For Chad Only

32  2018-04-01 by KV_2018



why post this

Because she is attractive and you men like attractive women

But look at the title

Fuck off attention whore, go be normie joe's cum and dump ok?

I’m not an attention whore.

And yet here you are for 8 to 10 hours a day making sure everyone pays attention to you

Only because it’s my spring break.

Hey I remember you from the /r/science thread! You wrote something about being an invisible ugly girl.


What's her name?


These webms of girls smiling and doing "cute" things are fucking cringe






good bot

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Thanks, I will keep coping. Coping is nice.

She was being interviewed or something. I've seen the video. It's not like she was doing it to be cute. Keep coping.

The gif was made and posted because she was being cute. Also there are other gifs where the girls are obviously just making facial expressions to look cute.

This is an IT/femoid expression when one of us ropes.

Except she’s 200 pounds overweight









Your mom

Chad producer. She is an enemy

Roasties when they know they’re getting fucked up the butthole



Don't give attention from incels to instawhores

She’s an actress lol

Bitch looks retarded id probably throw her out


Fuck it its true i was coping


This is more honest than IT will ever be

we know anon. fuck it, she was ugly.

nonsense post, sorry


what? this bitch could aswel react to incel suicide

The point of the post is that she's super cute and we'll never have her


They're all landwhales and I guarantee you there isn't one escort as cute as this girl, and even if there were she wouldn't smile at you or care about you, she would take her money and leave.

Maybe in landwhaleland

Would you be ok with her doing this to you if she was ugly you virgin?

Ugly women don’t do this.

Do you think an ugly man is entitled to a pretty woman Then?

Nobody is entitled to no one.

Why do so many incels i meet disagree?

Being alone and skin-starved fucks you up, that’s why. I was going mad before I met my now ex-gf.

So you are post incel?

I can’t consider myself an incel anymore, yes.

Thanks for proving its bullshit. You did it.

There is a small chance for unattractive men too. Doesn't invalidate the fact how vastly the sexual marketplace is skewed in favor of women.

Just like every other "market place" is skewed in favor of one or the other. Essentially its about who has it and who doesnt. The actual marketplace is skewed against women

What do you mean by actual marketplace?


Btw it's only stacked her in the west. its the opposite everywhere else

Uh-huh, the infamous wage-gap.

Of course that exists. What you never take into consideration is that it is the sum of total earnings, not that men and women in the same job are paid differently. Of course women get paid less, because they on average have lower paying jobs, and they also have maternity leave in most western countries, which - shockingly - doesn't pay as well as a full time job.

Why is it fair to say that men deserve their financial control but women dont deserve their sexual control.

Men have money because they earn it more, women have control of sex due to the fact they have pussies, why is one unfair?

By the way, it's not even that it should be changed. How, regulations? Lol. It should at least be acknowledged. But unlike the fictional wage gap, it isn't.

Wage Gap isnt fictional you just explained how it works

Wage gap is being used to say that in the same job women earn less than men. That is fictional.

Women could choose not being mothers and high-paying jobs. They don't. Men can't choose between being ugly or good-looking.

Men could chose not to have sex. Why is what you want entitled to you just because you cant change your ability to get it?

I specifically said that no one is entitled to no one.

So your point is moot. The reason to have sex is a biological urge for children, women have way more responsibility in that regard. They cant chose to not have that urge. Men have the urge but dont carry the fetus. Unfair advantage

And women also get 10x as many rights regarding children. A man can't decide about abortion, women get alimony, women almost always get sole custody.

What extra rights do ugly men get? None.

If a woman has a child she has no choice but to abort it or birth it.

Your implications of court are fallacy unless you can prove no man has those rights. Men have the choice to use protection.

I don't think you know the definition of fallacy.

What rights do no men have? I said that women get alimony and sole custody most of the time (ok, I said women get alimony. that was meant to say women get alimony in most cases, I didn't finish the sentence). I also said that women are the only ones who can decide if they have abortions. Both statements are true, look it up.

Prove that all women are given all these things SOLELY because of their vaginas and not their own children's preference, or the husbands transgressions and you will have a point. Prove also that it's true that women win contested custody.

Men have the choice not to give their sperm to people. Its just as easy for a woman to lie as it is for a man and force a child on the other so dont make that point.

If you can look at the wage gap so plainly look at the sexual market plainly. Women and men make babies, they both have the choice to start the life, women has body control, man has his own control, a man cant be forced to be around for his kid except for financially. A women could say that's harmful to her child, men would tell her to get fucked. We all have choices so don't act like one person has everything.

Women will not waste their sex on people they dont want and neither do you want to waste your money on things you dont want.

As I said I don't say that women should waste their time on anybody. I'm just saying that the SMP is extremely skewed in favor of women, and that is not being recognized. And if you dare to say that, you're a misogynist. If you're also a virgin, then you deserve to be alone eternally and have an entire subreddit laughing at you.

If this had happened to women with regards to the wage gap, what would people say? Everyone tries to please women nowadays. My workplace tries to get as many women hired as it can, we specifically have a program that helps women who got out of the job market for years to get back in. We have programs and awareness groups for female college students in STEM fields.

Why don't ugly men get any sort of that help? Why do they only get ridicule?

And this whole argument is about the debate that everything is skewed by gender. Married people discuss this perceived inequality all the time. If this favortism were happening so much wouldn't we see a GAP?

Men get ridiculed here because despite hiding them, there are tons of whiny men and wannabe rapists.

"If this favortism were happening so much wouldn't we see a GAP?"

I'm sorry, some of your sentences don't make sense to me. And I say this without the intent to offend. Could you please elaborate on this one?

If women are getting all this favor, prove it. There should be a gap.



why not

slavery is immoral

femoids love to be enslaved

Not by ugly people.

incel slave master >> nice guy incel

If they deserve slavery because you want it i should be able to work you like a slave cuz i want money

world is not just

So cry a little less

ty, out


Sooo... looks do matter above all else? In fact, you're saying they're the only thing that matters, as you've brought no other variables into the equation, but only assert that a man cannot be with a woman on account of the man being ugly and the woman being pretty.

Good of you to be black-pilled.

I legit can't tell if her smile is extremely cute or unattractive.

Her smiling eyes are intensely beautiful but her teeth remind me of the girl from Aphex Twin's Windowlicker video lol.

She might be foreign though and hence easy.

is she even legal

She's 25.

That's cute sweetie but you're still grounded.

echo chamber for negative, hostile, toxic thoughts

Quod erat demonstrandun

So good-looking women are toxic? Glad we agree, lol.

Today's article in the Holy Shit That's Not Remotely The Point magazine!

You literally just took out the word toxic and ignored everything else I said. That's one, if not the problem with you guys.

Because you bolded it.

Y’all. Toxic. Echo-chamber. So smart.

Because the thought of "they only do it for one type of bloke and i'll never get this" is toxic. And it's echoed at least daily on here.

Truth is sometimes unpleasant. Doesn’t mean that we should lie.

Women don’t do this to ugly men.

It's the truth if you re-phrase "ugly" with "hostile, bitter, full of hatred" and that isn't inherent to women. These are negative traits and everyone dislikes them

Lots of hostile, bitter and hateful men have girlfriends and wives.

Lots of ugly men have girlfriends and wives

Do their girlfriends and wives look at them the same way they looked at Chad when they were younger?

I think these guys do not care how their gf looks at some hypothetical bloke

Of course, most men don't care, they're happy they got a 35-year-old woman who endures their ugly faces, lol. Doesn't make it non-existent. Just because people don't care about government corruption, doesn't make it non-existent.

Guys my age do not care either, they have more important stuff on their mind than depressing fan fiction

Yeah, most people have very important stuff on their minds, they really think a lot. Lol.

You kinda got it

It's very important to format adverbs if you want to be condescending.

Totally right


Does it matter?

Some would say nothing matters in life. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Then your perceived ugliness is not your cause to be lonely


Howdy pardner, y'all call me?

Here are some blackpill truths:

  1. We are incels because of the body we're born with.
  2. We aren't born hateful and misogynists.
  3. Whatever advise you have, shove it up your ass. Because we've tried them all and failed.
  4. None of you cunts give a shit about "personality" as long as the man is hot. Admit it.

the body we're born with

You sure all of your bodily features, including such as body fat percentage, skin cleanliness etc are predetermined and not changeable?

Also, doing the asvised stuff once will not fix it. Most of it needs to be done regularly

best bot ever

And here you can see what suicide fuel for a femcel looks like.

Implying "femcels" exist in the first place...

Subhuman looking girls exist. No guy genuinely wants to be with a subhuman looking girl.

I'm not a volcel and I've already lowered my standards to none. I would date ugly and fat girls no problem if they showed genuine interest in me.

But why would they settle with the ugly piece of shit like me when they can get a man 3-4 points above them just because they have a cunt between their legs?

I'm not a volcel and I've already lowered my standards to none. I would date ugly and fat girls no problem if they showed genuine interest in me.

Well, exact same goes for me, although I never had standards to begin with. So why would you say I'm not an "incel".

But why would they settle with the ugly piece of shit like me when they can get a man 3-4 points above them just because they have a cunt between their legs?

You lowered your standards to none, so all you would do is just settle for a girl as well. You wouldn't be with her because you genuinely want to be with her, but only because you literally just can't find anyone else. What a great loving, fulfilling relationship that is for both parties.

See where I'm coming from as a "femcel"?

And I don't really know what makes you think that women can get a man 3-4 points above them.


You lowered your standards to none, so all you would do is just settle for a girl as well. You wouldn't be with her because you genuinely want to be with her, but only because you literally just can't find anyone else. What a great loving, fulfilling relationship that is for both parties.

I would want to be with her genuinely if she showed any interest in me.

To me it's not about looks or sex but more about forming a relationship and just having someone to spend time and hobbies with.

And I don't really know what makes you think that women can get a man 3-4 points above them to be honest.

Are you a woman??? If yes then apply fake-up, fire up Tinder and jump on cock carousel of thirsty betas.

To me it's not about looks or sex but more about forming a relationship and just having someone to spend time and hobbies with.

That sounds more like a friendship.

I am, but I don't want meaningless sex, and it's not like any guy would want to have anything to do with me anyway.

That sounds more like a friendship.

I meant to say I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone just to fuck. If I wanted to fuck I'd hire an escort.

I am, but I don't want meaningless sex, and it's not like any guy would want to have anything to do with me anyway.

You never know if you don't try. As a woman all you have to do to find a partner is exist. Bonus points if you're not fat.

But are you able to fall in love with someone who you're not physically attracted to?

Sometimes I wonder if years of being sexually abused as a child did fuck me up in a way, I've always thought very low of myself, I used to get attention from guys irl, they used to smile at me, Chadlites even called me pretty, and even more, but I always thought I was ugly, and any guy would have been embarrassed to be seen with me, so I was (really) introverted. But I wasn't a Stacy, not even close, so I guess I couldn't just sit around and do nothing and expect something. When I look back, I wonder that if I would have been a little more confident and outgoing, and actually talk to people, maybe my life would have been different now. Maybe at least one guy would have wanted anything to do with me. I could have looksmaxed at 16, maybe I even could have been above average. But instead, at 16 I got even more mentally unstable, developed an eating disorder, most likely BDD as well, and 2 years later I look worse than I've ever looked, now I actually am disgusting, repulsive, and simply utterly unlovable. The hardest pill to swallow is that you possibly fucked up your own life. And you have this utterly unhappy, pathetic, and miserable life, and feel this way, because your brain is simply fucked up, and was this way from the beginning, and it only got way worse, but in a way you're also not sane enough at all to not believe that this was inevitable and justified. And you're continuing to ruin your life right now because you feel powerless and hopeless, obligatory "lol".


That was a bit too personal lol

But are you able to fall in love with someone who you're not physically attracted to?

Yes if you give them a chance. Take arranged marriages as an example - maybe there is no attraction from both sides at the beginning, but as you live together you get to know each other and develop love. I've heard that arranged marriages are the most stable marriages ever, so that must mean something. Too bad these kind of marriages are uncommon here.

Too me you sound like you're not actually ugly but have a bad image of yourself - mental disorder. Im curious about who abused you and how were you abused. Was it family? Schoolmates?

I ask because I was a bully at school when I was younger and now that I'm a bit older I always feel bad for the kids I've bullied. Sometimes I feel like I deserve the situation I am in right now. Karma I guess. I used to look good when I was younger too. Sadly my face completely changed for worse when I hit the puberty. I also used to get attention from the opposite gender when I was still in school but never had the courage to take it a step forward and now I'm nothing but a 20 year old piece of human trash.

I think it does say something that arranged marriages are the most stable marriages.

Im curious about who abused you and how were you abused.

I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable answering that.

I'm sorry you feel this way. If you used to be good looking, maybe you aren't as ugly as you think you are though. You seem to have a poor self-image and self-worth as well.

I don't think you deserve the situation you're in. Obviously bullying is really bad and cruel, and it's still wrong that you did it. But you do regret it, everyone makes mistakes.

I feel bad for you too. I read what you wrote before you deleted it and nobody deserves to be abused in any way especially at young age.

I still think there is no such think as femcel. You literally can't NOT have a boyfriend in 2018 as a woman if you use social media regularly.

no girl will show genuine interest, you must be handsome for this

Don't worry brother. I already know my place in society and I've made peace with myself.

place in society is different thing

What do you mean?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Oh boy r/femcel would call her subhuman

Serious question. I just looked at that subreddit. Is that shit serious? That must be some kind of parody subreddit, right? RIGHT?

Its as much of a parody as this sub. Sometimes, but not all the times.

So... like this sub?

Her lower third is amazing, that's a very pretty girl

❤️❤️❤️❤️ she's so cute

Imagine an incel breeding with this angel? I think women have a point for not dating us. They wont to save the world (JK)

good bot


I can’t consider myself an incel anymore, yes.

And women also get 10x as many rights regarding children. A man can't decide about abortion, women get alimony, women almost always get sole custody.

What extra rights do ugly men get? None.

femoids love to be enslaved

world is not just