
44  2018-03-31 by fatchancebud


i mean....you finally found a girl.

"Why hello there faggot"

Why the sperm cells

El Americano...

el ogro de las americas

But her mother is a human, which means her father is a goblin?

Just be green theory confirmed

La Abominacia...

La abominacion

This is amazing

La Creatura....

NW0, hooded eyes and still bullied by a goblin... It’s so fukin over!!!!!

Releasing near a school shooting near you - 'La Abominacion'

La Goblina

For those who don't get this: It was drawn by a /pol/ user. The goblin face represents the 56% white american meme and in the drawing that pic is meant for Emma, the gun grabbing whore who is riding news channel spotlights for her 15 minutes after the school tragedy. This comic is a very meta inside joke.

La Cuban globlina.

I don't think OP understands this post kek

dat drawing

even a goblin as "her" can treat incel as faggots and get away with it...

IT is going to screenshot this and say we made fun of a school shooting victim