.

And yeah, fuck you.

And that's what I get for throwing a little sympathy your way.

  1. >throwing

We're not dogs, so bark.

  1. We didn't ask for your sympathy, because it's mostly hollow words and empty phrases.

  2. Another personal Jesus gets indignant that they didn't get venerated for their, no doubt, chivalrous gesture. Ugh. You're all the same, really.

Sure because that's the word you need to focus on. These mental gymnastics to keep yourself in a constant state of victim hood have to be exhausting.

Get bent already.

Get laid already.

Excellent retort. You do know it's not just about sex, right?

Besides, whores are illegal in my country. I'm a law-abiding citizen.

Of course I know that. As I've said before, I was sympathetic to you lot before I spent some time here seeing how you act. You all just want to be loved. I can't fault you for that.

If you're expecting some kind of catharsis and repentance, then you're going to have to wait for a long time.

I get it, dude. You'd rather be angry and bitter at a world you feel denies you what you deserve.

I get it, dude. You'd rather be angry and bitter at a world you feel denies you what you deserve.

No, I don't think the world owes me anything. I owe nothing to the world though. I'm still a human being with emotions and aspirations and frustrations. I use this place for dumping my frustrations. I'm sorry if my unfiltered frustrations make you butthurt.

I accept your apology.

Sod off.

Will do, good sir! Have a fantastic day!

Yeah, go to hell to you too.

I was being sincere. I really do want you to have a nice day.

And I believe you.

That's what you get for acting like an asswipe all over the sub.

You single me out and call me an ass in thread filled with asses.

Eh. You're the one I'm looking at right now. The “sympathetic“ users that then turn into the biggest assholes are always the most annoying.

All I did at the start was point that negative behavior online tends to manifest itself in other ways offline. Anything I said that followed after was more or less in response to very aggressive attacks ie "faggot, normshit, etc".

that negative behavior online tends to manifest itself in other ways offline

Something you have no idea of knowing in this case unless you'd know the people here irl, hence they're pissed at you.

And now you're pissing fuel in the fire.

It's a bit odd that faggot and normshit are perfectly acceptable but virgin is not.

Neither are imo. Point is, you aren't helping.

Very well. I'll keep the virgin shaming bit to myself.

I can see your point, and will happily concede to it, even if I don't necessarily agree with it.

cough cough Chris Brown

If only they had that feeling about chad before he sent them to the abused woman shelter.

That’s the only way it could ever end up right? All chads are abusers and all women only want chads. Isn’t that the narrative you’ve built up to shelter yourself from the big mean world where no one will love you the way you demand?

I didn't say every chad is an abuser, but I'm asking you why she can't detect chad's mysoginy (since she ended up with him) but she can totaly do it for us and thus reject us, this is yours bullshit narrative, don't spin things around.

Why? Because they're broken, too. They take what they think they deserve. They'll put up with the abuse, because to them it means someone cares enough, even if it is to hurt them. In the end, all they want is to be loved, just like you and all the other incels here. It's terribly twisted, and deserving of pity. But all you want to do is heap scorn at them and call them "roastie" for not giving you the time of day. You build up these mythical beings out there that fit into this nice story of yours. "It's all their fault. I'm pure and a supreme gentleman. Why can't they just see that?"

And how does your misogyny differ from your misogyny? I mean, if she rejects you because you're ugly and a misogynist, isn't she right to do so? Even if she had no proof, she's still right.

Why? Because they're broken, too. They take what they think they deserve. They'll put up with the abuse, because to them it means someone cares enough, even if it is to hurt them. In the end, all they want is to be loved, just like you and all the other incels here. It's terribly twisted, and deserving of pity. But all you want to do is heap scorn at them and call them "roastie" for not giving you the time of day. You build up these mythical beings out there that fit into this nice story of yours. "It's all their fault. I'm pure and a supreme gentleman. Why can't they just see that?"

Do you have a mental illness? You are piling up shit after shit of nothing but fallacies, assumptions and straight up lies just because I put you in front of your own contradictions. All I did was for you to task you how women would somehow be able to detect the so called misogyny in me (even thought I never did anything to a woman in my life) and at the same time being oblivious to the good looking stud who is gonna give her a black eye. That put you in some raging trance for some reasons.

I mean, if she rejects you because you're ugly and a misogynist, isn't she right to do so? Even if she had no proof, she's still right.

How fucking convinent "I'm rejecting him because he is ugly but he was probably mysoginist too so I don't have to feel bad teehee".

Nothing I said was fallacious and if you can point out the specific lie, I'd like to see it. Some assumptions are necessary when speaking generally. You never get a bad feeling about someone? Something about them just throws you off and you want nothing to do with them? Shit man, are you so terrible are non-verbal body language, that you need for someone to actually tell you something to your face before you get it?

How fucking convenient "I'm rejecting him because he is ugly but he was probably mysoginist too so I don't have to feel bad teehee".

She was still right even if she had no "proof". That's the part that really just gets you, huh?

>You didn't ask anything holyfuck you are completely mentally challenged there is no other possible option...

I give up.

> Nothing I said was fallacious and if you can point out the specific lie, I'd like to see it. Some assumptions are necessary when speaking generally. You never get a bad feeling about someone? Something about them just throws you off and you want nothing to do with them? Shit man, are you so terrible at non-verbal body language, that you need for someone to actually tell you something to your face before you get it?

How fucking convenient "I'm rejecting him because he is ugly but he was probably mysoginist too so I don't have to feel bad teehee".

She was still right even if she had no "proof". That's the part that really just gets you, huh?

You sure about that?

You are mixing up two different threads of discussion you mentally challenged fuck you are a complete mess and you keep digging yourself further and further, there is no hope left for you.

I feel I really rattled you up and for that I sincerely apologize. Chalk this up as a win for you. You need it. Please go about your day.

Yes go ahead pretend you didn't make a fool of yourself again, it's still on display for everyone to see.

Uh...I apologized to you. Isn't that what you wanted?

Chalk this up as a win for you. You need it.

Will do! It's been fun! Hope you had a good time too!

This is the dumbest argument there is. Do you really think we are that stupid to talk about any of this irl? Oh but muh gut feeling. It's like you're talking about Betazoids. I don't know why it takes a dozen jurors to decide if the defendant is a murderer when women can sense something as shitposting on reddit.

Yes. Yes I do think you’re that stupid.

Nope, you're just being a facetious shithead.

Ok, virgin!

I thought there was nothing wrong about being a virgin?

There’s nothing inherently wrong about it. But it’s what you make of it, and I imagine the dreaded v-word cuts you to your core.

There is nothing inehrently wrong about it yet you used it as an insult you hypocritical piece of shit.

Oh man, did you really not read past the first sentence I wrote?

Stop playing dumb I'm obviously talking about your comment that got removed for virgin shaming, dipshit

Nothing I wrote got removed. Everything I've written is still here.

Ahh, well, obviously I can't see that from my end. I'll admit I was wrong there. You see how easy that is? To admit you are wrong? Maybe you should try it sometime.

You just cant fucking help it can you? Till the very fucking end you will attempt to spin shit around in your favor. You've been exposed as the scummy little hypocritical fuck and liar that you are, have so dignity and bow the fuck out.

Help what? I mean I asked you to point out where I was lying and it would be easy for you to do so, but you chose not to.

You didn't ask anything holyfuck you are completely mentally challenged there is no other possible option.

Nothing screams loveless nerd more than using an obscure Star Trek reference to argue a point. I mean, I like the show, but I would never ever once bring it up as an argument to people I don’t know on the offhand chance they’d know what the fuck I was on about.

I'm nothing like my online persona. Try again, normshit.

You are who you truly want to be online due to anonymity. Who you want to be is just ugly. You deserve to be forever alone.

And you're an easily trolled faggot.

Don’t care, had sex. Can you truly say the same?

Rubbing it in the face of virgins. You must feel like shit about yourself.

It would be like me rubbing my meager salary in the face of a homeless man (and in my line of work, I see many). Not one time have I done this because I get nothing out of it.

Real quality "human" you are. Fag.

And if you're a girl bragging about sex:

Stupid slut.

Lol, the hypocrisy is crazy with you. Real Supreme Gentleman you are, yeah? You really need to get laid, bud.

How am I a hypocrite? Where did I advocate violence? And what part of "incel" don't you get. There is no getting laid for me due to my subhuman face.

That’s the joke, bud.


Lol. That’s why you’re a hypocrite.

Explain. Fag/Roast.

Commenting on the quality of my humanity while comparing it to yours and then in the same post calling me a fag or slut shaming me in the case I am a woman. That’s hypocrisy.

You came here and bragged about having more sex than incels.

Stupid roast/fag.

Ok, there. I’ll let you go back to the mental gymnastics you’re doing to somehow think you’re a nice guy who deserves to be loved as long as somehow would just past how fugly you are.

People can tell. Or they just get a gut feeling. It’s enough.

And if someone didn’t fuck you because they had this feeling that you’re a misogynistic asshole, could you blame them? You are one, after all.

You probably think you’re a nice guy, huh? Maybe a supreme gentleman?

Fuck that and fuck safe spaces

We want this to be a safe space for incels though

Exclusive club.

no fuck all safe spaces

Stupid incels wouldn’t need safe spaces if they’d stop whining about their shitty lives and just move on.

okay, where's my gf now?

Evidently left your whiny ass for a real man.

That's my ex, I need a new one now

I think he ended misogyny with his spelling alone

I thought he was talking about a type of soup.

We need a bot

Yeah, don’t they know this is a place for you to bully others instead?! How rude of them.

We don't bully others. We talk in generalities, not single out specific people.

Lol ok

Wait. Are you trying to get me to argue your point for you? That’s just lazy on your part.

But it’s true I don’t know any girl that would ever even talk to any of you it’s actually really sad how you guys talk on this subreddit

This isn't the real us, this is us venting. We do not act like this in real life

If you need to vent then that is the real you, even if you hold it in until your not around any women

No it's not. How many women say shit like "Wow, I fucking HATE men! All they want is sex! Men are pigs!" Blah blah blah just because they're upset.

But do men seriously give a shit when women say those things?

Most dont, and women shouldn't give a shit when guys do the reverse either

I think there's a reason they do give more of a shit though, that makes more sense, but if I talk about it here everyone will just down vote me and call me mean names and I'll feel sad, so....

but if I talk about it here everyone will just down vote me and call me mean names and I'll feel sad, so.

It's the fucking Internet, and you have the power to leave and avoid things that upset you. You're just choosing to be a flippant moron, so....

It was a joke, nothing you say to me personally upsets me.

That’s basically a women equivalent of you guys and I dislike both the women who say that an the people who think all women are like that

The point is those women don't seriously think those things, they're just blowing off steam. Like when someone says "My boss is such a dick, I want to punch them in the face!" Usually they don't mean it.

Women don't run down men in cars tho...

Neither do 99.99% of men.

And 99.99% of women don't date Chad, but here we are

Only 80%

I struggle to believe it's even that high. Genuine question, do incels expect to be able to date 9s and 10s? or would they be happy dating lower?

No they don't expect to date 9's and 10s, of course they might prefer to, but most are okay with dating their looksmatch or even lower

Interesting, maybe they should stop obsessing over Stacey and make a concerted effort to date.

No girl likes feeling like they are only interested in because their partner couldn't date a 9 or 10

We don't obsess over Stacy and most of us do make a concerted effort to date.

You can't control that you find some people more attractive. Most women would date a billionaire Chad if they could, everyone has to settle in some respects.

My observation of this sub kind of says otherwise. People so willing to completely write off a chubby or alt looking girl because she's a landwhale or feminist who rightly wouldn't put up with the sort of stay at home and make me a sammich crap that gets thrown around here.

It's almost like people want 9 and 10 rated virgin morons. 9 and 10 because they are "god tier" looks-wise, virgin because they are terrified of being thought of as sexually mediocre, and morons because they think they should be pushed around and made to be subservient.

Fuck that, I think I'd rather date a brainless Chad if these were my options :\

There's a difference between a want and a requirement. Most guys would HEAVILY lower their preferences for a gf

Of course, no one ever dates Chad. Women usually date guys with great personalities.


Women occasionally date Chad, but Chad obsesses over 9 and 10 looking women, same as incels, but incels seem too stupid whilst drooling over unattainable Staceys that they are missing out on awesome under-9's. Admit it, incels just want something to whine about because it makes them feel relevant; just like feminazis an their victimhood, the LGBT community and their oppression, everyone's gotta have their ism and you got yours.

Do you by any chance get your information from IncelTears? Incels don’t only want 9+/10 virgin supermodels, despite their fanfictions.

Nope, just the impression I've gotten from reading /braincels.

Requirements for desire: 9/10, virgin, no kids, and no self-respect.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but stereotypes don't appear in a vacuum.

Sometimes stereotypes are created by people who hate that group so they feel better about themselves for hating that group.

Might want to have a closer look at the discourse in this sub :)

And stereotyping means that you are painting everyone with the same brush So do whatever you need to do to justify your hate of virgin males.

I don't hate virgin males, I've bedded a few of them :\

Good for you. Sorry though, I'm one of the incels who doesn't care about other people's sex lives.

False flag sweetie

False flag as in it was a government ploy to frame incels for a terrorist attack? LMFAO

Oy vey shut it down the celim know

You guys are not important enough to have a false flag operation done for you. You can’t get laid, but someone cares enough about you virgins to kill 10 people to frame your little circlejerk? That’s hilarious.

Okay sweetie

I hate when I wake up in the morning and run down women with my car!

Me too, I hate having to jump out of the way. Makes me spill my coffee.

Yes please. I still have hope that this sub can become uncucked.

We need a spam-free space

It was great before r/incels and u/Avicii left the world

Brigadiers make this subreddit great



People can tell. Or they just get a gut feeling. It’s enough.

And if someone didn’t fuck you because they had this feeling that you’re a misogynistic asshole, could you blame them? You are one, after all.

We don't bully others. We talk in generalities, not single out specific people.

Commenting on the quality of my humanity while comparing it to yours and then in the same post calling me a fag or slut shaming me in the case I am a woman. That’s hypocrisy.

Why? Because they're broken, too. They take what they think they deserve. They'll put up with the abuse, because to them it means someone cares enough, even if it is to hurt them. In the end, all they want is to be loved, just like you and all the other incels here. It's terribly twisted, and deserving of pity. But all you want to do is heap scorn at them and call them "roastie" for not giving you the time of day. You build up these mythical beings out there that fit into this nice story of yours. "It's all their fault. I'm pure and a supreme gentleman. Why can't they just see that?"

And how does your misogyny differ from your misogyny? I mean, if she rejects you because you're ugly and a misogynist, isn't she right to do so? Even if she had no proof, she's still right.

Sure because that's the word you need to focus on. These mental gymnastics to keep yourself in a constant state of victim hood have to be exhausting.

Nothing I wrote got removed. Everything I've written is still here.

I get it, dude. You'd rather be angry and bitter at a world you feel denies you what you deserve.

You didn't ask anything holyfuck you are completely mentally challenged there is no other possible option.