Your average girl has guys like this who she can hook up with anytime she wants. Good luck!

32  2018-03-31 by xVegito


Mogs me

Obviously, if he didn’t you weren’t here

Or he would be posting here

I wonder if there are more incels into this guy or women.

They do post pics of a lot of men don't they

Why do you normies always looking to use gay as an insult here, you aren't as sly as you think. Your homophobia shows.

Normie; gay insults; homophobic... you scored 0/3. You're wrong on all counts champ, I'm merely stating a fact. Perhaps you meant to respond to the other guy instead

Can you really blame anyone?

Can I really blame you for being homophobic? I'm Russian and at least one of my several LGBT friends has been physically assaulted for his orientation. Yeah, I think I can fucking blame you, you bigoted piece of shit.

How is it bigoted to point out gay behavior? I'm not saying it's wrong

oh, now objectively discussing male aesthetics and how they influence heavily our quality of life is gay. Not to mention mentioning gay as a bad thing.

You are totally not a retarded bigot with an iq of room temperature.

No one ever said anything bad about gays. If I came into a house and saw a bunch of pictures of male models id have to ask if the owner was gay

Yeah, no, donling down on your bigotry isn't going to change my mind, dumbass.

Here's hoping you go on to have children who will themselves end up victims of bigotry and hatred.

If my kid had a folder full of male models id presume he was gay or at least toying with the idea

Keep yaddling, homophobic scum.

You're the one shaming gays for even being referenced.

No, I'm not. "I am rubber you are glue" can sometimes be effective, but to use it you still need to understand what you're being accused of. Dumbass.

Doesn't matter. There's nothing wrong with asking someone if they're gay even for no reason. There is even less wrong with asking someone who fawns after pictures of chad

There's nothing wrong with asking someone if they're gay

Yep, on the other hand, there's lots of wrong with being a homophobic bigoted sack of feces. So there's lots of wrong with being you.

And you are a sack of bananas.. You are bananas

Trying to turn your bigotry into a joke doesn't make you any less of a bigot.

Was calling you bananas homo too because it made you think of bananas?

Hey, shit for brains, let's just skip to the part where you tell the punchline and nobody laughs.

It gets more and more obvious that whenever they talk about "Wyman" they're talking about the inner Wyman

Or maybe we're secure enough in our sexuality? Admiring the male physiques doesn't make someone a faggot, retard.

Admiring the male physique hahaha. Get out the fucking closet

I tried to go gay and it didn't work.

Such a loser

I know I'm a loser.

Deserve to be.

lol why?

Seem like a pretty pathetic person, judging by your flair.

Women deserve to be miserable.

Most people grow out of saying 'edgy' things to try to get a reaction.

Not really. You retards are continuing to pick on me, and say edgy/offensive shit as well.

Hey, you're a fucking idiot and, while I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, if I had to choose someone it would probably be you, you fucking little piece of faeces. You deserve everything you get. And you get nothing. Ha. Ha. Ha. Subhuman closeted faggot.

Trying too hard.

I don't need to try that hard because I'm not 5'5.

Trying too hard.

Suck my dick - no need to kneel


There is literally nothing wrong with having pics of handsome men saved on your phone and laptop for discussion purposes

Faggot, retard, what are you like 12? That would explain the height

Haha, really epic bro. You totally got me with that one!

Unless you're some kind of bigot and are implying that most incels are gay and/or that most gay men are unattractive, then no.

A bunch of guys fawning over gay fantasy men is gay. I'm not saying it's wrong. If I went to a bar and notice it was gay and mentioned it would I be a bigot?

Ehh... i know more handsome Chads irl.

Yeah but he fucks average women

Welp, it's over, time to ropemaxxx.

der Krieg ist verloren

This is why I don't understand when girls settle for sub-chad guys.

It's not called "settling", it's called "love".

Can't love someone you don't find attractive.

Well a lot of chads don’t want to be in relationships. They just want to fuck. Chads lose interest in women, because their looks start to decline. So chad goes after younger women, while the older women are left to pick up a poor beta.

Yes but everyone wants younger women.

Keep yaddling, homophobic scum.