This comic shows how delusional most non Chad are.

97  2018-03-30 by gufestus2


They even got the trademark "teehee".

I started that meme, I'm so proud teehee.


Oh I did under a different handle on r/incels. I just think it's funny it took off.

Nigga my friend circle has been doing the teehee meme before any of us even found r/incels. You did not make it up lol, it's not an incel joke. Hell it's in old cartoons

Not teehee itself, I used it once and I had never seen it when I was lurking. It doesn't matter either way lol. Teehee

Why is he running with a book?

AHAHAHA they even included the "teheehe"

the manlet should nonviolently castrate chad

Why ? They are our superiors in every way. We should serve them anyway we can. It is the role of the inferior to serve the superior.

They are our superiors in every way. We should serve them anyway we can.

this is insane nonsense

and metaphorically. ;)

Chad is not the problem. Most actual alpha males are really good friends. You would certainly treasure a friendship with Chad. Blame women for being sluts, not Chad.

Blame women for being sluts, not Chad.

they're both to blame

Women are not sluts they are hypergamous. Subtle but important difference

So I should start hanging out with chad I guess

Well if you ever want to get laid then yes that would be a good idea

If you're not working out at the library how can you expect to ever attract a female?

Sad how many parents lied to their kids by saying this exact same thing

Seems like braincels and inceltears found some common ground after all.

where's the common ground, we hate the characters in this and they like the characters in this

Leg day

TEE-HEE is the incel dogwhistle

JFL. This is honestly so true.

Most men really are idiots and fucking delusional.

That askreddit thread where everybody rated themselves 7+/10. Just fucking lol

Maybe the people that rated themselves below that didnt want to post aaying such?


Reminds me of a time I was at the mall with a buddy of mine. He wasnt a chad, but women found him attractive anyways.

We passed by a group of 3 girls and he tells me "Those girls were checking us out man"

So I corrected him. They were checking YOU out. I just made you look even better by being a comparison.

As my roomate chad

This sub is fucking hilarious. Gonna link my fiance this shit.

This a genuine inquiry?

Now that's commitment. Yeah, what's this a reference to?

Well this sub is a mix of serious people, and trolls.

Alot of guys here are in their 20's and have never had sex, or been in relationships. This sub is for those guys to vent their frustrations about that.

Its become a beast in its own right. Just think of r9k except no gay and tranny threads spammed every second of every day.

How did you know I know what /r9k/ is? Are you a wizard or just on the path to wizardhood?

Anyway I used to unironically incel on /b/ before /r9k/ was a thing. You got this fam.

Checked post history, saw you posted on 4chan boards so figured you would know.

And yeah 2 more years before Im casting spells.

Well good luck.

tells us to act like grown men le kekistan xDD drump btfo sjw :DD thedonald is epic lmao

takes comment aimed at somebody else personally and responds with butthurt

Yeah, you sure proved me wrong.

It's actually 3 dimensional trolling. The content posted here is meant to trigger the bleeding heart feminists in inceltears, in a similar way that td does to shittdsays.

Sounds a bit gay to me



Sucks to be you.

Scarily accurate.

Chad needs to not skip leg day! 😡

who runs and reads at the same time?

Girls NEVER do this to me. I was walking beside an attractive acquaintance and the girls did the TEEHEE thing when he walked by. I could tell they were not paying attention to me and didn't even recognize me as a person. I wanted to be recognized in their world at least some way so I spat on the ground right beside them. They immediately stopped and stared at me. Fuck them.

This made me lol

No idea why you got downvoted for this. Reddit = cuck WK central

A lot of cucks on here.

Yeah the whole bad publicity is still good publicity thing doesn't work with women

This whole comic series is supposed to be one giant r/wholesomememes, how did you make this into a statement

Except no amount of positivity can counter blackpill. Nobody was checking out the manet loser nerd.

He even got the "Teehee", is this to perfect.

Swallow the black pill subhumans.

They are our superiors in every way. We should serve them anyway we can.

this is insane nonsense