Reminder: out of the tens of thousands of women you have met in your lifetime, not a single one has found you attractive. Women will never understand what being completely unwanted feels like.

43  2018-04-02 by behindcloseddoors1


So true, not even one, it’s fucking over pass the rope

brutal blackpill

not a SINGLE woman is attracted to me, just lol




What do you look like?

you already know what I look like. check your messages from yesterday loool

Oh yeah. I’m retarded. Lol.

Send me pics I'll rate


go outside

true, how nice would it be for a girl to smile at you and show an interest and try to talk to you in a possibly romantic manner. to be desired. something so simple that every girl experiences every day that we never get to experience at all. just feel like an invisible body walking past people. even after years of working out. even when you surround yourself with them in a social environment you're still just nothing whilst they're everything. you feel like absolutely nothing. and then you're supposed to have the confidence to talk to them. but still you suck it up and fake it. and they look at you like you're nothing. you might even get a charity number but they barely respond because you're nothing. and you do it all over again. every day in public just feeling like nothing. sitting eating your lunch staring at the walls whilst you see 3 girls walk past in the mall happy as can be, getting all sorts of eyes on them, all the male retail assistants are extra nice to them. they know they're desired and they love it. meanwhile i'm munching on my subway looking down at my paper with a completely empty feeling. it's like my brain is inactive because there are no response chemicals. i'm just nothing.

you must go E R

Its sad to think that some guys just go outside and know thay every women is thinking how atractive they are. Meanwhile no one will ever think that about me.

Almost nobody fucking does that, this is not the sort of issue that most people concern themselves with. Not everyone is this self-centered just because incels are.

your attraction power = (L-6) x M x S

What are the variables?


Thank you

What does l mean? What does m mean? What does s mean?

Some women are into "ugly" guys

GTFO LOL. When they say ugly they mean sub 6. Sometimes the 6 is ugly to them, too. Meanwhile I'd fight a whole horde of blue pilled normans just for a shot with a 6.

Wow, why's the affection so unbalanced?

You have to be a top tier male in order to score a fit, pretty women. Even the fat ones with pretty faces are basically all reserved for Chad.

Even the fat ones with pretty faces are basically all reserved for Chad.

Even if you manage to pull off a relationship with one of these beasts, she'll cuck you the very same millisecond she reaches her weight-loss goal. It's so fucking over.

Yeah if she loses weight I'm most likely fucked.

only if they have kids or dont want kids dipshit


Those ugly guys are generally masculine as fuck criminal gang banger dudes. Not some milky bar kids white boys


You've met 10,000 women?

Yes it's called going outside.

So walking past someone is meeting them?

To an incel? Seeing a picture of someone online is meeting someone.

I'm pretty sure I've met 10,000 women. I've definitely hit on hundreds at this point and alongside school, workplace, volunteering, social groups etc. I'm pretty sure I'm close to that number.

Normie logic: "There are billions of people in the world teehee!"

Also Normie logic: "It's not even possible to meet 10,000 women in your lifetime"

undeniable reality

This is rough man. Most men have at least had girls show them sign of interests even if they fucked it up. But in my 22 years of existence, there was not a single one. Not a single women who considered me physically attractive. It's over.

I found there were a lot of girls that didn’t show any signs of interest in me. It seemed like they were completely ignoring me. Then I asked one out and she said yes. Turns out I just suck at picking up signals. Not saying that’s what it is for you but I just thought I’d share. Who knows? Maybe there are girls you just didn’t realize found you attractive.

This would be cope. Do not attempt to gaslight me. I've seen how women act towards guys they are attracted to, and they have ALWAYS acted the exact opposite towards me without exception.

Okay okay! Sorry. I was just trying to help.

Hi, I appreciate your optimism.

It's a curse to be a male.

You want to fuck every young girl, all the time

But no young girls want to fuck you

It's a curse to be a sub8 male. Remember, femoids rate 80% of men as below average.

just don’t have a sex drive you woman hating asshole omg

Yeah it's over lol. Hopefully, the Japanese will finish their robo-wife R&D soon, and inceldom won't be a problem anymore. Chad gets a harem. Incel gets a state-of-the-art piece of hardware. Funnily enough, Normie still gets Chad's sloppy seconds. After all, only a loser would resort to buying a life partner.

After all, only a loser would resort to buying a life partner.


Hopefully, the Japanese will finish their robo-wife R&D soon, and inceldom won't be a problem anymore.

Let that sink in a second.

One, I was being sarcastic. Two, incels know that they're losers, so by purchasing robo-wives, they're just consuming things targeted towards their demographic; it's not any more degrading than the inceldom, itself.

I understand

I wouldn't judge any such person if they decided to rope.

But you are wrong. One did...out of 1000000. ONE


No but I’ve met 4

Self confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person can have and it makes up immensely against aesthetics. If you really walk around thinking tens of thousands of women could never give you a second glance, then they aren’t going to. I promise there’s tons of less conventionally attractive guys than you who’ve found romantic partners.


If you really walk around thinking tens of thousands of women could never give you a second glance, then they aren’t going to.

I was confident, but 10,000s of women later ...

I was confident, but 10,000s of women later...

No you weren't, you were butthurt and grumpy, wondering why they didn't pay attention to you. Confident people don't pay mind to this sort of shit, but you do.

No you weren't, you were butthurt and grumpy, wondering why they didn't pay attention to you. Confident people don't pay mind to this sort of shit, but you do.

I didn't pay attention when I was confident. But then I was rejected by 10,000s of women.

You probably have not even spoken to 10,000 unique women in your life.

You weren't rejected, you walked down the street, they didn't start begging to fuck you, and you took this as rejection.

You have never had confidence with women, you are so wrapped up in yourself that you couldn't possibly be.

You probably have not even spoken to 10,000 unique women in your life.

Have you ever heard of internet dating?

You have never been confident with women,

Have you been following me my whole life?

Internet dating isn't meeting women, confidence over the internet is basically not a thing, text doesn't work that way.

As for knowing what's going on you said it yourself; you pretend that you've met 10,000 women which means you've swiped right 10,000 times and sent 10,000 annoying DM's, you're not confident now were you ever, otherwise you wouldn't be here boo-hooing about it.

you're not confident now, nor were you ever

Wow, you're so confident you know exactly how un-confident I was my whole life. I guess you really got me pegged, huh? Since you have been watching me my whole life you have proof to show that the WHOLE TIME I was never confident. Yup, you got me, you're 100% right.

you never will know if a girl found you attractive.

They would approach if they find you attractive.

maybe if you didn't keep your $1 earphones in your ears at all times.... you might actually have a girl approach you.

Lol what? First you assumed something completely random about me then tried to shame me for being poor lol?

you ain't poor, just poor money management.

HAHAHAHA this is breaks the major normie cope

"girls never approach, I bet they still want me on the inside even if they don't show it!"


... girls who like guys make it insanely obvious to said guys.

you'll never know because you're always staring at your magna as well.

Ah yes, the ol' manga/anime fan neckbeard insult. Come up with something original.

is it false?


lmao what country?

lol why should I tell you

because It's hard to believe magna isn't cheap everywhere.

Lol, the ol' weeb insult. Girls have only called me disgusting. Is that enough proof that no one is interested in me romantically?

Where do you find all these one-dimensional?

the real world

try it sometime

Wait, your saying women in the real world have less dimension than women online?

interpretation is up to you

Sure, but what did you mean? I’m not trying to be funny, I’m not following your meaning.

its obvious what I meant

If it was obvious, I wouldn’t ask what you meant.

Grrr now youre making me mad! >:(

Sorry, not my intent

What do you mean? Women wont show interest to a guy they are interested in? Just like you say incels arent good at hiding their misogyny, wont girls have a tough time hiding their interest (by that logic)

What? I didn’t say anything like that.

How the fuck is showing interest "one dimensional"?

... girls who like guys make it insanely obvious to said guys.

This implies all girls make their feelings known when they’re interested in someone. This is a pretty ridiculous idea and paints girls with a broad, one dimensional brush.

I think being told to fuck off or kill myself by many of them and ignored by the rest is a pretty good indicator mate.

well why did they do it? where you being creepy?

if a tree falls in a forest ...

it still makes a sound regardless of what's around.

How could you have possibly met and interacted with tens of thousands of women? I don't even think I've met 500 people

Also, out of curiosity, how many years and what kind of social interaction allows someone to even be denied affection by tens of thousands of women? I travel the country, go to cities and do events for a living and I don’t even think I’ve met ten thousand people. And that’s basically all I do.

So accept the fact that you are a genetic dead end and shut up.

or you could just gtfo

No. I like it here, you guys are fun.

I don’t know, the complete lack of logic in some of these debates makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I’m not talking about the basic worldview here, either.

you again


You've clearly at least glanced at incel subs.

Sometimes when I read this stuff I feel like I'm having a seizure and have to bite down on my wallet. But then I remember why I'm here and that's to troll.

I don't feel bad, half the people on this sub (I know cause I'm several of them) are just trolling the other half, most of the remaining half are angsty teens who wouldn't know what to do with a pussy if it hit them in the face, and the rest are the legit incels that totally deserve their lot in life.

Fuck these nerds, they deserve no sympathy.

This is pretty reassuring, actually.


How do you know that not one woman you have interacted with has not found you attractive? Can you mind read? Are you telepathic? Are you psychic? What are you basing your analogy on? What evidence the you have to back your claim? Is your evidence accurate also?

My coworker brought her older daughter in the other day and introduced us, saying"this is my handsome coworker clarityphoenix".

I'm 5'5 and small framed and she called me handsome, something that many incels attribute to masculine/alpha men-I am neither of these. My sisters friend also had a huge crush on me, but I didn't pursue because I'm gay. Another coworker told me that her bf gets jealous whenever she mentions me, which I thought was weird. Why was she mentioning me?? We literally had just met. Long story short-you're making a lot of assumptions in your post. I'm sure somewhere down the line a woman/guy (whatever your into) was interested and gave some hints but was too scared to make the move. My one friend is only 5'7, dad bod,has a big wide nose and was in his mid 20's working part time minimum wage and he got a hot hookup with a cute chick. It can be done but you must CHOOSE to have that experience. You always have a choice

go spread aids you dirty sodomite lmao.

Amazing how faggots come here and try and lecture us when all you have to do is jump on grindr and 6 seconds later have sex with another sodomite.

Femoids, gays and soyboys coming in this sub for some baffling reason, you couldn't make it up loool

I lol at this comment. i didnt believe a place where men come to wallow in their own self pity, hate and sperm existed. Where they literally give women so much power, they control their thoughts. I have read so many posts about women being whores and none of you gave touched a vagina out aide being born, like how would u know lol.

6 seconds for a warm squishy hole? You should get on grindr mate u gonna get more action than tinder there.

I’ve only ever been with 2 men in my entire life and have not had sex with anyone in 2 years and before that-6 years. I know what it’s like to feel unloved, lack intimacy and a deep connection with another human being.

Grindr is disgusting and mess. I met my first guy in high school cause I had the balls to go up to him and talk to him. And guess what? After we started dating I found out that he had been crushing on me for the last couple of months, but that he was too scared to make the move. Had I never said anything to him, we would have never dated, had sex, gone through the whole high school boyfriend/girlfriend crap(which is severely overrated by the way). Then we broke up and I didn’t have sex for 6 years. Then I met another guy. Now I’m single/celibate. By my own choice. If I don’t ever have sex again/fine by me. I’m making the choice to abstain from sex for my own personal reasons.

I don’t go on gay dating apps(though it is true that men can easily hookup though that is quite disgusting). And I’m not lecturing. I’m speaking the truth-you can’t read a girls mind/none of you are psychic/telepathic. All I hear is a bunch of excuses. It’s quite pathetic actually. And anyone can get HIV, it’s not something exclusive to homosexuals and it never was. But wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.

I'm 5'5 and small framed and she called me handsome

its based on looks, retard.

This is so fucking lacking in common sense.

You are HANDSOME. There's no NEED for you to make a choice. Its like telling the poor "jus dun be poor bruh" . Fucking lol.

We know no female is attracted to us because THAT IS OUR EXPERIENCE. No one would come here if that wasnt what they experienced.You wouldn't be able to comprehend because you aren't us. Just gtfo.

I’m 5’5 with a small frame and look Indian(which many of you believe to be inferior-currycel term insterted here). I also have a long beaked nose and a thin dong. The one time I went into a club, nearly every women towered over me.

I see beauty past the physical realm, something that many of you severely lack. It is time to let the old die and the new begin.

This would be cope. Do not attempt to gaslight me. I've seen how women act towards guys they are attracted to, and they have ALWAYS acted the exact opposite towards me without exception.

To an incel? Seeing a picture of someone online is meeting someone.

or you could just gtfo

Lol what? First you assumed something completely random about me then tried to shame me for being poor lol?

I'm pretty sure I've met 10,000 women. I've definitely hit on hundreds at this point and alongside school, workplace, volunteering, social groups etc. I'm pretty sure I'm close to that number.