Theory on why this subreddit attracts so many attention whoring underage girls

46  2018-04-02 by PermanentRotter1

Underage girls still in high school have not fully experienced their privilege. High school is the one time in life where hypergamy is not quite as rampant. These underage girls dont have tinder yet, and if they are average to ugly, it is possible that they dont get much male attention(yet). So they come on braincels for some attention because their threads are bound to get it.

Never fear underage girls. Once you get into college, you will all get sex and male attention whenever you want. Just ride it out, it gets better for you, not for us.


I don't see femcels here at all tbh

that's because nearly all incels believe femcels don't exist lmao

that's because if you ask those femcels if they're virgins, they suddenly stop replying.

doesn't involuntarily celibate mean that you can't control not being able to attract a partner, romantic and or sexual, as of recently and or, at all? i'm asking legitimately btw

romantic partner is implied, because having sex usually comes after romantic interest exist.

okay so then technically it doesn't matter if femcels aren't virgins anymore, because they could have lost it long ago and maybe they aren't just getting any kind of partner, which would make them incel. not all incels are truecels, some incels have lost their virginity and just aren't having sex nowadays.

That's the logic..but I think a lot of people here believe that only men can't attract women because all women have high standards

yeah, i can see why they would say that, due to frustration and anger

Google pig woman experiment.

definition is literally the two words

Femcels are a myth.

Jfl at thinking every girl isn’t getting tons of attention long before college

I don’t.

You are also an annoying ass person, maybe that's the reason

Actually in real life I don’t talk unless spoken to first, so that reasoning is out the window.

Did you just fcking use "ducking"?


Lmfao. I’m crying.

So the reason is because you don't talk to the guy...must be nice for that to be the only reason

You mean excluding your multiple boyfriends?

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

mfw thinking of you hurting

Lol I’m not hurting I’m just correcting generalizations about women



At least you have friends

To be fair, all the girls that are sub 4 at my high school don't get any attention unless they're popular. I bet they want prom dates just as much as I do.

No shit

are you a virgin or not?

Why do you need to know?

I will take that as a yes. Also, you feel disclosing virginity status on a subreddit for 'involuntary celibates' as inappropriate and need to know? You really must stop posting here. No one likes you, you fat egg-headed bitch.

No shit, Sherelock.

Then why are you still here?

Because I love watching you say you’re against lookism then going on to mock ugly girls.

confirmed roastie slut

Why though?

No but seriously though, why are you hanging around here? At least IMO, you're fairly attractive and could definitely get a BF if you tried. Or do you just come here to mock the incels? That's just wrong.

I initially came here to help them with getting women but I was called a slut. So now I’m just trolling.

Hypergamy isn't rampant in high school lol? These young chicks want the hottest, most popular dudes. There is no frequent looksmatching lol. The young girls are the worst.

Its not as pronounced in high school. The average to ugly ones dont have the same access to Chad that they do later on in life

You guys are projecting. Guys in high school all strictly orbit the hottest, most popular girls. They wouldn't be caught dead showing interest in a normie girl. At least it was like that 10 years ago.

Then college was just another version of that. I was studying physics and all the guys were orbiting the same Stacy. The "ugly" girls (not fat) remained single for 4 years even though they were swimming in dudes.

I later asked one of these dudes how he finally got laid and his answer was "I stopped imagining it would happen with Stacy.". Meanwhile, none of my girlfriends ever talked about Chad.

Oh and eventually all guys end up dating better than their looksmatch anyway. And and educated circles where women reach a higher level of education on average than men, you see a lot of women dating down in both looks and money.

better than looksmatch. Because guy = autougly, girl = autopretty

Legit. Just look at the #makeherday video that gets passed around incel subs. You're supposed to feel bad for Garrett because he got rejected , but no incel dares to point out how hypergamous Garrett was. There were dozens of cute and plain girls in that video, that were closer to his looks level, but he of course went for the hottest, blondest, most cheerleader-looking Stacy he could find. A girl that is not only top 1% in her school, but top 1% in the entire country.

Ah yes, that video is great. You can see the expression of the femcels' faces as they watch from the side and know no man will ever love them as much as this guy loves a near-stranger Stacy.

^ the lie detector is off the charts

I studied chemistry. I had my eye on a stuttering russian girl with a skin condition, but she was taken :(


My mom kind of has a stutter, but no one ever mentions it and she's an ophthalmologist who regularly speaks in public. At this point I don't know if I'm imagining it and it's too late to ask.

you do realize most girls (including lesbians) download and use tinder before 18 right?

Really? How old are you?

18, but i downloaded tinder when i was 16. everyone does that honestly

Damn, you’re a year older than me. You’re an adult. Nowhere close to underage.

1 year isnt that much... and i was underage a few months ago

There's a lesbian match,you'd get with each other before any of us

Yeah, comment that anywhere but here and enjoy all the disagreement you'll get.

whether its good or not, it happens.

Most girls, before 18 though?

I knew women were hypergamous pieces of shit but for more than half of them to be on tinder before 18 seems unlikely.

a lot of girls ok?

there's underage girls on here???


You didn’t know?










some 4chan meme that i don't get either


How old are you?


Yeah a lot of them are 15 and they lurk here more than me

Yeah. I've found two so far.

The Wonderwomen cunt is also one of them lol

lol. there are underage girls on tinder already fucking 30 year old chads.

Yeah, hot ones. Not ugly ones.

nope. even the ugly ones. especially the ugly ones.

Cope lol

Yup just look at that annoying EvilMortyBot whore. The minute that bitch goes into college this will be a pipe dream to her. Every. Fucking. Time.

Aw, you forgot to mention I’m ugly.

Just stop eating bro

But I’m still ugly


Lol no you're not. You look incredibly average.

But I am.

If you are sorry you wouldn't continue to keep doing it, btw.

But I’m ugly

But you ignored what I said again. But I'm not gonna say the same things again, I already said what I wanted to say to you.

I saw some comments of you and I definitely agree with those though. Anyway, seeing you on every thread saying "I'm ugly" without any more context, seeking your 1000th portion of attention and validation which you dismiss again, is really getting on my nerves, so I should block you.

Dude you coulda fucking blocked her in about 1/1000th the time it took you to type that fucking paragraph.


Well said. That's exactly what I told her. I can't even browse /new in peace because she comments on every single post.

Lmao, I saw she said she even had 2 boyfriends. Crying about being so ugly, while people are willing to have a relationship with her. Fucking annoying attention whore.


You're not. A shit load of people have said they'd date you, including me. Why would you purposely ignore what other humans have to say in order to feel bad about yourself? Most incels would quite literally kill for a woman to say they'd date them.


check her post history

Aw, you forgot to mention I’m ugly and fat

There's literally a porn category for fat women, there's no shortage of men who like that.

You really should leave, your presence is am insult. Your face isn't half bad, you should fuck off and go find a chadlite of your own. You cannot relate to us, at all.

Don't give her validation, let her suffer from lack of affection from random internet dudes.

Also she admitted she is not an incel.

How can she be a whore if she’s never had sex....?

Finally someone who gets me.

People that marry their high school sweethearts have a higher reported happiness level when married for 7 years or more.

Any young lads here that are still in highschool, hurry the fuck up and find your young love before its too late!

To be honest with you I think highschool girls only want the chadiest Chad and that's why hypergamy appears less, meanwhile there's probably a full flock of average to ugly guys just begging to even get a glance from them. When college shows up they start to appreciate lower tier chads (who are still, I repeat, chads). There's this sort of idealism and naivety in high school( underage) girls.

my working theory is that eventually having sex with incels will become a taboo, and thus become sexy in a thrilling and dangerous way

teenage girls are slightly ahead of the curve, and so they come here to feed their subconscious attraction to incels

what happens when it's time to do the deed and the girl has to get wet. It's impossible for a woman to get wet for sex with a sub 6 man.

where is this comment

No, they're usually fatties and/or loony neo-feminist types.

They can be fatties and/or loony neo-feminist types, while being underage. Part of the liberal agenda is to target children because their minds are so vulnerable and they're less likely to question shit the younger they can brainwash them.

Legit. There were a couple of underaged girls posting here during summer break who refused to leave despite incels telling them to F off. When summer break ended and they ended college, they also ended up posting here.

"privilege" fuckin kek, stopped reading right there.

Do i care?

One chick showed up on one of my posts asking if she was fat, and posted a link to a whole album of her photos. Of course she was attractive, the kind of girl who would ignore me online, what in the fuck was she thinking? Way to rub salt in my wound, hoe. Like just fuck off completely. Never come back. Evil Morty can eat shit, too. And fuck Chad_chasing, I'm only throwing her in the mix because all these foids are pissing me off lol

17 year old girl here, i do attention whore on this subreddit.

i’m actually attractive though :/


You probably aren't but it doesn't matter. Enjoy being fat.

I’m skinny, 5’8”, gorgeous lips and eyes, nice skin :/ don’t project your insecurities on me <3

I don't doubt that you are now. But it's only so long that you'll be able to eat all those ice creams and burgers without consequence. So, enjoy being fat.

why do you want me to be fat LOL. are you a fatzo???

i don’t eat like a fatty lol

None of you do, but then somehow over half of you end up being obese.

why do you want me to be fat

Take a wild guess lol

Lmfao, I can't believe people like you and this sub actually exist.

There's a Reddit sub for everything tbf.

Honestly I was kind of assuming they were some kind of government plants to try and arrest us for requesting(and then possessing) child porn.

Well, would anyone be surprised if an incel was in possession or trying to be in possession of that?

I mean a bunch of neckbeards and sexually frustrated 14 year olds are probably the prime suspects for kiddy porn. You guys clearly have a... to put it lightly "fucked up" view of how adult relationships and sex actually works.

Seriously guys, accept your fate and find happiness elsewhere, you're not gonna breed or find a partner and that's a good thing because your inferior genes are being bred out. It's good that we know that so we can move on.

Fuck you, I'd rather rape a woman than die without reproducing. My genes are better than most's

I would be legitimately surprised if this sub attracts any underage individuals who aren't angsty, pimple ridden, chronic masturbating, angry males.

Seriously guys, stop pretending you have any idea how the world and human relationships work. Finish high school, experience the real world, and realize that life doesn't owe you anything, especially sex and attention from women. Get out and earn it or shut the fuck up and accept your fate.


The truth hurts them, as much as it needs to be said.

but it still attracts worthless pondscum losers like you with low T levels hahahahahahahhaaha

And sexless internet heroes like you. You literally can't insult me in any meaningful way.

I've had more sex and more human affection in the last 24 hours than you have your entire life. I love these subs because I always get a reaction...

I would love to hear your experience though. What's it like not being loved?

you're a low T virgin.

Nobody who has sex as much as you claim even has a reddit account, let alone browses this sub in their spare time.

Spare us your larping bullshit you beta faggot. You will never impregnate any female you ugly cunt hahahaha

I don't know what that first sentence means... but I don't care.

I've literally had sex once in the last 24 hours so if that's an unbelievable amount to you... well shit.

By the way, I've impregnated more than one female and I have no regrets. From a Darwinian perspective I'm already more successful than you guys.

I love your guy's go to language when you're faced with the truth... everyone is a cuck, normie, beta(which is really you I mean come on) etc..

As for why people troll this sub, this shouldn't be a surprise, you guys are fun. I always get a response. Keep it coming incel cause I have done things you've only dreamed of and even though my life is pretty normal for the most part I know you fantasize about it.

Fortunately your mommy is right upstairs for when you get too butt hurt.

lol this clown sounds so triggered, keep it coming soyboy.

already admitting he's has the child support shackles like it's a good thin and this arguement already started...

Triggered? How So?

I literally can't get enough of you guys defending yourselves.

What about what I said can you retort? Also, are you over 18? I don't think you are and I really don't wanna make another kid cry.

Tell me about the last woman (That you're not related too) that let you touch her.

Soyboy? What's That? Sounds like you're doing exactly what I said you would...

You are a bit of a beta bully arent you. Going to reddit to bully and trigger people.

How exactly am I a "beta"? You guys throw around these terms but you literally have nothing to base them on.

I love fucking with incels. It's fun and you gotta admit you're easy targets.

I don't feel cool I just enjoy fucking with you. Is it just to prevent me from happiness which is easily obtainable just cause you can't?

I just see an internet bully who targets virgins. Thats more beta than alpha for anyone who makes that observation.

That makes no sense at all.

I don't target virgins. I target toxic shit heads that wouldn't do anything but hiss and shit themselves if a woman even looked at them.

More beta than alpha nontheless. These incels probably aren't even toxic irl and you know it. There is a deeper more sad reason for why you do thiss, and it ain't pretty.

You do know the alpha/beta thing is nonsense right? Like it makes you look idiotic? Laughably so?

Whatever beta boy. Don't you have some virgins to feel Superior to? Go get em tiger we're done.

Do you hear yourself?

Can you imagine saying that in public?

And yes I do feel superior but only because I am. Not my fault.

Jesus... You're obsessed with incels. Go find a hobby, like reading the dictionary. Would be much more useful than leaving dozens of comments here per day

This is my hobby. I'm not so much obsessed as fascinated.

And really, leaving dozens of comments doesn't take much effort...

As long as I get replies I will continue.

Lol okay kiddo. I think you are obsessed, but I guess only you can be the judge of that. The problem is your comments are usually low quality and aren't funny at all. If you could not leave low quality comments that would be appreciated.

You do you man. I'll comment as I see fit.

Incels are low quality people so I'm not really investing much thought here.

Incels are low quality people

Fuck you virgin shaming cunt. Don't say shit like that about people. There's nothing about being involuntarily celibate that makes you a bad person.

I didn't say bad. I said low quality. As in genetically inferior.

I personally don't actually believe involuntarily celibate is a thing... just take a shower man.

I personally don't actually believe involuntarily celibate is a thing

It's a fact of biology. Hundreds of million of men throughout history have died virgins due to low genetic quality.

You'd think by now that those undesirable traits would be bred out.

Someone didn't pass biology 101 lol

I can tell. Saying inceldom is a fact of biology is kinda dumb.

No I'm saying sexual selection is a fact of biology. A byproduct of sexual selection is inceldom. Sexual selection is always selecting for the top males.

Well I guess I'll give you that. So do you take comfort in the thought that you and the other undesirables not breeding benefits the human species as a whole?


Lol bruh, you’re sad. I honestly feel sorry for you.

Don’t worry roasties, 16-25 will be the best time of your lives, just be sure to trap a beta the minute you turn 26!

that's because if you ask those femcels if they're virgins, they suddenly stop replying.

lol this clown sounds so triggered, keep it coming soyboy.

How exactly am I a "beta"? You guys throw around these terms but you literally have nothing to base them on.

I love fucking with incels. It's fun and you gotta admit you're easy targets.

I don't feel cool I just enjoy fucking with you. Is it just to prevent me from happiness which is easily obtainable just cause you can't?