Found on wikipedia for "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs"

54  2018-05-01 by fuckaaathrowaaaa


Lmao no normies here

normies on ropewatch

Normies say that Maslow's Hierarchy is flawed just because of the sex thing. Yet ask normies if they could live without sex and they instantly stfu.

Exactly. Look at all of normie produced media. They are obsessed with sex. Magzines. TV shows. Music. 90% of it is all about sex.

"b-but sex doesn't really matter, you virgins. I promise. look at monks and priests." LOL

31 y/o Virgin here, I could live without it. don't really see what the big deal about it is

If only everyone could have your mentality.

Low T or woman?

I also could live out my days without having sex. It's not required to survive.

Yeah I'm sure you're really content with your situation, that's why your post history is all incel related

fucking LUL

Its all incel related because people seem to enjoy trying to dox in the incel community and a throwaway is needed. Also, I am inceltears mod, i get a laugh out of the stupid things people say

Incel tears mod is a wizard? Jfl

Something wrong with that?

Just ironic that you mod inceltears when you're an incel yourself


IT Mod

Marvel wishes they had scriptwriters as good as r/braincels

The bluepill has blinded you, son.

I love sex, and I'd hate to go without it, but I have for extended periods and it's fine. It's not essential. It just isn't.

but I have for extended periods and it's fine.

And what's an extended period for you? A week? A month? A year? How about a decade? Or a lifetime? For all of us, our dry spell has been a lifetime, so get on our level, because you're nowhere even close, before you tell us that you can relate and it isn't so bad. I bet you haven't even gone 2 years without sex, let alone a lifetime, and you have the gall to lecture us. Smh

I have gone a lifetime i dont see how it is essential.

Then you're either lying, chose to be a virgin, or are a very exceptional case.

Actually, I went from 20-26 sexless. A combination of work, mental health, and not being particularly attractive.

Yes, I know that never having sex must suck and there's a lot of validation to be had from that, but I have gone a legitimate extended period without getting my end away and it was far from the biggest issue in the world to me.

Also, what in that was a lecture? I was barely a fucking paragraph.

6 years? casual.

6 years is nothing to a lifetime of rejection. So get the fuck out, and don't lecture us on the importance of sex, because you don't, and can't, understand.

I went through all of school being told I'm ugly, that no one would ever want me, and I'd die alone. I saw the way I repulsed girls and heard them snigger behind my back. I understood rejection just fine.

I made a post about them targeting us and not people in /r/relationships or /r/DeadBedrooms that are deprived of sex a while back. Here is the post:

Normies of course know more than a world renowned scientist

The Physiological Needs such as breathing, food, drink, sleep, sex, excretion are largely (and obviously) biological and physical requirements. When they are not fulfilled, people become preoccupied with filling those needs above all else. For example, starving people in a war zone can be oblivious to danger when in search of food (Maslow, 1987, pp. 15-17).

Maslow shutting normans up since the 80s.

It's been over

Isn't the sex about procreation in order to continue the species? As in the survival of the human race depends upon people having children.

There are people out there who don't/can't have sex and still manage to survive because all their basic needs of food, air, water etc are met. You as an individual can survive without sex, but the human race cannot continue without it.

It says right there that it is a "Psychological need", not a need for humans to evolve.

In addition to the basic requirements of nutrition, air and temperature regulation, the physiological needs also include such things as shelter and clothing. Maslow also included sexual reproduction in this level of the hierarchy of needs since it is essential to the survival and propagation of the species.

So? It's still a need.

But it doesn't require everyone to have sex in order for the species to propagate

That doesn't matter you fucking retard, humans think about themselves not others. Do you think anyone thinks "oh, others already have sex I don't need to"? No, and therefore it it it is a need for everyone.

Sex is only an essential when it comes to the continuation of the species. Apart from that, it isn't essential.

If you argue that it is, then that would require all sex to be for procreative use, not for pleasure. Relationships etc come higher up the pyramid, you'll note.

Sex is almost always essential to become happy.

And yet I am pretty content without it. What I actually crave more is the companionship of a partner, not the sexual aspect of a relationship.

I like how you ignore "almost", and sex comes in every relationship unless you it's some crazy, super unusual shit.

And because everyone wants sex in a relationship, that is why I will no doubt be remaining single.

I didn't ignore the "almost", because your biological need is to father children. What is not a need is sex just for pleasure. That comes higher up the pyramid in the love/belonging section which makes it less of a need than financial safety and health and well-being.

That makes you an anomaly. That does not mean sex is not a need.

We're not content without it, because we're normal human beings.

You're also young, hormonal and never had it. Three very good reasons you see it as important and I'm not dismissing those reasons, however in the grand scheme of things, it isn't really.

It's not just about the sex. It's also about the validation that comes with someone wanting to have sex with us.

That comes two steps up the pyramid if you look.


That's because it's a wikipedia summary, which of course glosses over details like this. If you examine his actual model, it's clear he put sex in this category (it's "Physiological" btw not "psychological") because it is essential for the species to propagate, not because it is essential to the individual

Tbh I think mastirbation is counted under the broad definition of sexual activity for that purpose.

Although obviously sec is eventually required for procreation

I need sex or I'd LDAR into nothingness.

I swear to god keep bringing this up and the jews will edit this shit and remove sex as a need

I posted this on inceltears and had to delete the comment. Liberals throw out scientific evidence when it doesn't fit their cause.

It says right there that it is a "Psychological need", not a need for humans to evolve.

So? It's still a need.

I have gone a lifetime i dont see how it is essential.


Actually, I went from 20-26 sexless. A combination of work, mental health, and not being particularly attractive.

Yes, I know that never having sex must suck and there's a lot of validation to be had from that, but I have gone a legitimate extended period without getting my end away and it was far from the biggest issue in the world to me.

Also, what in that was a lecture? I was barely a fucking paragraph.

6 years? casual.

6 years is nothing to a lifetime of rejection. So get the fuck out, and don't lecture us on the importance of sex, because you don't, and can't, understand.