IT users are not "normies"

34  2018-04-04 by SaltShaker8383

These are not everyday people, these are people that no one likes either.

In school, incels were the kids that gave off the serial killer vibe that no one talked to, or they were bullied for being a nerd, short, social awkward etc.

You see, IT like to think they were the normal kids, but they weren't, these kids were the goody two shoes, teacher's pets and tattle tales. Sticks in the mud, just think about it, their entire Reddit community is an effort to get incel subs and related content shut down "Teacher! TEACHER! Timmy said a bad word!!!!" The ones who would unplug their PlayStation if you kept beating them in a game. These were the kids that would get fucked up but no one would touch because they knew they'd get told on. The "My dad will sue you if you touch me" kind of kids.

As adults not much has changed. Now they're the type to run to HR if someone "microagresses" them or says the tiniest bit off color joke. The type of person that would go up to a random stranger and say "excuse me, that joke you just said is really offensive to the trans community!" Well no, they wouldnt even do that. They WANTED to do that, but instead they wrote a multi page blog post about it when they got home. They are people that call the cops on their neighbors if they have the music just a bit too loud or if they smell marijuana. They should just have "No Fun Zone" written on their forehead.

These people are weaklings, they cry to authority because they know they couldn't do anything themselves. Total crybaby pussies looking to be offended. Well it's okay, it's a total pleasure knowing I rustle your jimmies.

And before you try to turn this back on us and say we are the weaklings, remember, were just here trying to vent in our own community, you're here trying to get other people on your behalf to silence us. How about, just go away.


What makes you think that?

Like I said, their entire community is based on trying to silence us because we hurt their precious feefees

It's not about hurting anyone's feelings. Do you really think that? What do you g b know is happening here? That's like saying that people criticize scientology because they're all meanies.

No one is really offended by scientology. You can see so many posts on IT that basically amount to, "omg this guy said something bad about women, wahh!"

Naw you're just seeing it from a really childish perspective. It's a political thing and borders on being a terror cell

Active in these communities


Not suprising that one of you would be asking this question.

It is so hilarious how they ask 'whAt dO yoU mEan?' questions yet are unapologetic with their post history.

They know exactly what they're doing, I imagine. Just playing coy for the sake of it.

Just playing coy for the sake of it.

I guess it's time to coin a new term.

Out with soyboys, in with the coyboys.

Now I can't stop thinking of Jimmy Numale with the face of a carp.

What have you done.

I don't care about my post history. How's that substantiate this theory?

They got the authorities chasing me, that’s why.

Yeah they're numale cucks.

Yes, the majority of IT users are Chad-chasing legbeards and white knight neckbeards.

They're such little bitches lol. Snitches and cucks, lol.

Well, for the most part it’s true.

From my experience IT love to be snitches and if there’s one thing me and my only ‘friends” hate, it’s a snitch.

I’d still rather be like them than what I am now.

Failed normies are the term.

You see, IT like to think they were the normal kids, but they weren't, these kids were the goody two shoes, teacher's pets and tattle tales

Kek. So true. I hated those faggots.

They were also the kids that bragged about their GPA, ACT, SAT, etc., 24/7, thinking that people cared.

Failed normans.

This entire topic is a massive cope. Well... Whatever helps you sleep at night or blow some steam off I guess.

look at me i know the terms you use xd

I'll rephrase then. This entire topic is just filled with sad lonely men who want their "opposition" to be just as sad and lonely as they are so they feel less pathetic.

sad lonely men who want their "opposition" to be just as sad and lonely as they are so they feel less pathetic

but alot of them are . . .

They make sweeping generalizations about us so it's only fair

FUCK them and their obsessiveness to punish people for thought crimes

Yes fuck them.

They also seem like the low-functioning students that sucked up to the popular kids. You know, those kids (lower-tier looks) who would happily put their self respect aside in order to please the kids with higher social status. These people usually find that their life plateaus after high school, and need something in their lives in order to feel superior

They are just copers.

This was actually well written. You have my respect for that (if it means anything for you)