Reminder to condescending normie lurkers who claim to be attached: your girlfriend/wife can cheat on you anytime she likes, with hundreds of men who will be better than you can ever be. But you will NOT be able to do the same because you have not even a fraction of the options she has

81  2018-04-02 by not_good_looking

She does not need to settle for you, right now in her iPhone are dozens of guys far more good looking than you are, with better personalities too.

This, my friends, is the blackpill of hypergamy.



99% of non-landwhale adult women could download Tinder and be bouncing on some handsome, 6'3 white guy's dick within a few hours. JFL if you're male in 2018

This makes me distressed and I'm a kissless virgin. I would be the most insecure boyfriend ever. I totally understand why arabs forbid their wives from leaving the house.

Don’t forget that women are emotional creatures so all a guy has to do is be good looking and make her feel good and there is a high chance that she will follow her emotions and cheat and it will just be chalked up to “it just happened”

I spent a couple hours one on one with a femoid yesterday and the fucking cunt didn't give me any IOIs despite our personalities clicking well. Personality is such a meme it's not even funny.

They want us to think its personality to avoid us talking about women hypergamy nature but it’s all looks

And if you get angry then you hurt her feelings so you are basically a wife beater so she can rationalise it away as you deserved it

FACT. She'll complain that her bf was emotionally distant or some bullshit lol

and many of those girls look so good in the hip/waist/ass area, married to some 4/10 below average lms brah

If you saw women as humans and not sexual sociopaths you would realise just how hilarious that statement is.

If you saw women as humans and not sexual sociopaths

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

to consider sexual sociopaths "human" would be putting yourself in extreme danger :2

regardless, you can see women however you want - i'll see them as they truly are. -_-

Lol you don’t even view them as human, you view them as angels. Women are wonderful right? So wonderful

Just people. Rarely evil or perfect. I've had plenty of good women in my life, you've had none. I'll value my life experiences over your tinder statistics.

I’ll value my anecdotal experience over hard statistics and research

You’re making yourself look like even more of a retard than before bud

Lol. Loads of people get hookups all the time. Are they all "sexual sociopaths"? There's literally nothing wrong with hookups/one night stands.

Also, I never said women would download Tinder and find a handsome 6'3 white guy. I'm just saying they could if they wanted to, at any time.

Learned this the hard way fellas. Every girl. Believe me every girl who has any form of social media has at least like 5 man hoes in her dms tryna get at her. You make one mistake or she gets bored you’re done.

Exactly! Thank you for saying this, you better act right! Spoken from experience...

I given up talking to normies anymore. Just look at the hate I received on r/tinder about asking why a girl is being shocked that a guy asked to meet her to have sex after being swiped right and being told he only here for weekend. The amount of abuse I received about how I have no matches and I’m kiss less virgin is like a recording they have every time someone breaks the reality to them

You don't see women as people.

You don't see women as people. You see them as flawless.

You don't see women as people, you see them as demons who are here just to ruin your lives. No wonder you have "no luck" with the ladies.

K love that logic cause I implied where they animals?

The post about the guy who went unhinged because she told him she prefer to know people a bit more before meeting?

She didn’t even rejected him, just told him to pump the brakes and he went straight to asshole-mode.

Most people try to know each other before going on a date.

I dunno, man. My girlfriend has expressed to me that she’s pretty emotionally attached, so the thought of her throwing that away and hopping on some Chad’s dick just because he’s got hunter eyes and a robust jaw doesn’t seem so likely. It’s certain a possibility, but it’s not probable.

Check out this subreddit and tell me if you still hold your viewpoint r/adultery

I highly suggest not letting other people’s horror stories refrain one from allowing themselves to pursue a relationship. Terrible things happen to good people all the time, it’s usually out of their control, too. One of the beautiful things about a relationship is trusting that person wholly and completely, and when it works out in the end it’s all worth it.

Oh my apologies you are probably a Chad which would explain the emotionally attached to you part. I didn’t consider that possibility, carry on

I’m probably the furthest thing removed from a Chad, next to an incel. I’m a few inches under 6’0” and not muscular at all, actually a pretty chubby guy, and on top of that I’m a trans man, so it’s not like I have the almighty thundercock at my disposal either. I’m maybe a 4 or a 5 at the very best. Not really Chad material.

Trans man? So you were born a female and transitioned into a male is that what that means?

Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

It’s hard to imagine a trans man getting cheated on for some reason I don’t know what it is but yea you probably won’t get cheated on. good attitude you have though, if you’re in a relationship then wondering if your girlfriend is sucking Chads cock behind your back would eat you up inside and is a bad mentality to have. Better to trust her and not think about what could happen

I can't decide wether this is satire or you geniunly believe in this bluepilled bullshit lol.

Surely, one might think, a woman who would do such a thing must be acting out of a desire to escape a miserable marriage. And yet it turns out, this isn't always the case: Many of the women Walker interviewed were in marriages that were functional. Like the women I knew who cheated, many of the interviewees said they liked their husbands well enough. They had property together. They had friendships together. They had children that they were working together to raise.

She will cheat if she can, the end.

In the same article;

Often, they loved their husbands, but felt in some fundamental way that their needs (sexual, emotional, psychological) were not being met inside the marriage.

There is a problem before the cheating happens. It isn’t just that she can - because anyone could - but that, for whatever reason, she feels the need to.

It occurred to me as I listened that these women were describing infidelity not as a transgression but a creative or even subversive act, a protest against an institution they'd come to experience as suffocating or oppressive.

Evidently, this article is about women who feel trapped in their marriage. It’s not necessarily the same as two people who are just dating.

First, Notice that I quoted the part of the article that deals with Walker's research in her book, you quoted the part where the author's friends talk toher about their affairs.

Hypergamy is a natural insticnt for women. Throughout human history, 3 to 4 women have passed on their genes for every one man.

That mysterious fundamental need that they feel they're missing on by being in a monogamous relationship is the need for hypergamy.

The "I cheat because I want to stay in my otherwise happy and stable marriage" narrative the friends of the author are trying o pull off is a way to rationalize their act, to feel better about their selfish thinking. In their twisted world, they don't cheat for themselves, they cheat for their husband and kids.

The paragraph right under your quote reads:

But at the same time, they found married life incredibly dull and constraining and resented the fact that as women, they felt they consistently did a disproportionate amount of the invisible labor that went into maintaining their lifestyle.

The research was reflective of the author’s interviews, as indicated in my earlier quotes. There’s a problem before the cheating starts, and this article focuses on how women find marriage oppressive.

In fact, this sum of the research indicates that married women are upset with the divisions of labor in the relationship. Their marriages are functioning but straining on the women.

You’re right about more women passing on their genes than men throughout history, though I thought the ratio was more like 2:1 than 4:1. It seems like a stretch to conclude from that that women desire hypergamy, especially when monogamous relationships have been the most beneficial to them, historically speaking.

Would you be happy if your girl offered sex to another man but he refused? How would you know she hasn't done that already? Proposing and getting denied is essentially cheating, because had the other man accepted, she would've gone through with it.

How can you know if your girlfriend hasn't offered sex to anyone?

You sure about that? What if Chad Romeo is trying to score that, hard? Think she'll reject his advances?

This is easy to believe when your entire experience of relationships and women is theory based, with no practical knowledge at all.

It’s not a theory, brainlet. It’s fact. Want proof? Download tinder right now and let’s see how well you do

I've had plenty of sex from Tinder.

You've dehumanized women to the point you truly believe that as soon as the opportunity presents they will cheat on their partner just for a bigger dick or a more defined jawline.

Which they will

No they won't. Yeah if it's some horseshit highschool relationship where nobody's thinking long term, then they might. However, as an adult, it it not like that.

Women will cheat if they feel unhappy in a relationship, same as men will. It's not because "oh his eyes are tilted the wrong way, gotta go have sex with someone else", and to say so is to remove any humanity, personality or motives to half the fucking population.

I’ve never dehumanized women. Classic IT retards putting words in my mouth. Women will take the better option if they have can have it. It doesn’t make them less human but it does make them hypocritical. Btw fuck off with your 45 min old account

If you believe women will always cheat with a better looking man youve dehumanized them.


If you was in a happy relationship with a woman you loved would you seriously cheat with another girl if her boobs were bigger or her ass more round?

That’s the point, it wouldn’t matter because men DONT HAVE that option. But women do. Women cheat because they can.

Plenty of men have the option. If you think the only thing keeping people loyal to a relationship is lack of options then you don't understand what a happy relationship is.

Define "plenty".

Anyone of average or above looks with a decent social life.

Okay, thank you for proper clarification.

Which means only 20% of men according to women. Yup, congrats you just defeated your own argument.


Oh, Tinder argument.

Yeah, it doesn't reflect reality as a whole.

Unless of course you seriously think only 20% of men in the world can ever be deemed attractive to a woman? LOL.

“Plenty of men have the option”


You are the extreme minority coping by assuming dead bedrooms reflect the average relationship and Tinder statistics reflect women's standards as a whole.

If you think the only thing keeping people loyal to a relationship is lack of options then you don't understand what a happy relationship is. Quoted just because this need to be repeated again and again

I'm average looking and did fine on Tinder. Definitely far more than zero matches and zero dates.

According to incel mythology this is impossible. How can this be? Incels know exactly how the world works, after all.

" Experience" is fooling you. You might never find out about the dozens of dicks you faithful and loving wife had while you were at work.

Women are more open in anonymous surveys than with their husbands, we actually know more than you thanks to theory.

Btw, women do cheat more today, and no, it doesn't matter how good of a relationship she has with you.

What percentage of women have cheated right now in the world?

The precise number is very hard to come by, because people still lie in anonymous surveys. Around 30-60% of mariage had one member cheat, and you can guess it is much higher for non-married relationships.

The interesting thing is the trend. Women have been cheating more and more , while number of cheating men has stagnated.

Opportunity outside of the relationship is a big factor for cheating, and women have a LOT more of thse opportunities than men, especially today.

30 to 60% is a huge differential.

I wouldn't extrapolate that its higher in relationships. But age would be a factor too. I wouldn't put much faith in the monogamy of a 16 year old.

In the US Only. Interesting because most of the harshest opinions on women and relationships seem to come from Americans. Something seems to be different over there.

Love how you completely skirted the argument and went on a tangent, faggot cuck

Ouch mean words. I'll try not to let them bother me when I stick my dick in my girlfriends mouth tonight. <3

try not to scream too loud when her bull fucks your ass faggot lmao

Rofl touche

You might never find out about the dozens of dicks your faithful and loving wife had while you were at work.

100% correct, and she might never find out if I’m banging every female colleague or not.

Relationships are built on trust. We are together because we want to, not because we need to.

If I discover that she’s been cheating, I wouldn’t be ok with it, I’d be angry at her, disappointed and hurt. It’d be the end of the relationship and that’s it. I’d be mostly disappointed since we are adults that like to adult and have adult conversations about our feelings, desires and fantasies and polyamory has been on the table a few times and neither of us is particularly attracted to that form of relationship. So my first reaction would be “why didn’t you talked to me, we could have dealt with it one way or another, now it’s too late”.

Even if the solution would have been to part ways, relations are not static, they change through time and sometimes it no longer meets someone’s needs, that life. Holding on to a relationship just for the sake of it is a recipe for misery.

I don’t see how that argument is supposed to make me feel insecure in my relationship. You tell me “she could be sucking Chad’s dick at this very moment” and my answer would invariably be “yep, she could be, I don’t think she is, but she could be”. I don’t suddenly start to question every single word she ever told me.

I much prefer being in fulfilling relationship with long term projects and happiness where there’s a chance I’m being lied to than sabotaging any chance at happiness by getting angry at some statistics.

The entire post is pure sour grapes.

You can disbelieve all you want, it still won’t stop your gf from cheating on you at the drop of a hat. That’s assuming you do have a gf, which is unlikely given that you are a creepy IT user.

If this is your perception of reality I feel sorry for you.

I dont use IT.

What stops my gf from cheating is:

  1. the fact that she knows I will dump her if she does, and she knows she would struggle to find someone like me again.

  2. We love each other and wouldn't do something so bad because of the pain it will cause the other person.

You think all women will just cheat for whatever reason, except you forget that women connect more emotionally than men most often and there's a bigger chance that men will cheat.

Not an Incel but these reasons aren't very good.

  1. the fact that she knows I will dump her if she does, and she knows she would struggle to find someone like me again.

Meh, she won't really struggle to find someone like you again. And that's what I thought with my ex as well.

  1. We love each other and wouldn't do something so bad because of the pain it will cause the other person.

Again, exactly what I thought with my ex. You don't truly know what the other person is thinking, and I bought that "I love you" line hook line and sinker.

You think all women will just cheat for whatever reason, except you forget that women connect more emotionally than men most often and there's a bigger chance that men will cheat.

Meh. Show me data, men connect emotionally plenty it's just there's a stigma which suggests men shouldn't. Maybe if we started giving more of a shit about male issues this wouldn't be as big of a problem.

Since you can't predict the future you have to make som assumptions, like that we aren't gonna suddenly lose our feelings towards eachother. Of course things might change, but if it does we're more likely to part peacfully and not cheat our way to it.

But it's not just guesswork all of this. It's not that hard to get to know a person. I'm not guessing that she's gonna stay faithful to me, it's knowing her in the deepest way possible for several years that make me sure of it. We are each others best friends as well as being a couple.

I'm not dumb, she's not dumb and there is absolutely no way one of us is "playing" the other at this stage.

And why is it always the women cheating? Why do you trust me to stay faithful but not my GF?

Since you can't predict the future you have to make som assumptions, like that we aren't gonna suddenly lose our feelings towards eachother.

You don't have to assume anything. The thing is you're claiming to know she won't cheat on you because you just know she won't. How old are you if I may ask? From my experience with relationships, one thing you must always accept without question is you can never truly know a person. You are so certain with yourself, so sure, but you can't ever know for sure. Many before you have claimed the exact same thing you're saying. In the words of I believe Andy Rooney, "always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."

Of course things might change, but if it does we're more likely to part peacfully and not cheat our way to it.

More likely maybe, but that doesn't mean cheating isn't a possibility.

But it's not just guesswork all of this. It's not that hard to get to know a person.

Getting to know a person is different than truly knowing that person. Sometimes the people we meet are incredibly good at hiding their true selves, masking who they are and putting on a show to save face. Sure, you have very little reason to distrust her, you see very little scenarios in which cheating seems possible, but to make the claim that you know her 100% is just asinine.

I'm not guessing that she's gonna stay faithful to me, it's knowing her in the deepest way possible for several years that make me sure of it.

I would have said the same thing 2 years ago.

We are each others best friends as well as being a couple.

You sound like how I was for far too long. Not to be insulting, but it sounds foolish.

I'm not dumb, she's not dumb and there is absolutely no way one of us is "playing" the other at this stage.

I accept that you believe that, I also never implied you were dumb, but being dumb has nothing to do with it. It's mostly ego, selfishness, manipulation, you don't have to be dumb to be a cheater.

And why is it always the women cheating? Why do you trust me to stay faithful but not my GF?

Why are you putting words in my mouth? Both sexes are perfectly capable of cheating.

there's a bigger chance that men will cheat.

only by about 5%, and it doesn't help that women go fucking wet for men in relationships but hate single dudes

Plus it's Chad who cheats

the fact that she knows I will dump her if she does, and she knows she would struggle to find someone like me again.

Hahaha no you won't because you are far more desperate then she is, she could move into someone else's house tomorrow if she wanted.

No I'm not. Our relationship is mutual.

She probably could, but that doesn't mean she would have it better there. Most likely it would be worse.

My gf is fantastic and everyone would be lucky to have her, but I also know my value and she's also lucky to find me.

in4 " Lol thats not gonna heppen to me silly incels 1!1!!1 My wife loves me lol "

Surely, one might think, a woman who would do such a thing must be acting out of a desire to escape a miserable marriage. And yet it turns out, this isn't always the case: Many of the women Walker interviewed were in marriages that were functional. Like the women I knew who cheated, many of the interviewees said they liked their husbands well enough. They had property together. They had friendships together. They had children that they were working together to raise.

Women cheat because they can, nd they will, no mater how good of a beta bux you are.

Welcome to hypergamy.


1! = 1


1!! = 1

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I li̕ke̛ you. (^.^)
We'll keep you as a pet after we have taken control of the earth


Pet zoned by a bot, sex robots only wants Chads it’s over

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


this is exactly why I recommend that incels who are still trying to ascend ONLY go for pump and dumps

There is absolutely no way possible that you can command a woman's loyalty with your smv

It's guaranteed cuckoldry, and you should be blackpilled enough to see it coming

Because monogamy is for the majority of people unnatural, or at the very least boring.

For women definitely. For the average man, would it even matter if they don’t have options anyway?

Hey I guess you’re right. I’m just trying to arrive on a conclusion here. It’s no secret that (like men) women are sexually-driven creatures, sluts if you will. Is this a bad thing, though?

Bad? Not sure. Grossly unfair? Definitely.

Grossly unfair that they have opportunities to have multiple partners, or bad that they engage opportunities?

The idea that you have men struggle that much is based on being an awkward virgin. There's no other way to say it. Once a guy gets into his first relationship things get wah easier. Guys have opportunities to cheat and CHOOSE not to as well. In fact guys choose to enter exclusive long term relationships as a mutual agreement. No one forces him.

Maaaaaan I’m a hard 6 living on a military base near a college town. You know how many teenieboppers I could bang if I was into that? Jfc with these kids thinking women are the only ones who can swing their vag around and catch cock anytime they want.

"Just be above average looking bro"


Jfc with these kids thinking women are the only ones who can swing their vag around and catch cock anytime they want

actually they are, as women are the only ones that have a vag, idiot

You absolutely know exactly what I meant. Take one leap of logic for the first time in your life.

The idea that you have men struggle that much is based on being an awkward virgin. There's no other way to say it.

First time we'll agree


Jokes on you I'm Chadlite, and a steroid cycle away from full Chad. At least according to your subs definitions of those.

I recommend incels to get an escort. Relationships are a waste of time anyway.

I just wrote the same thing. The whiners on here do not want a relationship, just sex.

Most do want a relationship, but at the same time don't trust women. They also want the validation that comes with sex that isn't paid for. You don't understand incels at all.

Yeah life is hard. It's up to the individual to make things better not come onto a board and bitch and moan thinking some magical wizard will just give you a girlfriend

That’s funny because that’s exactly what wealthy people tell the poor.

“Life is hard, it’s up to you to get a job and get rich, not complain about how unfair this so called “meritocracy” is, where the rich get richer and poor get poorer”.

Incels should just “get a job” right? Which translates to “take a shower, get a haircut, lift weights, and smile more”. Most incels do all of these things. They approach women and get rejected often. They get more numb and more jaded, which is further worsened by incel tears and people like you.

It’s very easy to shit on less fortunate people for “not trying enough” when you haven’t been through their life. You won’t admit that you were fortunate enough to be born with decent intelligence and attractiveness, because you want to believe that your hard work and confidence got you to where you are. Such is the delusion of normals.

Let’s break this down. It’s a numbers game. If you approach 100 women and all say no. Approach 100 more. The more no’s one gets the closer to a yes they are.

Also if an intel is rejected, ask the person why? What is it about me that is off putting. Reading these threads 99% fall into the category of people at home, not putting an effort in complaining. The 1%, yes i agree with you, But to think the world is going to change for you or your problems is unrealistic just is.

Unless you are a billionaire, every guy has been rejected. Every guy has been burned.

just like the morons that say "start a business" or "drop out of school like Bill Gates or Zuckerburg"

meanwhile Gates, Zuck, the snapchat founder and most tech giants had wealthy parents, went to great schools their whole lives, and were born at the perfect time for their skills and knew the right people

BTW, its also not the rich saying those things, it's the average middle class shmuck/normie, as if they weren't an unemployment streak/accident away from being poor/incel

Ironically, if they ever do manage to get a relationship, they will sabotage it to hell because they already decided she isn’t trustworthy.

Depressing, I want a relationship that will last...


^ says every cuck before he gets cheated on

You do know how dumb you sound saying this shit right?

If he did, he wouldn't call himself an "incel"

You do know how dumb you sound denying this shit right?

But, my wife uses Android :\

Lol k

"wtf lol my girl would never cheat on me" - every soy boy minutes before he gets cucked

Cucks calling other cucks cucks that's funny

We can't be cucked if we can't get a girlfriend in the first place.

You would put a cuck to shame though if it meant you had a chance of sniffing a girls panties

Infact scratch that, you'd give your left nut for a tiny chance to be able to taste the dick of the last guy who fucked your crush just before he kicked your ass for being a fag

I do the cucking, pal. Difference is I imagine myself as the bull, not the cuck lol.

I do the cucking, pal.

Whitest fuck response ever

Ask my exs if they miss this big cawk. Ask em if the new dudes could satisfy them. Ask them if they wanted me back lol. Not everyone here is a complete failure...

Sure dude

"she loves me bro"

famous last words before getting cucked by a tall robust chad

Do you realize how dumb you sound?


I realize I might as well be yelling at a brick wall what with your level of intelligence and worldly experience. But you must get tired of the same response that doesn't even fit the situation.

But you must get tired of the same response that doesn't even fit the situation.

Do you realize how dumb you sound?

Hmm. Well played

Another COPE

How's that going for you

Maximum COPE mode activated

I pity you

Meh I can still fuck a bitch. If she cheats she better not be caught lol.

The idea that every guy will get cheated on is one of the most common copes you guys use. It essentially boils down to “well I don’t want this relationship I can’t get anyway...”

Lol Why would we be sour grapes? We don’t have options anyway

Not having options is exactly why.

People here want intimacy and affection, not just sex.

Did you reply to the wrong person? I know.

But the same goes for me too, so I'm not worried. Also my on deck circle is ♨️

If you had a pair of balls and could spit any half decent game you wouldn't be such an incel whiner cuck because you'd know your own value and know that you can create your own options as and when you need them. Stop being a beta.

yeah bro stop being beta and spits some game haha lmao

Game is cope without good enough face. Get real, this is a no bullshit zone.

Oh fuck off. Incels like me have approached significantly more femoids than you will ever approach.

If you approach 1000 girls like a creep and i approach 10 girls with normal game I'd be better off. Chance your approach you dumb fuck.

"creep" = "being ugly"

Don't every forget this

I'm ugly as shit and I pull. Now what's your excuse?

I tell the truth

So do I. Next excuse?

spit game

aight "bruh", like if walking around saying the magic words is gonna turn on her atttaction to us, nahhh I don't think we "finna" do that


Moron. Spitting game doesn't mean talk in ebonics it means talk with confidence

LMAO the "confidence" joke. As if confidence and cutesy pick-up lines mean anything when she decided she wouldn't fuck you the first 5 seconds of seeing you.

Lol fucking kill yourself you autistic incel faggot,the day you learn what empathy and attachment really are is the day you understand how bullshit the things you say really are.

There are countless websites that you can hire a person for sex. You guys on here know that right?? None of you want girlfriends or wives, just sex. Seems like a win/win.

Lmao it's as if normies think this is just 1 guy posting on a bunch of different accounts and feel comfortable categorizing all of our desires like this retard just did. On the side note, what in the actual fuck does that have to do with the OP?

So you just come on here to bitch and moan then? Not find an actual solution to your bitching,

No they don't want "just sex". They want validation, which is something you can't pay for. They want a woman to choose to have sex with them. I hate every time one of you guys suggest hiring a prostitute, because it shows you have no idea.

What the fuck? I want a girlfriend...

Almost every incel wants to be in a committed relationship. The problem is that it is impossible to find a femoid who will commit because femoids are hypergamous by nature.

Yeah Any incel can get a prostitute, sugarbaby and even betabux. But yeah, how does that even address the problem? We are looking for real relationships.

And who is stopping you from finding it?

Someone who's never had a gf giving dating advice.

Someone who doesn't have a brain showing off his lack of brain

Well I guess that's me, I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I'll just stay with my girl who I trust while you have no one but think you know how relationships work. I'm sitting here waiting for the part where you tell me she is going to cheat on me. Please tell me more in your infinite wisdom on such a subject.

Lmao what?

Yet people like you who have never felt life as an incel think they can tell us about our lives


Oh I went through my self loathing, picked on and teased in school, no girl would give me the time of day. the difference is learned from it and grew as a person, unlike the people here that blame everyone else for their problems. I love seeing post on here like this, it helps me remember what I could have been if I didn't work on myself and learned to move on from acting like a child.

Lmao never thought about it like that! Since realizing this, women now don't avert their eyes when they see my face and no longer cross the street when they see me walking in their direction!

Thanks man! Looks like that's all I needed!

I see you're looking for the easy answer, someone can just snap their fingers and make it all better for you. Yep mine was instant, one day I woke up and everyone liked me and girls were throwing themselves at me. I didn't have to do anything for it. It was just given to me like it should.

I see you're looking for the easy answer, someone can just snap their fingers and make it all better for you.

Im not lol there isn't any solution to combat being ugly.

Lol here we go, I can't fix my problems speech. The non-white part is laughable since I know plenty of girls that date only non-white. As far as your short and ugly cries get over your problems man, maybe try being an awesome person, grow a personality that doesn't revolve around being a victim. You know since girls love a guy that's depressed. Trust me, I'm no supermodel myself but I put myself out there and I get rejected alot. Oh well. I sure as hell am not going to cry about it. I got a feeling that braincels is the only subreddit you spend any real time on. What do you think that says about your outlook on life and who you are? Sad? Depressing? Sounds about right to me. Fix yourself. Not physically because I can admit that's impossible. You can't just get taller. You gain some confidence maybe, just maybe something positive can happen in your life.


Lmao this subreddit is about dealing with the fact that we are ugly virgins with no hopes of getting laid ever.

I just wish your empty platitudes meant anything.

You're just wrong. Your self defeating mentality is the overwhelming factor in your current situation.

I didn't realize my mother, sister, female classmates, female coworkers keep making fun of my nose shape and my height (among other things) because of my defeatist attitude. That's interesting, never thought about it like that.

Toxic family. That sucks man. Sorry to hear that. break away from that non sense as soon as you can.

Every woman I've ever met has been toxic to me. Every single one. Only think I ever did wrong was dare to not be an 8/10 man.

Remember this, this hostility I have in me against women was made by women.

Yes, you are hostel toward women yet can't understand why women don't want to be around you.

I swear to christ you normies say the exact same things over and over.




And you braincels say the same things over and over creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

Jesus you're dense. You normies keep asking the same things that have already been rebutted. Over and over and over. None of you have EVER been able to give a good enough reason for why so many ugly men of all different personalities and and lifestyles are left as incels. None of you. Can't be the hostility, because abusers can hide their hostility pretty easily (in that it's obvious to anyone who observes man that he beats women, but he's hot so femoids are somehow oblivious to it). Can't be our lack of hobbies, interests, or sense of humor, since we all have all of those. Can't be a lack of prospects since many of us are working in our fields, as am I. What does that leave?

Our looks.

Why are "ugly men incels'? Obviously there is no concrete answer to your hyperbolic question. But I think its fairly easy to understand that unattractive people maybe do have a hard time attracting partners.

I understand you all think you hide your hostility and I dont know you all personally so I cant really speak specifically to you but I will say that you may very well be showing it way more than you intend.

I have hobbies that turn people away, maybe you do too.

Women don't want to be abused, some damaged women maybe do seek that because they are damaged. That is so not the norm, its really pretty disgusting that is a common discussion here.

Honestly, the more time you spend here the less chance you have of ever living that normal life you expect.


there really aren't

What a sad existence YOU are setting YOURSELF up for. I hope you can grow out of this and leave this sub behind because you all are ruining yourselves and each other.

There really aren't. You people have the advantage of a developed social circle and being moderately attractive or at least average.

The only thing left for incels is LDAR and the rope.

This my friends is the retardation of incels. You're beyond dumb if you think people can't have normal, functioning, devoted, and faithful relationships just because they don't look like Ryan Reynolds.

I don't know. As a straight dude, I'd have a hard time turning down Ryan Reynolds.

Yes but the fact that you would want him doesnt mean other peiple who aren't him are incapable of relationships

I know! It was a joke, really.

Most marriages end in divorce initiated by women.



Are you IT retards really this ignorant that you have to ask for a source like this?

Ignorant? no. Lazy? Yes.

Wtf are you even talking about? are you this stupid? I have screenshotted our thread as proof of the absolute mental retardation of IT.

Ok so then by your own stats your original claim that most marriages are ended by women is false. 40% of marriages are ended by women.

“but it is illuminating that 80 percent of the divorces are filed by the wife.”

Seriously wtf is wrong with you? Are you illiterate?

are you illiterate?

Are you? I said 40% of marriages are ended by the wife. Not divorces. You said most marriages are ended by the wife so by your own math you are wrong. If women end 80% of failed marriages and 50% of marriages fail then .5*.8 is 40%

Please try to think before you speak.

Oh shit you really are stupid. Stop changing the goalposts idiot, we are talking about who ends most marriages aka 80% of people who end marriages are women. Just admit you are wrong, you are making yourself look more and more stupid.

Great argument mate, fuckin destroyed him by insulting his intelligence.

Next time, maybe rebut what he said yeah?

Maybe read the second sentence? There isnt much else to prove beyond that.

You’re taking OP’s point and you’re trying to hyperbolize it. It’s not about “all women are cheating shits”. It’s just crazy how, in a world where women and men have equal rights and are on the same playing field, women have this insane advantage when it comes to dating, sex, relationships, social life, etc. It’s become more and more acceptable for women to just cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, while their female friends or acquaintances say “yaaaassss he deserved it lol”.

Obviously not all women do this, but it shouldn’t be this common. Take a stroll through trending twitter. A woman will tweet about how she’s cheating on both boyfriends, and get 250k likes. The boyfriend will reply angrily, only to be destroyed by a gif of Beyoncé/Rihanna which gets 10k likes. Freedom is ok, but getting rewarded for hurting people is not.


And yet, she doesn't. Weird. It's almost as if she doesn't care that she could find a better looking guy because she likes me.

But no, incels must be right. More attractive men exist, therefore I am definitely being cheated on.

You have no way of knowing that you aren't being cheated on unless you're spying on your girlfriend/wife 25/7.

But it really doesn't matter because we can actually enjoy a relationship unlike incels.

How you feel doesn't make it true. Of course if you believe that your girlfriend loves you then you'll feel loved. Same as if you believe God loves you then you'll feel loved, but that doesn't mean God exists or that he loves you.

Therefore I should assume she is? Based on no evidence, and despite all the evidence that she is loving, trustworthy, and cares about my well being?

You're projecting how you feel about her onto her towards yourself. Maybe she does really love you, but many guys who have been cheated on also thought they had every reason to trust their significant other.

No, I'm evaluating how I think she feels based on her behavior towards me. That's all anyone can do without being psychic. All of her actions indicate she is trustworthy. Her words and actions are consistent with someone who loves me and cares about my feelings.

Do you think I should just assume she is secretly a lying, cheating whore with no evidence at all?

You should if you want to dampen the blow once she sits you down to tell you she's been taking Chad dick behind your back and that she's keeping the house and the dog.

You delusional norman cucks are in for a rude awakening if you refuse to listen when we warn you.

You delusional norman cucks are in for a rude awakening if you refuse to listen when we warn you.

You can yell all day that I'm being cheated on but without actual evidence I see no reason to believe you. To my knowledge and the knowledge of every mutual friend I've had with various ex's I've never been cheated on. Probably because my partners have been decent and trustworthy because I'm a fairly good judge of character.

And when I got divorced (which I initiated) I didn't lose half my stuff. I kept all my stuff and the dog. So again, you're just provably wrong.


So you're not in favor of following evidence towards truth. You'd rather assume a conclusion and never try to determine if it's true or not.

Got it.

Don't slip up and make any mistakes lol. Unless you're chadlite, then ignore what I've said.

Definitely not a chad-lite. I'm average looking and not in shape.

Most relationships aren't so fragile that a single mistake will end them.

It doesn't even take a mistake. She just needs to get some tingles from someone else and she'll cheat the first chance she gets.

Considering most women don't cheat, I think she's more likely to break up with me if she meets someone she likes more.

Similarly, if I meet someone who I have a stronger attraction to I will break up with her and pursue someone else.

That is what decent people do.

implying that femoids are decent people

Lmao you are so delusional

I'm delusional for having known plenty of women who are totally normal, decent people.

I've also known some women who are pretty shitty people.

The only delusion is thinking that all men or all women are one specific way. We're all just people and we're all different.

I'm not attached I just sleep around. Umad?

(Sleeping around is incel though. People who just sleep around forever are trying to make themselves seem cool. Having a oneitis girlfriend is the ultimate human experience.)

I don't get this. Normal guys have the ability to cheat too.

There are shitty human beings in relationships, it's not gender dependent.

Far easier for wymyn to pull it off. Moast guys would rot.

I’ve known more men to cheat, in my life, than women. That’s just my experience.

I think u/incelslayerzero was being sarcastic with the obvious misspellings.

Some people aren’t great at spelling, though the misspelling of women was pretty obvious. I think that he does believes it’s more likely for women to cheat though. If I’m wrong, then great. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I don’t know any literate human who would spell “most” as “moast”. And I’m drunk as fuck right now. Just saying.

I’m glad you haven’t, but unfortunately, they are out there. I’ve met a few.

I’d rather be drunk right now than at school. Hope you’re having a great time.

It’s my day off so just hanging with the kids and playing some Minecraft. Playground later. Good on you for getting an education, cheers!

Thanks! I need all the encouragement I can get. Nursing school is killing me. But I’m determined.

My girlfriend is in nursing school right now, it’s definitely some intense stuff. I had no idea they learned so much biology and chemistry. She’s very smart but still has to study hard to get through it.

There is absolutely no slacking, no matter how smart you are, that’s for sure. I’m taking both chemistry and human biology right now, and I’m not really happy that I took them in the same semester. I’m not sure what I was thinking.

You’ll get there, it’s tough now but it’ll be worth it later. Nursing is a guaranteed good career if you put the work in, and with the added benefit of helping society in a major way.

I’m excited to get into it. It’s all the pre-reqs that are killing me.

Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.

-Theo Roosevelt

I needed that motivation today. Thank you.

I genuinely agree with a lot of things you guys say and feel there are some dark truths to this sub. This one is sorta ridiculous though. You realize how easy it is to download tinder and find a 6/10 willing to have sex within a span of a few days? or just find a fwb in a college with 30,000 people.. A relationship is based on mutual trust and love. You’re basically saying “you aren’t Chris Hemsworth, your girlfriend/wife is going to cheat on you bro”

It’s a logical fallacy and based on incorrect assumptions that don’t reflect reality.

6/10 girls go for 8/10 guys not 2/10. Okcupid even posted data about it. 70% of women message only the top 30% of guys in terms of attractiveness.

Not really? 6/10 girls go for 6/10 + guys in terms of attractiveness. Why the hell would a 6/10 go for a 2/10 and why do you expect them too? I don’t think you realize how subjective all of this. You’re trying to quantify and measure tangible emotions, feelings and personality. Not how it works buddy.

6/10 guys go for 2/10 girls as they are the only ones the can get.

About subjectivity: sure girl A thinks rock star X is hot and model Y is not while girl B likes the model Y, but still all of the even potentially attractive men are part of a small subgroup of men (the top 20% of men in terms of objective looks).

Exactly. There’s merit to some of what is said on this sub but I think incels need to realize how complicated life is. When it comes to interpersonal relations there are very few cold facts. There’s men who could cheat, there’s women who could, and there’s men and women who could but never would.

Fatalism is as flawed as undue optimism. Both deny the reality that life is filled with ups and downs and that there’s multiple ways to look at every situation.

"You realize how easy it is to download tinder and find a 6/10 willing to have sex within a span of a few days? or just find a fwb in a college with 30,000 people"


I think it's either a female or a Chad. They do not realize that incels get 0 matches and if an incel gets a match it is a bot.

They do not realize that incels get 0 matches and if an incel gets a match it is a bot.

But the whole point of OPs argument is that normal men have less opportunity to cheat than their partners. /u/abh985 is saying that that's not the case. Incels not getting matches isn't relevant here. What's relevant is that OP's argument is bull, because normal men are also easily able to cheat on their girlfriends / wives.

5/10 guys don't have a snowballs chance on hell on tinder. Only the top 20%. Check the okcupid study on how women rate men. 5/10 guys are lucky to get a 2/10 landwhale

Normie men themselves admit that their match rate is only 0.6% (or 0.06%). They actually use this low match rate to justify to incels why incels shouldn’t rage about tinder.

Lots of riled up people in here defending their infallible world view lol

Lol it’s so funny

I like how you're so desperate to cling onto your beliefs that you consider disagreeing with you "riled up"

Jeez, nobody else does that...

Best thing, zero logical counterarguments or data. Just pure anger.

Sweet, sweet anger.

Man I subbed to here just to see what it is about and after a month or so Ive got it figured out but this shit is so damaging its sickening. Everyone has free will in life, if you all decide to focus on your own feelings of inadequacy and buy into all this shit you're going to have the most miserable existence ever.

Any young people reading this please find help outside of this sub, this is a terribly toxic and delusional place.

I find this sub to be quite aptly named: every time I come here I lose brain cells.

Free will is a myth. Your fate was sealed the moment the sperm met the egg. Everyone has a limit, and you can only be as successful as your genes and circumstances allow you to.

I honestly cant tell if this is a real sentiment but Ill treat it as real.... This is about as toxic a thought as one can have. It makes absolutely ZERO sense. I mean I cant even dispute it because its so far gone.... I mean... I guess its true that you can only go as far as your circmstances allow but your circumstances have no concrete existence. Change your circumstances and you change your potential.

Free will is not a myth. It is literally all we have, take that from yourself and your going to be so so so miserable.

People wind up here because they were bullied/isolated. They were bullied/isolated because they were ugly. Similar problems with their genetics. Similar circumstances. Similar outcomes.

Think about the girls and normies with "happy" lives that are obsessed with this place. They probably think they choose to spend their time with angry virgins online. The reality? They're addicted to the dopamine and couldn't log off and leave if they wanted to.

That's a poor excuse for the weak willed.

or maybe its the truth

No. It simply isn't.

Fuck off normie trash, youngcels need all our support so they don't rope in their teens.

You and your fucking society where the only thing that matters is looks is what spawned us. Go kill yourself.

I love life. Why would I kill myself? I do what I love. I'm a raft guide. Can you live out of your car? Want a job? Guide school starts in about a month. I left a pretty decent job to come do this and it was the best decision I ever made. You sound like you need a change of scenery.

Oh shut the fuck up. Stop blaming this sub for incels having a shitty life. This is the fucking reality of the situation. Finding help, improving yourself, dressing better, means fuck-all if you’re subhuman.

That sort of thinking is what makes you the pathetic waste of a human that you are.

"I might get a grillfrend, but she can always cheat and I can't... Whaaaaaah"

Yep my gf of three years up and moved away to be with another man in another state. Totally agree with you.

OP is right, but just because a woman or man could cheat, doesn't mean they ever do. Women are like humans you know. With empathy. A skill they need to raise children.

Also, what's up with the 'girls need to go away so we can whine amongst ourselves about not getting girls', it seems counterproductive.

Thanks yo hypergamy, women will cheat if able, and at the first opportunity. The vast majority are completely devoid of empathy or respect for non-Chads and wouldn't hesitate to cuck their partner then proceed to divorce rape them into Oblivion.

This is true of all western women and westernized ethnic women.

I like how you went from "every women ever will cheat on you and leave you!!" to "western women are subhumans and all the OTHER women are more better"

Show me one culture apart from the West or Westernized nations where hypergamy can run rampant with no repercussions and I'll show you a country with no incels.

Tell me what your definition of "hypergamy" is? Google said it's "the action of marrying a person of superior class or caste". You are aware that the East and Asia are known for teaching their female children to marry men of better class, or they are worthless? Saying that western women dating people that they like and not you is not hypergamy.

Lmaoooo shut your dumbass up. Stop acting like you know women when you've obviously never been with one, and get owned by tsyyki, retard

Wow this thread really took off, with many supporting comments from normies too. Must have touched a mother lode of truth.

You mean my husband?

If you want to have a relationship with anyone in the future I recommend to never visit this incel page ever again. These toxic ideas will twist you. Stacy, Chad etc. only exists in your head, not in real life. Every person has a story and a past. No one is born perfect.

Chad won't commit, eh?

Exactly! Thank you for saying this, you better act right! Spoken from experience...

Considering most women don't cheat, I think she's more likely to break up with me if she meets someone she likes more.

Similarly, if I meet someone who I have a stronger attraction to I will break up with her and pursue someone else.

That is what decent people do.

I'm ugly as shit and I pull. Now what's your excuse?

Let’s break this down. It’s a numbers game. If you approach 100 women and all say no. Approach 100 more. The more no’s one gets the closer to a yes they are.

Also if an intel is rejected, ask the person why? What is it about me that is off putting. Reading these threads 99% fall into the category of people at home, not putting an effort in complaining. The 1%, yes i agree with you, But to think the world is going to change for you or your problems is unrealistic just is.

Unless you are a billionaire, every guy has been rejected. Every guy has been burned.

just like the morons that say "start a business" or "drop out of school like Bill Gates or Zuckerburg"

meanwhile Gates, Zuck, the snapchat founder and most tech giants had wealthy parents, went to great schools their whole lives, and were born at the perfect time for their skills and knew the right people

BTW, its also not the rich saying those things, it's the average middle class shmuck/normie, as if they weren't an unemployment streak/accident away from being poor/incel

are you illiterate?

Are you? I said 40% of marriages are ended by the wife. Not divorces. You said most marriages are ended by the wife so by your own math you are wrong. If women end 80% of failed marriages and 50% of marriages fail then .5*.8 is 40%

Please try to think before you speak.