lol goddamn

38  2018-04-03 by itsbeenover


How long is this degeneracy gonna go on for before a charismatic reactionary politician takes advantage of it to take power with a traditionalist authoritarian agenda?

More and more men are either incels or disgusted by the current darwinian dating scene (MGTOW) , single mothers are the majority of births of women under 30, slutshaming is now looked down upon. LMAO there's 0% chance this shit is stable enough to last

It will last until it stops being as beneficial to women somehow. And then they will change it.

when the conservative, catholic, Hispanics become the majority, or when straight up partriarchial Islam takes over the world

the west is done

I hope my country falls

what the fuck

It’s an app called whisper. It’s probably a troll post.


kek to bad the kid has to have a whore for a mother.

Hopefully he gets chad genes.

Shame she’ll probably abort it. Now it will never get the experience of living life with chad genes if it was a boy.

Roasties nowhere to be found?

I honestly can't tell with Whisper sometimes. For all we know it's what tumblr used to be before the PC extremism.

Don't worry bby, nanny state is going to care for you and your little angel <3

nanny state will pay her with money stolen from incel wagecucks. oh lord someone unleash nuclear fire on this gay fucking earth please