You approached a girl for the first time and this happened what would you do?

43  2018-04-04 by xVegito


This would be immediately apparent and easily changed back.

Haha that's actually pretty creative

Suifuel concentrate

Foids are evil

Showing off her great personality

Obviously don't be obnoxious/creepy when approaching a girl, but knowing incels you don't approach women.

creepy/obnoxious are code words for ugly.

Is it really a code when everyone knows what it means?

everyone knows what it mean

If only that was true

Approaching a women at all without being a Chad is considered creepy

I stoppes approaching for now, I'm afraid I'll kick next femoid-rejector to death

You mean be cute/charming.

Giving your phone to a woman

Never expect weakness from the enemy.

How’s your dating life, Sun Tzu?

Pretty good, got a snapchat message from a girl the other day.

obnoxious/creepy = ugly

I don't send dick pics so I'd be safe

If a guy did this to an "obnoxious" woman he'd be labeled an asshole and everyone would feel sorry fir the roastie.

Except she probably wouldn't send dick pics to her mom, and it would be more of a "opps, I guess he didn't really want to talk to me at all, sorry mom. :( " Instead of "what the hell, is this what you send girls right off the bat, no wonder you're single, idiot!"

Except she has no way of knowing if the guy would send dick pics, given that he never had her number to begin with, its just a roastie speculating based on his personality.

Well if he didn't send any dick pics, all the better. That way he has nothing to worry about in this situation. Honestly sometimes it's just easier to put in a fake number then to tell someone to get lost, some guys get pretty agro when rejected, and it's scary sometimes to tell someone you aren't interested.

Its not about him, its about her making baseless assumptions and giving him a fake number rather than just being an adult and telling him no. It's a rather odd assumption to make from the get go, she's just using it as an excuse to be a shitty person.

And as neither of us were there, it's useless to assume one way or another. Maybe she's shitty, maybe he was being overly aggressive. The mystery is astounding.

The only evidence that we have is that she made up a story in her head and then gave a fake phone number as a result, and then had the nerve to gloat about it like she's smart or something. She is a shiity person, and you are a dumb person for not being able to see through this obvious bullshit roastie hamstering.

it's possible that it's bullshit, and it's possible that she was just trying to deflect an agressive situation, I already said that I don't know the whole story. But hey I'm just a poor dumb femoid, sowwy for getting in the way of your rational man-think. I guess I still have much to learn when it comes to being judge & jury over trivial internet bullshit.

I am glad you know your place.

And I'm sad that sarcasm swings way over your head.

Would he have been classed as obnoxious if he was extremely good looking?

Course he fucking wouldn't

What kind of naive idiot lets someone type in their phone?

If you send unsolicited pics its your fault. Obnoxious may mean a jocky asshole and not you because women dont hate you incels like you hate them. They ignore you.

You are literally not helping

Uhhh don't send a pic of your past-ass dick? Don't persistently try to get a girl's number?

past ass-dick

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

I do whatever i want roastie

E d g e

What im not a table i dont have edges what do u mean edge roastie


but I cringed so hard at seeing the word "roastie" used unironically that my own liver developed sentience and climbed out of my torso just to type this

The only thing more cringing than an overused internet term is your elaborate reaction.

Assuming that this man sent unsolicited dick pics, while the only context was that he was called obnoxious in some strangers tweet

Yeah never try to get a number, just eat shit I guess lol. This fucking world man...

Its so easy to tell if a girl is into man

"Just go ask women out"

-asks women out-

Uhhhhhhh don't ask women out you retard

it's over boyos. we must ldar. soon, it will be illegal for us to leave our houses.

asking women out takes balls, that's true. It usually ends in failure. I find, however, that asking for a number only works out well once they've already agreed to a date. (just based on my limited experience)

Sorry for being toxic with that line, there. Been in a bad place lately and it's far too easy to take that out on the internet.

Unsolicited dick pics are still a bad habit. Just a reminder since too many people forget that.

I find, however, that asking for a number only works out well once they've already agreed to a date

jfl you CANNOT make this shit up

Unsolicited dick pics are still a complete no-no

only for non-Chads

Ooooh, so you actually need to ask a woman out AFTER she agrees to go out with you. I've been missing this part all this time!

Wtf is this guys reply it makes 0 sense? "Ask for her number after she agrees to a date." Yeah, how else are you going to coordinate the date? Just lmao at clueless morons trying to give us advice.

Only talk to awoman after you've had sex.

Basically just Connor Murphy it:

Ok, maybe the lesson here is to type it yourself

I wouldn't do such a thing lol.

jokes on her, i got a girl's number anyways


Honestly if I want someone’s number imma be like lemme call it just so I can add it from my call history. If they say no I’m just leaving bruh. All these shenanigans giving out fake numbers and changing contacts no ones got time for that.