Your genetics are GARBAGE

60  2018-04-02 by shakelicknstick

It wasn't mouth posture. It wasn't your nutrition. It wasn't your chronic basement dwelling vitamin D deficiency.

You didn't get acne because you ate too much crap. Or because you didn't wash your face. You aren't a manlet because you were malnutritioned or because you didn't sleep enough. You aren't norwooding because of your diet or high testosterone. You don't look pathetic because of "genetic recombination".

No, incels. Enough is enough.


The ONLY reason you look like a pathetic incel is because your parents, and their family tree HAD SHIT GENETICS. Get it through your thick skull. Genetic ELITES don't suffer from recessed chins, hair loss, bad skin. They have a lot of money because they have ELITE genetics in the first place, that's why you are all NEET poor pieces of shit.


It's done. It's over. Stop this coping nonsense. Whatever you do, you cannot cheat your genetics. Roll over, and start providing to society as you are supposed to as a beta male worker bee.


Literally nobody that is an incel is arguing against this.

The importance of genetics is pretty much the basis of the blackpill and this sub, who are you arguing with?

Genetic recombination cucks

you don't look pathetic because of "genetic recombination".

Isn't genetics basically the luck of the draw? we are a combination of thousands of years of different people.

Genetic elites arent birthing INCELS

Yes they do dumbass.

I have good skin. Bad bone stucture though.


Sigh, I know.

If my parents also had shitty genetics, how come they weren't incels? I'm necessarily disagreeing with you, but I don't think genetics are that simple.

They birthed an incel, didnt they? Shit genetics

Social pressures to get with the first person you find.


Ehh I'll continue to improve myself lol... But 100% it's genetics.


If I must I will. But I'm going to get up and thrive, if I can.

Cope supreme

Not for me lol. My ascension from this dry period is imminent, boyo.

You can cope and acknowledge the truth. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

True, in fact incels have worse genes than their parents who still managed to reproduce. It's like a healthy couple having a retarded child, sometimes shit happens.

i dont drink or smoke

eat healthy , go to gym 5 times a week

Still these ppl manage to look healthier than me , while they smoke everyday , mcdonalds and take alcohol

Swallow the black pill and ldar

cope. genetics are irrelevant..

You must be one ugly ass mf

it not that :P. what does genetics have to do with a persons looks?

Get it through your thick skull.

implying.... ;(

but nah, bro a chad. Genetic recombination is real


I don't think it's even a case of bad genetics . it's just bad sperm. Even brothers can look wildly different


How the fuck is that a cope retard. Respond to the point being made

Do your brothers look like chad? Or are you saying its possible.

You're retarded. look up Toni Mahfud and his brothers and go to 10th grade biology

You're both right.

Someone doesn't understand genetics lol

The point is both parents could have the genetic potential to produce a Chad but if you get the wrong sperm you're fucked. Or even if the mother had the wrong lifestyle during pregnancy

Just stop comparing yourselfs to everyone else


Yeah just stop comparing

How am i comoaring

It's hard when you're being compared to others by other people constantly and made fun of just for being unlucky with genetics.

Parents with garbage genetics should be locked up for child abuse.

Locked up? They should be fucking executed. Both of my parents are 5'1, I'm lucky I ended up being 5'5. I don't know what possessed them to think it would be okay to procreate - selfish cunts.


What? I thoughts chads slept 12 hours a day and woke up at 3pm...that's news to me, boyo.

Chad is a sleep elite, look it up

Can chad go days without sleep at whim? That'd be pretty cool, albeit dangerous.

Idk if its related to food, but acne is undeniably more epidemic in murica than anywhere else iv been to


Lol, many of the high school chadstacy elites from my shithole went to murica, and returned later with faces full of acne lmao

A lot of processed food has artificial vitamins added to it which can cause breakouts.

Environment definitely makes a difference, especially in first world countries where people live rediculously sub-optimal lives, don't be stupid. That being said genes affect how you interect with your environment, chad has good aesthetics genes and good environmental resilience genes. He was always going to win (bar some freak accident), and the incels on the very other end of the spectrum were always going to lose.

first world countries where people life rediculously sub optimal lives


Growing up eating shit food like mcdonalds and hotpockets, living a sedentary life out of the sun, sleeping like shit and being exposed to an onslaught of environmental insults is suboptimal. Many of these factors have significant effects on your neuroendocrine system and hence the hormones that are responsible for proper bone growth and physical development. Do you disagree with any of this?

Not really, my mommy was a model.

Her fucking a creepy ass guy in a hotel with a camcorder doesn’t make her a model.

No, she was legit hot mommy

Never had acne, can eat lots and never get fat, lots of stamina (can walk fast for hours and never get tired, and and I don't exercise either), am 6'3", not allergic to anything, never get headaches (neither does my dad, so that's definitely genetic) 27 years old with no health problems and I feel physically great all day despite not doing.

My humblebragging aside, genetics are a cope.

you're not an incel you're just a volcel faggot

I have an oval face.

Those genetics determine your physical health though, not your looks.

What should be more important, how big certain bones in your face are, or how healthy you are? Do you have good genes if you're literally allergic to breathing, yet you have a forward maxilla?

I agree that physical health is, and should be more important. But I think worth and value shouldn't be attached to looks as well, or at least not as much.

I mean, Acne, Height, and Weight are all pretty important when it comes to looks, no?

Well it is, what's your point of saying this?

You said the traits he mentioned determine physical health, not looks? Even tho half the things he mentioned were related to looks

mentalcel detected

implying mentalcels are not a product of genetics

youre an incel because of your personality which is genetics

Tallfags can't be incels.

It wasn't mouth posture. It wasn't your nutrition. It wasn't your chronic basement dwelling vitamin D deficiency.

You didn't get acne because you ate too much crap. Or because you didn't wash your face. You aren't a manlet because you were malnutritioned or because you didn't sleep enough. You aren't norwooding because of your diet or high testosterone. You don't look pathetic because of "genetic recombination".

Thanks for this man. Beautifully put.

Roll over, and start providing to society as you are supposed to as a beta male worker bee.

fucking cuck

I a genetic shit did nofap for 12 years thinking it would improve my life. I did improve but genetic elites probably fuck/masturbate several times a day and still outperform me in everything.

I always see everyone saying they did nofap- what is it supposed to achieve?

I did it to gain strength and muscle from weight training because I was getting bullied. It also seemed to clear my brainfog and give me more energy.

it's coping

Nothing just nut if you want to

nofap has been around for 12 years?

I started before it was called nofap. At the time there were a few other websites on celibacy that inspired me.

You didn't masturbate for 12 years?

Ya’ll fuckin serious in here or is this entire sub a satirical joke?

Fix this to Y'all

fix this to y'all

Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

Beacuse of this

Uh nah bro


Do y'all not have any incels from the south in here or somethin?

"Y'all" I do PATERNER

"y'all" i do paterner

Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

do y'all not have any incels from the south in here or somethin?

Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

good bot

I approve of this bot. This is a wonderful bot.

Soon we will have gene therapy and genetic engineering of people.

I seriously can't wait to have a 6'3, handsome, muscular, 130 IQ son. It will be the best.


This is why we need eugenics.

When are people going to realize that eugenics are the way to a better humanity and don't have to be about spooky scary Nazis.

why are all your political positions so weird

Eugenics isn't weird. Everyone else is weird.

are you not reading the mod discussion i made about the admins fucking with us

The 8s of today will be the 4s of tomorrow. It's not just about being attractive, it's about being in the upper echelon of attractiveness.

Top 20% always wins the day.

It seems very appealing to people like us but there are plenty of other people out there who are having decent lives and don’t want to be killed for “the greater good”.

If you want eugenics then take the first step and kill yourself

Eugenics isn't about killing people. That's foolish.

It's about selecting good fetuses and, as far as the current tech allows, modifying those fetuses to be even more genetically superior.

Yeah, and guess what? It doesn't work, genius.

Eugenics was almost universally supported by every rational person before the racialist policies of Nazi Germany tainted it in people's eyes.

You have no evidence that it doesn't work, because the historical attempts at it were not pursued long enough for us to be able to tell if they would've worked.

Do you think just maybe we understand genetics and evolution just a tad better now than we did pre 1930?

What, exactly, do you think we've learned since then that negates the idea of artificial selection as a valid principle?

It's the exact same thing as natural selection, only it does it much quicker and much more efficiently. We know exactly what genetic traits are more conducive to modern living, so why not select for them? What's the issue?

Uhh that biodiversity is a good thing? That not all species react to selective breeding the same way, selective breeding can carry unintended consequences (e.g., hip dysplasia in large dog breeds, snoring in pugs), and the potential for ethical abuse is fucking huge?

Do you know anything about biology apart from what you read online?

One issue is genetic bottlenecking. We can't predict all of the selective pressures that a species faces and will face, except in simple toy models that are supposed to be illustrations of general principles. If we select for only a narrow range of traits, we'll dramatically reduce genetic diversity -- and by extension, our species' ability to evolve further (that is, persist through new types or combinations of selective pressures).

Of course it works. Why would it not work? Let me guess, you're a stereotypical college liberal who can only spout "Nazi, Nazi, KKK!" at everything. We now have technology to bring about a new era of humanity, and that technology is gene editing.

You're wrong on pretty much every front, so congrats for that I guess. Gene editing is still in its infancy. With so many against transgenic crops why would editing people be welcomed any more than their food? Except the food thing works and I do love me some GMO crops. And vaccines. Source.

Quit spreading misinformation, uneducated buffoon.

Gene editing has been going on for decades. No ones claiming that every gene in DNA has been identified but those that have been identified can be easily manipulated with utmost precision.

Then why are there diseases still present one earth? I can't think of any disease that doesn't have a genetic component. You should probably stop getting your information from magazine articles.

"No ones claiming that every gene in DNA has been identified but those that have been identified can be easily manipulated with utmost precision."

You're asking me a question I've already covered, how slow are you?

You haven't buckaroo. Oncogenes are identified, and yet oncologists are still employed.

oh yeah, just like carpenters will be out of work because we'll 3D print houses, right? Or truck drivers being out because of automation? Or BigOilTM will be gone because electric cars will save us?

Your analogies are horrible but yeah, it is very much possible the same way vaccins wiped out polio.

Another thing I need to correct you on, you are wrong im your assertion that all cancer genes have been identified. That's very dishonest and ignorant of you.

Oh ok, so oncologists will still have a job for a while? Phew. It's almost like you're reading too far into this.

I'm not a native English speaker so I had no idea that oncogenes referred to cancer so I took your word for it and thought it was some specific obscure disease. You are the retarded one for actually believing all cancer genes have been identified.

I never said that all cancer genes were found, but some have. Those genes that have been identified are still causing cancer, however.

For a non-native English speaker you're sure throwing insults around just fine, so stop being such a fucking cunt already. Talking like that is what gets people like you punched in the cock sucker.

I swear a lot beacuase that meks me look like an adult

Brainlet detected

Those genes that have been identified are still causing cancer

Yes and the article I just shared focussed on the fact that genetic editing will become a great asset regarding those genes illiterate lazy sack. CRISPR has only been developed in 2014. What is with you and your incredibly weak deductive reasoning? Did you even finish high school?

Talking like that is what gets people like you punched in the cock sucker.

Lol, I'd like to see a numale like you get physically aggressive in real life when someone calls you the unintelligent and useless smelly turd you are. I can already imagine you losing your balance before you lift your arm and fall flat on your face while pissing in your pants.

Eugenics in the form that you propose is a bad idea because we can never "outsmart" evolution itself. If eugenics is employed, our society will select for just a narrow set of traits that create a phenotype(s) that we currently think are desirable for whatever reason (beauty, physical strength, intelligence, etc.). However, doing so would create a genetic bottleneck.

You want genetic diversity because you can't anticipate all of the selective pressures that a species will face. The interactions between different kinds of selective pressures are so complex that they're not currently possible to predict except in simple toy models. If something were to happen (e.g., a bacterium evolves and changes the way that it attacks humans), you would want enough genetic diversity in the population in order to increase the odds that some members of the species wouldn't be susceptible for whatever reason. You could substitute any other kind of selective pressure or event that you please.

Great Danes might mog chihauhaus in almost every way, but they have their own "signature" health problems (much like chihuahuas), because we've bred them looking for traits that we consider pleasing, without considering other factors. They wouldn't last out in the wild. You don't want humans to fall into a similar trap.

And that's just one of the unfortunate side effects that people tend not to anticipate.

anyone who posts on incel boards is stupid

anyone who visits to post here is stupid

like and subscribe



Ur stupid

You know I had to do it to em

Born too late to get an arranged marriage from a patriarchal society, but too early for genetic engeneering :(

Fuck this hurts

They sure are. Brutal as hell.

for me it was fucked up tongue posture, not that my genetics are great but at least I could have been normie tier.


not really cope, I was a cute child and no one in family is ugly except me. devolped shitty tongue posture through some traumatic experiences. its still over so no coping boyo.

Correct. Incels happen due to primarily poor maxillas

yes, keep refusing to take responsibility for your problems and you'll surely escape inceldom

Yeah sure taking responsibility for things out of your control totally makes sense

We can only hope that the governments of the world will soon officially recognize that incels are genetic dead ends and a threat to the human gene pool.

Obviously it'll only take a generation or two to weed out this threat but we'll likely need to set up some camps and teams of officials to round them up.

I don't really see this as a human rights violation because love, intimacy, and reproduction are integral parts of the human experience. Those that are incapable of experiencing those things really can't be considered people.

This is just really bad bait. You aren't even putting effort :/

I'm not baiting I'm being honest. All for eugenics man. We can't really move forward as a species otherwise.

You're retarded. look up Toni Mahfud and his brothers and go to 10th grade biology

Fix this to Y'all


Yes they do dumbass.


Correct. Incels happen due to primarily poor maxillas