This sub isn't the reason any incel has ever killed himself

50  2018-04-01 by jaghatarhonor

This sub and other incel spaces are places where incels can come to hang out, commiserate and for the first time experience what it's like to be part of a community they can relate to. When most incels first find this place they are usually excited and relieved that they can finally feel part of something and can see others write about things they've experienced their whole lives.

No one has ever died because of "it's over" and rope memes or other relatable content. The thing that actually pushes already suicidal incels over the edge is a certain community that has formed and exists purely to mock them. To call them delusional, to gaslight them, to deny their life experiences and to play dumb when arguing with them. A community that regularly confuses cause and effect and who use old conservative bootstrapping arguments against them seemingly without even realizing it. (Seriously, their arguments and life philosophy is more or less identical to what minorities and especially the poor are told they need to do to become rich). All this is especially funny when the vast majority of them tend to err towards liberalism. I guess that's what happens when you blindly agree to Reddit's political echo chamber without doing some actual analysis of why you believe those things and how they apply to other situations too but I digress.

These people are abusing vulnerable young men all day and justifying it by claiming they do it because of misogyny or whatever other bullshit they like to mention. Anyone with half a fucking brain knows that's not the reason they do it and that if it were there would be a massive community called /pol/tears or wherever else racists and misogynists gather for the sole purpose of expressing their views and opinions. The actual reason their community exists is because the combination of virginity and frustration is absolutely hilarious to them and an easy target for bullying. It's an old trope and the reason they bully has nothing to do with sexism. Before incels even had a community on Reddit, the most hated sub was ForeverAlone. A place where sexism was against the rules. Why was it the most hated sub you may ask? Because they were virgins and because they didn't welcome idiotic Redditors with their shitty bootstraps advice with open arms. They got all the exact same bullshit about "echo chambers", "self-fullfilling prophecies", "bitter attitudes" and most commonly "not viewing women as people" thrown at them. I could make an entire different very long post about the shitty advice, accusations, blatant bias and fucking arrogance they show when they start typing away on their keyboards.

Speaking of bias, today I saw a post in that place about respecting men and in the comments someone said "respect is earned", this post was heavily upvoted and full of people agreeing under it. The very same comment would've been downvoted and argued against if it was about respecting women, there would've been an explosion of white knights angrily claiming women deserve basic respect for existing and being human. This is just one of dozens of examples of hypocrisy and bias I see on there daily. All from the people claiming to be the voice of reason and who think they're self-aware and independent thinkers who aren't part of an echo chamber. It's fucking bizzare.

The fact is that if an incel kills himself because of a community on the internet it'll be because of them and not us. Thank god actual normies aren't like Redditors and more specifically IT users, otherwise life would be an even bigger endless nightmare than it already is.


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At the end of the human world, you will be baked. And then there will be cake.

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eat shit faggotbot

Crab mentality

Crab mentality or crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket or pot), is a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you". The metaphor refers to a bucket of live crabs, some of which could easily escape, but other crabs pull them back down to prevent any from getting out and ensure the group's collective demise.

The analogy in human behavior is claimed to be that members of a group will attempt to reduce the self-confidence of any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings, to halt their progress.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.28

And there we fucking go. Holy shit.

No wonder you can't get laid XXDDDDDD

Get out loser.

r/gatekeeping much?

You post in inceltears retard. Get bent

Bent? That one is new. What does it mean?

Jesus Christ are you 14 years old?

No, i just asked a question. Cant you answer like a proper adult?

Cant you get bent?

Seems like i wont get an answer here. And i thought we could talk like adults.

Seems like i wont get an answer here. And i thought we could talk like adults.

A "proper adult" in 2018 is able to operate Google, just saying.

A proper adult is aldo able to answer questions, just saying.

All you have established now is that you're both not "proper adults".

Thats under your definition.

Half of it came from you. It was a team effort. :)

Dude, room temperature IQ mogs that guy, don't even bother

/u/geneticwaste43 employed an idiomatic expression, which alludes to anal sex.

To have sex - to get fucked.

get bent - get fucked

get fucked - a vulgar imperative imploring the receiver to go away, leave.

Thank you for translating, finally i can add it to my dictionary.

I remember some of your commens from incelswithouthate. You're an absolute trash tier sjw poster and nothing you say should be taken seriously

Could you point out which of these comments i made before you make such an accusation?

Someone posted about wanting a gf and wanting "someone i can call mine". You then went full offended sjw mode over his usage of "call mine", how that is very problematic and how you don't own women. Only rabid sjw's would take offense to such an innocuous statement and be more concerned about interpreting word choice in the worst possible manner than actually saying something constructive.

This was months ago so I'm paraphrasing but I still remember it because it was so stupid. You also wrote some other stupid shit that i cant remember off the top of my head (again it was months ago) but i remember carkudo responding to as well because your comment was so shit

Of course, nobody can own people. Call me whatever you want but slavery just isnt right.

u/Board_Gaming you got some serious competition here

And whos that?

a murderer

What did she do?

she killed stagetail

Whos that?

go lurk more faggot

But i dont so much time, come on continue your story!

But i dont have so much time, come on continue your story!

proceeds to waste time on forum for virgin

fucking dumbass

Arent you doing the same?

I'm here to shitpost and hold no illusions about it.

Me too!


Resort? That was my actual reasoning for the comment. I dont know what image you created of me in your head, but nobody can own people. Period.

u/justforlulzandkeks man this shit is too funny, it's idiocy on a level I didn't believe was possible

I'm genuinely not sure if it is b8 or not as it wouldn't surprise me if they would be obtuse to this autistic degree just for the sake of being contrarian

If it is it's probably the most high quality b8 I've ever sern

Seems like im missing something

A few billion brain cells at the very least

If it makes me never feel as much hatred as you guys do then so be it.

You just made a thread about people being unfairly rude towards this sub and it’s members but now your just proceeding to being an asshole in your own thread. If you honestly think he’s brain dead then please explain yourself so we can all understand instead of just acting like an ass

Well that sucks, I'm going to southeast Asia later this year to get a big tiddy mail order bride. I'll technically own her as I paid for her, and I will do with her as I please.

Well good luck with that

Is that worse than slavery? Or better? She'll essentially be my sex slave and maid, but I'll feed/house her. But it's okay because she commented by selling herself, isn't it?

Have fun!

Calling someone "mine" in a healthy relationship = slavery

LMAO You definitely are fucked in the head.

He talked about owning. And no, that wouldnt be a healthy relationship.

He talked about owning

He said nothing about owning someone.

And no, that wouldnt be a healthy relationship

Ok you are actually mentally challenged at this point. You do realize that when people say it, they don't mean it? It's a cute thing to do you moron.

How the fuck do you know about what we talked about? Where you there? And its not a cute thing to say you“own“ somebody. If you had a relationship then you would have understood this.

And its not a cute thing to say you“own“ somebody

Yes it is, most people do it you idiot.

If you had a relationship then you would have understood this

I had relationships and it pretty much always happens, if you had an actual healthy relationship you would understand.

I call bullshit, otherwise you just wouldnt be saying that.

LMAO believe whatever you want idiot. At this point you're obviously trolling, no one is this stupid. Funny part is that the girls usually started the whole "mine" thing. It's just a cute thing couples say. Ask anyone about this.

Even if there was actual valid research done showing that this exists(there isn't) it still wouldn't matter jack shit because why would the crabs care about "the group" before themselves?


Not a peer-reviewed study. Abstract alone is pure trash.

JFL@ normies trying to do science

I pretty much agree with you, which is why I try to avoid posting on any of these subs but I just have one question. I don’t think every single 13,000 of you are so deformed or ugly that you cannot even find a single girl? How do you look like? I’m just curious. Have you been rejected by every woman you have approached? How many have you legitimately approached?

No incel has ever killed himself. They have been murdered by women.

The actual reason their community exists is because the combination of virginity and frustration is absolutely hilarious to them and an easy target for bullying. It's an old trope and the reason they bully has nothing to do with sexism.

This is spot on. There are much worse communities they could pay their attention to. But "lol fucking virgins XD" is hilarious to them and socially acceptable to make fun of

What communities?


if you unironically can't think of worse communities than a bunch of virgin losers I don't know what to tell you

if you unironically can't think of worse communities than a bunch of virgin losers I don't know what to tell you

This. If they can't think of an actual and worse community, then they really are obsessed with incels.

r/The_Donald is legitimately fostering terroristic attitudes.

It's probably one of the most dangerous online communities that exist.

I can't wait until this blows IncelTear's collective minds. In their head you just know they think we're all trump supporters.



upvoted my friend.

If any normies continue to post in braincels, then it is safe to assume they're here to murder us

You're kidding, right? I don't agree with people coming and bashing you guys, you're all clearly in some rough spots, but don't you think this is a little much?

have mercy bro, I've already had two normies make an attempt on my life

Nevermind, have a good day.

I need to step in before you do serious damage to /u/itsbeenover. Stand down NOW

this honestly put the biggest, ugliest smile on my face. I'm sticking around a bit longer boyo

Yea but I'm sure if normies could they would make ugly males disappear into nothingness.


Being incel is a good reason to rope imo..

Ya just do it

All of you post defeatist statements like "there's no hope" and "It's over". Why are you surprised when people then kill themselves?

How retarded do you have to be to post this. I literally addressed all of this and for the bottom of your post, who the fuck even said that?

People in the comments.

What's with the rudeness???

Maybe talk to them then retard. I'm sick of you shitting up our sub. You're not welcome here, fucking leave.

I'm allowed to post on a public forum. Get over yourself.

Don't be surprised when we're rude to you then cunt.

If you're rude to any 'outsider' who comments in your sub, you're not going to get much traction behind your 'cause'. It's just going to reinforce the belief that braincels is just full of a bunch of hateful men who are rude and mean to people and then bitch about why they can't get laid.

Holy shit you're retarded. I don't have a cause and I don't want a bunch of idiotic cucktears users coming here and shitting up our community. FUCK OFF.

Sorry, I was under the impression since you were here you wanted a girlfriend. If not, then by all means keep talking to girls like this

Yeah you're right I should stop talking like this to roasties on braincels, that way I'll increase my chances of finding a girlfriend on braincels

I can't imagine this hostility doesn't translate into real life. You've got some real anger against women.

I imagine your retardation doesn't translate into real life otherwise I can't imagine how you even function.

I function quite fine actually, but thanks for the concern.

You think people with anger and hostility against women don't have girlfriends?

I guess domestic violence within relationships from men against women isn't a thing.

Oh, they do. They're just slightly more cunning than you lot.

Lmao literally complimenting abusers, you normies are a hoot

My point is you seem to be under the delusion that abusers go around punching women and calling them bitches and women are like "Oh my god sooo hawt". Lmfao. No. Abusers are manipulative and cunning. They hide the fact that they are abusive until it's nearly impossible for the woman to escape.

My point is you seem to be under the delusion that abusers go around punching women and calling them bitches and women are like "Oh my god sooo hawt". Lmfao.

No I'm not. I know how it fucking works lol you seem to be under the delusion that incels can ALSO hide their hostility, so that can't be the reason why women don't want to be with us.

Abusers are manipulative and cunning.

Incels can be as well, but women would never fall for it from an incel because WE'RE UGLY and that's all that women care about

I'm not sure what your point is. Are you proud of the fact you can hide your hateful nature like an abuser?

Either way, like an abuser, your hateful nature eventually comes out. Women find out eventually.

And maybe it has to do with looks, it can also have to do with how you present yourself and how you approach women. I don't think it can be nailed down to any one reason, it's likely a combination of factors that lead to incels being unsuccessful with women.

And maybe it has to do with looks, it can also have to do with how you present yourself and how you approach women.

It's all about looks. Women approach attractive men, women run from me.

I don't think it can be nailed down to any one reason

It can.

it's likely a combination of factors that lead to incels being unsuccessful with women.

A combination of sperm and egg

Well if that's your attitude, I'm not going to be able to change your mind

Then get out of the subreddit, honestly.

It wasn't made for you

This is why this sub has the reputation of being an echo chamber

All subreddits are echo chamber dumbo

Low iq

Lmao do abusive husband/boyfriends also have their hostility translate into real life?

If so, women are even more retarded for fucking them

Um, they're usually nice and then get abusive once their victim is isolated. Do you think abusive men just go around punching women and women are just like "oh okay, cool"?!?!?! No. They love bomb, isolate the victim, cut off her financials so she can't leave, and then start the punching. JFC.

Um, they're usually nice and then get abusive once their victim is isolated.

Lmao here it goes

Do you think abusive men just go around punching women and women are just like "oh okay, cool"?!?!?!

Do you think incels just go around calling women "femoid" and women are just like "ew gross"?

No. They love bomb, isolate the victim, cut off her financials so she can't leave, and then start the punching.

The femoid looks at the incel, sees his repulsive face. And then starts running.



I'm not sure what your point is. Are you proud of the fact that you can hide your hateful nature like an abuser?

No, I'm saying if it's possible to hide your hostile nature, than thats not why women don't want to be with you.

I think it is more than likely from a combination of factors than just one.

I would want to see how well that attitude flies on your favorite SJW subs, you feminazi cunt.

Go ahead, idc where you post

Fuck off roastball.

Oh hi, I believe we argued yesterday.

Shut up you walking arby's deluxe.

You got more creative with your insults, I'll give you that.

Can't you tell you arent wanted here? Peoole like you are the literal reason women werent allowed on og r/incels

I don't think banning all women from your group is going to make you all get gfs...just saying. Might be good to hear what women have to say if you want to date them

We wont anyways. And it gave us a safe place to think and vent. And then you shitty roast tards came in to give shit empty platitudes that we heard day in and day out.

Alright well then just keep scrollin past my comments! Don't have to read them

The point is, i dont want ANY of my brothers to read your bullshit. I want you gone, but since we both know thats not going to happen, i will continue to harass you.



Just block that attention seeking twat. Get RES and put her on ignore.

Then why comment if the intention of it was not to be read?

They dont have shit to say, all hivemimd bullshit. All the variations of SHOWER LULZ, OR PERSHUNALITY TEEHEE.

Don't ask the fish for advice on how to catch it.

That doesn't really apply to women. Trust me, men are dumb when it comes to dating advice

Depends on men.

The day I want to hear a femloid's opinion, I'll just have myself a little squat and shit one out.

If you don't think women are worth anything, then why do you even want to date one?

Because of my biology. When I eat a steak I don't think about the cows, do I?

I'm living on the shred of hope of the NAWALT unicorn

Well, all I can say is being hateful towards women is not helpful if your goal is the get a girlfriend.

Idc about attracting a femaloid, that's never happening wether I respect them or not. I'm getting a mail order bride later this year

Yeah, well, they're people, so if you treat her like shit she's going to find a way to leave. Just saying.

That’s a great comment on a post trying to argue that incels aren’t misogynistic.

Nothing to say to you.

  1. Comedic purpose

  2. You simply don't get it.

Murdering your self esteem yes. THEN they rope.

Why do you look at subs that make you feel bad about yourself?

I was talking about people saying no to sex. I come here because a lot of the post are funny and true. I was a blue pilled faggot for a long time, and im definitely not going back to that again. The reality check is eye opening.

You gotta get thicker skin if people saying no to sex makes you want to kill yourself.

Im not talking about me (i dont care anymore) but imagine this. You get rejected by every girl you try to fuck or get with. Your telling me your self esteem wouldnt be shot? It takes a toll and hurts. This is coming from a guy who has done over 100 COLD approaches. They feel unwanted, undesired and have probably been single for years. You wouldnt understand, your not incel.

Right, that's understandable, but there's also ways to cope besides killing yourself.

Ah your one of those "things will get better" prolifers too. They dont always get better man. Sometimes suicide is the answer. Most people dont want to admit this but euthanasia should be legal worldwide imo. People should have a right to die with dignity.

I don't disagree with that, but depression is also mostly treatable.

Our situational depression can only be treated with female interest and sex. That's not forthcoming, hence we can safely conclude that women want us dead.

This isn't situational depression. You guys are just depressed, all the time. And that's an easy out. Have you tried therapy? More than once? It took me five therapists to get better, and I tried about 4 different meds, and got hospitalized like 2 times. It takes alot of time to treat mental illness, but it is treatable.

I'm not an incel and I discovered this sub like a week ago but I think you and most people at IT miss the point about why people here are struggling.

They don't think that they deserve to have sex (at least some of them) but they feel bitter because being ugly goes much farther than being sexless: people but specially women tend to be more hostile towards ugly men, society tends to isolate you much more, judge you in a harsher way (think of a good dressed ugly and short guy and how ridiculous he seems compared to an equally dressed attractive man) and generally experience more rejection in many facets of life.

It is probably hard to understand if you're not ugly but life is generally more difficult. Approaching new people is harder, it is harder to make friends, to even get a chance to know women, to advance in your career...

Finally someone who understands.

There are definitely some who think they deserve sex and try to argue they should get sex slaves and rape women.

And I do understand that. It's also true for women (which I feel like alot of these men do not understand). I'm on this sub because I genuinely empathize with that, but then I see all this sexist bullshit and I get riled up.


I wish this was ran like how u/azavii ran shit back in the day. No roasties, no soyboys.

People who accuse this sub of causing suicide deliberately ignore the fact that basically every poster here who has suicidal feelings says this sub helps them feel less shitty.

r/IncelTears have an agenda. They don't have good intentions and they aren't trying to help suicidal people.

wow, this is the first thing you've said that I can get behind

So the weekly advice thread is an illusion? Gotcha.

You mean those threads where you guys constantly invalidate peoples experiences? On a sub that considers the people you give advice to scum?

Yeah. Those.

That place makes me uncomfortable (IT) it just feels so unwelcoming. They honestly seem like disgusting humans.

Agreed. And I’m not even incel.

this sub gets me through the day.

If this sub was shut down I'd have no way to imteract with other humans like me and I'd just KMS.

This should be stickied. It's one of the best written posts I've seen here in a while.

Thanks man, this comment you wrote yesterday was absolutely god tier too.

dope post bro

yeah that high iq comment got posted on too, i believe

u/AnathematicAnarchist, sticky this.

I’m gonna get fucked up for writing this but I agree. Obvs I’m a chick, and there’s so many stories I want to say “don’t kill your self” or “it’ll get better” or even some of the guys that post ARENT UGLY, but I don’t because I know you don’t want to hear it. You want to be around people like you without hollow platitudes. I try very very hard not to make any of you guys feel worse than you already do. This post is bang on, inceltears is rude and hurtful. But sometimes you guys are rude and hurtful, so it’s hard to sympathise with either sub. Let the down voting begin!

how do normies find this sub? What do they think of it when they come here? What are they looking for? Obviously people like us exist in real lives too and you probably have seen a bunch of them, yet you never engage them in a conversation. But you gladly come here to laugh at us? Observe us? Listen to what we say to each other? I will never understand this. Especially normie chicks, why the hell would you browse such a sub? Do you have no life?

Defiantly not to laugh. It’s interesting to read different peoples opinions on different things in life. A lot of you I really would enjoy reaching out to or talking to like normal human beings when you show distress, but whenever someone does that all they get back is ugly vitriol. And no. I’m a mum so I do not have a life.

Thank you for this top quality post m8. We need more of this good shit and rope memes

Are you denying that incels are not mysogynists? Some actually are, we point out their flawed logic. If theres incels not mysogynistic then no one would hate on them. And no, dong strawman, if we really hated virgins there'd be hate on /r/virgin.

Seems like the lobotomy was successful.

Lol ur defending mysogynists, prob are one urself


If you're insulting Alexis Texas then you're a misogynist for your beauty standards, if you're commenting on her body you're objectifying her, either way you're a misogynist because being a misogynist doesn't mean literally anything

Lmao a mysogynist is one who hates women. Me stating that shes not my type is not even remotely close to that. You sound like an SJW.

Ooooh now I'm an sjw AND a misogynist, what other random labels do you have for me?

What can I say... they're not random. What's your point? Im a bully because I think alexis texas ass is too fat for me? Lmao

Completely overlooked one of his points: /r/ForeverAlone was had no misogyny, and was still routinely mocked.


"Our members encouraging other members to commit suicide isn't what causes then to do it. It's those people who try to give us advice and point out when we act like raging assholes. It's all everyone else's fault!"

I'm not surprised you would post a retarded comment like this. It's like you are a bot just repeating the same cliché norman shit even when its exposed for the garbage it is. I mean honestly, either you didn't read the post or you did and you're just retarded enough to do exactly what I called out with no hint of self awareness. Nice to see you didn't forget the numale sarcasm at the end either, great job.

Your entire OP was blaming a community that calls out the worst of the worst while offering help and support to those willing to accept it. Meanwhile you downplay the possibility that telling each other it's over and to just kill themselves may have a negative impact. You then finish by laying blame at the feet of others, the "it's their fault not mine" comment.

Seemed to cover the whole thing. Is there some point in your idiocy that I missed?

See, there really is no point in arguing with a cult member who is deluded enough to actually unironically believe that's what his cult is about. Keep conveniently avoiding all the shit I called you out for while claiming to be the good guys and then do some more of it by yet again gas lighting and preaching bootstrapping. Just keep it up, keep doing it and then blame the incel that eventually snaps.

My mistake was thinking that maybe you retards would do some introspection and realize what you're actually like but I was sorely mistaken.

See, there really is no point in arguing with a cult member who is deluded enough to actually unironically believe that's what his cult is about. Keep conveniently avoiding all the shit I called you out for while claiming to be the good guys

This describes your entire reply perfectly.

You then hide behind your little strawman, acting like I've somehow played a part in your persecution fantasy... You haven't refuted a single bit of what I've said either. Once again, you lay the blame at someone else's feet

a community that calls out the worst of the worst while offering help and support


Here's another great example of one of your buddies offering help and support (the first comment is the OP of the post).

These examples are from the last two weeks alone, all from IT users.

So that's what calling out the worst of the worst while offering help and support looks like? The mental gymnastics you guys go through to convince yourselves that you're the good guys are truly hilarious.

The hamster is getting on his wheel.

I wonder how they'll rationalize this one.

Probably by ignoring it like the last IT user I showed this too.

I actually answered you. Took a while to peruse each link. Might I suggest a collage?

This is the path you want to take? The worst screenshots, cherrypicked from the thousands of well-meaning comments that by and large are ignored and criticized? Shall I point to the countless times members here have called for violence or suicide?


You mean like the entirety of IT?

well meaning

So that's why you twats constantly spout platitudes and backhanded insults in your posts and comments here? Because you're well meaning? Give me a fucking break.

called for violence and suicide

Except this sub doesn't tolerate those. Meanwhile, from the looks if it, the mods over at IT at the very least tolerate calls to violence and suicide encouragement as long as it's directed towards incels and tows the line.

Fuck off to your bullying circlejerk.

"The worst of the worst" necessarily implies cherry-picked, yes...

Backhanded insults? Encouraging one to recognize their own flaws is hardly an insult

"It's Over just lay down and rot" "The rope is the only hope" "We don't allow suicide encouragement"

One of these things is not like the other

Not a user

Oh so it's okay when you do it? Fuck off.

Encouraging one to recognize their own flaws... presuming their life circumstances for them? And often branding them as pathetic losers in the same breath?

One of these things is not like the other

Spoken like a true IT cunt who can't relate to commiseration in any way whatsoever.

When one is pointing out the worst you intentionally cherrypick to show the worst. I'm essentially agreeing with you, that's what IT does, because that's the point. They aren't saying all incels are terrible, only highlighting the worst. Meanwhile you apply a stereotype to a whole group based on a small fraction of comments

Usually by pointing out problems in their line of thinking. If you blame over half the population for your failure chances are the problem lies with you, not them. That's common sense

Once again, not an IT user. What was that about assuming life circumstances and insulting in the same breath?

A small fraction

That I've seen repeated over and over in the year I've spent here. I'd argue it's the majority.

They aren't saying all incels are horrible

Bullshit. The sidebar itself defines incels only by the hateful bit and completely disregards non-hateful ones. Glitter and the other mods constantly parade around branding them all as such, while any point begging to differ is downvoted to oblivion.

Not an IT user

Active in these communities


Similarly I've seen repeated calls for violence and suicide here... See the problem yet?

And of those how many are given a chance? Versus how many end up leaving or being branded as 'evil' for daring to offer help?

Being as that's the type they look for to add to their sub I can see needing a definition. Of you actually look inatead of screeching you'll see a few members who actually defend the non-shitty incels.

Never seen that happen

Look at my comments there. Calling out others for unfairly branding all. I'm no more a member there than I am here

I've seen repeated calls for violence and suicide here

Which still aren't tolerated.

And how many of those are given a chance?

None, because the rest of IT already poisoned the well.

needing a defintion

A horribly biased one that drags everyone using the label through the mud. How fucking useful.

If you actually look

I did. Didn't pull my opinion of IT out of my ass.

who defend the non shitty incels

And in my experience get downvoted to oblivion unless they bend over and still tow the line of: “But those evil rapist virgins, man, amirite?“

So you argue a few shitty comments "poisoned the well" of IT users. Yet the same can't be said of incels? Sounds to me like you're applying the exact same logic while cruing out against them for doing so

Not as often as you seem to think. Generally it's understood that the majority here aren't nearly as bad as the vocal minority

A few Thousands of shitty comments and accusatory posts loaded with insults

Not as often as you seem to think have seen


Not going to a dress your hypocrisy?

Most of the IT users I've talked to agree that the more outlandish posts are from a vocal minority. Not representative of the whole

You mean the hypocrisy IT users have been employing since their sub came to be that I started employing after I got shat on by users from there despite my attempts at being reasonable? Don't care anymore, just returning the favor.

not representative of the whole

Uh huh. That explains why I've barely seen anyone acknowledge that in the year I've been around these parts.

And your own, that you're employing at the moment with a side of persecution complex

"I'm gonna run away, because i can't actually argue my point without sounding like more of a hypocrite. But, I'll try to sound superior by saying you can have the last word"


Except I stopped giving a shit about employing said hypocrisy after watching your buddies use it all the same. Eye for an eye in that regard.

Fuck off :)

You knowingly act as a hypocrite, snubbing those who reach out and act within reason, entirely because other people have done it to you. And then you actually claim moral superiority? Must be some form of delusion. Or you're high


claiming moral superiority

Uh huh.

snubbing those who reach out and act within reason

Uh huh. I totally do that.

knowingly act as a hypocrite

Indeed, because not doing that was hilariously pointless and frustrating. This is more fun.

None, because the rest of IT already poisoned the well.

You've already admitted that those who come reasonably were snubbed along with the others. Sounds like you are whining because others took the same path you forged for them

"Being a hypocrite and an asshole is more fun, but it's not our fault!" This are some impressive mental gymnastics

Not an IT user

And that means I snub them too? The fuck are you on about, making a hell of a lot of assumptions there.

Nice quote, it would be more fitting along the lines of: “Being a hypocrite and an asshole after trying to be reasonable for the better part of a year and getting shat on for it by every user from IT I talked to is more fun“.

You're the one justifying it all away with the "poisoned well" mentality. Either way, this paints you as a bit of a hypocrite

No, by justifying snubbing away the reasonable because of the hate-filled minority. Then whining when others do the same in turn

So, whining that others are engaging in the same hypocrisy as you?

The poisoned well mentality that has been consistently observable, you mean? Fuck off.

Then whining when others do the same in turn

You're mixing up timelime here big time in an attempt to turn this on me. Now that's funny :)

Mixing up the timeline? You're doing the exact thing you're judging others for. You claim a small few are representative of the whole while condemning IT for the exact claim. What timeline is necessary to see that as anything other than blatant hypocrisy?

Just to get this straight:

I come onto the board to vent, not spout hate.

Every IT user (as well as those I observe, which was not a minority) I come across craps over me for apparently being a hateful soon-to-be rapist.

I repeatedly ask those usets not to shit on reasonable users here because of their preconceived notions of the sub, feeding the fire.

Get shat on more.

Try the same thing over and over.

Same result, time and time again.

I fully and admittedly indulge in the very same hypocrisy due the constant failure of the reasonable approach because of others preconceived notions of this sub, doing the same in turn.

And here you are preaching when I've ceased giving a shit about how bad that makes me look about a month . Throwing the exact same mentality back in the faces of users from that sub because it still achieves nothing while being a boatload more entertaining for myself. So, fuck the reasonable approach.

So, you're actual defense for being a hypocrite is the complete maturity of: "They did it first!"

I'm sure if asked all those people from those screenshots provided earlier would present a similar story, how they've tried to help only to be criticized and turned away again and again... Sound familiar? Almost seems like you may be just as much at fault as they are

Explanation, you mean.

I don't fucking care if it makes me as bad as them. That's the point, being better did nothing either way.

So, your entire defense is: "But other people did it first, so it's okay if I do it!"

Thereby excusing the actions of the original commenters doing so to you as I'm sure they would have a similar story if asked

It's okay if I do it

After getting shat on for asking others how they deal with suicidal ideation? Go fuck yourself :)

The well was poisoned, what did you expect? (See how terrible this logic is?)

Who, if asked, probably have the exact same story. Tried to help, treated like carp, and in turn started acting the way you do. Playing victim while acting the same as the supposed aggressor doesn't work

Except, unlike the users you and I are referring to, I displayed no hate to justify being shat on, meanwhile their behaviour has been consistent in all their time spent here. Keep blowing smoke up my ass to shift the blame :)

And you've looked through their entire posting history to verify that claim? Or did you just assume so to justify yourself?

Once again, not a user

A whole sub was created explicitly to attack male virgins for no reason then? No reason at all for the sub that points out the worst offenders, they just wanted to insult incels? That's the actual logic you want to go with? Seems far more likely that others before yourself gave reason for that sub to be created...

I have, in fact. Once more, been here for a year and my opinion of the majority of IT didn't pop up out of thin air.

Once again, not a user

You're defending their behaviour, works too.

Nice job twisting the point, dickweed :)

Sure friend. And I'm betting theirs didn't either. That's kind of the poibt I'm getting at

The same could be said of all of them considering incels would have existed before Incel-Tears...

Not shitting on you. Just pointing out that you are as much a part of the problem. You act exactly the same, which by your logic justifies those who do come here reasonably to act like yourself. Rinse and repeat

You seem to enjoy slinging insults. Much like a child in that regard

In essence they still serve the same purposes. Here, a large group of incels congregate to share views. There, a community points out the worst offenders of here while offering help to the others

You are part of the problem

No fucking shit. Trying to solve the problem did nothing, so you can shove it :)

"Fixing anything would be too hard!"

Once again, they don't brand all incels hateful and the purpose isn't to shame all. Only the worst of the worst. Act like a decent human being and you won't generally have a problem with them. Unless they employ your "poisoned well" mentality

Your entire point falls flat on it's ass once you consider what I've been telling you the whole time (something you're still ignoring). I acted like a decent person and still got shat on by every IT user I came across anyway. Explain that or get off by back.

your poisoned well mentality...

That has been consistently observable in all my time spent here. I didn't even come up with that.

“Fixing anything would be too hard!“

Nice job twisting the point again. The quote would be: “After trying to fix the whole thing in a reasonable manner and getting shat on for it, I don't give s shit anymore.“

As I've stated, the majority of IT users who come here with reasonable attitudes receive the same treatment you complain about. This leads to a cycle, whereby both sides claim justification rather than actually engaging each other in a civil manner

They would probably say the same

More of the same cyclical argument

"I tried to fix it, but it was hard. So now I act justified about being a dick!"

Keep twisting what I say.


If it were just hard while still showing results, I'd have actually stuck with that approach. Instead, it's fucking pointless.

Well-meaning comments? You mean condescending regurgitations of low effort shortsighted clichés within a delusional just world frame that have been refuted countless of times.

Good god, you're a dishonest stinking moron.

Really? On occasion there are moronic statements, I'll give you that. But, the majority make an attempt to offer actual advice and are treated to screeching, insults, or intentional misinterpretation as a means of disputing any attempt at help

Give me an example of that supposedly "good advice" that is not a regurgitated cliché. I'll be waiting.

Advice depends on the situation. Some of the most common seems to be, "Expand your social circle" which is usually met with, "Talking to Femoids is dangerous! They're all evil and waiting to accuse you of rape!"

But I suppose you expect me to dig through hubdreds of posts to find simple advice being criticized and insulted in convenient screenshot format, yes?

"Expand your social circle" which is usually met with, "Talking to Femoids is dangerous! They're all evil and waiting to accuse you of rape!"

Unverified anecdote, I've been on incel fora for more than a year yet I've never seen responses close to this. So I have no incentive to believe you.

You apply "usual" so you shouldn't have any problem to provide an example, the burden of proof is on you so yes. You are the one making unsubstantiated claims.

Ah, must have proof. Regardless of the lack of proof for your own point of course

• 23h If Chad smiles she smiles back. If incel smiles its rape.

• 15h Test out your little hypothesis next time you leave your house. You may be surprised

• 5h Yeah surprised by that sexual harassment case I cought

Yeah, never happens right?


Good job at being a manipulative, dishonest stinking turd by equating responses specifically addressed to a user putting out shitty advice with comments on an exaggerated meme shitpost. It really fits you.

An IT-user encouraged an incel to smile in public. He replied claiming it would be rape. I fail to see how that's directed at the comic, which itself insults the advice of "try smiling and being approachable" but I presume you're going to attempt to dismiss anythin I say by, "Oh yeah? Well that doesn't really mean that!" coupled of course with your tendency to swear like a schoolboy who just learned he could. Sound like the plan you were going for?

How about, "Not everything is based on looks"

• 5h There’s so many things I could list which aren’t determined by your looks.

Gonna skip two, one is "like what" the next a list. Doing so to get to the actual subject

• 2h "You can learn and develop skill so chad business executive can make millions off your work!"

• 4h Yeah, but he’s an actor because he’s good looking. And besides, building an aero plane would take strength. Strength is linked to genetics as are looks. It’s not always true, but a person who is good looking is more likely to be strong.

Dismissed because "Everything in life is about looks"

An IT-user encouraged an incel to smile in public. He replied claiming it would be rape.

The only replies claiming it would be rape were towards the meme shitpost. What is with you and your tendency to lie through your teeth?

Also, the third comment you cited was made by a 17 year old girl who trolls here for fun.

All this effort from your part and you still fail so hard at providing anything.

The IT reply was to a user, claiming unnattractive men smiling was rape. The reply was a suggestion to actually try it rather an assume that. This was met with "Nope. Get charged with rape"

You've also ignored the next set

The IT reply was to a user, claiming unnattractive men smiling was rape.

Now, this is quite different from: "The IT reply was to a user, claiming unnattractive men smiling was rape."

Comprehensive and coherent writing isn't your strongest point, is it? Or is this another showcase of your lack in integrity?

Moving on, you still seem to fail at making a distinction in exaggerated hyperboles departed from a grain of truth for comedic effect in a thread started by a literal meme shitpost and serious replies. Something often encountered in IT. I'll reckon your cognitive abilities must be somewhere at the low end of the curve.

It's actually pretty well the same. The difference is at first I picked up from the second comment, the IT user, and expected you could understand the context when you read it. That would appear incorrect

"Haha it's a joke, bro." Great defense, very original

An IT-user encouraged an incel to smile in public. He replied claiming it would be rape.

No IT user said anything like that in the thread, the comment you're referring to was directed to the meme shitpost. What is with your tendency to lie through your teeth or are you so low in intelligence that you can't differentiate between hyperbolic exaggerations and serious answers just as often on IT?

Oh, and the so called "incel" you just cited is a 17yr old girl trolling for fun.

Bless you.

your mistake is assuming people are here for advice. fuck off.

A few are quite receptive to constructive advice and pleasant to discuss with

I think I'll stay. Very entertaining here

I’m not surprised that this post is stickied, but it’s not as good as you all are saying it is

Anyone with half a fucking brain knows that's not the reason they do it and that if it were there would be a massive community called /pol/tears or wherever else racists and misogynists gather for the sole purpose of expressing their views and opinions.

Subreddits like that do exist and have for longer than IT. Againsthatesubreddits, SRS, circlebroke to name a few. I don’t participate in any of those, but this point you made is bullshit.

Before incels even had a community on Reddit, the most hated sub was ForeverAlone.

“Most hated” is something I doubt very much. Just stating it doesn’t make it true.

The very same comment would've been downvoted and argued against if it was about respecting women, there would've been an explosion of white knights angrily claiming women deserve basic respect for existing and being human. This is just one of dozens of examples of hypocrisy and bias I see on there daily.

Except that’s not an example. You just said that. You didn’t show it. I don’t even think it would be that hard to prove this one. You just haven’t.

Isn't it amazing how a group who hate on 20-30 virgins have amassed a larger following than those who bully all other "hateful" subreddits combined? AHS has less subscribers than IT and SRS is fucking TINY considering it covers all of fucking Reddit.

How exactly do you expect me to provide proof of this? It's just general knowledge if you've been on Reddit for a long time. I'm sure you could go on r/thebluepill, somehow sort it properly and look at all the shit they've posted about ForeverAlone users on there.

I didn't post a link to the post because bbw_gaming would instantly remove it since it's against the rules and she's glued to her computer 24/7. The post is about respecting men and has ~160 upvotes so go sort my top/weekly and find it if you really want to. But really, anyone who has spent a significant amount of time on there would notice this, you're just being a contrarian dipshit as per usual.

I don't even know why I replied to this tbh, you barely adressed my post and you're literally one of the most disgusting examples of the bullies that come here. Shame on me tbh.

I only addressed the parts I disagreed with.

His main point still stands, though. Most people don't visit subreddits like /r/niceguys, /r/IncelTears, /r/justneckbeardthings because of political or ideological grievances. They visit them to get a quick laugh at the expense of those beneath them socially. All you need to do is carefully examine the comments that upvoted on some of the posts in these subreddits, as well as the obsessive bullying tactics of the users (IT users have been known to barrage individual incels with disparaging and blatantly insulting PMs).

They then rationalize why they're doing this after the fact: misogyny and 'rape'. It's actually not unlike the sort of rationale the Nazis used in their treatment of Jews. Many Jews were communist and left-leaning. So to justify his mistreatment of the Jews, Hitler brought up Jewish involvement in Bolshevism, and the involvement of some Jews like Rosa Luxemburg in the attempted Communist takeover of Germany in 1918. Obviously, such a rationale is ridiculous in light of the fact that most Jews had nothing to do with Bolshevism, and even those who were left-leaning were not necessarily subversive. It certainly did not justify the utterly sadistic manner in which most Jews were treated. But Hitler's rants and ravings convinced millions of Germans that Jews were indeed subhuman. Similarly, most incels are not rape apologists and although they might be frustrated towards women and make dank but offensive memes towards women, they certainly do not genuinely hate them or want them dead. And yet /r/IncelTears thinks that's what literally everyone here wants, and hence their dehumanizing hatred for us.

I wouldn't be surprised if some /r/IncelTears members simply advocates for a genocide of incels unironically, giving a few rape threats by individual users and/or misogyny as a justification, and actually gets upvotes for it. I mean, I have seen a number of comments praising incel suicide, so this wouldn't exactly surprise me.

/r/IncelTears is really Nazi-tier.

Yeah, I don’t disagree with the main point. It’s a piss-poor argument in favor of something I agree with.

You lose me at comparing internet bullies to Nazis.

See this other comment on this thread. The comparison is valid, because the hateful and dehumanizing mentality is the same. The only difference is that Hitler had the physical means to carry out his desired extermination, whereas cucktears doesn't.

how do normies find this sub? What do they think of it when they come here? What are they looking for? Obviously people like us exist in real lives too and you probably have seen a bunch of them, yet you never engage them in a conversation. But you gladly come here to laugh at us? Observe us? Listen to what we say to each other? I will never understand this. Especially normie chicks, why the hell would you browse such a sub? Do you have no life?

And whos that?

go lurk more faggot

Not a peer-reviewed study. Abstract alone is pure trash.

Nevermind, have a good day.

Lol ur defending mysogynists, prob are one urself

Because of my biology. When I eat a steak I don't think about the cows, do I?

I'm living on the shred of hope of the NAWALT unicorn

"Expand your social circle" which is usually met with, "Talking to Femoids is dangerous! They're all evil and waiting to accuse you of rape!"

Unverified anecdote, I've been on incel fora for more than a year yet I've never seen responses close to this. So I have no incentive to believe you.

You apply "usual" so you shouldn't have any problem to provide an example, the burden of proof is on you so yes. You are the one making unsubstantiated claims.

Ah, must have proof. Regardless of the lack of proof for your own point of course

• 23h If Chad smiles she smiles back. If incel smiles its rape.

• 15h Test out your little hypothesis next time you leave your house. You may be surprised

• 5h Yeah surprised by that sexual harassment case I cought

Yeah, never happens right?


Good job at being a manipulative, dishonest stinking turd by equating responses specifically addressed to a user putting out shitty advice with comments on an exaggerated meme shitpost. It really fits you.

An IT-user encouraged an incel to smile in public. He replied claiming it would be rape. I fail to see how that's directed at the comic, which itself insults the advice of "try smiling and being approachable" but I presume you're going to attempt to dismiss anythin I say by, "Oh yeah? Well that doesn't really mean that!" coupled of course with your tendency to swear like a schoolboy who just learned he could. Sound like the plan you were going for?

How about, "Not everything is based on looks"

• 5h There’s so many things I could list which aren’t determined by your looks.

Gonna skip two, one is "like what" the next a list. Doing so to get to the actual subject

• 2h "You can learn and develop skill so chad business executive can make millions off your work!"

• 4h Yeah, but he’s an actor because he’s good looking. And besides, building an aero plane would take strength. Strength is linked to genetics as are looks. It’s not always true, but a person who is good looking is more likely to be strong.

Dismissed because "Everything in life is about looks"