Hey Incels, Normie Here
37 2018-05-01 by Inc33333l
The reason ya'll can't get laid is because you're not a decent human being like I am. If you were a good human being like me you'd have had sex with 10 hot babes already this week like I have. Ya'll just need to be confident and be a decent human being, it works for me. Did I mention I'm a decent human being?
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-01
You forgot showers.
1 Inc33333l 2018-05-01
Fuck, now I join Don'tComplain among others as fakecels
1 Bloody69Hell 2018-05-01
Ropecel, genetic trash.
1 Ploard 2018-05-01
All those sheltered failed normies who come here are condescending pricks with a messiah complex, it's so fucking annoying.
1 armandltr 2018-05-01
“Anyways I’m off, going out with my wife and her recent boyfriend, unlike you losers I actually get sunlight ;)”
1 raspectwahmen 2018-05-01
What a decent human being.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-01
Yeah normie you are a great human being while us incels are natzis
1 asdasalesforce 2018-05-01
I've had lots of sex with lots of different women but all I ever wanted was one woman to love me which is apparently impossible for roasties.