You’re quiet because you’re ugly.
107 2018-04-04 by DrillMonger3000
Notice how during middle school you were loud and extroverted but slowly became more and more socially-inept and quiet? This is because while the physically attractive charismatic kids were celebrated the ugly kids who were loud were told they were annoying and they got bullied LOL. So you had no other choice but to shut it. Does this hold true for anyone else?
1 CopingManletGymcel1 2018-04-04
Yup. I got less "extraverted" as time went on.
1 NerdyAesthete 2018-04-04
Eh...I wasn't loud in elementary/high school (no middle school) either, except in a handful of one-off situations where I was more confident then usual. Mostly I was shy and awkward throughout the early years.
1 geneticwaste43 2018-04-04
Yes bullied constantly
1 Joemo55 2018-04-04
This is exactly what life is
1 CommunityCollegeHogg 2018-04-04
> implying I was ever extroverted
Literally every teacher I've had (from kindergarten to high school) recommended to my parents I receive counseling/therapy, yet they never did a single fucking thing to help me.
1 SerialEL 2018-04-04
god damn. ITS OVER.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-04-04
Nah, I was one of the shortest kids in the entire class during middle school. I quickly learned that my place was to be quiet.
1 captvic 2018-04-04
Yep I was a class clown in elementary-Early middle school until I was unfortunately put in my place for being subhuman. Middle school was horrible for me in terms of bullying, than highschool I was a complete outcast
1 mangoman30 2018-04-04
lol you just explained my life bro. elementary i was the funniest kid in my grade, even got selected as mayor by popular vote when we went on a school field trip to biz town, middle school i was still funny, but i noticed the “popular kids” i.e the attractive ones got more laughs at their jokes even though i know for a fact they weren’t that funny, and finally at high school it was over for me. Social outcast, no one would talk to me, people stopped laughs at my jokes, etc. all because a nigga looked like a runescape goblin . G fucking g
1 VartanX 2018-04-04
Puberty fucked you up.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-04-04
yup. puberty fuckd him up.
1 mangoman30 2018-04-04
yup it did bro
1 Hoenami 2018-04-04
I'm sorry this happened to you but damn my guy the runescape goblin comment had me rolling ty for that laugh I needed that
1 kj107 2018-04-04
All social anxieties (such as being introverted/quiet/depression) exists only because of growing up ugly. No one wants the uggos to have attention or to feel good about themselves. Biology has deemed us as not fit for procreation and therefore should be cast out and shamed.
1 designated_driver_ 2018-04-04
Introversion is not a anxiety nor is being quiet stop talking BS
1 kj107 2018-04-04
Introversion is the learned behavior of no one wanting to hear what ugly genetic trash has to say, internalizing all thoughts and emotions to the point any outside stimulus is a mental strain.
1 designated_driver_ 2018-04-04
Stop saying genetic trash takes away from your argument which is BS anyway
1 kj107 2018-04-04
At least I have an argument. You have nothing but normie platitudes and insults.
In other words, LOW IQ RESPONSE.
1 designated_driver_ 2018-04-04
You don't have anything, no argument you have. I idea what your are talking about you are ignorant
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-04-04
You are both low IQ and low energy. Get out, normalshit.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
100% this. I was extremely extroverted and everyone loved me as a kid. I even had "girlfriends" in third and fourth grade. I was one of the more outgoing kids and was elected class president in 4th grade. I even was gaming on a 6th grade girl once when I was in 5th grade, I had such a massive ego at the time. Then middle school happened. People stopped laughing at my jokes, people stopped wanting to hang out with me, I became the "annoying" kid while the guys who grew taller and deep voices became the golden boys. Literally your looks and dimorphism determine EVERYTHING about your life and how people interact with you. I became slowly more and more withdrawn, by HS I was sitting at the social outcast lunch table not talking to anyone. FUCK
1 BF8211 2018-04-04
“Alternative” girls that listen to Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, Brockhampton, Rex Orange County, etc are so fucking annoying. They’re usually the most deviant of any girls as well lol.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Am femoid, can confirm.
1 iQ9k 2018-04-04
At least you're honest, you degenerate
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Hahahaha, yeah I am a degenerate, not going to lie there. Though, the dorky ugly guys had at least more of a shot with me in HS, then the Chads. I was, and still am bitter and traumatized over the Chads bullying me just before I went through puberty.
So I guess as a revenge, I end up dating the dorkist dudes, and then rub it in the Chad's face. I end up with a decent bf, he gets laid, and I get to make a fuck boy cry, everyone wins!
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Tits or gtfo
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
But I like blue footed boobies better.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Holy shit you think you're being funny
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Holy butthurt batman!
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Speaking of butthurt, go back to getting ass fucked by that chadlite that doesn't give a fuck about you.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Already did, still cleaning the cum out of my slutty asshole. :)
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
I hate them too.
1 Ilovefem 2018-04-04
So true bro.
1 iQ9k 2018-04-04
What field of work are you in mate
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
CS, it's a monotonous hell
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
they all want the idealised chad even though those girls have to cope by going alt girl game.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
They are ALL waiting for a 6'4" chad with massive frame to sweep them off their feet. Every. Last. One. Even the ugly landwhales. And they ALL think it's going to happen.
All roasties see themselves as temporarily embarrassed future girlfriends of male models.
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
so true.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
This is such a common theme too. Sub5 male gets fucked over by puberty in HS, tries to get by with their own merit with a steady degree/job because that's what "society wants", then that same society ignores that male and wants him to produce alone in his corner and rot quietly while the beautiful people shout, cheer, get drunk, and breed.
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
its really sad tbh.
1 MarTweFah 2018-04-04
What do you want? Try living for yourself
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Looksmatched love and loyalty
1 freshestpr1nce 2018-04-04
I have a similar story I peaked in middle school I had a good growth spurt in the summer and did an athletic training camp between seventh and eighth grade. I was taller than a lot of my friends and became better at football due to the strength training during camp. I got new friends and got in with the popular group.
Until freshman year of high school started and everyone else caught up puberty wise and I actually got left behind and I wasn’t special anymore. In fact below average.
I know that shitty feeling of not even peaking in high school but just before.
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
I was the complete opposite. Quiet as hell when I was young, but got more loud later on cause fuck what everyone else thinks.
Funnily enough, those kids that stayed loud (but were deemed unattractive in their looks) still managed to get girls since they were considered to be really funny.
He is a normo. He probably also has a good bit of money.
If you're like me, funny but have a horrific face, women won't even give you the time of day.
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
By his looks 90% of self-defined incels would be "normos". They'd just be all MentalCels. He also didn't start out with money. He was married at 23-24 right out of college. Save the Bullshit excuses.
1 trevmon 2018-04-04
mental cels are true cels. autism, which is caused by bullying, is a killer
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
Absolutely agreed. Just wanted to make sure to underline that looks aren't the only thing keeping people back. Unless you're a mentalcel you're volcel.
Cope he's not even ugly, just slightly goofy looking.
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
Cope. I love how you assume other people haven't had shitty life experiences. I definitely had plenty - but battled through them.
According to this sub I would probably be a 3-4, on top of that also a "curry". Looksmaxxed myself as much as possible and beat the mentalcel outta me.
1 Incel_Executioner 2018-04-04
Post face.
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
In a sub where no one posts their face? I wouldn't mind, but I like the anonymity.
1 iketoure 2018-04-04
I like how you choose a picture with him doing the soy face
1 Swordsman007 2018-04-04
First pic that showed up when I searched, also it's one he does a lot on camera.
1 Ub2w 2018-04-04
True, i remember, by 9 years to 12 i used to have the inhibition of an drunk thug, then puberty hit my face like a truck and then everything goes down.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Lmao same here
1 designated_driver_ 2018-04-04
I know very out going extroverted people who wouldn't be seen as good looking or attractive, but their personality is great though
1 trevmon 2018-04-04
no you don't
1 designated_driver_ 2018-04-04
Yeah I do for real
1 Mest666 2018-04-04
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Except you don't tho
1 shewillwin2020 2018-04-04
This explains my life
1 xenodit 2018-04-04
true blackpill
1 BF8211 2018-04-04
Yes, this to a T.
1 random1234lol 2018-04-04
Yep, I was normal as a kid. My life went to shit during puberty and that's when I became very quiet.
1 EchoManiac 2018-04-04
Ugly extroverted people just lack social awareness... that is our downfall :(
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-04-04
Does it count if you already got the crap beaten out of you in middle school
1 mksfettes 2018-04-04
I was always loud and also bullied in middle school and in high school I was really popular- I was average looking and my two best friends were gorgeous ( I never got asked- out they were never single) so being loud and funny was how I made up for it and people didn’t seem to mind ( I ended up getting homecoming queen) I was a “late bloomer” and now people tell me all the time that I am beautiful but I don’t believe them because during middle/high school I was the loud and funny ugly one
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-04-04
your personality is ugly
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
I think you may be onto something OP, though with girls it tends to go in reverse. I started out as quite, and essentially non-social, to the point that had to be tested for being on the spectrum.
Little did my parents assume, I was being bulled by my peers and a few teachers, from kindergarten to grade 6. Started hitting puberty by around grade 3-4, and it hit me like a truck by the 5th grade. That's when the bullying started to die down a bit.
For the first time, normie boys were talking to me, even a proto-chad once offered to dance with me at the school dance. Though I did not really move up the social food chain until sophomore year in high school. I had picked up from childhood some flawed habits and ways to cope with being the ugly kid, and I had to unlearn a lot just to function socially. Ugly duckling syndrome will fuck your life up!
In short, it seems that a large percentage of boys before puberty are at their social peak. Where as girls hit theirs after puberty, as I did become a lot louder and bolder after I had developed.
1 goku683 2018-04-04
Well, yeah, because you had tits, which you didn't have before.
Tits work in everybody's favor, yo.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
LOL, so true! Though that still did not help me until high school. In grade school, girls would bully me out of jealousy, and boys avoid me due to the social stigma I got from said girls. It was a shit show, that has still fucked me up a bit. :/ girls are fucking pure evil man.
If I was a dude, would be super gay, or blackpilled af. :(
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-04-04
I wish I was gay tbh.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
t's not much better, gay dudes are even more stuck up than women, when it comes to looks at least.
1 anincelforlifelol 2018-04-04
Yeah I don't agree with that at all. Women are more stuck up than gay guys. I've seen some ugly as fuck gay men be with an average looking gay man.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
That's not what I've been told by gay friends. Though as a bi-sexual, I can confirm that trying to hook up with a chick is frustrating.
1 goku683 2018-04-04
Hence why I'm a Bi Mentalcel/Volcel.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
You do you boo.
1 goku683 2018-04-04
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Also, what is a mentalcel? Pardon my ignorance.
1 goku683 2018-04-04
Somebody who is celibate due to mental health issues.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
:/ Sorry to hear, I hope you are at least getting help, or have a decent support network. Thanks for explaining.
1 goku683 2018-04-04
I'm trying! :D
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-04-04
and then the slutting it up with Chads started happening
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Pffft, I wish. I did not care for dating, or hooking up with guys. What ruined dating for me, was having my mom walk out on me at age 3, and essentially she is a dead beat whore. So, essentially, I just avoid seeking out relationships in general, because growing up like taught me early on that women suck.
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-04-04
So you are a kissless virgin? I fucking doubt that. Chad of course has devastated those flaps
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
LOL! I guess it would be hard for you to comprehend that not everyone wants to have sex with random guys. I, for one, would not like to have to worry about Chad's various STD's. Sorry but unless that guy is dating me, exclusively, then I don't even want to be near another penis.
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-04-04
So you do not care for dating but you still date. More proof that females are liars
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
I don't seek out guys to hook up, that is true. As for dating, generally, I meet people through mutual friends, or I've known them for a while, and we end up dating. I've been in 3 relationships, my first being 7 years, from the ages of 17 - 22. After that there was one guy, we lasted almost 3 years, and now onto my current of 3 years.
I've had no time to fuck Chad, sorry.
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-04-04
Of course you've had time, you've already dated 3 of them.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
Sorry, not sorry? :)
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Shut the fuck up we don't care that you grew tits and then became more popular in HS because of them. Either post pics of them here since you are so interested in advertising your gender or GTFO
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
1 gilkey821 2018-04-04
Yes, hurts to think about peaking in middle school with girl. Like damn didn’t even get a handy.
1 GoodbyeYall333 2018-04-04
I used to be very extroverted before middle school. Used to be able to talk to adults and joke around with them as a kid. Now as an adult I have such anxiety when trying to talk to anyone.
1 BleedingAssWound 2018-04-04
Expectations are higher. A kid can say basically anything and get a pass. As you get older you're able to get away with less and less without pissing people off.
1 GoodbyeYall333 2018-04-04
*If you're ugly. If you're attractive you just gotta exist.
1 boredyeah 2018-04-04
False i went quiet but im good looking. Nice try at a theory tho
1 SenorShrek 2018-04-04
was extroverted in class until like year 9. then hung out with the emo kids in year 10. Then after that i had no friends reee. Was told i was cute by grills, but a massive asshole. eggs the dee.
1 LooksMatterToWomen 2018-04-04
Exactly my experience. Was outgoing and forward up until when puberty hit, then got the very clear message to "know my place".
1 AdAstraPer5-HT2Ar 2018-04-04
I feel anger when I think about this but I realized that the best I can do to actually get my revenge in society is to work in finance, become an asshole landlord and basically exert power over poor people to make the world as miserable as possible.
1 mangoman30 2018-04-04
this is unfortunately the cycle of life
1 Mr_Self__Destruct 2018-04-04
And that’s how you end up with all your property set on fire
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
So you'll basically end up bullying other incels while Chad and Stacy career mog you with their invest banking and law firm gigs that they got through connections and being charming in general.
1 watever_nvm 2018-04-04
no i wasnt i was always a screen addict freak
1 iimN0body 2018-04-04
I was quiet even before middle and I still am now...
1 Old_Edge77 2018-04-04
100% this
1 EvilDead201 2018-04-04
Nah I knew some loud ass ugly fuckers
1 lookslikeanogre 2018-04-04
because you suck at evaluating male looks. You don't know what ugly is
1 anincelforlifelol 2018-04-04
Yes. And the ones who still are loud and ugly in high school they're perceived as "annoying" in school, but they're so goddamn oblivious.
1 _elgato 2018-04-04
Are they oblivious or dgaf?
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-04-04
I was quite loud in HS but people thought i was annoying, guess what; other loud people were confident coz they were hot
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-04-04
If you're loud and ugly, you're annoying. If you're loud and hot, you're outgoing and assertive.
Looks really are everything.
1 _elgato 2018-04-04
I was fucking hilarious when I was in 6th grade and I was ugly as fuck, got acne and all that shit.
Bad circumstances at home brought me to be more shy but I am pretty good at faking so it's mostly ok. I think we all can do it if we fake it for long enough.
1 tropical_cockonut 2018-04-04
The bullying started in Hurd grade and ended when middle school finished.
Fucking Normans didn’t give me a chance
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-04-04
Normans will never give you a chance. All they will do is lecture you, scorn you and put you down. Normans are scum.
1 This_Is_Pulse 2018-04-04
Treat you like shit in public to boost their ego, and online if you try to find some respite from the torment, they shit on you there too, mock you, and try to get it banned. You literally can’t win at life. It’s pure sui fuel
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-04-04
Then they try to present themselves as kind and wholesome people by virtue signalling everyone about misoginy and whatnot. Nothing but a bunch of hypocritical fucks.
1 This_Is_Pulse 2018-04-04
Teehee anon why you say your sick of women, we’ve done nothing wrong, we don’t even pay mind to you. (One hour later) posting on here how we are a bunch of losers who deserve to die alone, and it’s our “personality” even though they forged our personality by mocking and tormenting us.
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-04-04
I'm not sick of women. I have nothing against women as a gender. I'm sick of this fucked up society and I'm sick of normalfag scumbags.
1 jockcel 2018-04-04
You sort of have it right. You were loud and extroverted and had lots of friends in elementary and early middle school. But once your friends realized that they wanted to fuck girls, they stopped hanging out with you and started hanging out with cooler, older kids. So now you have no friends. Since you have no social backing you will naturally act more socially reserved and introverted.
1 watever_nvm 2018-04-04
exactly what happened to me
1 jockcel 2018-04-04
Its brutal. The advent of social media has made it a thousand times more transparent. It gave me abandonment issues which I'm probably stuck with for the rest of my life.
1 watever_nvm 2018-04-04
embrace the solitude bro
1 EvilMortyBot 2018-04-04
Fuck you
1 watever_nvm 2018-04-04
this had nothing to do with you
1 EvilMortyBot 2018-04-04
I don’t fucking care
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-04-04
Yeah while it was happening I didn't put 2 and 2 together, looking back with a blackpill lens it all makes perfect sense. Human nature is fucking brutal.
1 StockpiIeThomas 2018-04-04
Holy shit that explains me perfectly. I could notice everyone leaving me behind but they never told me why. They just moved on without me.
I literally could have killed myself in front of the class and no one would notice.
Hell, I probaly still could! College is no different. Everyone else has life figured out while I never got the chance to have any normal social interactions with people. Everyone else has their friends already.
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-04-04
No. I was already introverted in middle school. Elementary school was where I've been broken.
1 iQ9k 2018-04-04
Yep. Always got marks on my report card for being loud and talkative. Now I'm a socially retarded autist.
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
if theres an attractive person thats in his 20s and quiet as hell, its probably because he used to be ugly in his childhood and teens and evetually looksmaxxed later in life missing all the friendships in the past years.
1 Tam_Ken 2018-04-04
Some people are just naturally quiet, but yea this probably holds up for the most part
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
yep its legit dude.
1 parheticpathetic 2018-04-04
1 spicynachoes 2018-04-04
1 Cold_Establishment 2018-04-04
Sort of. I mean if an attractive person is autistic they'd still be called annoying.
1 strawberrynight109 2018-04-04
hit so close to home
1 SkankHunter1488 2018-04-04
Right down to the age I was when it happened.
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-04-04
We had one of those days where the whole class takes photos. I was well dressed (not too fancy to not look like a tryhard nice guy) and well groomed.
Meanwhile the all favored chad showed up in trashy jeans and sneakers but he had put on a simple jacket on top. The reaction of femoids in my class? They fucking APPLAUDED and EXCLAIMED ''WOOH!" AT HIM !!!!
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-04-04
It's fucking imprinted in my mind on like a Satanic song of sorrow on repeat.
1 BF8211 2018-04-04
“Alternative” girls that listen to Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, Brockhampton, Rex Orange County, etc are so fucking annoying. They’re usually the most deviant of any girls as well lol.
1 trevmon 2018-04-04
mental cels are true cels. autism, which is caused by bullying, is a killer
1 Ilovefem 2018-04-04
So true bro.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-04-04
yup. puberty fuckd him up.
1 mangoman30 2018-04-04
yup it did bro
Cope he's not even ugly, just slightly goofy looking.
1 iQ9k 2018-04-04
What field of work are you in mate
1 harambeazn 2018-04-04
they all want the idealised chad even though those girls have to cope by going alt girl game.
1 lady_baphomet 2018-04-04
:/ Sorry to hear, I hope you are at least getting help, or have a decent support network. Thanks for explaining.
1 freshestpr1nce 2018-04-04
I have a similar story I peaked in middle school I had a good growth spurt in the summer and did an athletic training camp between seventh and eighth grade. I was taller than a lot of my friends and became better at football due to the strength training during camp. I got new friends and got in with the popular group.
Until freshman year of high school started and everyone else caught up puberty wise and I actually got left behind and I wasn’t special anymore. In fact below average.
I know that shitty feeling of not even peaking in high school but just before.