I've been living on my own for 2 years now. Family barely talks to me. No fulfilling friendships. I always care about others, but no one even cares that I exist. Life just feels so meaningless. Why should I even continue?

64  2018-03-31 by Hodgey54


Are you american? Do you have a degree? Join the Peace Corps.

To get a fulfilling friendship.

All of my kek.

Are you trying to drive another incel to suicide?

dude, I've been calling it forever, she's the one who killed stagetail

I'm kinda new here, but I've heard about him. Is there any truth to that? I don't doubt that misplaced advice given to a depressed and unstable person can push them over the edge, I just don't know the full story.

and what makes you think i'm going to satisfy your curiosity ya bitch

It's not about my curiosity. If what you said is true I'd be real fucking concerned about having someone like that in this community, where a lot of people here could go down the same route. I know they were an /r/incels moderator but that doesn't mean shit, you guys get enough shit from the outside as it is.

Anyway you might think I'm a bitch but I'm just a soft touch and I care about people. That can be annoying or seem fake to some, which is fair. Disregard this if you want an argument, I'm pathetic and avoid confrontation so you won't get one from me.

choke on my nuts bitch

all the normies are here to drive incels to suicide

Me = normie.

Would talk any incel off the ledge if I could. They send me similar sentiments to yours though. They obviously don't trust me which I understand but all I want is suicidal people to recover and reach happiness, or at the very least contentment.

I want that for you too. Good luck in life, I hope things improve for you and I mean that. šŸŒ¼

You'd talk them off the cliff as in over the side? Wow you murderous cunt

Oh shit I can see how you would think that's what I meant. When I say "talk them off" I meant "help them get down off the ledge, back to safety.

That was my bad, sorry.

Freudian slip you dumb bitch, go kill some lesser incels, I'm going out on my own terms not because you drove me to it

No, please don't. It wasn't a Freudian slip, it's a common phrase regarding suicide, especially here in the UK. Anyway:


There are a couple of explanations here, confirming what I meant. That all I would do is help them down, let me just reaffirm my first sentence, please do not hurt yourself or try to end your life.

I have a feeling you're at an age that gives you an advantage in getting better. Please please please I mean it, I get that you hate me because you might associate me with someone you know, or an idea of some cookie cutter femoid, and this probably means nothing to you, but please give life another try, I do not want you, or anyone on here, to die. Not one bit. Please see past your hatred for me and try life again.

I want nothing but happiness, contentment, and love for you in your future.

jfl if you think I'm going to read that sui fuel, choke on my nuts you cunt

I'm sorry you feel that way. I just wanted you to know that someone cares about you. I obviously aggravate you, so I'll leave you alone for now. If you ever change your mind I'll be here.

I'm just going to neck myself now, actually, and the reason would be you, fuck it, you won

How? Why? Aren't there numerous posts by incels about no one caring about them, feeling so alone? I'm sorry that I thought I would make things better, I know now that I was wrong. Please don't hurt yourself because of me, I'm just a useless loser with a terrible understanding of what helps or hurts people. Don't hurt yourself because of an emotional idiot. You ARE better than that.

wow, you don't let up, you can truly be one of the most prolific murderers of this generation

and idk, I'm going to go out for pizza and I might crash into a lightpole on the way back home

if I don't reply to this, I probably did it

Oh shit. Is encouragement sui fuel to incels? I didn't know. See? I'm obviously a fucking moron, don't let my idiotic ramblings affect you.

ye, i'm going to do it for sure, good job ur about to have blood on your roast flaps

It's okay to discuss suicidal feelings on this sub, but please don't threaten or intimidate other people with suicidal posts.

you can suck my dick, how'd you even find this shit lol, did she tell on me

Believe it or not, as a moderator my job is to find posts that break the rules.

if you're being genuine here, don't let that faggot troll you. you dindu nuffin wrong

I am, I meant everything I said. I think you'd have to be truly heartless to fuck with these guys. Thanks dude.

she is doing it without even hiding it anymore she will kill every incel who is down.

I'm encouraging people to make friends and find happiness.

Well your words are not really doing that mister Board.

I'm not a "mister".

Worst consolation prize ever lol.

you're a cold-blooded murderer

You probably thought you would be fucking stacies everynight once you got out of ur parents house huh

I will pay for hookers tbh, until im broke af... Still not the same as a real gf, but fuck it

Get fresh NEETbux mailed to you weekly from the wagiesā€™ pockets and live a life free from wage slavery.

it's not enough to afford rent for your own place

I know it feels bad man.

I always care about others

This is your mistake.

It's over.

i cant imagine going one day without talking to my family.

i also live alone

Thatā€™s so sad.

I haven't even spoken to anyone in 3 months. I think my vocal cords have forgotten how to squeeze together to produce a pitch.

i have the same feeling, i force myself to talk to my dogs so i donā€™t forget how to speak

Woman: no one has texted me 6pm, I feel so lonely. It's almost 10pm and I got nothing to do

You should continue because you are contributing to our society, unless you aren't. Maybe you shouldn't?

yes, fulfill all your obligations while getting none of the privileges.

you should probably stick to lurking.

I say go for what you want but only if you donā€™t hurt anyone

Help us succeed while you suffer

Literal slavery

To make other people happy. That's my goal in life. Life is meaningless, might as well make it a great experience for others, right?

Do you work in a job where you have to interact with people much? I used to be in a job where some days I wouldnā€™t even have to speak to another human, and that was extremely draining. My life changed completely when I found employment that was meaningful to me and had me around people more often.

is this comment thread from another planet? all i want is a job in a dark room where i never speak to anyone ever again

I know an Air Traffic Controller that was just describing to me how he has this existence and said itā€™s driving him crazy.

I canā€™t imagine wanting to be alone all the time.

there's not much to say. i have crippling social anxiety and i suspect some brain damage as well. interacting with people is draining for me, and very awkward. there was a time when i was very social and craved being around people 24/7, but those days are gone. i am just fine with working alone, exercising alone, shopping alone, and gaming alone. when i celebrate something, i take a few days off work to sleep in, smoke weed, take long showers, and stare at screens. that is all i look forward to.

There was a time that you enjoyed being around people, but something switched in your mind... thatā€™s really interesting how that can happen. Iā€™m sorry it happened to you, though.

i alluded to potential brain damage and i do think there is something going on in that respect. i did a lot of drugs (recreationally and clinically [and od'd]) and have been concussed a few times, so it's not an outrageous suspicion of mine. i was living too fast to ask for help and thought my increasing confusion and cloudy headedness would resolve itself, but it never has. ik what it's like to be social, and it's hard for me to believe that something just "switched" one day, you know? something brain related is the only way i can see this happening to me.

i'd give a lot to have my social cravings back again. i miss what it feels like to laugh until i cry with people. i miss being excited to walk in a room, and seeing people excited to see me. i miss getting hugged and knowing people value me. i miss loving people. i hate being scared of everyone.

Wow, man. This was deep. I hope youā€™re able to get back to that too.

A lot of what I read on this sub makes me sad because I think thatā€™s what a lot of incels are missing out on. Itā€™s one thing to be without sex, but sex is such a small piece of what it is to be close, truly close, to other humans.

Hi, this isn't the best place for the type of advice you are seeking. I'm pretty sure you know that. There isn't any meaningful discussion to be had with these dudes, but it is fun to browse here once in a while for laughs. Go and post this on literally any other subreddit and you won't have anyone telling you suicide might be the answer. Please leave this sub. Don't let these toxic, angry man children influence your worldview. PM if you want to talk, I have been in pretty much exactly the same situation as you, and I'm doing pretty good now. Take care my dude

Why didn't you tell OP the same thing you told that other guy? About how he deserves to die of cancer as a subhuman closeted faggot?

I hurt his feelings. Wait, I forgot, manlets don't have feelings. The cognitive dissonance of the normalfags that post here is really amazing.

Guys with flairs promoting cancer don't deserve kindness, or anything at all imo. Gave OP benefit of doubt because there was nothing nasty in it.

Guys with flairs promoting cancer don't deserve kindness, or anything at all imo. Gave OP benefit of doubt because there was nothing nasty in it.

P.s. 'cognitive dissonance' lol. Cognitive dissonance, your flair, your comment, your flair. Replace 'manlet' with 'woman with breasts' and boom, you're an idiot!

No one will ever treat me with kindness, so complaining about my flair is pretty pointless.

Its not about height dude, it's about not rooting for cancer.I just used that because you're obviously sore about it.


Btw, you can't accuse me of cognitive dissonance whilst at the same time being offended that I 'wished cancer on you' (not quite how I worded it but hey) because I disregard 'manlet feelings'. If you replaced. 'manlet' with 'woman with breasts' I think you'd see some of your own cognitive dissonance.

Finally, why do you call yourself a manlet? Its demeaning. You're a man.

I'm not offended you wished cancer on me. I'm just poking at the fact you're completely helpful to OP, but had no issue saying "hurtful" shit like that to me.

'manlet' with 'woman with breasts' I think you'd see some of your own cognitive dissonance

Okay. It's not really cognitive dissonance because no one would care if manlets started dropping dead of cancer.

Finally, why do you call yourself a manlet? Its demeaning

Society has made it perfectly clear I'm undeserving of respect on all levels. Not sure why you give a fuck.

Oh please. If anything it's your toxic attitude that is detrimental to your social interactions. I'm standing next to a guy right now, ugly as fuck, 5'6, got a pretty sweet girl. Grow the fuck up.

Awfully convenient you're standing next to a reportedly short and ugly guy... who also has a "pretty sweet girl" in his vicinity. Oh, and you somehow know his exact height as well. Strange.

Dude, get fucking real, how dumb do you think I am? Every normalfag that posts here says the exact same thing. Yet, oddly enough, me (and other manlets on here) never observe this shit in real life.

You don't observe it because the way people interact with you is completely dependent on how you present yourself, and you present yourself as bitter, self-loathing generally nasty guy who blames all of his shortcomings on anything but yourself. I don't know why I'm wasting my time with this. Have fun wallowing away in self pity.

TIL the fact I'm a self-loathing piece of shit keeps me from observing my surroundings. I know a lot of manlets, and none of them are happy with the lives - at all. None of them have ever dated, they're all depressed, and one even attempted suicide.

I can be a self-loathing fuck and still see shit for how it really is. Granted you're not making him up in the first place, how do you know that short/ugly guy was dating said girl?

I also don't get what I'm supposed to blame other than my height - which I can't fucking change. I used to be nice, being nice didn't get me respect or get me anywhere. After years of abuse it's no surprise I became a bitter asshole. My height, and the treatment is brings me is the source of all my problems. Why/how could I blame myself for that? That makes no fucking sense.

Well if a woman is so worried about breast cancer why not get some kind of breast removal surgery that removes the vulnurable area... oh... woman want men looking at her tits wanting to fuck her and denying them that.

Cut your balls off to prevent testicular cancer. Oh wait men want women to fuck them. Seriously dude... Such twisted, malicious 'logic'. Idiot

Most women only want to have breasts to show off, it's fucked up and degenerate behavior. I do not think most men "want women to fuck their balls" unless they are into testicular pain.

Yeah and it's fine to just call a black guy a nigger since he'd obviosuly be sore about it. Great logic faggot.

you're seriously an underrated contributor to this sub

these people are fucking hypocrites. They should be the ones committing sui before us. In their heart, they want to see us all dead, but their cognitive dissonance can't accept that. They want to say they helped someone online to score some points irl, to show someone how kind they are. Normies are ruthless monsters, fucking all of them.

nobody here encourages suicide unsolicited. saying "it's over" and "rope" are memes, if that's what you're getting at.

Fuckboy swag trackies? Whilst incel? kEK

You're undoubtedly on the brink of skin-starvation. At least see a prostitute and fuck the shit out of her. It won't come close to remedying all of your psychological needs, but it may save your from madness.


Aren't professional cuddling services a thing in the US? I would rather do that tbh.

Sex is basically just glorified masturbation the way I look at things. I'm sure skin starvation isn't a real thing, just if you're lonely you're going to go crazy, a bit of touch isn't going to fix that.

Prostitution should at least be legalized everywhere, seeing that all roastie sluts are already cock-carousaling whores.

Fuckin skankhoe, sleazebag harlots

You see how many words we have to describe loose females? That's because there's no such thing as a tight one anymore.

Ever since sexual liberation, each female has established a reverse-harem of 6'3" Chads with thunderous cocks, and have flocked away from 'dick'-minimized dudes who would make great long-term partners.

Prostitution should at least be legalized everywhere, seeing that all roastie sluts are already cock-carousaling whores.

Fuckin' skankhoe, sleazebag harlots

You see how many words we have to describe loose females? That's because there's no such thing as a tight one anymore.

Ever since sexual liberation, each female has established a reverse-harem of 6'3" Chads with thunderous cocks, and have flocked away from dick-minimized males (both in the literal and metaphorical sense) who would make great long-term partners.

The roasties don't want that because if it were a socially normal thing to do then prostitution would cost like Ā£15 an hour and just be a normal job so that would kill the pussy market dead.

Why spend years working on a 5/10 to try and get her to take half your networth when you can just pay Ā£15 a day to rent some fresh offal?

A blog post doesn't really prove anything, not all touches are the same.

By ā€œblog postā€ you mean an article in Psychology Today written by a psychiatrist with a PhD that sites itssourcemayerial?

Wtf..... do you have a pc? Lets game man.

Iā€™m about to move out and I think I know how this feels

Nope ps4, i don't really have time to play it much tbh

What do you do for fun?

Because video games are fun

why is does he always have a lime under armor sweater lmfaoo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Yep, same here. Iā€™ve been living by myself for a year and a half and I think Iā€™m literally going crazy.

No point in living dude. If youā€™re brave enough just end it. Hope the next life is good for you .

Is it sunny there? If yes, go out, feel the sunshine on your skin for a bit, then come back and tell me what you felt. Did it make you happy?

Honestly man, if its this bad. Ill see you on the other side.

Make some friends

U don't understand

damn son, its over. Life is cruel. See you on the other side.


So you play hockey by yourself? Damn.

If you can afford it go on a trip, that's what I'm planning on doing anyways, I'm almost about to have a complete mental breakdown. Just going somewhere nice and spoil yourself.

There's no point in travelling alone.

Actually imo travelling alone is probably better than travelling with a group. You can choose to go wherever you want without having to compromise, visit landmarks that you want to go to, go to restaurants that you're interested, etc. Travelling with a group is more of an inconvenience than anything else.

None of those things are truly enjoyable alone.

Meh agree to disagree.

Do it! I'm looking forward to traveling a lot myself. There's nothing wrong with traveling alone

Join some groups online for people in your area with the same interests and start meet ups. Reconnect with family and old friends and start going outside more.

You have to change the way you think about yourself first. Be a positive person that others want to be around, not a downer.

jus dont be depressd

That can be (somewhat) helped threw interaction and medication.

A bullet to the brain works better.

This is the reality for the majority of men past college age but before they begin a career or find a woman. Life for most men starts at 25.


There was something I watched the other day, an ad on YouTube for some Indian guru talking about the self and utilizing energies, blah blah blah. In one part though, he said, ā€œIf youā€™re alone and spending time with yourself and youā€™re miserable, then youā€™re in bad company.ā€ This really hit me, because I normally feel depressed when Iā€™ve spent a lot of time alone, like life is pointless. Iā€™ve realized that I really need to focus on self-improvement, something that goes beyond wake up, go to work, play video games when I get home, go to bed. Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m gonna do yet, but since I watched that clip, every time Iā€™ve started feeling lonely and miserable when Iā€™m by myself, that phrase has run through my head and itā€™s given me a lift.

I need to make myself better company for me. I have a real goal now, and it feels good.

TIL the fact I'm a self-loathing piece of shit keeps me from observing my surroundings. I know a lot of manlets, and none of them are happy with the lives - at all. None of them have ever dated, they're all depressed, and one even attempted suicide.

I can be a self-loathing fuck and still see shit for how it really is. Granted you're not making him up in the first place, how do you know that short/ugly guy was dating said girl?

I also don't get what I'm supposed to blame other than my height - which I can't fucking change. I used to be nice, being nice didn't get me respect or get me anywhere. After years of abuse it's no surprise I became a bitter asshole. My height, and the treatment is brings me is the source of all my problems. Why/how could I blame myself for that? That makes no fucking sense.

There's no point in travelling alone.

Do it! I'm looking forward to traveling a lot myself. There's nothing wrong with traveling alone

choke on my nuts bitch

all the normies are here to drive incels to suicide

Meh agree to disagree.