IncelTears vs this sub

216  2018-05-01 by TheBottomeOnePercent


That's the redpill vs the blackpill too

redpill only helps volcels

Is there some wiki where I can read up on the blackpill?

There's (this)[] .

If you lurk , you'll get the gist of it, there's almost daily reminders lol.

I understand it for the most part but I've never really looked into the specific aspects of it. Thanks for the link, bud.

One of my favorite subs too. Blackpill Science

Wow, I don't think I can take this many black pills in one sitting

yo word, my weak heart can't take that without wanting to swallow a bullet

Holy shit how much time do they waste compiling all this useless information instead of just talking to chicks like their people?!

Oh we did the talking all right, and we got rejected again and again and again until our confidence was beaten to a pulp. This information is us attempting to understand why we can't get a date, even though it seems like it happens naturally to other people.

And maybe if you glanced through it, you'd realise it's far from useless and explains pretty well what an incel is.

What did you even say when you asked these girls out? I got rejected a lot when trying to get back into the dating scene and I'm borderline Chad status. It's fine that you've given up, more for the rest of us but getting rejected is literally part of being a guy in the dating scene. You get over it after a while and stop caring..

We've tried bluepilled boyo, and unlike you, we understand the true nature of femoids based on hard scientific data and statistics. Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless here.

And this right here is how not to get a date. There is no "Hard Scientific Data and Statistics" that say women are heartless cold bitches with little to no intelligence that thirsts after every hot guy that walks past.

Or taking showers and doing haircuts.

The best source is undoubtedly Face and LMS YouTube series. Here is the link for the first episode, then if you're interested you can watch the next ones.

The unpleasant truth that if you’re being a cunt to women they won’t give you cunt in return. Mmokay.

^ cuckboi spotted. I bet you look like a numale. How is your hairline doing?

Failure to keep up normal, non ad hominem argument? Check.

Failure to understand cause and effect of human emotions? Check.

Believing that incels are more aware than other people? Check.

Congratulations, you have met enough criteria to be considered a horrible person!

Trying to defend a numale? Check Failure to understand reality? Check Believing that women are not demons? Check Congratulations, you have met enough criteria to be considered a soy boy!

Who hurt you to make you believe that women are demons?


"who hurt you..."

why are numales so predictable

Having basic human decency kind of limits what people can do, so to an E N L I G H T E N E D M A L E like yourself, it makes us look predictable.

so "basic human decency" involves denying reality in favor of arbitrarily placing women as a whole on a pedestal despite mountains of evidence regarding trends in female sexual selection? :2

i wouldnt call that decency, it might be better to say: "basic human desperation"

You say "denying reality" to other people a lot on this sub as if you are in some way enlightened, but you keep citing "evidence" that I have never seen anybody actually provide and go against what a few minutes of normal conversation can usually prove (that most women are as sane, kind, unkind, or willing to go out with you as men).

"you keep citing "evidence" that i have never seen anybody actually provide

completely meaningless. if theres some specific aspect about incel philosophy you want to discuss by all means bringing it up - but being intentionally vague for the purposes of gaslighting incels doesnt make you look as "reasonable" as you believe yourself to be.

mountains of evidence regarding trends in female sexual selection

Show me those "mountains". I want to see the evidence.

That is the least vague I can be.

once you've read some of these urls in good faith you'll have a starting point for discussing these concepts to the extent where you're not wasting both of our time, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with them.

He momie

Bullying virgin men for no purpose - CHECK

Being condescending, borging and annoying - CHECK

Going to braincels subreddit to read things they don't like and feel offended about it - CHECK

Congratulations mate, you met enough criteria to be considered a fucking idiot.

If you lack the basic human decency to understand that being awful to people makes them not want to do anything for you, I don't think telling you that really counts as bullying, and there is definitely a purpose to it.

understand that being awful to people makes them not want to do anything for you

If you ask me, seriously believing that the people 100% say and do the things on this subreddit IRL makes me think you lack critical reading.

Once you’ll have a look at my post history and rage downvote all my comments, I know you’ll realise the only thing cucked is your genetics 😂

Wow I am so scared "BeastDong" LOLOOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLO. Obviously I ain't gonna look at your post history. You sound autistic.

Bruh I’d rather be autistic than an Incel. At least, they don’t go around mowing down innocent people because big bad evil mean women owe them free pupuss.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL that was only one guy. And he was not an incel. HE WAS AN AUTISTIC CHAD HAHAHHA. Who is the big bad evil now? Checkmate u ed boi

“Who is the big bad evil” Hum oh god you superior alpha Incel rapist! You slimy bastard! You got me good! ... Maybe... Maybe it’s the guy that proudly supports rape be...becau... Because he is an Incel! 😂😂😂😂😂

Nope. He is autistic. If inceldom actually causes murders then more people would have died, since atleast 15% of all men are incels. Checkmate again.

What is wrong with you people?

u cucks is wat wrong with us ppl

Christ, over half of you cannot even type in grammatically correct sentences.

You all seem like 10 to 16 year old immature sheltered children. The sad thing? Most of you are not, you are adults and it's really sad that you have such a twisted view on reality.

Speaking to the ones who actually bite into this ideology specifically. The ones of you on here just for the trolls, go for it. I used to be that age and make over the top troll comments back in the day as well. Most of us oldfags did that type of thing in our youth.

I have worked in, arguably, the most social job, customer service, for almost two decades now. I see all flocks of life in a day and the way you view how you think most women act is not true. Do some of them act in the ways you are speaking? Yes. Do the majority do this? No. Your community overly exaggerates minorities to look like the majority.

PS: Nice throw away. ;)

No one is gonna read ur wall of text u coping loser

Dude you lost your time writing this, I don't even need to read it to know what it says and I call BS.

customer service, for almost two decades now

Very lowiq career. Not surprised you're an incelqueer.

Actually, I am the owner of a customer service business. I would love to see you even try to talk to others outside your bubble, let alone manage them.



Sure you are, incelqueer. That very successful and profitable business you run in-between spending 24/7 on reddit.

Sure. What ever helps you sleep at night. Talking to you about this ideology is like talking to a brick wall.

Go outside once in awhile, buddy

Cool, keep being lonely! Less psychopaths on the streets with twisted minds like yours.

Hey you're not entitled to sex or women so stay away from them you creep!@

Says the guy that can only get laid because he fullfil a niche of fetish. Dude, you wouldn't stand 10 minutes as a low frame black guy


Yeah, so I'll just buy a cunt, which I will own. Fuck women's games.


Wow interesting, tell me how Jeremy meeks and ted bunty had lots of women desiring them even after they were caught and convicted. Such great personalities, tell me too how Chris Brown can beat his bitches and still manage to get more and more bitches. Something is wrong with your theory boyo

/u/beastdong please save us from our ignorance we are waiting



I noticed "Her" user name is not included. Is there a reason? Or is it because the fact that this was faked? Just asking.

She's the second reply to the top comment. It's not faked.

"truth". Funny guys.

DAE women are idiots for not having secks with me???

Because there's no such thing as comforting truths?

The comforting truth is that suicide is always an option. Always remember that :')

i really wonder how people like you have managed to make it this far without wandering into traffic

Everyone on r/IncelTears is probably more of a degenerate than everyone here. I'd rather be self-aware and not get laid than get laid and be a degenerate, spending my time bullying virgins online.

Then don’t get laid. No one really cares.

I'm not an Incel mate

I think I just proved your point.

Sorry about that, I need to re-evaluate my values.

Black pill has some truths but redpill has more.

Care to elaborate how?

Yeah I'd like to know

Redpill is just "be confident" for not hideous men. I don't dislike it because it treats women as inferior so it's a good thing for me.

LMFAO 80% Upvoted. All those downvotes are from the delusional cucks are not ready to handle the unpleasant truth.

80/20 rule hails supreme once again

What is the unpleasant truth here? A sub of people who bitch that nothing is ever their fault vs the entire rest of the world that does not experience life the same way at all.

You guys talk about what women want and what women do etc., but you've never even had relationships with them. Get some life experience before you tell us how everything you're not involved in works.

You came in here faggot not the other way around.

Yes, and saw all the incels pontificating on how all women act in relationships, how marriages work, what women find attractive etc. All of this you know nothing about, due to lack of experience. The only thing you know for sure is all these "slutty" women who sleep around still aren't slutty enough to be with you. That's the end of your knowledge. It's like you are explaining what happens on the inside of a building nobody will let you enter.

The real uncomfortable truth here is you're all wrong. Women don't behave like you think, relationships don't work like you think everyone isn't a "cuck." The real uncomfortable truth is you're a bunch of angry virgins who can't face why women and basically everyone else doesn't like you.

She a woman. So I think chadlover89 is a better insult

Holy fuck you incels are losers. I'd love to stay and prove you wrong, But I'm taking my wife and her boyfriend out to dinner. Later losers!

Later winner!

Add me on Nintendo switch.

KK! My username is SoyBoyLoveJoyNeeHoy. My profile picture is me doing :D

Wow! You incels have NO IDEA just how hard we fuck! Different planets.

fucking true pic

Subscribe today and get a free 30 day supply of the blue pill! Message PorkyAmor for details!

"everyone is born equal tehehe"

Says the group of people that have spent their whole lives telling themselves that they're not the problem; it's women.

if water doesn't mix with oil, is water the problem or is it oil?

It's the one that doesn't mix with anything else either.

If incels could be capable of getting a date with a gay dude, does that mean women are the problem?

I would like to hear your point here. So for some reason or the other women aren't attracted to some people. That could be looks, lack of social skills, fixation on sex and losing virginity, shitty character, etc.

In short, you aren't desireable. Why should women date you when they aren't attracted to you? Why should men date women they aren't attracted to?

No one (sane) says that women should date guys that they're not attracted to. We mostly bemoan the fact that they're really only attracted to a minority of men (top 20%), while men are much more willing to settle.

'Top 20%', are you suggesting that only 20% of men are able to be in a relationship? Secondly, there is plenty of women unable to find a boyfriend as well.

Did you know that there is a biological reason behind the fact that men are attracted to more women (as in a broader range of women) and have a stronger sex drive? There is a reason why in the vast majority of animals the males try to attract females (and are willing to procreate with pretty much every female), while females search for their ideal mating partner (choosing from many possible suitors).

Yes it is natural that women are the selective gender in all mammals.

But you know what? It is also natural that lions kill deers to survive, does that mean that a dear mother who just saw her children ripped apart by a lion just accept it without being sad or angry because it's "natural".

Nature is cruel, and women are nature's way of selecting the low tier men out of the gene pool. And its insanely painful for the low tier men. and we're legitimately angry for it.

No, because it's also natural for the deer mother to want its offspring to survive. My point is, blaming women is pretty fucking stupid. That would be like blaming men for being wired to have a stronger sex drive. This has nothing to do with society or women, it's just the fact that incels are undesireable for one reason or the other.

Nobody said you can't be angry or sad, but putting the blame on women instead of trying to find a way to better yourself and increase your chances is kinda unproductive. The way I see it is that most incels are just an extension of the victim culture that is becoming more and more prevalent in society.

Thats like telling a mother deer not to blame the lion that just killed her child in front of her. Sure, the lion isn't gonna change. Sure, hating the lion is not productive in the slightest. But sometimes, we can't choose what we feel. And a mother deer can feel anger and blames the lion.

I do feel anger and blame women for their selective nature.

Why don't you try to become more desireable instead of playing the perpetual victim? I have seen plenty of ugly guys date women. Heck, in my experience charisma and character are more important for a relationship than simple looks.

I bet that there is women who you wouldn't want to date. There is women who can't find a boyfriend, just like some men can't find a girlfriend. You are selecting girls as well. If a fat, antisocial, rude girl with a monobrow asked you out today chances are you would say no.

That is not true. Females are the selective gender in all mammals. They can ALWAYS get a boyfriend if they take care of their body/hygiene and lower their standards enough. There are no female incels.

If a fat, antisocial, rude girl with a monobrow asked you out today chances are you would say no.

If she wasn't fat, or at least expressed to me the willingness to lose weight, I wouldn't say no. I have practically no standards.

But that's exactly my point, they have to work on themselves. Most incels I come across aren't willing to change anything about themselves. They stay antisocial/weird, they stay fixated on sex, they keep calling themselves ugly without even trying to fix their looks and style. You can't honestly expect a girl/woman, who more likely than not gets asked out by men who are more charismatic/successful or better looking than you to pick you.

Why? Why are you so picky? Why don't you just accept her fatness?

I'm curious how those maths hold up to real life. A lot more than 20% of men are in relationships or single and having sex.

Yes, I know, the okCupid "study", but that same study showed that women were messaging or dating men well outside that 20%.

The statistic is not "only 20% of men are in a relationship," the statistic is "women are only truly attracted to 20% of men."

So.... yay for us men?

I mean, imagine being so amazing that she’ll choose to spend her life with you even if you’re not in her top 20%. (Yes, “her 20%”, because attraction isn’t universal).

I’m certain as fuck I’m not the most attractive man my wife ever met, yet she likes me so much, she gets aroused and wants to sex me? I call that a win.

It means they are volcels.

Waw. So not forcibly changing your sexuality is volcel now? It is our fault that we don't go through the traumatizing and seemingly impossible task of changing our sexuality so we can escape women's absurdly high standards and cold hearted selectiveness?

You're sick.

Hey, you'd not be celibate. Traumatizing? Impossible? Don't those words describe being celibate? You could be having sex, right now! Just like femcels who're "not really in but instead totally volcels". Nice double standards there, volcel. If you really wanted to lose your virginity, you wouldn't care about being attracted to your partner or them being the same sex as you. After all, femcels can just suck up not being attracted to a 37 year old married guy, right? Then so can you. You volcels make incels look bad.

Besides you said it first that you're capable of getting a date with a gay dude, but now you turn it down.

The problem are them demons.

Am I in the parody sub or the real one?

You wish this was a parody you delusional man child

‘Man child.’ Let’s talk about people who spend their lives dedicated to bitching about how they can’t get laid.

Let's also add the people that bitch about the bitching. The 2nd rate losers!

Ah for fuck sake! I hate it when I get lost on Reddit.

Ironically, some of us normies try to deliver unpleasant truth and receive the treatment in OP's image. Unpleasant truth such as: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

K, so cancer is 10% and how is the 90% reaction going to solve it?

Just shower bro. My 5'0 Indian friend had cancer. Do you think he just bitched about it? Fuck no! He showered, lifted, and got new clothes. Now, he's biologically immortal and can survive any disease he wants.

Which treatment you decide to take. How you decide to live. Take your pick, but we're talking mentality here, not fucking cancer; jfc.

You brought up unpleasantry. Why is cancer out of the question? Because it fucks up your just world fallacy mentality? You're probably the kind of retard who reads the secret and buys into the affirmation and positive thinking movement that stemmed from the book.

Translation: You think the genetics you bemoan as the bane of your existence are as bad as cancer. Get real, pony boy.

What are the unpleasanr truths? :/

This sub is full of comforting lies, that is true.

Name one

The atomic blackpill. The top 20% men. Looks are all that matters. I could honestly go on and list most things posted here.

This sub is dedicated to a group of delusional and psychologically impaired persons who despite having very limited experience with socialization or sex; believe that they have the entire world figured out and use ridiculously bloated/falsified information and pseudoscience to justify their self-indulgent and flawed views.

Oh, and they complain about it to. A lot.

That's going too far, i think the people that take the things said here as fact needs help. They need to step out of that echo chamber and realize everyone has issues and theirs is nothing special, just like my own issues are.

A few unpleasant "truths":

  • You have the right to murder groups of innocent people because you can't get laid.

  • It is society's fault, and not your own, that you can't get laid.

  • Getting laid is the ultimate goal in life, and everything else you could ever accomplish pales in comparison to putting one's dick in a vagina.

  • You have insight into the minds of women that no one else has, but still can't get laid.

  • Anyone who disagrees with you is a bully, a harasser, or wants all incels burned at the stake.

  • The Nintendo Switch is a meme.

You completely misunderstand what incels are about. And you do it on purpose to blame us. Nobody here wants to kill innocent people.

And yeah, of course having Sex at least once in life with a girl that genuinely cares about you and is not just a hooker is an ultimate goal. What‘s the problem?

And we don‘t blame society for not getting laid. We blame society for saying it‘s okay to bully ugly men (something they can‘t change at all).

And yet you do. It's not a secret that in incel spaces, people unironically worship Elliot Roger. Hell, people on this VERY subreddit advocate death and rape against women who won't fuck them. You justify acts of violence under the false premise that you are harassed. Some actually said to me it's MY fault if THEY turn violent.

The problem is incels act as if anything they could ever hope to achieve in life pales in comparison into insert peg A into slot B. It's sad and funny at the same time but sex is just, well, sex. It's not nearly as important as incels make it out to be.

I doubt you will find the majority of society thinks it's okay to bully anyone. Not having sex with you is not the same as bullying, or harassment, or whatever else you'd like to spin that as. I've been bullied my whole life friendo. It stopped when I stopped letting it get to me. Sticks and stones.

I understand it for the most part but I've never really looked into the specific aspects of it. Thanks for the link, bud.

yo word, my weak heart can't take that without wanting to swallow a bullet

'Top 20%', are you suggesting that only 20% of men are able to be in a relationship? Secondly, there is plenty of women unable to find a boyfriend as well.

Did you know that there is a biological reason behind the fact that men are attracted to more women (as in a broader range of women) and have a stronger sex drive? There is a reason why in the vast majority of animals the males try to attract females (and are willing to procreate with pretty much every female), while females search for their ideal mating partner (choosing from many possible suitors).

I'm curious how those maths hold up to real life. A lot more than 20% of men are in relationships or single and having sex.

Yes, I know, the okCupid "study", but that same study showed that women were messaging or dating men well outside that 20%.

No, because it's also natural for the deer mother to want its offspring to survive. My point is, blaming women is pretty fucking stupid. That would be like blaming men for being wired to have a stronger sex drive. This has nothing to do with society or women, it's just the fact that incels are undesireable for one reason or the other.

Nobody said you can't be angry or sad, but putting the blame on women instead of trying to find a way to better yourself and increase your chances is kinda unproductive. The way I see it is that most incels are just an extension of the victim culture that is becoming more and more prevalent in society.

so "basic human decency" involves denying reality in favor of arbitrarily placing women as a whole on a pedestal despite mountains of evidence regarding trends in female sexual selection? :2

i wouldnt call that decency, it might be better to say: "basic human desperation"

And yet you do. It's not a secret that in incel spaces, people unironically worship Elliot Roger. Hell, people on this VERY subreddit advocate death and rape against women who won't fuck them. You justify acts of violence under the false premise that you are harassed. Some actually said to me it's MY fault if THEY turn violent.

The problem is incels act as if anything they could ever hope to achieve in life pales in comparison into insert peg A into slot B. It's sad and funny at the same time but sex is just, well, sex. It's not nearly as important as incels make it out to be.

I doubt you will find the majority of society thinks it's okay to bully anyone. Not having sex with you is not the same as bullying, or harassment, or whatever else you'd like to spin that as. I've been bullied my whole life friendo. It stopped when I stopped letting it get to me. Sticks and stones.