Theye dont give a fuck about us

36  2018-05-01 by squirdoxin


hahaha I don’t expect Nazi_Gaming to ever agree with that because she’s a woman

was Michael Jackson an incel?

lmaoooo was going to comment "YAAAH JJUU JUTAH"

He had a shitton of plastic surgery but looking at him before surgery he looks normie (which was for sexual success equal to being a Chadlite in today's standards)

I love her.

If you don't like having women in the sub, why not make a new one where you can make the rules?

Youre really dumb

I can at least use correct punctuation when I type the word "you're".

Heres a cookie

Thanks but no. You can share it with the muppet OP.

Suck my dick you ugly gold digging slut

Away and stick your dick in a blender, twatface.

Stick your vagina in it. Oh wait, it already bleeds every ducking month

Wrong again, twatwaffle.

We did just that. r/malecels. See what happened?

Were your posts somewhat more extreme than the ones here?

The only way in which we were more extreme was that we banned virtue signaling normies. The posts were otherwise comparable to here.

Maybe the lack of a female mod didn't do you any favours. Unfortunate, but if reddit require it, which they seem to since this place is still here, then you'll have to either put up with it here, or get yourself a tame roastie to mod for you

Didn’t malecels sticky a ‘blackpill’ post which has gotten other subs banned, shortly before they were banned? If it breaks the reddit rules and a mod is dumb enough to sticky it, you’re asking for a ban.


Just make a new one without "incel" in your name

You tards keep painting that target on yourselves

Oh yeah let me just do that! Do you wanna help moderate the 10 subscribers ill get over a course of 5 years??

You PM the people you want. Drop lines on the forums.

If you can't scrounge up a decent pack of angry incels, perhaps you should examine your social strategies altogether.

she can't even be bothered to ban constant trolls like MagratM

Nah she’s alright tbh

I get right to the point with my answers.

spoken like a through NPC

The only thing that you get on point are those cheesburgers down your throat you autistic obese whale...

I give your insult a C- for creativity.

The autistic part is pretty true though.

I'm not autistic.

Countless times I’ve seen jokes fly over your head amongst other aspie shit.

Maybe you’re just undiagnosed?

Whore_gaming must be muted

I get that some of them are just here to hate on you all and those females should definitely go, but isn’t it useful to get advice from females that are actually willing to help?

Imagine being so wrapped up in your simultaneous hatred for women and your desperate need to get laid that you want to ban them from one of the few barely civil platforms of discussion

i hate women as a demographic because they make it harder to get laid

i also want an individual woman to like me and love me back so i can feel like a normal human being

those two aren't contradictions

Okay... but you do realize that with the negative expressions towards the female demographic, your odds of finding an individual woman willing to love you will decrease significantly.

But that's not true.

one of the few barely civil platforms of discussion

Is that what you think this is?