Incels are not depressed because they are virgins

79  2018-05-01 by UnfitForReproduction

They are depressed because they will most likely stay that way forever.

We wouldn't care so much about our virginites if we knew we would lose them. But since we are not entitled to sex, that is not bound to happen so we start agonizing about it and that agony turns into doubt and dount turns into despair and despair eventually becomes misery.

The complete absence of the prospect of sex is what destroys an incel's soul. Sex is not guaranteed and based on what we have experienced so far, it's far from plausible as well.


Sex isn’t guaranteed, but neither is a sexless life.

based on our experiences so far, a sexless life is higly possible

Its not life, its some bastardized version of it.

Incel life is the bland generic brand. Normie life is the average name brand. Chad life is the premium brand.

I have ptsd. Focusing on my past is a chronic condition that I have no control over; the worst experiences in my life tend to be at the forefront of my brain. The reason for this is that my brain is trying to protect me from my past, so that I’m less likely to encounter the thing that traumatized me. I was traumatized by a thing that made me feel a profound sense of powerlessness.

I can imagine that this is somewhat similar to you. You’re focusing on your past even though it brings you pain. Your brain is trying to prevent you from repeating “mistakes”, but you don’t know what your mistake was. Your not even sure you made a mistake. I’m sure you don’t feel you have control over your own thoughts sometimes. Understand that you are not your past.

You have to move on from your past, but it’s simpler said than done. People who don’t understand mental illness don’t understand how hard it is to move past this... but it’s possible. There are multiple techniques to accomplish this. I’d be happy to share them with you. Moving on from the past is the first step.

The second step is paving the way for a more positive future; focusing on things that will better your health, mentally and physically.

Your not hopeless.

Feel free to PM me whenever you need to vent.

a wall of platitudes

Part of the problem with focusing on your past, especially in your situation is that it’s drawing in negative energy. You become a magnet for it. I know I sound like a fucking hippie, but it’s a great way to think about. If you live in a constant state of dread your life will be dreadful.


I’m sorry that everything I said was bullshit to you, but at least now you can’t say that no one gave a shit. Remember, I’m here for you.

I propose declaring a psychological war against femoids

Y’all have with the incel rebellion. And it’s doing the complete opposite of making “femoids” change.


Y’all y’all y’all

Do you mean you all?

No I mean y’all. Y’ALL CRAY CRAY.

It's not just about the sex though. There's a lot more to it than just sex.

I agree. Its not about the sex. Its about the build up towards it, the romance.

the companionship, and the building a life for two.

It's not about the sex. I keep telling you this. The sex is usually done a lot in the beginning because it's all new and exciting, lust-fuelled and so forth, but it wanes and becomes a lot less important. It's about the companionship and the love you have from being with another person in a romance.

we dont need companionshit at this point

And you're not going to get sex either...

no doubt aboutt hat

Get help for the obsession and you might have more luck


Its mostly genuine affection and a good relationship. Sex is not the end goal, nor is it the defining feature. It is just a part of a healthy relationship with another woman.

Exactly. At first there's a lot of lust, but it generally wanes and settles.

Its mostly genuine affection and a good relationship

doesn't even grant women the status of human being by referring to them as "femoids"

I exaggerate on the internet, oh no!

This whole subreddit is full of threads talking about "femoids." If you're not represented by the dominant trends in this subreddit than you picked a shitty culture to associate with.

relationships exist only to use men

mgtow is that way --> R/mgtow

Sub-7 "men"*.



Get out offal

Piss off fuckface.

I love that you can't even deny being called offal because it is just a scientific fact

I love that you can't deny being a fuckface...

The dinosaurs lived an ignorant blissful life until that asteroid wiped them all out.

Unlike dinosaurs We incels know in advance that We are fucked and can't do jack shit about it

dinosaurs evolved into birds

And Because life is bitch, We are going to evolve into this


Just some nerd humor, bro pretend to laugh.

I gotchu, haHaa

Actually birds had already evolved, and were one of the few to survive the asteroid

they still evolved from dinosaurs

To expand this neat analogy:

The only dinosaurs that made it were the ones who could evolve into birds. Only the dinosaurs that didn't change like they did were wiped out.

yes, smaller dinosaurs became birds

Don't you mean not fucked? On account of you're never gona get fucked?

Theres no hope of finding happiness in the future.

i gav eup on happens slong time ago


there is. WW3 or meteor impact


Not if the Koreas actually settle their shit.

Well I’m glad you don’t think you’re entitled to it

if i was truly etitled then I would have it

You’re right. Just please don’t turn your depression into hate for women.

i hate nature

Same. Nature = hormones = irrational emotions.


Fuck you.

The whole reason you’re an incel is because you CAN’T fuck me, isn’t it?

DING DING DING DING! We have a winner. Yep, that's exactly what the problem is all about. "Incel" is such a bullshit word that doesn't accurately describe the situation. It's chronic singlehood with little hope of that ever changing. It's the loss of hope and crippling realization that you're at the bottom of the sexual pecking order that is most devastating.

Have you considered not focusing your life on what you don’t have, and instead focusing on what you do have?

Having sex is mostly out of your control. No, I am NOT saying it’s entirely up to any random woman, because YOU get a say in who you sleep with too. But I am saying until you meet someone you WANT to have that commitment/connection with, you’re just SOL.

Why make your entire identity about this one thing?

Because its just the way it is if im not getting sex when i know i should be nothing else matters

Well that’s an absolutely ridiculous way to live your life.

You’re investing all your time and energy focusing on a teeny negative aspect.

It’s a teeny aspect of life for those who have it. Almost anyone who says sex is NBD sees if that way because it may come as naturally as breathing in and out. Those with a sex life tend to carry on in their days focusing on whatever tasks and goals they have at hand, like pursuing their education, career, financial & fitness objectives. It doesn’t preoccupy their minds and they tend not to worry about it because it’s a given. However, for someone that doesn’t and hasn’t ever had a relationship or experienced intimacy, the reverse is true. Desires for these basic needs may wax and wane, but the ultimate objective to bond & mate still takes precedence over many other activities, especially when those without are surrounded by those with. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Making it the ONE THING you obsess over is ridiculous though.

I’m not saying it doesn’t suck, and I’m not saying it wouldn’t be something I wouldn’t spend a great deal of time thinking about.

I’m saying making it the ONE THING you spend your time revolving around is utterly ridiculous.

I say that as someone who DID spend copious amounts of time obsessing over it. Until I realized that it’s either going to happen, or it isn’t. There was literally nothing I could do to change that.

So I needed to focus on myself and the REST of my life.

You can live without sleep. Now, go without sleep for 3 days straight, and what are you going to be thinking about, 99% of the time?

If you're able to get sex, then it's not your place to judge whether or not it's ridiculous.

Considering there was a time, many times, in my life where I was unable to have sex when I wanted, yes, I’d say I can judge whether or not it’s ridiculous.

many times, in my life where I was unable to have sex

Many times is not all the time, 100% of the time. So no, you cannot judge.

So you’ve never been a woman so you can’t judge women. Or you’ve never been so popular that people won’t leave you alone so you can’t judge that either. You’re trying to put people in a box so you don’t have to listen to them.

Why make your entire identity about this one thing?

because thats all that matters and you dont choose it. its an instinct, sweetie

You CAN choose to make your life revolve around more than getting your dick wet/getting a relationship.

Like I said, its an instinct. Do you choose not to be hungry, sweetie?

Having the biological urge to reproduce, and making your entire life REVOLVE around sticking your dick in something purely to have an orgasm are completely different things.

and making your entire life REVOLVE around sticking your dick in something purely to have an orgasm are completely different things.

you dont choose it. you dont choose to have a boner. you dont choose being attracted to girls. you dont choose shooting dopamine whne watching an attractive slut.

If you have reached an age where you can type semi-coherently online, and still haven’t learned to control your dick, you NEED to stay inside.

If you wonder why women think you’re a creep, it’s probably because you allow your boners to be prominently on display because you “can’t control it”.

i m hight T and I have a high sex drive

Not an excuse, famalam.

Go back to IT fag



Being a virgin is not a race.

Nor do I hate any of you or wish you harm.

Nor do treat any of you any differently than I treat any other redditors.

I looked through your post history you're a huge racist

Oh, please enlighten me.

Give me examples.

all currycells KYS

Pretty fucking racist.

Also you have some hefty looking arms. You thought about going on a diet? Nobody like fat racists

Please link me to the exact comment where I said that, thank you.

Nobody likes bitter liars, but that’s what you are, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Mrraggan so full of hate. Hateful scum person. I'm not even an incel I just like trolling and occasionally being helpful. Just pisses me off that it's weird hateful racist scum like u who join in the fun. You're giving us all a bad name.

Also you need to go on a diet ffs. My wife is six months pregnant and only weighs 115 pounds you have no excuse.

You still haven’t linked me to any “racist” comments I’ve said.

And yeah, I definitely believe you right now.

Two days ago you were talking on the red pill on how to game women, and were sharing your experiences on dating.

And now suddenly you’re married with a six month pregnant wife?

So are you just a serial adulterer, or a lying idiot?

I haven't cheated on her in over a year get your facts straight. Besides how do you think an aspie like me even get (another) wife? Through being a huge terp that's how. Hilariously enough my wife knows all about trp, knows my old usernames in there, knows my old manosphere blog, and she don't care cause I'm tall and attractive and treat her the way all wahmen love.

You're too big for me to toss around though sorry. Maybe after you get on with that diet.

So you’re simultaneously an incel, married with a pregnant wife, and dating.

Yeah, you’re just a loon.

I'm not an incel I think the fat cells have been giving you brain damage. I even told you right at the beginning of our great conversation that I just like to troll them. But you IT fags are fucking this up I've been doing this for half a decade. And now it gets popular cause of some 4chan hoaxery.

I'm a 40 year old male supremacist who lurv the memes. Look I made a meme for you;

Man the six months preggo no makeup in her pajamas wife of a misogynist mogs ur wedding picture. Feels bad man

Like being a hate filled bigot? Go back to IT fag

sex is a physiological need. Like food, if you are deprived of it, then acquiring it becomes your primary goal.

no it doesn't

Clearly it does, based on the behaviour of men here.

Cause these incels are sex predators and potential rapists.

Careful with your projection, there. You might want to leave some skeletons in the closet.

Yeah I don't think so. If you're guys goal was to actually have voluntary unpaid sex with a human female you wouldn't be making your self identity as an incel. Or whining so much either


Because when your self identity is that of an incel you will feel a moral compulsion for that identity to be correct. Which will sabotage any efforts you make towards sticking you penis into all the fun holes girls have.

Much better to think to yourself, "I'm a guy who hasn't had sex yet but wants a sweet romance and shit". One way leaves you more room to succeed.

Because when your self identity is that of an incel you will feel a moral compulsion for that identity to be correct

I just don't see the logic there. The "involuntary" part of incel clearly implies a desire to change their state.

Because everything in life is about it. It's everywhere. There is no aspect of life where people don't talk about their relationships.

Life is about sex, everything I ever accomplished I only did so I could have (more) sex. Do you think I (or any man) gives a shit about driving a fancy car or owning a big house? Men only care about that shit to impress women.

What the fuck ever

I got banned from IT but your post was so feisty it made my dick rock hard. You’d make a perfect fucktoy

You’re a piece of shit

Nah not really. Just online

Erm ok i think its you all

If my downstairs was bigger i would ov had a happy life

No one is entitled to or guaranteed sex

Wrong. Femoids are guaranteed sex.

They’re pretty likely yeah, but I meant males

but I meant males

In that case, I agree.

I already know I'm gonna die a virgin


THANK YOU. I wish i could copypaste this to anyone who goes "LOL UR 15 most people ur age are virgins"

if u are a virgin, u dont know how long it will last

i know im a subhuman that no one will ever like.

same, we are not worthy

we are less than cockroaches.

we are genetic errors

Failures of the universe.

we are abominations

FREAKS’s because of your virginity in other words

no. its because we dont have anything to look forward to

The worst part of being Forever Alone is not the Alone; it's the Forever.

The worst part of being Involuntary Celibate is not the celibate; it's the Involuntary.

I somehow highly doubt that having sex would ever even cure your depression in the first place. If you have depression you should probably seek help, just saying.

but we are depressed, because no girl wants us. its so simple

Yeah, and I doubt that if you genuinely have depression, a girl actually wanting you would cure it. Once again, I fail to see how a girl other than a doctor could fix a genuine chemical imbalance in your brain.

Lack of sex produced oxytocin is a chemical imbalance

the companionship, and the building a life for two.

Its not life, its some bastardized version of it.

It's not about the sex. I keep telling you this. The sex is usually done a lot in the beginning because it's all new and exciting, lust-fuelled and so forth, but it wanes and becomes a lot less important. It's about the companionship and the love you have from being with another person in a romance.

I have ptsd. Focusing on my past is a chronic condition that I have no control over; the worst experiences in my life tend to be at the forefront of my brain. The reason for this is that my brain is trying to protect me from my past, so that I’m less likely to encounter the thing that traumatized me. I was traumatized by a thing that made me feel a profound sense of powerlessness.

I can imagine that this is somewhat similar to you. You’re focusing on your past even though it brings you pain. Your brain is trying to prevent you from repeating “mistakes”, but you don’t know what your mistake was. Your not even sure you made a mistake. I’m sure you don’t feel you have control over your own thoughts sometimes. Understand that you are not your past.

You have to move on from your past, but it’s simpler said than done. People who don’t understand mental illness don’t understand how hard it is to move past this... but it’s possible. There are multiple techniques to accomplish this. I’d be happy to share them with you. Moving on from the past is the first step.

The second step is paving the way for a more positive future; focusing on things that will better your health, mentally and physically.

Your not hopeless.

Feel free to PM me whenever you need to vent.

i hate nature


No I mean y’all. Y’ALL CRAY CRAY.

Cause these incels are sex predators and potential rapists.

all currycells KYS

Pretty fucking racist.

Also you have some hefty looking arms. You thought about going on a diet? Nobody like fat racists

I'm not an incel I think the fat cells have been giving you brain damage. I even told you right at the beginning of our great conversation that I just like to troll them. But you IT fags are fucking this up I've been doing this for half a decade. And now it gets popular cause of some 4chan hoaxery.

I'm a 40 year old male supremacist who lurv the memes. Look I made a meme for you;

Man the six months preggo no makeup in her pajamas wife of a misogynist mogs ur wedding picture. Feels bad man

same, we are not worthy

Fuck you.

Careful with your projection, there. You might want to leave some skeletons in the closet.