54  2018-03-31 by throwaway12438748142


i hope this becomes a regular thing


how is that bad



  • angry-sad Pepe holding a gun

  • all-caps poem, heavy with misogyny and violent implications

Imaging, man. Imaging.

k re-stickied the false flag thing

Sorry, not trying to be a buzzkill.


it's not removed, just un-stickied



Two gay men converse the implications of the spreading HIV virus, circa 1985


I'm not a bully. I used to be bullied.


but you're not a stacy

I thought "Stacy" just means a woman.

a certain kid of woman

Oh. And I'm not one?

can u get dick whenever you want?

Do you mean casual sex? I don't know, I've never had it. I've only been in a bar twice and I wasn't looking for sex. And I've never had Tinder or other dating apps.

but do guys come on to you. Do they hit on you?



I'm 18 and no, I'm not religious. I've just never been popular among boys... abd to be honest there's been times in my life when I was 100% sure that no boy could ever want me. My self esteem has never been the best.


What you could do is find something you're passionate about and maybe join a club or something. The trick is, though, don't join the club to look for boys, join it because you're passionate about it. I can't speak for every man but I know, for me, it's really nice to see someone genuinely passionate about something. I too struggle with a low self esteem, but if you work really hard at a hobby you love you'll start forgetting how much you used to dislike yourself. If you're a genuine person other people will start being naturally attracted to you.

Good luck

Yeah, I've actually just started wall climbing and I absolutely love it. I'm also part of an amateur teather group for teenagers. My mom is an actress and me and my sisters love acting. But I'm not exactly looking for a boyfriend, I'm doing just fine without one. If I happen to meet someone I like I'll be happy about it but it's not like I'm actively trying to find one. I'm a huge introvert and don't hang out with people much anyway, I'd rather just stay in my room reading or playing video games. (Which is why I started climbing in the first place, I'm really getting out of shape.)

You are the epitome of white basic bitch, not only do your opinions mean nothing here, you're also remarkably unintelligent. Fuck off roastie

Wall is cope.




I have an English assignment where I need to read a speech aloud to the class, this will do


I thought "Stacy" just means a woman.