Incels are not Nice Guys™

154  2018-05-01 by Rolando_Mierka

This is a response to media depictions of Incels. By some of their comments about fedoras they clearly confuse Incels with Nice Guys™. Fedora wearers are volcel. Fact.

Nice Guys™ will say "Why won't she leave that abusive man and be with me?!? Waaaaah." Incels don't wonder why women will stay with assholes. It's obvious. Those assholes are attractive whereas we are ugly. There is no entitlement, there is only a frustration with our situation, and perhaps resentment towards society for lying to us, that showers and personality are enough for a girlfriend. I wish normies would admit that for some of us it's over, and not because of "misogyny" and other nonsense, but our faces.


reality is the worst

Thank you. The amount of times some normie has said something like "That's not what a real nice guy would say" is too damn high. I'm not a fucking nice guy

What’s funny is I only actually started dating women and getting attention when I stopped being “nice”. The only attention I don’t get is from women who would use me, for homework or money or w/e

Found the niceguy. Be nice and not get dates? Check. Ladies go for assholes? Check. Stop being nice like all those chadholes and suddenly get dates? Check.

Ex-niceguy. I’ve had sex this week, go rope yourself

Is that how you go through life? Just categorising people into neat little meme categories so as to make it easier to invalidate their experiences and chalk everything up to "lol but he is nice guy"?

Seems to have worked for him, so what's your point?

You stopped being a pussy, it doesn't have much with being nice. You can be a nice guy, but still assertive, flirtatious, speak your mind on subjects, and also have a sense of humor. All things that women find attractive, and no not just your fucking jaw line or how your eyes line up. No girl wants a wimp or a pussy, they want a man. That's why no guys here get laid, because they are giant vaginas that complain and blame society and others for their problems. Yeah, you are ugly. Tough shit, go complain to the kid in the wheelchair about how your acne and big nose has you discriminated against and how tough your life is. I'm a nice guy, but im also quite alpha in many situations. It's not that hard to be once you become comfortable in your own skin.

Do Nice Guys believe in hypergamy?

Unlikely since most are still bluepilled

"Niceguys" are numale cucks who WK women and don't understand why they get rejected. Incels are realistic and embrace the blackpill aka the truth about human nature, thats why I side with you guys in this cold war against normies and IT lolcows.


Incels may be pessimistic as fuck, but at least we can admit our faults.

Then why is it that every time you point out how incels are likely hindered by the horrible views of women they spew around this sub all the time, they say "OMG WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WE'RE NOT LIKE THAT IRL?"

Thinking of women as less than you, assuming that you're somehow hiding it and that your IRL interactions are correct, then wondering loudly why they're not having sex with you is the definition of a Nice Guy.

Have you even bothered to read anything in this thread. We're not "wondering" why women aren't having sex with us. We know why they aren't having sex with us. It's because we're not Chad. Everything else is meaningless.

women hated me before I was blackpilled though, whys that 🤔 (I'll give you a hint: I'm 5'3 and ugly)

Women hated me back when I was a fucking feminist.

You're right, it surely was misogyny, even back when I was a self-hating man who was promoting female rights.

Women hated me back when I was a fucking feminist.

rope pls

It's been a long time since I was bluepilled. I am still ashamed of it to this day.

The only "realistic" part of the black pill is common sense that I've never seen any normie disagree with. Looks matter to a certain extend if you are at either extremes.

If you have a foetus growing out of your eye then yes that's going to be a problem. But how many "Chads" have you seen taken seriously in when it comes to intellectual or artistic pursuits?

Average is the best place to be but among incels even that's sub 8

Pietro Boselli strongly disagrees with your nice little cope.

Haven't you ever seen a couple where you thought: "damn, that dude is worse looking than me, yet he's with a girl who looks better than I could ever get"

That's an indicator that your looks aren't the only problem. How you act is something you can work on.

That's an indicator that your looks aren't the only problem. How you act is something you can work on.

Looks is the majority of what's at play here tho. The halo effect is a well documented psychological phenomenon. Good looking people can get away with a lot more shit than someone who isn't. Also where are these couples in which ugly dudes are pairing with women better looking than him? I only see looksmatch or the guy settling below. One the rare occasion I see a guy paired with someone with much higher attractiveness than him, it's because the dude is quite wealthy or the guy clearly payed for an escort or something.

I guess you hang out with shitty dudes, then. Two of my friends look borderline homeless and work shitty jobs, but they're just truly awesome people, and have truly awesome girlfriends to match.

Looks are absolutely most people's biggest factor.

It's not just a factor, it's a gateway. A woman will only let other factors come into play after you pass a minimum threshold of attractiveness.

100000% true. Women gatekeep for looks, then for personality. Then they totally forget about the first gate and assume that they only care about personality. When a woman cares about personality that means you have to be a chad that she likes, not just any chad. We cant even get past the looks barrier.

Cant believe I'm saying this, but yeah that's true. I know I for sure decide pretty quickly if a guy is my type looks wise. This can be altered a little bit by personality, but for the most part, I have a type, and I dont feel attraction toward guys outside of it unless they're exceptionally funny or clever. Like I'm attracted to the comedian Gareth Reynolds because he is really funny on a podcast all the time, but he isn't my usual type at all which is dark hair with light eyes and tanish skin or really pale skin depending on the guy. The thing is though that some other woman has a type that is completely different than mine. I had a friend in high school who would only date lanky guys with long hair because that was her taste but she ended up marrying a guy who looks nothing like that (looks like a nerdy guy but not ugly just not really anything special). Anyway I dont know what my point is.

Two of my friends look borderline homeless

This says nothing about their actual looks aka face.

and it never will, not to normies

Two of my friends look borderline homeless

God damn shut the fuck up.

Looks are NECESSARY but not enough, if you're ugly to the point of not passing the looks threshold your personality don't matter.

But different girls have different thresholds and different preferences in dudes. Everyone has a minimum that they can be attracted to, but they’re all different and what counts as a minimum is different.

(And I’m not trying to say there are not universally attractive features, like symmetry and clear skin and stuff. But it’s not hopeless.)

Two of my friends look borderline homeless

When you need to make shit up in order to make an argument

Why would that be made up? One of them is missing teeth, lol.

I'm not interested in being betabuxx tbh.

only right answer

women and men perceive attraction differently.

Nope. I never see a male that I think looks worse than me.

That's a psychological problem. Statistically speaking, you have met a man less physically attractive than you. Lots of them. If you truly believe you're the ugliest man on the planet, that's something I can't really help you with except suggesting you take a statistics class. People with alllllll kinds of fucked up appearances end up in completely happy relationships. I don't mean to sound mean about it, but really really bad looking people end up in relationships (or fuck, famous for their face)- how do you explain that other than their personality?

You are just convinced that you are right. But there is nothing about your confidence that makes me change my opinion because I am just as convinced. So we are at a stalemate.

Well, I am also cursed with social anxiety and generalized anxiety. So maybe they just don't have that.

Yeah, that's a big problem. I think we agree on that. But it's a problem that you can work on, not a curse. At least it doesn't do you any good to think of it that way- be pragmatic, man.

Maybe we'll see that in the next Pirates of the Caribbean film where they break a curse just by deciding that they just aren't going to think of it as a curse.

Why lie to myself?

You're right- just give up on having a good life. I guess that's what this sub is for. Just recognize that it's your choice- plenty of people have overcome worse odds than you.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

Are you really arguing that your personality is incurably shitty?

No, I'm arguing that my social anxiety and generalized anxiety is incurable.

Medication and cognitive behavioral therapy did nothing at all for you?


I have never seen a couple like that, no.

The only time I saw a dude like that his gf was abusive towards him

Yep on of my below average friends is married to an attractive girl who is insane

I have seen guys that are naturally not as good looking as me with gfs/wives but none that have fucked up skin like me.

I think you seriously underestimate how unattractive a lot of us are.

And is she cheating on him with Chad?

Is it a standard desire among incels to be seen as "nice"?

No. A standard desire is to be seen as attractive to the opposite sex. Not gonna happen though. It's over.

I wish normies would admit that for some of us it's over, and not because of "misogyny" and other nonsense, but our faces.

Some dudes here are working from serious disadvantages looks wise, some just have a shit load of anxiety. Don't know who's who for the most part. But yeah if you are short and/or fat with a weird looking face you're working from a big disadvantage. And even though personality can make it up to an extent a lot of personality attributes are basically immutable by the time you are an adult. I'm not going to just admit "it's over" for a particular dude on here b/c I don't know them and I don't know if it really is or if it's legit hard but not over.

Normies would still see mental illnesses as something controllable and not a legitimate reason for inceldom.

It varies, many mental illnesses are treatable and some people get good outcomes, but if someone responds to mental illness with "whatever just get over it" they are fucking idiots. Getting over sexual anxiety was horribly painful and took years. I'm glad I did it b/c otherwise I might be on here saying "give up" along with everyone else, but it was fucking tough, and I had it better than many others.

Normies appear to be the masters of stoicism, like they can get rejected one million times and it doesn't affect them to the slightest.

Are you claiming that you have a mental illness?

That is not even close to what I said. I have no mental illness. I'm just ugly. I am saying however some incels are incel because they have a mental illness. Yet normies will still treat it as something controllable and that it's not a valid excuse as to why one can't get a girlfriend.

Nope. You don't even pretend to be nice!

What a worthless comment. You probably think everyone here talks in real life like they do online.

Nope. But it can be an indicator

Lol. You're deluded.

For all you know one of us can be a close friend of yours who acts different when in person.

I thought roasties hated phonies and loved genuine guys?

When you are genuinely a great person. But fake people like fake people and i know many fake bitches

I'm a genuinely good person, and I'm incel because of face.

Also, good-looking assholes. Nuff said.

I'm not like the other girls teehee

oh I'm like other girls. I'm just not like EVERY other girl. Because that is literally impossible.

and you women don't even pretend that you aren't attracted to men who aren't nice

Yup. We don't need to pretend for that . Being attracted to people we find nice.

i knew my double negatives would fuck me over

Be low-inhib asshole or attractive to get females.

Water is wet.

We also don't even bother to try at women. We know better. We're physically repulsive.

Personality is enough for a girlfriend. You all know there are ugly guys who have girlfriends, so if they can do it, it has to be their personality.

Not interested in beta bux.

It has to be their money.

Plenty of ordinary looking or fat men get with pretty girls who make as much money as them. For the really actually ugly dudes they can get with really ugly girls.

The first sentence in your reply makes me wonder if you are one of those guys who somehow magically knows every exception to every rule. There are a lot of you on braincels. You somehow know all the Indian janitors with rich white women, or the short fat guys dating supermodels. A single exception never invalidates a rule.

As for the second sentence, in the year 2018 hypergamy is so bad that ugly women are regularly dating high-tier normies. Many ugly guys on this sub would gladly settle for an ugly girl but even the ugly girls can get men way above their league.

In the year 2018 ugly men are regularly dating high-tier normies. I literally never see guys dating down.

Do these ugly men have status? Or is this another made up statistic....

Their status is equal to or lower than the status of the women they are dating.

Last time we had this discussion you brought up Peter Griffin and homer simpson.

Do you have any real examples?

What the fuck stop stalking me I'm referring to real life population. Every time I've had this discussion with anyone on reddit I've named 10,000 examples of people I know in real life. Leave me alone.

Stalking you? I just tend to remember all of the multi day debates I have with people....You are not the only one so don't flatter yourself.

10,000 is a typical exaggeration of yours, I think there is a block feature so do that, because I will interject whenever I see you say something crazy

I'm a nice guy 1000%. And never had the occasion to speak to any femoid

Nice Guys is a fabricated concept which sole purpose is to make women feel guiltless for rejecting a kind but physically unappealing man. The closest thing that come close to the "Nice Guy" definition are low iq ghetto jackasses who ask women out and call them whore or ugly when they reject them.

Eh, I think Nice Guys™ do exist, but I will admit that some women wrongly apply the label, as you said, to feel guiltless about rejecting kind but ugly men.

uh-there is no reason for a woman to feel guilty for kindly rejecting a guy who she is not interested in. What world do you live in where a woman is obligated to feel guilt over that?

I never said they should feel guilty. Normtards can't even read. Women will call kind but ugly kind men Nice Guys™ to feel better about rejecting them. I made no statement on what they should or should not feel.

You are presuming that women need a mechanism to avoid feeling guilty which they otherwise naturally would. You are so far up your own ass you dont even have a 'norm' perspective.

Yes; when women claim to be attracted to personalities and they reject men because of their looks they have to somehow justify their rejection. What better way to do it than to label the people you rejected as assholes? By doing so you're saying that you didn't reject due to looks but because of their personality, effectively saving face and keeping everybody believing that you don't judge people by their looks.

Holy shit that's some Olympic leveling leaping just so you have a reason to attack someone. Where did he say women were obligated to feel guilty? Low IQ normie troll 0/10, would never take bait.

High IQ


Nice guys are delusional. She doesn't like you because you're ugly and a pushover. You're also dishonest and creepy.

At least as an incel, I know I'm unattractive, so there's no need to bother.

Nice guys are entitled. Incels know better.

thanks of god , no

Anything to make you feel like you matter... losers

i seriously don't know what you guys are talking about, all my male friends are fucking ugly and all of them are married. think short balding and poor. their girlfriends/spouses are all pretty and really nice people. and seriously, in their teens, they were always with someone. the only thing really going for them is that they really love their hobbies and are very nice, smart people..

Are you a woman?


I thought so. Women consider the majority of men ugly.

oh i really don't think that they are ugly, but some people around me used to say that "i had weird taste" because i dated some of them, and yeah, i didnt think they were hot, but they made me feel happy around them, thats why we are still friends today.

Jesus, give the hamster a break.


My nice guy faze came and went rather quickly. You can be a nice, agreeable guy when dating, but always be prepared to disagree and to put her in her place if she's acting up. Not being a pushover goes a long way.

Oh but you guys are. You guys genuinely believe women owe you sex. For the record I'm slightly blackpilled but the you guys are a bunch of nice guys

Don't tell us what we genuinely believe. I don't believe I'm owed sex. Only fringecels believe they're owed sex.

There are posts literally stating that femoids should give incels sex..foh

This fucking moron again. Now with the "le slightly blackpilled chad xd xd" label.

I always thought incels were just niceguys whp have up

Niceguys don't exist. Ugly guys do. Shaming niceguys is a tactic by society to absolve themselves of the guilt of how they treat ugly mean. "Oh he was just pretending to be nice". Well Chads don't even have to pretend. They can be as abusive as they want out of the gate and girls will still flock to them.

Its because society is delusional.

They also seem to think that incels are fat. Every single incel that has admitted as such in public is normal weight or underweight except for eggman.

What's pathetic is that society raises men to believe that just having a good personality and a kind heart is good enough to at least find someone. It's never outright stated, but it's clearly implied. When women go out of their way to pretend they're "less visual" than men, what the fuck do they expect to happen?

Nice Guys and other soyboys are in denial about women.

Normies would still see mental illnesses as something controllable and not a legitimate reason for inceldom.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

Their status is equal to or lower than the status of the women they are dating.