Reminder that women are whores (and beta bucks and bluepills think it's "really sweet")

41  2018-04-04 by Rolando_Mierka


Repost with names blacked out.

Tl;dr only two girls he's been with both really wanted to fuck other men. Future update: "my 2nd wife and I have decided to embark on a journey of polygamy. Today I held her hand while Tyrone fucked her and it was a very intimate experience that I recommend to every couple who wants to bring the spark back into the relationship"

So kawai

No doubt he is either beyond boring or has horrible taste in women, probably both. Still, 5 kids and cucked another woman to raise them, that's either epic or horrible, probably both.

She is raising another women’s kids so it cancels out. If he never had kids and she came back then that would be another issue

There are no real winners in this scenario. They're all fucked up.

Well the bitch who ditched five kids to ride the cock carousel won by my measure.

But don't forget. "It's really sweet".

What about the kids? They have two parents again now.

Kids would be much better off if they didn't suffer the trauma of a divorce and a whore mother.

Why is the mother a whore?

Definition of whore 1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or immoral woman

This doesn't answer my question, it just gives the definition of a whore, which none of the women in this story are

I'm forced to assume you are being farcical, otherwise I would be ruining my gym gains by shooting up my cortisol. Breaking up with your boyfriend/husband (and leaving your kids behind, in the second case) because you want to have sex with random men doesn't make you immoral or promiscuous?

Sometimes, people decide that a certain lifestyle isn't for them. But by forcing themselves to live that life, it can make them very depressed. There are a lot of kids who's parents are unhappily married, and it hurts the kids way more than this probably will. Why can't you be happy for other people? Don't you realize that being an incel has nothing to do with how you look, but it's how you act

Sometimes, people decide that a certain lifestyle isn't for them. But by forcing themselves to live that life, it can make them very depressed

This is not relevant to the discussion

There are a lot of kids who's parents are unhappily married, and it hurts the kids way more than this probably will

There is not true. You can make an argument for the opposite, in fact.

^ in this one it shows you that crime spiked after unilateral divorce was allowed.

You can find many other studies on the negative effects of split households and single parents.

Optimally of course both women could have just not been whores in the first place, then there'd be no issues.

Why can't you be happy for other people?

I'd be happy for them if they were doing something good, but they are doing something bad, so I am not happy.

Don't you realize that being an incel has nothing to do with how you look, but it's how you act

Irrelevant, and false. By definition it's about unchangeable characteristics, such as physical appearance. If you could change yourself to be able to have a relationship and you chose not to, that would make you voluntarily celibate, since it's your choice. I'm not an incel either.

There is not true. You can make an argument for the opposite, in fact.

^ in this one it shows you that crime spiked after unilateral divorce was allowed.

You can find many other studies on the negative effects of split households and single parents.

I work with children, and a lot of kids these days have divorced parents, of course its rough at the start but kids will get better. The document you provided has nothing to do with this post, literally nothing. It just shows some worst case scenario.

I'd be happy for them if they were doing something good, but they are doing something bad, so I am not happy.

How is this bad? I get that its going to be a shock for the kids, no doubt there, but it will get better. How is the thing that they're doing bad for the world? Its their own decision, and if it makes them happy, you shouldn't be mad at them.

Irrelevant, and false. By definition it's about unchangeable characteristics, such as physical appearance. If you could change yourself to be able to have a relationship and you chose not to, that would make you voluntarily celibate, since it's your choice. I'm not an incel either.

Alright, I admit, its a bit irrelevant, but definitely not false. Anyone with a nice personality can get a girlfriend. Whenever people fail, they always look at excuses that aren't about themselves. When you're getting denied, it's not your fault, the woman is a whore. When someone else gets in a relationship, the dude must be handsome or rich. What is the world isn't wrong, but you are.

I work with children, and a lot of kids these days have divorced parents, of course its rough at the start but kids will get better.

I don't care who you are or what you think, give me evidence. If we want to talk anecdotes, I'm still not better. I don't think there is any evidence to conclusively state that divorce is a preferable alternative to two parents being stuck with each other, outside of extreme measures which always allowed divorce in the past, such as abuse or infidelity. No-fault divorce has definitely been a net negative for society, on the other hand.

The document you provided has nothing to do with this post,

It shows that when unilateral divorce was allowed, the crime rate rose. This shows a net negative effect, used to directly combat the statement that feuding parents separating is better.

How is this bad?

2 broken hearts for the man are bad, the man picking up the tab on used goods is bad, divorce is bad for the kids, divorce and breaking up is bad for the women, promiscuity is bad for the women.

Since I have a feeling you won't accept the last point I'll preemptively post this. I hope quotes from St.Paul don't upset you too much.

You're position is totally ridiculous to me. Should we all no longer hold opinions on any behaviour? A man chooses to kill himself, was that wrong or should we just live and let live and never try to prevent suicide?

Anyone with a nice personality can get a girlfriend.

No. You aren't the first to say things like "What is the world isn't wrong, but you are". That's a daily occurrence here. An irreparably damaged man (physical or mental) cannot have a good relationship. He can get rich enough to attract women despite other issues, but this is less desirable than just being single.

I don't care who you are or what you think, give me evidence.

Not everything can be proven by showing numbers. There always is an emotional aspect. I've talked to kids who's parents got divorced a year ago, and they're already doing better. Not that you care about anecdotes. Read this article to see my points being confirmed.

Sure, divorce is bad for the kids, but they'll get over it. And if it's bad for the man, so be it. He's a free man with his own choices. If he's happy with his choices, I am happy for him. People make a lot of choices, hoping for the best outcome. The best outcome, whoever, is different per person. For you, it's different than for that man, you have to acknowledge that. If this man thinks he succeeded, he did.

You're position is totally ridiculous to me.

Saying this in a debate doesn't make you or your points look stronger, it only makes people feel more irritated.

Should we all no longer hold opinions on any behaviour?

This is a classic example of the black and white way of thinking. If we can't do this thing, we aren't allowed to all of this. It doesn't work like that, there is an in between. Bringing suicide is just plain idiotic. If you look at the emotional aspect, you're just being really mean to a man you don't know and who has nothing to do with you. That's not a good aspect of your personality, the need to criticize this man.

An irreparably damaged man (physical or mental) cannot have a good relationship.

Have you ever heard of Ethan Klein? He's fat, epileptic and at the time he met his wife, he wasn't rich or famous. How did this happen? According to you, this man with a mental disability, can't have a relationship. He was extremely insecure, but still overcame this to find a girlfriend. Almost anyone can do that. It's not always ability, but willpower. Being an incel is a choice

But I have my opinion, and you have yours. We're not going to convince each other. We could agree to disagree.

That really doesn't show that divorce is net positive for the children. The only thing gained from this article is a reminder not to have kids with people you hate, thanks. I, on the other hand, did show a net-negative from divorce, unless you can argue that crime is good.

The best outcome, whoever, is different per person.

No, the best outcome is always the one that maximizes inclusive fitness for the group. This outcome damages it, therefore it is a bad outcome.

If this man thinks he succeeded, he did.

This is a naturalistic fallacy, as is all moral relativism. Moral value to an action can't be ascribed simply because it occurs.

why are you so mean why do you care about what other people do

Isn't this contradictory? If I was a cruel man I wouldn't care about people ruining their lives. It's I'm empathetic that this stuff bothers me.

Ethan Klein

is not ugly or disabled to the degree an incel is. Being incel is not a choice, that's why it's called involuntarily celibate.

We're never going to convince each other, let's keep it at that. I don't have the time or interest to keep on arguing with you. Being an incel is a mindset, a mental problem, nothing more than that. You think the people in the post suck, I don't. If you think positive, you are treated positive.

Being an incel is a mindset, a mental problem, nothing more than that

Do you have proof of this? As I said, anyone can get a girlfriend if they have something else to offer, like money, even if they are ugly or socially retarded, but that's a bad relationship and is undesirable.

If you think positive, you are treated positive

Then either you aren't thinking positive or that's not true. I wonder what terrible things Armenian Christians had to be thinking to get the Turks to crucify them by the thousands.

The vague concept of positive treatment is not productive. You don't have anything to actually justify or condemn behaviour. Your only opinion is that you shouldn't hold opinions. You're so passive you might as well not even be alive. I'll repeat it again, moral relativism is a fallacy.

By the way, you sound very young, too young to be here. Either than or you're just a woman.

Oh, and I hope you at least have the sense of mind to not poison the male kids you work with into becoming spineless wimps like you, you'll ruin their lives.

I'm a 17 year old guy. I've been raised by 2 lesbian mothers, so yes, my mom gay. I've seen how they are being discriminated, just for their gender. I still have my own opinions, I don't agree with all feminist points. I'm not a "feminist wimp" I like to discuss certain things with them, because we have different opinions. People like talking to me, because I give my opinion, and when needed, advice. If this is your definition of a spineless feminine wimp, I'm happy to be one.

I would never talk politics with kids, the main message I'm trying to give them is to be themselves, and do whatever makes them happy, but not because I'm scared of ruining their lives, because my life isn't ruined, and in your eyes, I'm a spineless feminine wimp.

spineless ˈspʌɪnləs/Submit adjective adjective: spineless

2. weak and purposeless.

feminine ˈfɛmɪnɪn/Submit adjective

1. having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness.

wimp wɪmp/Submit informal noun

1. a weak and cowardly or unadventurous person.

Tell me that you don't fit the definition.

I'm hoping your aren't teaching young boys not to have convictions like you.

I'm currently in college, to become a primary school teacher. As a male, I'm wanted in this job, because there are almost only females doing it. Male teachers are better for boys then female teachers, this has been proven multiple times. This gives me a purpose.

I have feelings, and I'm not afraid to show them, it's part of being High-Sensitive, nothing feminine. I'm not a so called alpha male, I'm a regular teenage boy, nothing special.

I've been going to the gym since I was 15. Training muscles, this doesn't make me weak. And if you're talking mentally, I'm a guy people come to for help, they know I'm a guy you can tell your problems to, and who usually has fitting solutions.

I'm neither of those things you keep calling me, but it's sad that you have to turn a debate around like this, starting to insult me. This shows that you're careless, cold-hearted person. I'm sad that you're parents got divorced, and if that's what made you this way, you should know there always is help. The world isn't against you, you can find the right people. Perhaps you could talk to a psychologist, but maybe you're already doing that. I honoustly hope that you get help for any mental problems you might have.

What do you mean turned the debate around? Scroll back up, there's my actual reply you still haven't replied to. This is just a thread under my post worrying that you're turning young buys into moral relativists without conviction. Moral relativism is destructive and inherently feminine.

Once again, if I'm so careless why am I worried about your negative influence on young men?

Oh, and you're weak til you can deadlift 4pl8, pussy nigga.

Ah the classic pussy nigga. I'm done talking to you dude. You have this blurred vision, you're not even trying to have a civil conversation.

You're just using little jokes as an excuse to not actually respond to any of my legitimate points. Do you have any male friends? This is just how we behave, you know.


Not to mention the fact that you jab at me too, calling me cold hearted and careless, talking about my parents and making it more personal, but that's just background noise to actual discussion. That's how this works.

They both get to live life as they want it, when they want it.


No. One is a lot more responsible and grounded. The other is immature and untrustworthy.

...okay? How does that invalidate my point? They both got to live the kind of life they wanted on demand. They partied when they wanted to party and settled down when they wanted to settle down.

How many men get that choice?

Got their cake and ate it too

No. The man's ideal life did not include getting heart broken twice because the girl wanted to be a whore.

The girls got what they wanted at each step. The dude had to suffer everytime they lost their mind, and took it all like a good cuck.

Are you really this stupid or just pretending?

Found the cuck

Haha good point my dude, i hadn't considered that

He had 5 kids, he's still a winner of sorts from an evolutionary standpoint.

Yes because everyone quantifies their success in terms of genetic dispersion.

Correct, and anything else is cope. Because in 100 years there will be nothing left of anyone of us except whatever quality offspring we produce.

Wrong. Nihilism is correct, and anything else is cope. Because in trillions of years there will be nothing left of anyone full stop. Only fulfilling that which you desire matters, but even that is just arbitrary.

Ok I give you that one, it was foolish of me to praise biology that hard, I guess nothing is the only thing worth praising.

mby theye are chad kids

Nah he's still a cuck

The man did not get a choice. Those women did. He was at the mercy of their whims the entire time and happened to be so bluepilled he was excited to take back the slut.

This is alpha-betabux move. Make a woman raise another woman's kids. Good story, but probably isn't true considering no sane person would raise 5 kids that are not theirs.

yes, especially selfish shit like femoid. just fuckin lol

then she decided she wanted to be wild and party

How do you not feel a seething rage at that sentence? How much of an emasculated buffoon you have got to be to write about that like that.

Holy shit, ultimate cuckold. Just sad

He got laid an awful lot to be a cuckold tho... its not like he was just waiting for the hs girl to stop fucking other guys.

No, he had sex with two girls, both of which left him for someone else.

To you, it sounds like he's the winner of this situation because he's the one that took her back after she came crawling to him, but this is not how it looks to me.

To me, it looks like his wife left him, had some fun, and then was able to go back to her normal life. She's the real winner here. She got to have her cake and eat it too.

OP got cucked and if you don't see that then you're cucked too

OP got cucked and if you don't see that then you're cucked too. No self-respecting man should "reconnect" with a woman that left them to fuck other men.

Too much truth for men raised to worship pussy.

just look at all the divorce in this one post. not only with this guy, but even his ex's friend. like, do women even know anything other than divorce? is it just part of the plan?


I thought this was a rant from mgtow but then I saw the reply congratulating him on... something? Jesus Christ that's pathetic


You guys dont realize that ppl want different things at different times?

Women don't know what they want. They are the equivalent of children. This has been shown time and time again.

No one knows what they want. Men and women change majors 5-6x in college. They all meet the “love of their lives” but break up over stupid shit. People dont know what they wanna eat for dinner like almost everyday. Let alone a life choice of marriage. We are all children very few of us knows what we want early


Since you like Jordan Peterson you should already know most people in modern urban centers are children. People don't have anything to take responsibility for and no real challenge in life. Women are worse than men tho.

Nothing but themselves and following their goals and dreams. Better she take off than be married to that guy cheating and fucking everything behind his back. She went out and found wat she wanted. Everyone is bad at not knowing what they want. She handled it mature by not being a burden on him. The woman with the kids tho needs to pay child support tho.

Hmmmmmmmm. Yeah but mothering 5 children and then fucking off? And then that guy still takes her back? Have you tried to reverse the genders?

Its shit things to leave ur kids cause you dont want them no matter the gender. And he took back his old girlfriend, they had no kids. She was the one that didn’t want to get married at the start

What's going on? Honestly, is there like some conspiracy or bullshit thing going on with people that causes them to go on relationship spree's like this? What happens that makes women leave a husband just willy-nilly? What's in store for incels once they reach 30 years of age with no kids will they be looked on just as badly?

Because the urge to ride the cock carousel is that strong.

A couple got in a relationship, they are happy. Why do you have to be mad when others are happy? It's that attitude that makes your life shit. If you'd look to life in a positive way, positive things are going to come your way.

Because this is bullshit.

For starters both girls wanted in the cock caroussel and the guy caves in, then after all this shit the ex jumps in to save the day.

Where is the spine on this guy, doesn't he think if he is good enough now it should've been previously too?

This is disgusting

You think this is bullshit and disgusting. I disagree. We're never going to convince each other. The only thing I want to say is that if you send positive vibes, you receive positive vibes. If some people you don't know are living happy, and you get mad at them and calling them names, it doesn't reflect their way of living, it reflects yours.

We were just talking here, we can debate without convince each other.

Also you got a little emotional there so I think i struck a nerve. No worries, you can post another time.

No hurt feelings :D

How was I getting emotional though? If this dude is happy, why should you give a damn?

You think this is bullshit and disgusting.

I don't think it's disgusting I think it's just sad if it were the case.

The only thing I want to say is that if you send positive vibes, you receive positive vibes.

I do give positive vibes to the people around me, be it men or women. I actually like women, most of the time.

If some people you don't know are living happy, and you get mad at them and calling them names, it doesn't reflect their way of living, it reflects yours.

Again I don't get mad at them, I don't have respect for the man involved. However as he is never gonna know / care for my opinion, I see no harm in posting it.

So I don't know why you are projecting all that on me other than you think I am a bad person by default.

In your reply to my comment, you literally said it was disgusting. And for the other things I said about you, I seriously thought you were someone else in a different debate on the same post. Sorry about that, I still don't fully agree with your points, but I respect your view.



Wait so... this girl just sign up to raise 5 kids that aint hers. Sooo shes the one getting cucked....

Yall stupid as fuck lmao

Y'all missing the point dumbass. Both women left him for the explicit reason of being a slut.

y'all missing the point dumbass.

Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

OP got cucked and if you don't see that then you're cucked too. No self-respecting man should "reconnect" with a woman that left them to fuck other men.

Too much truth for men raised to worship pussy.

Its shit things to leave ur kids cause you dont want them no matter the gender. And he took back his old girlfriend, they had no kids. She was the one that didn’t want to get married at the start

spineless ˈspʌɪnləs/Submit adjective adjective: spineless

2. weak and purposeless.

feminine ˈfɛmɪnɪn/Submit adjective

1. having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness.

wimp wɪmp/Submit informal noun

1. a weak and cowardly or unadventurous person.

Tell me that you don't fit the definition.

I'm hoping your aren't teaching young boys not to have convictions like you.