Learn the difference

57  2018-04-03 by Zangano1


anjew nosed

Poor cutecel.

He was a fag who couldn't get a girl even though he had some money. Fuck worshipping this piece of shit.

Now Blackops is a someone we should worship.

The only problem I have with him is he killed only two femoids.

Onecooldude is our true lord.

Shut your mouth blasphemer! Blackops is a forced meme. He never spoke to us. St. Elliot opened the eyes of all incels around the world with his prophecy in his manifesto.

Rest in peace :(

I hope his hell is worse than his shit life ever came close to being here on earth.

He was a great guy

out, you useless syncytium

That’s what everyone rightfully should have been saying to this guy. Glad he’s gone. Sad he took people with him just because he couldn’t get laid though. What a faggot.

if he was chad, he wouldn't kill

Do chads kill people? Like ever in a human history?

Why no

Genghis Khan. He slayed literally and figuratively but tbf that was mostly because he was militarymaxxed.

DNA studies indicated that approximately 20 million men today are descended from him.

I admire Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan. They were only Asians having balls enough to kill whites and blacks.


Korean War?


But, they defeated mass number of non-Asians. Turkic and Mongolid Asians are the most robust Asians because of Cromagnid admixture.

Ignoring you're totally fallacious (and frankly, dumb) "the most robust asians" comment: yeah man, whatever.

Your statement of: "They were only Asians having balls enough to kill whites and blacks." is 100% wrong - and calling that out is my point.

It's a fact. Most Asians are gracile. Meanwhile, Mongols or Kazakhs are more robust.

Well, if it’s a “fact”, it should be a simple thing for you to provide some proof, or a source to validate it, right?

I’ll wait while you do that.

Altaic people and Mongolians have 10% Caucasian autosomal DNA at average. Since, Caucasians are more robust than Asians, they must be also so. I knew it's examples many times.

Since, Caucasians are more robust than Asians, they must be also so.

Again, source? proof? Actual data?

Hitler was chad

Weak chin, it was always over for him

cute angel

Replace elliot Rodger with u/stagetail

most women hate cute guys.

If female sexuality wasn't completely fucked, we wouldn't have so many violent alpha males that ruin everything for everyone else.

Hell, female sexuality causes their own problems. They are attracted to men that will beat their brains out. They reproduce, pass on the violent genes, and then the process starts all over again.

False. All of it.

I fucking wish it was, but it unfortunately isn't.

"alpha male" not true. Never has been. Not even a thing.

Women hate 'cute guys'. My SO calls me cute all the time. Isn't this entire subbed based off the fact that women only like attractive men?

This whole "women love men who beat them". Well im not going to dispute that because anyone who is so far gone as to be truly believe this is beyond help.

"alpha male" not true. Never has been. Not even a thing.

Dominant males that everyone else looks up to are a thing. In fact, we vote for them every election. Trump is an "alpha male" insofar that he doesn't give a fuck what others think about him, is/was attractive (100% a chad in his youth), is extremely low inhibition, and tall. One of Trump's biggest attacks on some of his enemies? They were weak. They were short. They were lightweights.

Obama was the same. Tall, big frame, dominating, but still sophisticated, male.

I could find you the studies if you want. On a massive scale, we want to be ruled by superior males.

This whole "women love men who beat them".

They do. Most female victims of domestic abuse go back to the men that beat them. They cite that "there's just something" that they like about them. Even when offered a complete way to safely get away, they still choose to go back.

They obviously don't love being beaten in a literal sense, but they clearly don't mind it enough to do something about it. I think many women view it as a side effect of being with a genetically superior male. A 6'5" guy that throws his woman across the room is showing her how well he can defend her from others. She will just have to "change him" to not use his strength on her.

They do. Most female victims of domestic abuse go back to the men that beat them. They cite that "there's just something" that they like about them. Even when offered a complete way to safely get away, they still choose to go back.

please so me this citation.

Ill save you time, you cvan't. Its pure conjecture. Nonsense. Silly. Immature. Ignorant.....

Hmm.. these are all saying that "chads' get more sex. I thought this place wasn't about sex....?

Also, none of that discusses the biological mechanism or anything about "alpha males".

These are saying that nice, "cute" guys are not attractive to women, while also showing that violent and aggressive ("alpha") men get more sex (pretty simple deduction that women desire them).

(pretty simple deduction that women desire them)

If you're entirely delusional.

I am delusional to think that those that get a lot of sex from women are probably desired from women?


Ahhh, you are correct that women do in fact go for people they desire. That is kind of the thing with desire.

Where you are delusional is thinking that women are attracted to violent and aggressive men. I've never hit a women yet I get laid... How is it possible?

Also my gf could go get fucked by any dude anytime yet she doesn't.

If i beat my girlfriend will she love me more?

In fact, we vote for them every election.

"we", lol

I don't think most people would consider men like Evo Morales, Pepe Mujica and Emmanuel Macron to be "alphas". Macron married his high school teacher, for crying out loud. And that's not even considering all the female world leaders.

And what about all the men and women who vote for non-"alpha" candidates each year? Women were a lot more in favor of Hillary than Trump last time I checked. She would've even been elected if the US was a democratic country (not that I would've liked that to happen, it's just that the US voting system is total bullshit).

"alpha male" not true. Never has been. Not even a thing.


Nice proof you got there.

Yes because all of this misery loves company bullshit you all surround yourselves with is full of facts.

I guarantee if you all stepped out of this self pitty bubble YOU PUT YOURSELVES IN and worked toward making yourself happy you would find yourself being happier. Instead you all focus on calling yourselves 'sub-human' and wonder why you're so miserable.

sounds like COPE

I think he’s talking about trashy people. I mean, when it’s all you know then you tend to be biased.

Yea that's more accurate for this entire sub. "there are shitty people in the world." instead the message is "everyone is shitty and conspiring against use few 'ugly people', while everyone else's life is literally one huge orgy fueled and lubricated by incel tears.

Oh no they do hate cute guys, cos then their existance gets 'laid off'


Honest question: why is stuff like this that exalts this guy allowed in this sub? Seems like it’s do more damage than good.

It's not.

Sorry for the delay. It takes us longer to remove things when people don't report them.

Got it, fair enough

fuck you

RIP St Eliott

Oh, of course, I hadn't considered that.

I think Elliot posting is not allowed on this sub. Whore gaming removed this last time I posted it, but this time she didnt. She is probably sleeping or sucking dick, when she comes back she will remove it.

I mean, it's a "quality" shitpost - so i get that, but just wondering why the mods aren't cracking down, maybe they just dont care.

Fukking dashing

Hahah fuck i love elliot hes so retarded wtf's wrong with him lol

This one goes out to my main man RODGERS. I'm sorry that you had that WEAK BITCH of a father.

Too much intelligence to turn into a Chad, I'm sorry for all the sex and love you never had.

RODGERS, born and raised within a Twisted World, 22 YEARS dealing with rejection hurled

I'M SORRY, they couldnt see The Perfect Gentleman, made to suffer by every stuck up feminine

BUT ELIOTT, my man enacted RETRIBUTION, started our cause like a ONE MAN REVOLUTION



... his last name is Rodger, not Rodgers.

Shut up bitch.

I read this as slam poetry.

Anyone read his manifesto? Is it worth the time or just a windy Jew-Asian complaining that white women wont fuck him?

He was a great guy

Do chads kill people? Like ever in a human history?

out, you useless syncytium

They do. Most female victims of domestic abuse go back to the men that beat them. They cite that "there's just something" that they like about them. Even when offered a complete way to safely get away, they still choose to go back.

please so me this citation.

Ill save you time, you cvan't. Its pure conjecture. Nonsense. Silly. Immature. Ignorant.....

Ignoring you're totally fallacious (and frankly, dumb) "the most robust asians" comment: yeah man, whatever.

Your statement of: "They were only Asians having balls enough to kill whites and blacks." is 100% wrong - and calling that out is my point.

In fact, we vote for them every election.

"we", lol

I don't think most people would consider men like Evo Morales, Pepe Mujica and Emmanuel Macron to be "alphas". Macron married his high school teacher, for crying out loud. And that's not even considering all the female world leaders.

And what about all the men and women who vote for non-"alpha" candidates each year? Women were a lot more in favor of Hillary than Trump last time I checked. She would've even been elected if the US was a democratic country (not that I would've liked that to happen, it's just that the US voting system is total bullshit).

Altaic people and Mongolians have 10% Caucasian autosomal DNA at average. Since, Caucasians are more robust than Asians, they must be also so. I knew it's examples many times.