Bullying in childhood is an early indication of being an inferior person.

50  2018-04-03 by VartanX

Oddly enough my post got badly downvoted and blocked at foreveralone sub (fucking copers). Anyhow, take a good look, a really good look, at victims of bullying. They all have something in common: a physical flaw. They could be fat, too skinny, ugly, weird body, weak, etc. Children haven't been brainwashed into politeness and PC nonsense. They act according to their fundamental bilogical instincts. And their instincts tell them to exclude those who aren't evolutionary fit for survival. Anyone who disagrees is a coper.

EDIT: We see this phenomenon everywhere in the animal world, especially among social animals: weak, defective, unfit are excluded. It sucks for them, but it's nature.


Bullying is meant to drive weak people to suicide. Yes people are basically phantasms who only express their genes.

The most brutal blackpill of all.

Personalities are just abstractions of genes.

People are meme and gene machines, we just delude ourselves otherwise.

In fact all of the "reality" that we experience is also just an abstraction of whatever really exists.

Congrats on making it to inceltears.

Anyone who disagrees is a coper.

God, "cope" really is so versatile, isn't it?

You disagree with me? I'm not wrong, you're coping.

You had different experiences from mine? No you didn't, you're just coping.

You're happy? Ha, as if, it's just cope!

Hey junkie, did the drugs fry your brain? LOL.

Let me ask you a question, junkie. Why do you defend bullies but not incels?

Hey junkie, did the drugs fry your brain? LOL.

Quite possibly, but at least not the extent that I'd make such utterly demented statements as;

Let me ask you a question, junkie. Why do you defend bullies but not incels?

Nice counterargument.

Do you think it's morally acceptable for an incel to ignore a woman being raped?

Nice counterargument.

That's not a counterargument, that's just pointing out that no amount of drugs would justify me making such bizarre, left-field and demonstrably incorrect non-sequiters.

Do you think it's morally acceptable for an incel to ignore a woman being raped?

My friend, you have a problem. You've got a really disturbing fascination with this whole rape scenario, and you keep bringing it up. Maybe address your own issues instead of continually asking people this question?

That's not a counterargument, that's just pointing out that no amount of drugs would justify me making such bizarre, left-field and demonstrably incorrect non-sequiters.


My friend, you have a problem. You've got a really disturbing fascination with this whole rape scenario, and you keep bringing it up. Maybe address your own issues instead of continually asking people this question?

My issues are caused by women and normies. I find it really hypocritical how you never victim blame female rape victims, but incels are completely responsible for their own destiny.

Appeal to nature fallacy. I don't give a fuck if normies think it's their genetic destiny to kill incels. We have every right to fight back and argue for our genes.

Appeal to nature isn't invalid. Humans ARE animals, just with a higher IQ. That's all.

Animals are extremely diverse in behaviour, claiming that this is how humans should behave is just ridiculous. We can make all kinds of evolutionary choices.

My genes have chosen to argue for their existence, you can lay down and rot if you want, and let them get away with it.

We have every right to fight back and argue for our genes.

Yes, you have that "right", but you don't do it.

That's why you get bullied.

Not all are physically flawed. People also get bullied for "acting weird." Anything that makes you stand out can put you on bullies' radar.

Possibly. But if your recall Rules #1 and #2, "acting weird" goes hand in hand with being ugley.

That's true. But I saw bullying victims growing up who weren't unattractive, they were just socially awkward. In the middle class Midwest, the JWs or the Mormons were weird enough (or dressed just differently enough) to get this treatment.

Was awkward and shy as a kid in elementary school and somewhat in high school and got targeted for appearing docile. Although, one of them kept telling me I was ugly because I had acne even though I literally didn't have any acne when I looked in the mirror, yet at the moment he was telling me this, I believed it. I think some kids like to play mind games with neurotic pieces of garbage like I was...I wasn't that great of a kid either, so there you go.

nah bullshit. Its ONLY about looks. I was a cute kid who acted really cringey nerdy and ankward and I still had girls liking me and people considering me so intelligent and deep.

I had a bad puberty looks wise and suddenly likr magic life turned to hell

Ita ONLY about being ugly.

So your anecdotal evidence trumps any other experience?

To us this is obvious, I have had the same experience as zyros_

If you think people are only bullied for looks then you've lived a sheltered ignorant life.

My bullies in elementary and middle schools grew up to be such losers. Imagine how it felt knowing that I was even more inferior than those dweebs...

Gays get bullied. Yet a gay man actually provides for the tribe without competing for females.

I agree but like people have said bullying also happens if you're awkward.

If there's any indication that you're not a normie they'll pounce on you.

It only becomes better after you get out of school because normies realize that even though we're subhuman, we're treated as human beings in the legal system, so if they mess with us we can take legal action against them or legally be entitled to kill them in certain places.

So they tolerate our existence. I never forget though, no matter how well I'm treated, that I'm different and thus I don't expect any help from normies.

Well connor McGregor was bullied and look at him now. Life is more about how you react to circumstances rather than the circumstances themselves.

Except not everyone is born with the natural agility and strength to be a fighter like him. Terrible example

Celebrities and public figures are almost always a bad example.

I'm legitimately curious why they are all bad examples?

They are famous because they're special, extraordinary, exceptional.

Okay what about obesetobeast. There's a lot of stories out there of non famous. Look I was bullied for being fat. And I still am fat but I'm working on it. For every famous person doing something there's 100 non famous people doing the same thing. There was this story that went viral about this guys who was horribly bullied. Busted is ass in the gym. Took martial arts. Then fucked his bullies mom. Then she called a radio station trying to go on another date with him. Then he sent a pic of his mom giving him head to his bully with only 2 words "I win". Everyday people do great things even if they aren't famous. You just don't hear about it much because they aren't famous.

While I will give to you that he does have a natural ability to be a fighter, saying that we won't count that example kinda takes away from the thousands of hours he puts into the gym. It takes away from the fact he put insane ammount of effort behind being a fighter. Now if he sat around and ate nothing but fast food and lounged around then went out and dominated every like he does then yes you can credit everything to him having a natural talent. He knew how bad it hurt to be bullied and busted his ass where he wouldn't be the victim of it anymore.

That’s not what I meant. From a young age, he was quite strong and fast. He got bullied but he had the genetics to do something about it.


Agreed. People bully anyone who is different in a bad way (Short, Ugly, Fat, awkward) etc.. I got bullied a lot in middle school and high school before I ended up losing weight.

I don't know, like I agree with OP, as most people that I've known to be bullied have some sort of physical, mental, or social flaw. However, my own personal experience with being bullied leads me to think that there are a lot of other factors that might go into it. Like for myself, I was mainly bullied from other girls my age, especially around grades 4-9.

This was mostly due to me hitting puberty a lot sooner than other girls in my age group. Like, I was already a full B cup by grade 4, and was still growing. That, and with being a tom boy, I was already used to talking to boys, and had a lot more common ground.

I noticed that the main theme in my being bullied, was that it was mostly done by girls who were either fat or flat. They would mostly call me a slut, tell other classmates that I stuffed my shirt, or teased me when I was hanging out with male friends, saying shit such as "She has a crush on you", or other bullshit.

Where as most guys would leave me alone, maybe call me a slut or retard at best. Or at worst, I had my shirt lifted up, exposing my breasts to the whole playground when I was 11. After that, I made sure to hide my chest, and went out of my way to look as frumpy as I could, and the bullying kind of stopped, at least the sexual aspect of it did, I just got called "ugly" or a dork. That I could live with.

So with that said, sometimes bullying is out of spite, especially with women. Often women bully other women whom they see as a threat to their sexual market value. So best to take the threat down a peg, either by lowering that person's social value, or by emotionally darning the threat.

I don't see how my old post has to do with childhood bullying. :)

foreveralone is more cucked than here, i dont suggest going there kek

The unfair thing about today's society is that once you are bullied, there is no way to gain back your dignity. The moment you fight back you will be punished, suspended and told by your teachers and parents what you did was bad and that violence is not the answer, etc. etc. If you force vulnerable kids to crop up years of torment with no release then you are going to create a situation that may turn out very bad.

Sometimes violence is the answer, and I wish I was taught to stand up for myself by my teachers and parents. Through first and second grade of high school I was relentlessly mentally tortured by a group of kids. Every day they would humiliate me and torment me and teachers did nothing. In grade 3 I was losing it and I went completely beserk on one of the kids that was bullying me. Bruised his eyesocket and broke his nose, suspended for 1 month and forced to undertake psychiatric help. Instead of the victim I was branded the bad guy. But it was completely worth it, not only did they completely stop bullying me but other kids in my class gained back their respect to me and started talking to me again.

In our feminized society you are only judged by two things: looks and social skills. But what really defines a man is his strength, display that and people will be well to respect you.

Bullying is a human instinct designed to cull the weak. That's something PC culture refuses to acknowledge.

Maybe the issue isn't with the victim but with the bullies

So fully developing your prefrontal cortex and gaining the cognitive and empathical capabilities to understand and interact socially is being brainwashed by PC nonsense? While the behaviour of an underdevelopd egocentristic child is the benchmark of biological purity?

Honestly Fuck the society

Son, where do you get these ideas?

You throw out your skewed opinions as if they were fact.

You’re a very angry bunny, aren’t you? You think anyone finds that attractive?