I have asked out HUNDREDS of overweight girls, at everywhere from functions to friend groups to clubs.

56  2018-04-03 by rippedrichrespectful

Not a single one has ever said yes.

I normally ask them out after we have a conversation or multiple. Unless at a club I will normally get to know them a bit first, making them laugh or at least engaging their interest in conversation. I don’t just walk up, tip my unwashed fedora and stutter about wanting sum fuk.

All of these humiliating experiences lead me to believe my looks are to blame, but I’m sure a normie will come and explain how it’s my personality.



It’s probably your looks compounded by your personality.

Something something Jeremy Meeks something something Chris Brown.

Yeah they look good so they don’t have to worry about personality as much. Uggos need to compensate with personality as best they can

Only bending and breaking yourself doesn't really help. Better to accept yourself the way you are: bitter and hateful. It certainly makes your living a lot easier.

Could absolutely be your looks if you're really that ugly. I don't know your case.

Thing is, it's increasingly clear that a significant portion of posters here aren't that ugly, they're just mostly average or slightly below average looking dudes mutually reinforcing each other's pathological self image issues.

Yea this is definitely one of the next places to be banned. This place is seriously toxic.

Well, this sub never wanted to tone down its views a tiny bit to not get banned, so, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I guess. At least they can say how victimized they are for being banned from a website.

so everything we say is true but normies are just here to save some mental fakecels haha serious blackpill here boyos

Looks matter, lookism is real, definitely true. You just take it to wild, sexist, insanely over generalized extremes,

"Looks matter, lookism is real, definitely true." everything else cope

Not buying into mounds of bullshit isn't coping with anything.

wait how is it bullshit if you said that it is true ?

Ugh. Lookism is real and looks matter. Typical blackpill claims take it to a whole new level. For example:

"Handsome men have more sex more easily" is true.

"Women only want to fuck 8/10s and in every single example otherwise, the woman is lying and just using the man for his money" is a bullshit, baseless extrapolation.

women want to fuck the most attractive guy they can get, the best genes for their offspring, nothing shocking. if there are more attractive guys they will go for these and if they have problems they will settle or/and use the sub 8 guy for his recourcess until they get something better. sure a women can think that shes happy with her sub 8 partner but if there comes a more handsome guy with more cash and with a high status position they will start to think otherwise. women are hypergamous

Perfect example of bullshit. Women are not one dimensional, unscrupulous maximizers. Preferring handsome men as a general rule simply does not mean that every woman will be unhappy and unfaithful if she's not with the most handsome man she knows. Honestly, this should be screamingly obvious.

if shes with a guy that is in the top 20% then she will love him, yes. if not then she will simply use him or "love" him until someone with better looks comes by.

Garbage, bullshit. Stop. The evidence does not support that.

Notice how a lot of them start to finally cave in and accept the truth but still need to call incels SEXIST AND MUHSOGGYKNEEST

How many times must we repeat this fact? Average. Is. Ugly. To. Wymyn.

How many times must we repeat this fact? No. It. Isn't. You. Guys. Are. Just. Wallowing. In. Doom. And. Insecurity. While. Bending. Over. Backwards. To. Dismiss. The. Obvious. By. Assuming. Everyone. Is. Cuck. Or. Betabux.

You're assuming shit about me, actually, I only meant what I said. I didn't mention any cucks or betabux lol.

Okay, then how do you explain the overwhelming majority of male population being average looking and having love loves?

I don't believe a majority of average looking guys are in relationships.

Most men are average. Most men have sex, girlfriends, wives, etc.

So you believe most men are single or that most men are attractive (ironically enough making "average" as you define it, not actually average)?

All I'm saying is that I do not think that the majority of 5/10 guys are in a relationship. Maybe half of them are? I don't know for certain, but I do know that if it were true, then 1) most of us would not be here and 2) the black pill wouldn't be spreading as far and as wide as it has been.

  1. Maybe most of you aren't here because you're ugly or because you're just average, and maybe you're here because this place is an addictive magnate for people with severe depression and low self-esteem. Maybe even, you're actually making it worse by coming here an exacerbating your illnesses?

  2. Most people don't give a shit outside of reddit, most of them don't even know what an incel is.

Yeah the truth is that it probably does and I've actually been wanting to leave but I'm having trouble. I still don't think most average guys have a girlfriend though. I mean maybe I'm wrong but I don't think I am I don't see a bunch of average guys with girls. Usually those guys are right there with me bitching about women LOL.

All men bitch about women, even then, most men about the age of 20 or something like that are in relationships/have an active dating life, and most men are average in looks, so...

I just don't believe it I was single at that age my brother was single at that age and most of the guys I hung out with where single at that age and a few of them were above average in looks. No I could have had a girlfriend if I didn't foolishly dump my first one when I was chasing my one itis but it doesn't change the fact that most guys I knew didn't have a girlfriend. Most of the people who had girlfriends were the attractive guys. All of the other guys had some Hook-Ups sure but it seemed that gaining a relationship with them was really tough. So when you say most average guys in their twenties are in relationships it just sounds like complete and utter b******* to me and it makes me think that we live on two different planets.

Most of the guys I was friends with in high school were also single. But, it wasn't due to looks, they just sucked at flirting, like most high schoolers. Same with college, most young dudes are competing with older men that know how to flirt way better. Also, like, is it possible that like attracts like and, since you yourself are an incel maybe you were attracted to similar people.

So did you just say that most of them in fact did not have girlfriends LMAO? You really think it changes that much once you become older? And no I didn't hang out with in cell I was actually somewhat popular and ran with a bunch of groups but mostly the townie Tuff kids type

Generally yeah, it actually does. Maybe the problem with incels is their refusal to get over high school?

I hang out with six guys all over the age of 25 only two of us have girlfriends

Maybe the problem with incels is their refusal to get over high school?

Idk. I'm speaking for myself but I never thought about relationships in high school, I just hung out with my friends.

It wasn't until later in college when I attempted to start dating and develop more insecurities I never knew I had and forced myself to give more effort than I imagined, and then some.

It's not increasingly clear, you're just falling for bait.

No, based on the pictures of incels I've seen (yes yes, selection bias, but also:) and how overwhelmingly negative and hopeless the ratings are from the general population of incels, the pervasive image/perception issues are obvious.

And all of that is increasing? It's not.

Okay, it's not increasingly clear, it's clear. Better?

Not until you edit your original comment, asshole.

Sure, done. Better?

Its over

Landwhales are the most entitled whores on earth, never speak to one again.

Lower SMV girls past a threshold only accept Chad because of FOMO.

Girls who can land Chad easily aren't as heavily entitled.

Absolutely. The level of men expected by lower SMV women does not scale with the bell curve of attractive distribution.

Plus OP was looking in a club, where he’s gauranteed to be the bottom rung of men. Seriously, clubs attract chads and stacies. You’re being judged next to everyone else in the room. It’s like IRL Tinder.

anybody who is interested in overweight girls for real is subhuman

What's your definition of overweight?? In my experience i never saw an actual obese woman at a club ( I admit I don't go out that often so I probably missed a lot of them, but its still hard to find hundreds of them )

fat girls are in clubs all the time. Usually wear skimpy clothes and are in groups.

Yes but fat doesn't necessarily means unattractive, That's why i asked what does OP considers fat.

Yes, it does automatically mean unattractive.

No it does not

To many men it does. Not being overweight is basically the only requirement for "attractive" to many. This is good news, not bad news, because you can achieve this through effort; it doesn't matter about your face, your height, your frame, your god-damned jaw not being up to par.

Too many men you mean incels and average joes lol honestly i saw too many times chubbier girls get more attention from hotties at clubs than thin ones.

Fat definitely means unattractive. But the reason you incels don't understand why a high smv male would slum it up with a fatty is bc you're incel. You don't understand the day to day realities of getting sex.

It's like in baseball, do you try to hit a home run every at bat? Or do you sometimes want a single or just good contact or even sometimes you lay down a bunt?

Or maybe I can put it in terms you understand, when you play videogames do you always play on the hardest difficulty level? Or do you sometimes want to take it easy and have a guarantee that you'll beat the game?

If you've never been able to play a video game or had an at bat I'd see why you think every time out you go 100%. But that's not reality.

But the reason you incels don't understand why a high smv male would slum it up with a fatty is bc you're incel. You don't understand the day to day realities of getting sex.

I'm pretty certain some of us do tbh. Personally, I'm not surprised if I see a good looking male with a girl clearly inferior to him in terms of looks. Sex is sex.

Yes, it does.

Landwhales essentially have the same SMV as fit wymyn. They'll just feel the difference with Chads and chadlites, they'll be more likely to not commit. They sure as shit will still fuck them lol.

weren't you copefident?


fucking kek

Stop looking in clubs. No one gets anywhere there unless you're straight up Chad - and even then most women are on their guard there. Ask them out in neutral locations like the grocery store, meetups, social networking places.

LMAO at this cope.

Yeah but that c(h)ope is better than rope...all it takes for OP is for ONE to finally say yes, right?

This was deep

What is cope?

Riiiight. I like your advice about approaching women in grocery stores. Totes nothing could go wrong. Totes.

Be me, approach woman in grocery store. Ask her opinion on what the best sauce is for making spaghetti (we're in the sauce aisle). She says she doesn't know and quickly walks away.

Minutes later manager of grocery store walks up to me, says I am banned from the store for harassing women. Threatens to call police.

Go home, log onto Reddit and browse r/Twox just for fun. A recent thread by a female is there detailing how a creepy guy walked up to her in a grocery store and asked her how to make spaghetti. Says she is there to shop, not to be hit on by entitled men who feel privileged to her time, and that she had him banned. All posters agree and congratulate on getting the creep banned and that she should make a police report too.

That is incredible but totally believable.

I really can't tell if a lot of this sub is satire or not.

Sounds like a senile old man. LMAO.

If I did something like that, I'd be charged with attempted sexual assault, abduction, and everything else white knight cops can throw at me to ensure I never get a bail.

TwoX is a circle jerk. Also if that happened to you for reals, then that's complete BS.

I have had similar things happen to me. It usually follows talking to a woman, she excuses herself, next thing you know a white knight tells you you're banned from the store, bar, etc...

I can understand if I said something harassing, sexual, or something, but the times it happened it was a pretty casual conversation. Not even a "hey baby" or "I wanna eat your pussy your little bitch! Argh!" I should say that shit though.

How fat were the girls? Were they just a little plump or like /u/Board_Gaming fat?

It’s at least someone objective. How good looking was the hottest guy in the club compared to you?

There are a ton of really attractive men that are obsessed with boning fat chicks. Accept the truth and concede yourself to the fact that while men like a very wide variety of different women, women really like only one type of man. They don't want you and don't need you. As long as they open their legs they can attract such a genetically superior man until they hit the wall. Only then they will, with great contempt, accept you as long as you provide for them.

So cold and so true.

To be fair it could be their personality.

Clubs suck.

Your first mistake was going for a fatty, maybe 10 years ago you would have had some luck. But sadly my gender has become way too ego eccentric, especially the ham beasts, with HASE and FA creating unwarranted self importance.

Clubs are also the WORST places now at days to pick up chicks, even if you are a Chad, it's a bust. Best chances to pick up a chick? From my experience, how most guys got me was either online, or through mutual interests. Maybe see if there are any clubs, or events for a thing that you like.

Thank you for a realistic answer.

I've tried online dating but that got nowhere past basic conversations(that I initiated most of the time) and mutual interests made me more female friends(who already are taken).

Maybe OP's luck could be better than mine, but best of luck to him.

Hmm, why are you not using these female friends as wing men? Seriously, women will go after guys who tend to hang around other females. It shows that 1. you aren't a creep, 2. women are VERY sexually competitive, we tend to want to steal away another woman's mate, as it assures our ego, and destroys our competition's ego when we steal away their chad. Food for thought.

Hmm, those girlfriends aren't really into scenes aside from really specific nerd events that are basically sausage fests. I could try the next time we go to a bar, but it's been months since we went out...(busy schedules and all that)

They don't really think about inviting their respective female friends to our outings either. Can I ask them to invite them without sounding like a desperate moron?

Fair enough, though I'd say avoid bars for hook ups, women are already expecting to get hit on, so her bitch shields will be already at max. You want a more even playing field, where she won't be expecting male attention.

Perhaps two options I could recommend in your situation:

  1. Talk to your female friends, chances are likely that they will have a few single friends, better yet you'd have direct intel. on said girls through your friends. Bitches LOVE to gossip, and if you get them in the right zone, you can get them to spill their guts on their friends. Networking in the dating world can get you really far!

  2. Try and orchestrate a get together, something like a BBQ, or a brunch, the key is that you don't want to let on to your intentions, the more casual you look, he less desperate you appear. Also casual events also will lower a females bitch shield, due to less attention.

I hope this helps, or at least gets your foot in the door. Best of luck!!!

Clubs are also the WORST places now at days to pick up chicks

Maybe see if there are any clubs, or events for a thing that you like.

In the same paragraph too. We've reached the peak of shitposting. Wrap it up boys, our work is done here.

When I said clubs in the second sentence, I was not referring to "the club" and more like collage clubs, you know groups centered around activities, and being social. :)

So much for "lowering your standards."

As I keep pointing out, we're scolded all the time to adopt high standards for our health by eating vegetables and fruits, exercising, getting enough sleep and so forth.

But if you're an incel who isn't attracted to repulsive slumpbusters, you're mocked for having standards, and you're told that you need to throw these standards away.

So what if the slumpbusters still don't want anything to do with you?

Of course it's your looks. If you had a terrible personality but was physically attractive, 99% of those fat chicks would have said yes. It's just the way it is and funny how people try to deny that.

I suggest looking for deformed, disfigured or severely disabled women. If you're both ugly and poor, you really gotta scrape the veeerrrry bottom of the barrel.

Nothing worse than a fat chick with confidence.

Most men are average. Most men have sex, girlfriends, wives, etc.

So you believe most men are single or that most men are attractive (ironically enough making "average" as you define it, not actually average)?

Only bending and breaking yourself doesn't really help. Better to accept yourself the way you are: bitter and hateful. It certainly makes your living a lot easier.

Absolutely. The level of men expected by lower SMV women does not scale with the bell curve of attractive distribution.

Plus OP was looking in a club, where he’s gauranteed to be the bottom rung of men. Seriously, clubs attract chads and stacies. You’re being judged next to everyone else in the room. It’s like IRL Tinder.

That is incredible but totally believable.

I really can't tell if a lot of this sub is satire or not.

if shes with a guy that is in the top 20% then she will love him, yes. if not then she will simply use him or "love" him until someone with better looks comes by.

Sounds like a senile old man. LMAO.

If I did something like that, I'd be charged with attempted sexual assault, abduction, and everything else white knight cops can throw at me to ensure I never get a bail.

TwoX is a circle jerk. Also if that happened to you for reals, then that's complete BS.

Garbage, bullshit. Stop. The evidence does not support that.