Daily Reminder: No matter what you do you'll never be good enough for women

60  2018-03-31 by ag_mantainer



There are other women looking for a boyfriend. Let the women who will love him get him.

no 1 wil lov me tho šŸ˜ž

I'm sure someone will buddy. Hang in there. šŸ˜„

I not think so šŸ˜¢

Yes you will my friend. Then you can go on the beach and lay down in the sands looking at stars feeling all happy with her. šŸ¤—

i am too uglee fren šŸ˜ž

No you're not. You're handsome. Like all the other guys. And you'll definitely find a girl who'll think the same. She'll find you the most handsome man in the world. šŸ˜ƒ

just look mu fotos. am grossšŸ˜¢

Let the women who will love him get him.

Jfl at this cope shit. There are plenty of fish in the sea and they all love to get fucked by the same couple of guys. The rest can just LDAR.

"Let some other femoid waiting for their Chad string this poor beta along until they manage to find another alpha"

I'm sure the chick in the OP thinks she loves him

JFL at you and your magical thinking.

Jesus Christ this sub is cucked

"he's so amazing and i love him but i'm not happy" is code word for "i'm bored because i miss chad cock". JFL @ you subhumans thinking you'll be happy if you even manage to get a gf. women are biologically wired to be sluts. IT'S OVER.


stupid cunts banned me

Please see sidebar, links to other subs threads are comments are not allowed (even "np" links). If you wish to share content, use screenshots. The usernames in screenshots should be blurred, blacked out, or concealed to prevent harassment.

Why? Most other subreddits allow links to other subreddits and even crossposts? I don't get it.

Same reason t_d isn't allowed to link or even mention r_politics. Special rules the admins create to expedite their banning.

notice how she didn't say "handsome"

Yup, yup yup.

You can't be 'loved' if you're unattractive.


He was betabuxs

She said see ya later shmux, he wasn't good enough for her

I fuckin hate fems

Lol holy fuck they can't even help it. Fuck biology

Holy shit, I imagine her saying this to St. Blackops2cel, and then seeing his soul-less dark puppy eyes welt up and start crying. Fuck it's too much man.

He most likely doesn't have a big penor it's over over over over for dickcels

This wouldn't have happened if he was Chad. This feeling she gets is her instinct telling her to get Chad.

Guarantee the new boyfriend is taller, more masculine, higher status, etc.

i dont think status matter


status definetly doesnt matter when queens dump kings for handsome townsmen you dumb failed fuck

Keep coping buddy

Are you like an incel from the Middle Ages? Or do you guys really have multiple Kings and queens in rural poo in the loo country?

pzzzt pzzzt pzzzzzzat

Here's just a little snippit from a pretty interesting book I've been reading:

The Ubiquity of Status

In surveys among literally tens of thousands of women, across all cultures, ethnicities, age groups, and socio-economic standing, and even time periods, thereā€™s one universal quality in men that they all find desirable: perceived social status.

Whether this desire for men of higher status is biological or cultural, Iā€™m not going to get into here. For now, letā€™s just accept that this is the cross-cultural norm of how women judge attractiveness.

The amount in which they desire it varies from culture to culture and from age group to age group, and from individual to individual, but the desire for it is universal. Women want men who are more successful, popular and powerful than they are. This is clear.

Where it becomes unclear and where my personal experience and perspective diverges from the current evolutionary science is how women perceive power and status. I believe the perception of status and power is quite relative and culturally constructed.

If you look at much of the research, it focuses on wealth and resources. This makes sense for a few reasons: itā€™s easy to measure, itā€™s easy to point to, and it fits into a lot of pre-conceived notions and stereotypes of what women are attracted to.

But if it were that simple, women would want to hear about your tax returns and car payments on dates, not where you grew up, what youā€™re passionate about and all of the other sappy things they love to hear you talk about.

The fact of the matter is, Iā€™ve personally worked with too many wealthy and successful men who couldnā€™t land a date to save their lives to believe that material wealth provides that much of an advantage, or that itā€™s the end-all-be-all of attraction. Because take it from me, it obviously isnā€™t.

If you think about it, the evolutionary perspective of status and wealth is in a bit of a conundrum. Because for women to evolve a preference in men with resources and wealth, then there would have had to been an overt way of distinguishing wealth and resources among huntergatherer societies for millennia. And frankly, there wasnā€™t. Again, without boring you to death with the anthropological details, cave men were not walking around with bank statements and did not have houses or swimming pools to show off. At best, they had a little bit more meat and food than the next guy. Thatā€™s not much to go on.

Also, anthropological data points to men and women being relatively equal in wealth and social status for the majority of human history. Material wealth is a relatively modern invention. Therefore, one would imagine a woman would judge status and reproductive fitness in another way.

Thatā€™s why I believe that women donā€™t distinguish social status or being an ā€œalpha maleā€ through material possessions ā€” otherwise every guy flashing his expensive watch at the bar would be getting laid (and trust me, theyā€™re not) ā€” but rather women judge it by behavior, as behavior is all they had to go on in the caveman days, and therefore, throughout the majority of human evolution.

Other research backs this up as well. Studies show that women are equally attracted to men that they believe have the potential to be extremely successful as they are to men who are already successful. This would also explain why women find men who display great strength and skills to be attractive, even if theyā€™re dirt poor. It explains why the starving artist has no trouble finding girlfriends to support him, and the college athlete can date supermodels even though he canā€™t afford a hamburger.

As a man, you donā€™t have to actually be rich and famous, you just have to show a lot of potential for being rich and famous to be considered extremely attractive.

Or display the behaviors that imply being rich and famous.

I put forth that women judge social status by behavior.

Social status (and therefore attractiveness) is determined by how you behave around other people, how other people behave around you, and how you treat yourself.

Damn, this sounds interesting. What's the book called?

Attract Women Through Honesty

By Mark Manson

Well I have nothing more to add.

He is not chad he is just a subhuman of the bottom 90% so she can't love him.

Her biology is telling her to find chad and let him impregnate her

lmao the same story with my ex. So I decided to just break up with her. To save her from breaking my (read her) heart

Goddamn if wymyn don't seem to second guess every little fucking thing.

All women desire chad, even if they don't know it. This is why women will say they don't like chad, but then spread their legs as soon as chad presents himself.

ahaha, are there any incels left who even want to get into the modern relationship with the modern woman?

Lel, ikr? There's a whole bunch of effort that I don't put into self-improvement because women just plain suck.

The Final Blackpill

Fucking lol, this is what happens when you finally manage to get a girlfriend. You could literally be perfect in every single aspect but sheā€™ll still be lusting over Chadā€™s cock.


Chad gives them. You don't.

his gentle, little heart

There you go. He is a cuck. Women love abusive men, especially abusive Chad.

Clear as day she just doesn't like this dude as much as she thought she did and is afraid to admit it (doesn't want to hurt the dude's feelings).

I wonder what circumstances lead to the relationship.


I not think so šŸ˜¢