End hypergamy with this one trick, femoids hate me (Will they cry double-standard?)

265  2018-05-01 by ItsAllOverDaDaDa


The thing is : most men believe women don't wear make up when they actually do, so we wouldn't be tricked by this at all. But you can try!

Oh we will! Thanks for the permission. BTW like anything women now will notice, but younger generations that grew up with it won't. I can remember when liking videogames really did carry a social stigma. Now most young adults and children nowadays see companies like Nintendo in the same way people looked up to Rock Stars in my generation.


wait so you wouldn't want this guy to suck you off?

I didn't say that.



Hey, slow down..

Only works if you have at least okayish bone structure and facial shape

Think about how the hypergamy formed. Every bird-faced woman from 1-10 wears makeup so they date above their leage

Imagine if all the normies men wore makeup? From normie to chadlite. From chadlite to Chad. From incel to normie.

Hypergamy? Lmfao, no we'd live in a looksmatch world

I know this wasn't the point of your comment but I laughed because it sounds like Pokemon evolutions lol

this is why i love this subreddit. the users are genuinely funny unlike /r/inceltears and the the other incel forums

Literally just made a post about this. I am a normie but I actually love this sub the users here are mad fucking funny. Kinda actually disproves the whole shit personality thing about the users here to a bit.

Yeah ikr. braincel users are top tier comedians compared to the rest of reddit which regurgitate recycled jokes.

And the fact that men look better when they age

this is delusional. some men can, whereas all women's looks go down with age but the vast majority of men start losing their hair and getting fat

I mean, no one gets better looking with age.

Some do. Look at a young Idris Elba.

Where does gigachad ascend to?




Bullshit. That's the point of makeup is to make the illusion of being something you're not. Go look at roastie before and after makeup pics. It's crazy what ugly bitches can do with makeup.

It improved his nose, eyes and skin... girls don't really need to have a good jaw to be gl, but men do

You can absolutely contour jawline and cheekbones. It's actually quite scary.

I said birdcels, not could-lose-some-weight-cels


Also, you don't need any type of bone structure. If you're good at makeup, you can literally make yourself look like anything

I think chin and jaw implanta could make a huge difference though. Nobody is expecting them to he the most handsome man in the world, but they could be MAJORLY improved with certain augmentations. And makeup could improve too. It wouldn't make them worse by any means. I've seen plenty of women that are 100 times uglier than them

I'm aware of all those surgical procedures which could improve their looks significantly, but that's not what I was talking about. Their eyes/noses etc. aren't hideous, I know, but makeup can't fix their bird-like facial profile which is their main issue... I think heavy makeup makes ugly men look even weirder, you need to be at least somewhat average to profit from it imo.

Idk, my female roomie gave my unattractive male roomie some concealer and highlighter action for a house party and he immediately looked a lot healthier and acted more cpnfident than I've seen him in a while. He's a depressed, self loathing, PTSD stricken alcoholic, so it was really nkce seeing him lighten up.

You seem to be talking about someone who's somewhat below average looking, has bad skin but average bone structure.

That's what I mean. Concealer, cover up, highlighter, and a little blush can make a HUGE difference!!! Good point about the confidence too. Confidence is the most sexy thing on a guy. I love that story though, amazing what a little makeup and confidence can do.

I figured that, I'm just trying to help. You were basically saying those dudes are completely fucked but if they used makeup they could benefit. If they got even one of those surgeries, they wouldn't be bird like anymore and makeup could make them even better. Someone just has to know how to use makeup correctly and it won't look weird. It always looks weird when people make it obvious or not blended right.

Before and after https://imgur.com/gallery/B7zEJOH

These make HUGE differences.

TBH if you are a birdcel they should either euthanize you or pay for your jaw surgery. Anything else is torture.

Lol well I don't think anybody needs to be euthanized but someone can save up money and get their own surgery. I know some of them can be expensive but I think the results are 1000% worth it. The confidence afterwards is even better. It could literally saves someone's life if they seriously want to kill themselves because of the way they look.

Why did the top pics guys eye color change?

Those are pictures of plastic surgery...

Yeah, this is nonsense in terms for men. You don't know shit.

Youre just one of those people that wanna argue with anything and always gotta be right. So immature it's actually funny. I clearly know more about it than you. Keep being salty for no reason, I'm sure it fits you well.

Of all the flavors in the world, you chose to be salty. Why?

"salty" just lol. Low IQ cunt.

Wearing putty prosthetic makeup for a jaw is a better idea, might as well do it properly.

I’d be completely okay with this

Completely okay with anyone besides your man doing this, nigga gotta be all the way perfect while u cake yo ugly ass up

I’d be perfectly fine with him doing this if he wanted to lmao

why are you dick shaming in your bio?

Why do you care? Small dick or something?

6.8 inches, very insecure about it

That’s a larger than average sized dick and nothing to be insecure about.

You shouldn’t be commenting on anyone’s dick size. I’ve seen you try to body shame overweight people as well. One thing to remember about sjws. They’re hypocrites. They want to feel unique for being involved in something. Everyone’s post here is probably being analyzed to death by someone just as insecure as an incel. Although people in IT are far worse. You attack anyone with valid points because YOU don’t like them. Anyone who points out logic makes you itch. I think the only control you have in your pathetic life is on IT. You know people will flock to you because it’s easy to punch down. This is what makes you pitiful. You’re not intelligent enough to understand why what you’re doing is wrong. RAPE, FEMOIDS, BLAH BLAH BLAH. Incels are angry and their posts are not meant for you. They feel cheated, exiled, and judged. In life they already deal with a lot of pain, so reddit is a place to vent. You will never like how they think because it will always make you question your own worldview. People like you are in a bubble. You don’t want it popped. The world is fucking difficult and you get pleasure out of making it worse. You’re not a SJW. You’re an insecure little girl who was bullied in her past and feels like picking on others will build your self esteem. You probably have very few friends so IT is your sanctuary. You’re accepted in a place where others are just as pathetic as you. A congratulations is in order. For when this crashes down around you, it might be your own group that casts you out. Making you an Incel of the mind. No more validation, no more encouraging comments and upvotes to feast on. In life you’ll be alone with your own self hatred with only an LED screen to comfort.

Damn, you scorched that bitch. I bet moon face is crying into her pillow over this one. Too bad she's a semi sentient slag who has already stated that she's just using the Braincels subreddit for "entertainment" until she feels better about her shit sad life. That fucking witch nosed brummy wouldn't understand logic if you dipped your dick in it and rubbed it all over her fat face.


Typical hypocrite bitch you are.


He doesn’t care. He thinks men should wear makeup. Or is that fraud?

I think men should wear makeup if they want to

I thought the whole feminism shtick was against body shaming. Or is it only against body shaming women?

According to SJWs, it's impossible to be sexist against men.

Don't body shame.

b o d y s h a m i n g

You're such a lovely unicorn, flying through the sky lol.

Yeah I don't know why they seem to think women would be bothered by this...

aren't you the roastie who got roasted in the r/subredditoftheday thread? lmao why are you here

We want guys to buy makeup, it will make it cheaper. Most guys who have girl friends know that we will ask to put it on you anyway.

You know the vast majority of women would be fine with this right? It's other guys that shame men for using makeup.

No, LOL.

It's true- there are tons of women that encourage men to use makeup but it's guys that mock men that do as being unmanly or a pussy.

Tons? Really? Can I live in your reality because it doesn't work in mine lol. Any brave roasties on today that can confirm? Don't be scared, this forum isn't cucked (fully) so you won't feel the wrath of SJWs for telling it how it is lol.

You could just look around the internet and see all the positive things being said by women about men wearing make-up: 1 example. 2. 3 4

You could also read this article written by a guy that wears makeup.

Keep telling yourself that lol.

... look up this thread we are commenting on- there are already other guys bashing him. It isn't a matter of "telling myself" anything, it's just the ability to read. But if you need to feel like women are victimizing you by preventing you from wearing makeup then go on being triggered.

Triggered over this lol? Nah brocel.

You're showing us women's words, but women's words are meaningless. What do their actions say about men wearing makeup? That's what I look at.

And plenty of women date guys that wear makeup.

Plus this seems like you've backed yourself into a corner- you say that women's actions show they won't date guys that wear makeup and the purpose of you wearing makeup would be to attract girls. So either it will help you look better and get girls or it won't but since you aren't getting any women anyways what do you have to lose? And if you don't care about women's opinions anyway then why do you care if they don't actually like men wearing makeup.

Plus this seems like you've backed yourself into a corner- you say that women's actions show they won't date guys

I never actually states what their actions say. I've backed myself into zero corners.

That's a retarded thing to say. I said plenty of women date men that wear makeup and are fine with it. If you are doubting that and said only actions matter than that means that women are refusing to date men wearing makeup- that's the only possible conclusion so unless you are agreeing with me that women are fine with men wearing makeup you put yourself into a logical corner.

I've asked every boyfriend I'd had to wear eyeliner and tinted moisturizer. I really think most women would be ok with it.


I think he looks better without makeup, but then again I also think women look better without makeup.

It only really corrects skin, the face underneath still needs to have the correct shape and features.

I don't know any woman who wears makeup like that. It'd be considered vulgar and clown-like where I'm from.


It only really corrects skin, the face underneath still needs to have the correct shape and features.

What are you talking about, just look at the picture. He painted visible cheekbones on his face and made himself a nice pair of hunter eyes.

Pretty sure women would be the last people to care. Most of them would probably be excited if men started getting into makeup more. It's nice having someone you can share a fun activity with, especially when it's a boyfriend.

Haha beauty is power. If you think women are wearing make up for "fun" and not to gain power than I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Some wear it for fun, some wear it to make themselves more attractive, some don't wear any at all because it makes their face itch.

but some wear it for fun/artistic reasons, some wear it to make themselves more attractive, some don't wear any at all because it makes their face itch.

Lol, no the makeup sales reach into the billions. Women do it to gain power, the people you cite are exceptions that prove the rule and they are outliers.

Well of course they reach billions, makeup is very popular in every country.

What I'm confused about is your emphasis on the power part. Women don't wake up saying, 'I NEED MAOR POWER, GIVE ME MY MAKEUP REEEEEEEE', more along the lines of 'I need to look good today, I should put effort into my makeup'.

Same deal with dressing up nice or washing yourself. People don't do it because they're power hungry, they do it because they want to feel good about themselves and to make a good impression to others.

Plus some form of makeup is an unspoken (or spoken, like at my last job) requirement in most formal jobs. I've also heard that a lot for interviews too, now that I think about it. Women who don't wear makeup to formal situations risk coming off as unkempt or 'lazy'.

What I'm confused about is your emphasis on the power part. >Women don't wake up saying, 'I NEED MAOR POWER, GIVE ME MY MAKEUP REEEEEEEE', more along the lines of 'I need to look good today, I should put effort into my makeup

Do you not agree that beauty is power. If you're trying to make yourself more beautiful you're seeking power. I judge by actions not words.

Same deal with dressing up nice or washing yourself.

That's done out of politeness. Smelling bad or being dirty is considered rude because it imposes that on others. Unless you think a woman not wearing makeup and looking "ugly" is socially imposing on others it's not equivalent.

they do it because they want to feel good about themselves and to make a good impression to others.

Gaining power and feeling good about yourself are DEFINITELY not mutually exclusive.

Plus some form of makeup is an unspoken (or spoken, like at my last job) requirement in most formal jobs.

Yup, it's a form of control. In the same way that women reject men on this board for superficial reasons, the company that makes women wear makeup is telling those women "You must be this beautiful to work here." Having beautiful people work for you projects power. Prove me wrong.

Do you not agree that beauty is power.

Already did. I was referring to people not doing it for leverage against people, but because it makes them feel nice.

Smelling bad or being dirty is considered rude because it imposes that on others.

I didn't mean it in the extreme sense of someone that doesn't wash at all, but someone that looks dirty because they didn't wash their hair that day, or face.

You ignored the bit about dressing up nice.

Same deal with dressing up nice or washing yourself

Again, not a power play, people just want to feel and look nice. Kind of like the saying ' Dress the way you want to feel.' or 'Dress for the job you want'.

Gaining power and feeling good about yourself are DEFINITELY not mutually exclusive.

That's true. I just don't think it's as exaggerated as you say (already said above yeah)

Prove me wrong

I'm so confused, what am I supposed to prove wrong for you lol

Already did. I was referring to people not doing it for leverage against people, but because it makes them feel nice (they feel more important, more valuable, etc)

You're just plugging your ears to my point. They feel more important and valuable because of the power. You're dumb if you think billions of people spend billions of dollars arbitrarily.

I didn't mean it in the extreme sense of someone that doesn't wash at all, but someone that looks dirty because they didn't wash their hair that day, or face.

I mean that too. Someone that's dirty or didn't wash their face is still outside of what is considered polite. Both men and women are held to this standard. While not even all women are expected to wear makeup all the time in public. Again totally not equivalent.

You ignored the bit about dressing up nice.

Because it's like makeup, how you dress projects power also. The most stylish clothes costs a lot of money. Yes there's way to look as good as someone with money cheaper but it takes a considerable investment of time. People that just have clean clothes aren't considered to be dressing "nice".

Again, not a power play, people just want to feel and look nice.

Again those two things are mutually exclusive.

Taking the time to pick out nice clothes is as much of a power play as taking the time to do your makeup.

Being able to AFFORD nice clothes and DEMONSTRATING THAT by wearing it is a power play. Nobody turns there head for a dude that is wearing thrift shop clothes even if it is clean with no holes.

I'm so confused, which part here am I supposed to be proving wrong lol

That requiring women to wear makeup at works increases the power of the company.

You're just plugging your ears to my point.

I'm not plugging my ears to your point, I'm just disagreeing with it. There's nothing wrong with that.

The most stylish clothes costs a lot of money. Yes there's way to look as good as someone with money cheaper but it takes a considerable investment of time.

It didn't even occur to me you thought I was talking about expensive/brand clothing. Nice clothes never equated to expensive clothes to me. I can't tell the price of someone's scarf, but I can tell if they know how to match their clothing well.

Again those two things are mutually exclusive.

The reason I disagree with that is that I've actively worn makeup since high school. I got into it because I wanted a mom/daughter activity. As of now, no thought or feeling goes into it (especially with thoughts of having power over people lmao), it's just become kind of a hygiene esque habit. My day feels crappy when I don't wear it because the only times I don't is if I'm feeling depressed, stressed, or I'm sick. Now I just associate no makeup with all three of those things and I start the day subconsciously expecting it to be difficult.

Being able to AFFORD nice clothes and DEMONSTRATING THAT by wearing it is a power play. Nobody turns there head for a dude that is wearing thrift shop clothes even if it is clean with no holes.

We have a different definition of nice clothes. I really can't tell how much someone's clothing costs, or if it came from a brand name or the corner of a Sears. Nice clothing doesn't have to turn heads for it to be nice clothing, you're just supposed to look pleasant. (again, this is all subjective)

That requiring women to wear makeup at works increases the power of the company.

I have nothing to prove, I agreed with you.

I can't tell the price of someone's scarf, but I can tell if they put time into their outfit.

You don't need to, all you need to do is know what's in style. The newest styles are not available cheaply. Which is why styles always change, to keep poor people from co opting it. Someone wearing dad jeans out of a thrift store is going to look completely different than someone that shops in a high end mall. Even if both clothes are new.

The reason I disagree with that is that I've actively worn makeup since high school.

OMG, can you just check your narcissism for one second. This isn't about you. The term "Beauty is Power" was coined by the woman that invented the modern makeup industry.
You're just fooling yourself if you think you wear makeup because of hygiene. If wearing makeup didn't confer social power on you you'd stop wearing it. You wear makeup to look more conveniently attractive yes? Do you wear makeup that makes you look like a clown, lizard, space alien, or ANYTHING that's outside of what is considered conventionally attractive? Then it's not a form of self expression lol

Nice clothing doesn't have to turn heads for it to be nice clothing, you're just supposed to look pleasant. (again, this is all subjective)

you're just supposed to look pleasant.

That costs money, even a cheap wardrobe can out of the price range of many. What looks "pleasant" is subjective, and that's subjective definition is purposely redefined to keep poorer men down.

I have nothing to prove, I agree with you. I hate the fact that companies do that, but the workers are a product and an image to them.

So you agree companies force women to wear makeup to increase their own power, but disagree women do it for the same reason. You're just blind to you're own hypocrisy.

Someone wearing dad jeans out of a thrift store is going to look completely different than someone that shops in a high end mall. Even if both clothes are new.

I never said cheap clothes will look as good as expensive clothes, all I was saying is people prefer to dress nice, rather than not dress nice.

This isn't about you.

We're talking about women who wear makeup, I'm a woman who wears makeup, so I gave input on my experience to help one of my points. Seems pretty relevant.

You're just fooling yourself if you think you wear makeup because of hygiene.

You can't tell me why or why I don't do something. You don't know me, just I like I don't know you. I wear it out of habit, and I won't stop wearing it until I get out of the habit.

Do you wear makeup that makes you look like a clown, lizard, space alien, or ANYTHING that's outside of what is considered conventionally attractive? Then it's not a form of self expression lol

When did I say I wore it out of self-expression? I'm not big into art. Plus something doesn't have to be outlandish for it to be a form of self-expression, just like clothes don't have to be outlandish to also reflect on another person. There are many different socially acceptable makeup styles. Why do you think we can tell who's goth, who's scene, who's preppy, or nerdy, or basic, based on their makeup choices? Those are all very different types of people.

So you agree companies force women to wear makeup to increase their own power, but disagree women do it for the same reason. You're just blind to you're own hypocrisy.

Companies know that the idea of rich people is tied to beauty and success. They also want their company to be tied to those things so they can get more $$$. So yes, they do do it for different reasons. An example of that would be: a company buys an expensive pool because they know it'll make them look better; a person buys an expensive pool because they want to enjoy it, but it's also a great status symbol. Both power plays, both with different main reason in mind.

You act like trying to make a good impression is a bad thing, just because it's technically a power play. Small talk = power play, polite behavior with a group of people = power play, being nice to your spouse = power play. Why do you demonize it so much when it's just a basic and very useful part of society?

You're just blind to you're own hypocrisy.

This is repeated so many times, by every side, from multiple angles. It's completely lost its meaning. Ever think people simply have a hard time understanding each other, rather than everyone being blind?

Also, this was a nice discussion but I'm worn at this point. Thanks for taking the time to chat, I rarely get it on here.

Actually, now that I think about it, you could say I do have some self-expression in mind when I wear makeup. It's changed it a lot over the years to reflect how I've also changed as a person.

Oh GAWD, I knew you'd say something like this. Again making it about yourself. I'm dismissing your experience because you can literally assign any attribute to your own behavior because know one can know your feeling like you said.

But if your behavior is getting something materially, and everyone else is doing that to get the same thing, then you're doing it for that reason too! You know how many abusers who hit their spouse say they did it because "I loved them too much". Do you believe people that subjugate others with domestic violence do so out of love. No?! Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure if you asked them they'd give the same dumb answer you gave, I'M DIFFERENT.

Again making it about yourself. I'm dismissing your experience because you can literally assign any attribute to your own behavior because know one can know your feeling like you said.

So because you're a consistent person, that means you dismiss any and all the experiences shared by others since you don't actually know the truth behind the matter. With that brilliant flawless logic, any experience someone shares is absolutely, and always will be, invalid, including all the ones shared by incels themselves.

but I'm pretty sure if you asked them they'd give the same dumb answer you gave, I'M DIFFERENT.

That's the point, I'm not different. I'm an average woman, and there are a billion other average women like me. The reason you think I'm saying otherwise is because you made an assumption about women, and anyone who deviates from it is a liar.

You're embarrassing.

Why though

I agree, but I see it as self preservation. Beauty is power and power is security. Everyone wants to be included, safe, and part of a community. That's why we have societal norms. ALSO: this is not to say that I agree with any particular societal norm, I just understand from a sociological perspective that they exist.

Pretty much what you say, which I did end up explaining at some point

You act like trying to make a good impression is a bad thing, just because it's technically a power play. Small talk = power play, polite behavior with a group of people = power play, being nice to your spouse = power play. Why do you demonize it so much when it's just a basic and very useful part of society? Good impressions are a good thing.

There is nothing wrong with people using power play, it's done because it would be stupid not to.

This is pretty funny actually. I know a lot of women who refused to wear makeup. Who flat-out hate it. They feel like they're expected to wear it... and they're not wrong. A lot of times wearing makeup is basically an unspoken requirement of your job.

Personally I do wear it just for fun and although I don't think anybody should ever be forced to wear it for their job, I also don't think there's anything wrong with choosing to. It's an art form. It's a form of expression. Most of us aren't doing the full on highlight and Contour routine everyday anyway, not only does it tend to look very obvious from close up but few people have the time for that anyway. My red, grungy, smokey eye... it's not fooling anybody into thinking it's natural. :)

it's not fooling anybody into thinking it's natural. :)

This is the same dumb argument people tell themselves to rationalize their addiction to television, the internet, videogames or social media. It's not influencing me.

IT IS INFLUENCING YOU. Those billion dollar social media companies, videogame publisher or television stations are making so much money for a reason. They are preying on some form of insecurity. Some people that wear make do so for self expression sure. But those bright colorful makeup that can make you look like anything from a monster to an optical illusion. That kind of makeup isn't what's selling into the billions. It's the makeup that make you conform to what's conventionally attractive that's selling like that. And that's done for power.

And you can rationalize it anyway you want to... The fact that I enjoy makeup doesn't mean I'm some man-eating monster who's trying to hide my face. Some days I go out completely naked faced. Some days I feel like being fancy and wearing crazy eyeshadow or lipstick. It's the same reason I dye my hair, experiment with different haircuts, and enjoy close. It's just fun.

If I'm being honest, a lot of people straight up don't like my style. They don't like my makeup, they don't like my clothing choices, they don't like my hair and frankly I don't care. Because I don't do it for them, I do it for me.

The fact that I enjoy makeup doesn't mean I'm some man-eating monster who's trying to hide my face.

I couldn't care less about how you feel about make up. I'm only interested in the material and social change in your status it causes. If you do it regularly as you say, there's some incentive you're perusing. You SAY, it for all these reasons that DON'T make you look superficial. Even though the social power convened on you by makeup IS superficial. Like I said, you're not fooling anybody. And no sorry, confining yourself to the amorphous blob that is societal expectations is not self expression. It's laughable that you think Scene, Punk, Goth or Urban aesthetics are somehow outside of what's attractive. They're aren't lol, you can get all that crap at any mall, those sub cultures got co opted DECADES ago and they are going out side of exactly ZERO societal boundaries now.

It's really interesting how hard you're trying to cram me into the label of punk, goth, scene... What the fuck ever. I'm none of those things. I'm not looking for a man. I live in a community where it's considered kind of weird to wear makeup. I'm not claiming to belong to any subculture whatsoever. Why is it so hard for you to believe that some people just do things because they enjoy them? And you know what if I was socialized think that makeup was fun when I was a little kid... why does that really matter? Why do people enjoy cars? Is it merely because they can be status symbols? Why do men get really into shave culture? Why do people go to the gym? It's a combination of looking good and enjoyment of the activity. Of the hobby itself.

Should we all just stop participating in our Hobbies because we were socialized to them and there's a possibility they afford us power? That seems unrealistic. At the end of the day, you do what makes you happy whether that's makeup, soccer, watching anime, playing video games, or spending an insane amount of time on Reddit.

He's trying so hard because what he's hearing doesn't match the idea he's constructed in his head. If he hears things that don't match up, there's one simple method of preserving his shaky world view: claim everyone else is lying.

It's actually kind of scary.

You don't need beauty if everyone does what they're supposed to do because the alternative is just too terrifying to contemplate.

Look at Jeff Bezos. Ya think he wears make-up?

Beauty isn't the only sphere of power dumb dumb. Jeff Bezos is richer than all the people in Africa.

Most women would cry #MeToo after seeing their bf without makeup.

Had God intended men to use make-up he'd have given them vaginas.

Yeah I bet god made vaginas with makeup in mind

You know nothing, Ms_Berlin_White.

You have not read the Book of Ooogenesis, which is an obscure biblical text attributed to Peter the Sour, one of the lesser known early Christians.

“The Book of Oogenesis In the beginning were the gametes. And though there was sex, lo, there was no gender, and life was in balance.

And God said, “Let there be Sperm”: and some seeds did shrivel in size and grow cheap to make, and they did flood the market.

And God said, “Let there be Eggs”: and other seeds were afflicted by a plague of Sperm.

And yea, few of them bore fruit, for Sperm brought no food for the zygote, and only the largest Eggs could make up the shortfall.

And these grew yet larger in the fullness of time. And God put the Eggs into a womb, and said, “Wait here: for thy bulk has made thee unwieldy, and Sperm must seek thee out in thy chambers. Henceforth shalt thou be fertilized internally.”

And it was so. And God said to the gametes, “The fruit of thy fusion may abide in any place and take any shape. It may breathe air or water or the sulphurous muck of hydrothermal vents.

But do not forget my one commandment unto you, which has not changed from the beginning of time: spread thy genes.”

And thus did Sperm and Egg go into the world. And Sperm said, “I am cheap and plentiful, and if sowed abundantly I will surely fulfill God’s plan.

I shall forever seek out new mates and then abandon them when they are with child, for there are many wombs and little time.”

But Egg said, “Lo, the burden of procreation weighs heavily upon me. I must carry flesh that is but half mine, gestate and feed it even when it leaves my chamber,” for by now many of Egg’s bodies were warm of blood, and furry besides.

“I can have but few children, and must devote myself to those, and protect them at every turn. And I will make Sperm help me, for he got me into this.

And though he doth struggle at my side, I shall not let him stray, nor lie with my competitors.” And Sperm liked this not. And God smiled, for Its commandment had put Sperm and Egg at war with each other, even unto the day they made themselves obsolete.”

And yea, few of them bore fruit


My head hurts from laughing, I'm too sick for this post

Most of us teeny-boppers in the 1980s certainly did.

Lol it will just create new selection criteria. There will be the type of guy who wears makes up and you can talk with about fashion, makeup and your crushes. And the type of guy with superior genes who don't need any disguise.

Wearing makeup =/= into fashion/gossip

Yeah just like all those naturally hot women who decide not to wear makeup because they already have that going for them

As a woman, I can't imagine that happening. Makeup really does give women an unfair advantage, luring men in and only revealing their true self when it's too late for the guy to run away. They would never share that.

I'm sorry but this is actually wtf

Makeup is a fun thing, it's a harmless thing. That's why women get excited when men take an interest in it. It's not a powerful weapon of mass destruction that they don't want anyone else using. Women luring men with their makeup? Since when is that why women wear makeup? This sounds so much like something an incel would come to the conclusion of.

Also what kind of man can't tell when another woman is wearing makeup and actually thinks that's how she always looks?

And the 'before it's too late'? I'm not sure what you mean but I assume you're talking about a man somehow marrying a woman they've never see the bare face of? Because that's just ridiculous. Women don't wear makeup 24/7, it would be impossible to marry someone without ever seeing their bare face for years. Not to mention the face doesn't change much unless it's heavy makeup (and again in your case they would have to be doing that heavy makeup 24/7) which adults rarely wear.

That's sweet - you sure have a rosy-colored look on the world. Those sound like conclusions that only a self-obsessed feminist who got lucky enough to be sufficiently validated by men would come to ;)

Not sure what upset you about my reply, and why everyone always assumes the woman they don't agree with has to be a feminist.

I'm not upset, it's just that your view of makeup is so at odds with my own experiences that I'm not sure if any further debate would make any sense. I guess I just wish I was lucky enough to view makeup as a fun pastime instead of something I desperately need to be able to even leave the house without wanting to kill myself. Sorry, I'm just bitter, I guess.

Makeup really is a subjective exprience, but even if my expirence has sucked, and yours, it really is still that fun thing for most people, and that's what it should be.

The fact that I've developed an unhealthy relationship with it that makes me unable to leave the house without it (like you), means both of us seriously got to figure out why it's so difficult for us to love yourselves. I just don't feel comfortable in my own face, and I doubt I'll ever be able to fix that. Or at least it seems that way with how bad it is.

luring men in and only revealing their true self when it's too late for the guy to run away

.... what? How do you think women wear makeup- 24/7? Do you think I get up every day before my husband to put makeup on so he doesn't see my face? Or that he hadn't seen me without makeup before we got married?

The point isn't to lure men or trick them- a guy is going to end up seeing you without makeup before you get married- whether that's from swimming or coming out of the shower or just waking up.

Also "true self?" That's a dumb way to say someone doesn't have makeup on, it really isn't that big of a deal if I've got mascara on.

I wasn't referring to marriage, just to the point in a relationship where the guy would be made to feel like a shallow asshole if he ended it. I don't know why you're the second woman here that feels like she has to explain the ins and outs of make-up to me. You should be happy that mascara is all you need, but for someone like me who's still suffering from acne and an absurdly shaped face at 26, there is a world of difference between us when it comes to what makeup means to us. But thank you for unilaterally explaining women's experience to me :/

I wasn't referring to marriage, just to the point in a relationship where the guy would be made to feel like a shallow asshole if he ended it.

Men break up with women they don't feel attracted to anymore all the time and women do the same. That doesn't make you shallow. Even if he was shallow- he hasn't been tricked or forced into a relationship because his girlfriend was wearing makeup and if her naked face is so horrifying to him he's free to leave. To think that makeup is a deliberate manipulation instead of something girls wear to feel good is a crazy level of moronic.

I don't know why you're the second woman here that feels like she has to explain the ins and outs of makeup to me.

You sound exactly like the other misogynistic mouth breathers on here and you sound like you have no idea how other women act or think. That's why people were trying to explain to you why women wear makeup.

You should be happy that mascara is all you need, but for someone like me who's still suffering from acne and an absurdly shaped face at 26

Grow up and get over it. Life is hard but it's harder when you spend all day moaning about it.

there is a world of difference between us when it comes to what makeup means to us

Makeup means different things to most women. That's my point. Your comment said that all women are using makeup to trick men and we would "never share that" advantage with men. But obviously, all the women encouraging men to wear makeup feel differently.

But thank you for unilaterally explaining women's experience to me :/

You should stop assuming you know why other women are using makeup- or doing anything really- because you seem very immature and petty. If I don't know your experience then you should apply that to your own thinking because otherwise, you're just a hypocrite.

Wow, you're calling me a hypocrite and yet, you're not a tad better. You have no fucking idea what it's like to have suffered from a debilitating skin condition for so long (and yes, when it comes to finding a partner, it is debilitating) and yet you are so cold-hearted as to tell me to 'just get over it'?

Honestly, it's funny to me when women defend wearing makeup by saying that they wear it to feel good - yeah, and guess why you feel good: because you're getting validation. I don't see how that's any more valid of a reason.

Anyway, I don't even know what you're doing here if you're so happily married. Does it turn you on to feast on other people's unhappiness and accuse them of doing exactly the same things that you are doing? You just sound unempathic as fuck.

Wow, you're calling me a hypocrite and yet, you're not a tad better. You have no fucking idea what it's like to have suffered from a debilitating skin condition for so long

I never claimed I did so how is that hypocritical? You assumed that women wear makeup for one reason and then in the next comment got mad when someone assumed something about you- that makes you a hypocrite and a child.

yet you are so cold-hearted as to tell me to 'just get over it'?

You should grow up and take responsibility for your own life. You crying about it doesn't change anything so stop being a sad sack and do something if you are so miserable. Also nobody cares about your sob story so I suggest you just keep it to yourself.

Anyway, I don't even know what you're doing here if you're so happily married.

I get bored at work in the middle of the day and being married doesn't really change that. Plus reddit isn't just for single people.

Does it turn you on to feast on other people's unhappiness and accuse them of doing exactly the same things that you are doing? You just sound unempathic as fuck.

It doesn't turn me on but I do think it's funny. This sub doesn't even know how unintentionally amusing it is. And I'm empathetic to people that deserve it- overgrow children like you that hate other women because you're a miserable cunt I have no sympathy for.

Would this work on BlackOps2cel? He's got the cheekbones at least.


what we saw is actually the after photo

That shit will just make your skin worse. I’m pressed with what he did with the hairline, but I don’t think that technique would work on anyone who isn’t black.

Yeah I don’t think you could fix the hairline if you do not have very dark, course hair.

He looks like a woman.

It’s the eyeliner I think. Otherwise 👌

Unironically this would work. And the best part is men would likely be better at applying makeup than women so true ugly fucks would get laid and the next morning women would say, "what have I done?" But, then men would have to put on makeup and what a huge waste of time and money.

But then they'd get #MeToo'd.

Why would men be better at applying makeup? Are men inherently more artistic and better at color palettes?

Men are better at everything than women dontcha know?

For the most part, yes.

Of course. History of art is mainly a history of paintings and sculptures men created.

You don't think women being second-class citizens for most of history made it difficult for them to be trained, sell their work, or gain recognition?

Well then we have to expect a lot of female Nobel Prize winners (in all academic fields) in the near future after they got easy access to all academic institutions.

Lol and get society to treat women equally to men? Not happening anytime soon.

My mom wasn't legally allowed to have her own credit card until she was 25. Women being treated equally is a new phenomenon. It will take society a while to catch up. I work with a man who refuses to take orders from a woman. Just because women are now allowed in the same classrooms as men doesn't mean they now have equal opportunities to succeed. Women still are expected to take their husband's name. Men are still expected to earn more. People are going to favor men and see them as more qualified for a looong time.

he looks worse

He looks good thoooo

He looks like a homo now.

Homo who gets pussy > ugly

Agree to disagree

This is so gay , but I'm willing to try it

Are sure this is the same guy in all the pics?

This means nothing. Most foids would run in the other direction of they knew a guy wore makeup.

At first yes, but some would be fooled, which would encourage more men to weak makeup. Which would numb more women to the look of men with makeup, leading more of them getting fooled, until it's normalized.

At first yes, but some would be fooled, which would encourage more men to weak makeup. Which would numb more women to the look of men with makeup, leading more of them getting fooled, until it's normalized.

Yeah do this if you want to look feminine.

Boi that would be so fun

I'm not a huge makeup person, I don't wear much myself due to sports and all but you'd bet your ass I'd be hype as fuck if my guy was interested in trying it!

Makeup is an art skill and I can appreciate some sharp eye liner and popping highlight on anyone, regardless of gender

Looks hotter than Kim Crapistanian

'Femoids hate me'

He looks feminine, makeup is made for women, men's skin is supposed to be different, thicker, more rugged.

brb getting concealer for eyebags tbh

Try Mad Hippie eye cream. Wonderful shit! Takes a couple weeks to see results, and I had a learning curve as to how to apply and how much to apply. But it's been a game-changer. I look at least ten years younger. They also have a Vit. C serum that really helps with acne scars and other small imperfections.

I wash my face in the morning, gently apply Mad Hippie along my lower eye. I'm also using Clinique's depuffer a couple times during the day for a cooling refresh.

At night, I wash, reapply Mad Hippie and add a very drizzle of coconut oil to my whole face before bed. Blot with a clean towel.

I use no other facial products, except for Bee's Balm for chapped lips.

It's only been a few weeks, and already I have GREAT results!

Well, now, I have to be clean and presentable and fresh-smelling every day as a Professor. I have to be cleanly turned-out. BUT, I'm not dyeing my hair and I refuse to do make-up. I'm trying to age gracefully (and without investing money into the make-up industry).

I don't want to be seen as 'sexual". I want to be seen as "professional" and that does mean well-groomed.

Also, I use an expensive scent. I wear it lightly. Touch it up after lunch! No one wants to smell perfume or cologne whilst eating.

I hope this helps.

All the power to you guys. I suck at makeup. If you guys can do it well, do it. I've seen some butt asshole ugly as shit turd looking women put on an hour worth of makeup and they come out looking like an Instagram model.

Instagram model

Kek. What a disgrace.

I'm just saying I've seen super ugly chicks use make up and come out looking completely different.

As a woman, I'd be impressed with those skills.

I like men wearing make up, but I was more goth in my youth so am used to seeing men wearing it.

Is it truly the same person? As the one on our right seems much neater - for example, the lips are much smaller. If so, obviously this is more than just adding some cream and I would further argue that it would take a lot of time - a painful reality of a woman's life (however, they work less, so have more time for this pity).

Having said that, I would not be surprised if more and more men would use this kind of bullshit (first it was the soles). I am all for hard work in the gym but this is more a weakness. Obviously I am jelly that I do not have the time for this and expertise, however hopefully this kind of shit does not make weak mean seem more masculine than us who spend time in gym and building careers.

  1. He looks younger and less masculine with make-up. Basically looks fake and gay.

  2. What the fuck is up with that eyebrow make-up? That shit will never look good.

  3. That hairline turned crisp af though.

just be a cuck br

Looks gay af

Guys, you are legitimately allowed to wear make up if you want. Socially it has become a female–only practice, and therefore you may have some backlash because you are not “supposed to,” but if if a ton of guys started wearing make up it would eventually become as normal as girls wearing make up. Historically, men wore a ton of make up anyway. And biologically, it’s usually the male of the species that is “prettier” to attract a mate. Birds are a really obvious example.

Just do what you want to do with your own face or hair or clothes. Nobody else should be telling you what you can and cannot wear.

Looks like a faggot, this is not the kind of guy that would attract women.

Do it! Seriously! You’re completely right. If we can do it, so can you! As a woman I’m telling you. Go for it!! Contour your face, your hair (?! I didn’t even know that was a thing) and your even your abs. We don’t care! And I promise you, we won’t even make you go swimming on the first date.

Because there will be no first date. Chads and Chadlites and even high tier normies won't use makeup because they don't need any disguise so women will just go for them.

from extra of Captain Phillips to Tyronelite, he needs to remove that trougth eyeline looks gay as fuck

Just be gay bro

If a guy wants to wear make-up, I fully support his decision. If he's good at it, I'll ask for tips...

All you need is two different people;)

I'm all for guys wearing make-up, but this guy in particular looks so much better without it..

This is well on the way....I wouldn't do it. Just seems inevitable at this point


It's true- there are tons of women that encourage men to use makeup but it's guys that mock men that do as being unmanly or a pussy.

Triggered over this lol? Nah brocel.

I've asked every boyfriend I'd had to wear eyeliner and tinted moisturizer. I really think most women would be ok with it.

Instagram model

Kek. What a disgrace.

Yeah I bet god made vaginas with makeup in mind

You're showing us women's words, but women's words are meaningless. What do their actions say about men wearing makeup? That's what I look at.

Wearing makeup =/= into fashion/gossip

Yeah just like all those naturally hot women who decide not to wear makeup because they already have that going for them